(c) A prisoner has the right to refuse proffered accommodations related to a disability or other special needs, provided that the refusal does not pose a security or safety risk. (c) Prisoners should work under health and safety conditions substantially the same as those that prevail in similar types of employment in the free community, except to the extent that security requires otherwise. (h) Correctional agencies should work together to develop uniform national definitions and methods of defining, collecting, and reporting accurate and complete data. Training programs should equip staff to: (i) maintain order while treating prisoners with respect, and communicate effectively with prisoners; (ii) follow security requirements, conduct searches, and use technology appropriately; (iii) use non-force techniques for avoiding and resolving conflicts, and comply with the agencys policy on use of force; (iv) identify and respond to medical and mental health emergencies, recognize and report the signs and symptoms of mental disability and suicide risk, and secure appropriate medical and mental health services; A. detect and respond to signs of threatened and actual physical and sexual assault and sexual pressure against prisoners; (vi) avoid inappropriate relationships, including sexual contact, with prisoners; (vii) understand the legal rights of prisoners relevant to their professional duties; (viii) facilitate prisoner use of the grievance process, and understand that processs benefits for correctional staff and facilities; (ix) maintain appropriate records, including clear and accurate reports; and. (a) Classification and housing assignments should not segregate or discriminate based on race unless the consideration of race is narrowly tailored to serve a compelling governmental interest. Each prisoner, including those in segregated housing, should be offered the opportunity for at least one hour per day of exercise, in the open air if the weather permits. Pretrial detainees should be allowed visiting opportunities beyond those afforded convicted prisoners, subject only to reasonable institutional restrictions and physical plant constraints. (d) The monitoring agency should continue to assess and report on previously identified problems and the progress made in resolving them until the problems are resolved. (e) In an emergency situation requiring the immediate involuntary medication of a prisoner with serious mental illness, an exception to the procedural requirements described in subdivision (d) of this Standard should be permitted, provided that the medication is administered by a qualified health care professional and that it is discontinued within 72 hours unless the requirements in subdivision (d) of this Standard are met. Involuntary testing or treatment should be permitted only if: (i) there is a significant risk of the spread of disease; (ii) no less intrusive alternative is available; and. (b) Correctional officials should promptly and thoroughly investigate and make a record of all incidents involving violence, and should take appropriate remedial action. a. the general view of the public that inmates should be given shorter sentences. No prisoner should receive preferential treatment, including improved living or work conditions or an improved likelihood of early release, in exchange for participation in behavioral or biomedical research, unless the purpose of the research is to evaluate the outcomes associated with such preferential treatment. No prisoner should have access to any other prisoners health care records. A remedy should be reasonably available to prisoners if correctional authorities negligently or intentionally destroy or lose such property. (a) A correctional agency should have clear rules of conduct for staff and guidelines for disciplinary sanctions, including progressive sanctions for repeated misconduct involving prisoners. (g) When public safety and the interests of justice would not be compromised, governmental authorities should provide judicial and administrative mechanisms to accomplish the early release of prisoners in exceptional circumstances, such as terminal illness, permanent disability that substantially diminishes the ability of the prisoner to provide self-care within a correctional facility, or exigent family circumstances. (h) Whether restraints are used for health care or for custodial purposes, during the period that a prisoner is restrained in a four- or five-point position, staff should follow established guidelines for use of the restraint mechanism that take into account the prisoners physical condition, including health problems and body weight, should provide adequate nutrition, hydration, and toileting, and should take the following precautions to ensure the prisoners safety: (i) for the entire period of restraint, the prisoner should be video- and audio-recorded; (ii) immediately, a qualified health care professional should conduct an in-person assessment of the prisoners medical and mental health condition, and should advise whether the prisoner should be transferred to a medical or mental health unit or facility for emergency treatment; (iii) until the initial assessment by a qualified health care professional required by subdivision (ii), staff should continuously observe the prisoner, in person; (iv) after the initial medical assessment, at least every fifteen minutes medically trained staff should conduct visual observations and medical checks of the prisoner, log all checks, and evaluate the continued need for restraint; (v) at least every two hours, qualified health care staff should check the prisoners range of motion and review the medical checks performed under subdivision (iv); and. (a) Independent governmental bodies responsible for such matters as fire safety, sanitation, environmental quality, food safety, education, and health should regulate, inspect, and enforce regulations in a correctional facility. (a) Initial classification of a prisoner should take place within [48 hours] of the prisoners detention in a jail and within [30 days] of the prisoners confinement in a prison. Physical features that facilitate suicide attempts should be eliminated in all segregation cells. No health care provider should be permitted to practice in a correctional facility beyond the scope permissible for that individual provider outside of a correctional facility, given the providers particular qualifications and licensing. Correctional authorities should not conduct searches in order to harass or retaliate against prisoners individually or as a group. (ii) For meetings between counsel and a prisoner: A. absent an individualized finding that security requires otherwise, counsel should be allowed to have direct contact with a prisoner who is a client, prospective client, or witness, and should not be required to communicate with such a prisoner through a glass or other barrier; B. counsel should be allowed to meet with a prisoner in a setting where their conversation cannot be overheard by staff or other prisoners; C. meetings or conversations between counsel and a prisoner should not be audio recorded by correctional authorities; D. during a meeting with a prisoner, counsel should be allowed to pass previously searched papers to and from the prisoner without intermediate handling of those papers by correctional authorities; E. correctional authorities should be allowed to search a prisoner before and after such a meeting for physical contraband, including by performing a visual search of a prisoners private bodily areas that complies with Standard 23-7.9; F. rules governing counsel visits should be as flexible as practicable in allowing counsel adequate time to meet with a prisoner who is a client, prospective client, or witness, including such a prisoner who is for any reason in a segregated housing area, and should allow meetings to occur at any reasonable time of day or day of the week; and. up until the 1960s the U.S. federal court system practiced a________ policy with respect to corrections; ultimately giving more power and discretion back to individual states correctional systems. jailhouse lawyers. Each prisoner should receive a comprehensive medical and mental health assessment by qualified medical and mental health professionals no later than [14 days] after admission to a correctional facility, and a comprehensive medical assessment periodically thereafter, which should include mental health screening. (a) Correctional administrators should develop agency media access policies and make them readily available to the public in written form. Smaller facilities should be permitted to provide for prisoners health care needs by transferring them to other facilities or health care providers, but should have equipment that is reasonably necessary in light of its preexisting transfer arrangements. (b) Prisoners job assignments should not discriminate on the basis of race, national origin, ethnicity, religion, or disability. which of the following alternatives to litigation has NOT been incorporated into state correctional systems? (b) Legislative bodies should exercise vigorous oversight of corrections, including conducting regular hearings and visits. (f) Correctional officials should facilitate and promote visiting by providing visitors travel guidance, directions, and information about visiting hours, attire, and other rules. Inmates who assist other inmates in the preparation of legal documents or give other help in legal matters are referred to as. The chief executive officer should decide promptly whether the use of such restraints should continue. F. the contact information for a person to whom questions about the study can be posed and problems reported. Correctional authorities should allow prisoners a reasonable choice in the selection of their own hair styles and personal grooming, subject to the need to identify prisoners and to maintain security and appropriate hygienic standards. The term correctional facility does not include a facility that serves solely as an immigration detention facility, a juvenile detention facility, or a juvenile correctional facility. (a) Correctional authorities should ensure that: (i) a qualified health care professional is designated the responsible health authority for each facility, to oversee and direct the provision of health care in that facility; (ii) prisoners are provided necessary health care, including preventive, routine, urgent, and emergency care ; (iii) such care is consistent with community health care standards, including standards relating to privacy except as otherwise specified in these Standards; (iv) special health care protocols are used, when appropriate, for female prisoners, prisoners who have physical or mental disabilities, and prisoners who are under the age of eighteen or geriatric; and. (c) Correctional authorities should implement policies and practices to enable a prisoners confidential contact and communication with counsel that incorporate the following provisions: (i) For letters or other documents sent or passed between counsel and a prisoner: A. correctional authorities should not read the letter or document, and should search only for physical contraband; and. A prisoner should be informed of the consequences for the prisoners parental rights of any arrangements contemplated. If public transportation to a correctional facility is not available, correctional officials should work with transportation authorities to facilitate the provision of such transportation. (b) Prisoners should not be charged fees for necessary health care. Procedural protections for prisoners should include, at a minimum: (i) access for all prisoners, with safeguards against reprisal; (ii) methods for confidential submission of grievances; (iii) reasonable filing and appeal deadlines; (iv) acceptance of grievances submitted or appealed outside the reasonable deadlines, if a prisoner has a legitimate reason for delay and that delay has not significantly impaired the agencys ability to resolve the grievance; (v) written responses to all grievances, including those deemed procedurally improper, stating the reasons for the decision, within prescribed, reasonable time limits; (vi) shortened time limits for responses to emergencies; (vii) an appeal process that allows no more than [70 days], cumulatively, for official response(s) to all levels of appeal except if a correctional official extends the period upon an individualized finding of special circumstances; (viii) treatment of any grievance or appeal as denied, for purposes of the prisoners subsequent appeal or review, if the prisoner is not provided a written response within the relevant time limit; and. (iii) the de novo hearing held every [6 months] should decide whether to continue or modify any involuntary treatment, and in reaching that decision should consider, in addition to other relevant evidence, evidence of side effects. A prisoner who lacks the capacity to make decisions consenting or withholding consent to care should have a surrogate decision-maker designated according to applicable law, although that decision-makers consent should not substitute for the protections specified in Standard 23-6.15. (m) The term effective notice means notice in a language understood by the prisoner who receives the notice; if that prisoner is unable to read, effective notice requires correctional staff to read and explain the relevant information, using an interpreter if necessary. The agency should implement a system to monitor compliance with the contract, and to hold the contracted provider accountable for any deficiencies. (a) Contracts with private corporations or other private entities for the operation of a secure correctional facility should be disfavored. If a contractor is delegated the authority to use force, the scope of such a delegation should be specified in detail, and should not exceed the authority granted by agency policy to correctional authorities in similar facilities with similar prisoner populations. Such investigation should take place for every use of force incident that results in a death or major traumatic injury to a prisoner or to staff. (c) The mental health of prisoners in long-term segregated housing should be monitored as follows: (i) Daily, correctional staff should maintain a log documenting prisoners behavior. (c) Correctional authorities should allow prisoners to purchase or, if they are indigent, to receive without charge materials to support their communications with courts, attorneys, and public officials. If correctional authorities have applied four- or five-point restraints without the participation of a qualified health care professional or if that professional disagrees with the application of the restraints, correctional authorities should notify the facilitys chief executive office immediately on gaining control of the prisoner. Correctional authorities should provide female prisoners job opportunities reasonably similar in nature and scope to those provided male prisoners. In Wolff vs. McDonnell (1974) the court created four legal procedures to enhance the protection of an inmate who has been accused of a serious prison violation. When medically necessary, correctional authorities should be permitted to place a prisoner with a readily transmissible contagious disease in appropriate medical isolation or to restrict such a prisoner in other ways to prevent contagion of others. Medical and mental health screening should: (i) use a properly validated screening protocol, including, if appropriate, special protocols for female prisoners, prisoners who have mental disabilities, and prisoners who are under the age of eighteen or geriatric; (ii) be performed either by a qualified health care professional or by specially trained correctional staff; and. (d) When the possible sanction for a disciplinary offense includes the delay of a release date, loss of sentencing credit for good conduct or good conduct time earning capability, or placement in disciplinary segregation, a prisoner should be found to have committed that offense only after an individualized determination, by a preponderance of the evidence. (c) Subject to the restrictions in Standard 23-8.6, correctional authorities should allow prisoners to produce works of artistic expression and to submit for publication books, articles, creative writing, art, or other contributions to media outside the facility under their own names. (c) ensure that classification and housing decisions, including assignment to particular cells and cellmates, take account of a prisoners gender, age, offense, criminal history, institutional behavior, escape history, vulnerability, mental health, and special needs, and whether the prisoner is a pretrial detainee. In addition to the limitations itemized in Standard 23-3.7, sanctions should never include: (ii) conditions of extreme isolation as described in Standard 23-3.8(b); (iii) use of restraints, such as handcuffs, chains, irons, strait-jackets, or restraint chairs; or. (f) Except in an emergency, force should not be used unless authorized by a supervisory officer. Salaries and benefits should be sufficient to attract and retain qualified staff. (v) incitement or threats to incite group disturbances in a correctional facility. (e) Correctional officials should provide programming and activities appropriate for specific types of prisoners, including female prisoners, prisoners who face language or communication barriers or have physical or mental disabilities, prisoners who are under the age of eighteen or geriatric, and prisoners who are serving long sentences or are assigned to segregated housing for extended periods of time. (f) Correctional authorities should make reasonable attempts to communicate effectively with prisoners who do not read, speak, or understand English. (iv) the prisoner is dead, and disclosure is authorized by the prisoners next of kin or by the administrator of the prisoners estate if one has been appointed. (k) If governmental authorities elect to furnish prisoners any services by contracting with private providers, those contracted services should comply with these Standards, and the correctional agency should monitor and ensure such compliance, and should be held accountable for doing so. Find the Black-Scholes value of a put option on the stock in the previous problem with (g) Correctional administrators and officials should evaluate short and long-term outcomes of programs provided to prisoners and, where permitted by applicable law, should make the evaluations and any underlying aggregated data available upon request to researchers, investigators, and media representatives. (d) When a prisoner dies, correctional officials should promptly notify the jurisdictions medical examiner of the death and its circumstances; the medical examiner should decide whether an autopsy should be conducted. (c) A correctional agency should be required to respond in a public document to the findings of the monitoring agency, to develop an action plan to address identified problems, and to periodically document compliance with recommendations or explain noncompliance; however, if security requires, the public document should be permitted to be supplemented by a confidential one. (j) The term prison means a correctional facility holding primarily prisoners sentenced to a term of at least one year. (c) Information about a prisoners health condition should be shared with correctional staff only when necessary and permitted by law, and only to the extent required for: (i) the health and safety of the prisoner or of other persons; (ii) the administration and maintenance of the facility or agency; (iii) quality improvement relating to health care; or. For a pdf version of the publication, Click Here. In addition, if long-term segregation is being considered either because the prisoner poses a credible continuing and serious threat to the security of others or to the prisoners own safety, the prisoner should be afforded, at a minimum, the following procedural protections: (i) timely, written, and effective notice that such a placement is being considered, the facts upon which consideration is based, and the prisoners rights under this Standard; (ii) decision-making by a specialized classification committee that includes a qualified mental health care professional; (iii) a hearing at which the prisoner may be heard in person and, absent an individualized determination of good cause, has a reasonable opportunity to present available witnesses and information; (iv) absent an individualized determination of good cause, opportunity for the prisoner to confront and cross-examine any witnesses or, if good cause to limit such confrontation is found, to propound questions to be relayed to the witnesses; (v) an interpreter, if necessary for the prisoner to understand or participate in the proceedings; (vi) if the classification committee determines that a prisoner is unable to prepare and present evidence and arguments effectively on his or her own behalf, counsel or some other appropriate advocate for the prisoner; (vii) an independent determination by the classification committee of the reliability and credibility of confidential informants if material allowing such determination is available to the correctional agency; (viii) a written statement setting forth the evidence relied on and the reasons for placement; and. (c) Deadly force to prevent an escape should be permitted only when the prisoner is about to leave the secure perimeter of a correctional facility without authorization or, if the prisoner is permitted to be on the grounds outside the secure perimeter, the prisoner is about to leave the facility grounds without authorization. (b) Correctional administrators and officials should foster an institutional culture that helps maintain a safe and secure facility, is conducive to humane and respectful treatment of prisoners, supports adherence to professional standards, and encourages ethical conduct. The chief executive of the facility or a higher-ranking correctional administrator should receive reports of all cases in which staff are found to have engaged in misconduct involving prisoners and should have final responsibility for determining the appropriate sanction. (f) Rules governing attorneys fees and their recovery should be the same for prisoners as for non-prisoners. (e) A lockdown should last no longer than necessary. (a) Correctional agencies and facilities should provide housing options with conditions of confinement appropriate to meet the protection, programming, and treatment needs of special types of prisoners, including female prisoners, prisoners who have physical or mental disabilities or communicable diseases, and prisoners who are under the age of eighteen or geriatric. Where authorized by law, a correctional official should also be permitted to order an autopsy. (a) The term protective custody means housing of a prisoner in segregated housing or under any other substantially greater restrictions than those applicable to the general population with which the prisoner would otherwise be housed, in order to protect the prisoner from harm. (e) Correctional authorities should not read, censor, alter, or destroy a prisoners legal materials. Government-funded legal services organizations should be permitted to provide legal services to prisoners without limitation as to the subject matter or the nature of the relief sought. (a) For the duration of each prisoners confinement, the prisoner including a prisoner in long-term segregated housing or incarcerated for a term of life imprisonment should be engaged in constructive activities that provide opportunities to develop social and technical skills, prevent idleness and mental deterioration, and prepare the prisoner for eventual release. (d) Visual searches of a prisoners private bodily areas, whether or not inspection includes the prisoners body cavities, should: (i) be conducted only by trained personnel in a private place out of the sight of other prisoners and of staff not involved in the search, except that a prisoner should be permitted to request that more than one staff member be present; and. Correctional authorities should assess and make appropriate accommodations in housing placement, medical services, work assignments, food services, and treatment, exercise, and rehabilitation programs for such a prisoner. (e) If restraints are used for medical or mental health care purposes, the restrained prisoner should, if possible, be placed in a health care area of the correctional facility, and the decision to use, continue, and discontinue restraints should be made by a qualified health care professional, in accordance with applicable licensing regulations. In addition to implementing the mental health screening required in Standard 23-2.1 and mental health assessment required in Standard 23-2.5, this protocol should require that the signs and symptoms of mental illness or other cognitive impairments be documented and that a prisoner with such signs and symptoms be promptly referred to a qualified mental health professional for evaluation and treatment. If contact visits are precluded because of such an individualized determination, non-contact, in-person visiting opportunities should be allowed, absent an individualized determination that a non-contact visit between the prisoner and a particular visitor poses like dangers. At all times within a correctional facility or during transport, at least one staff member of the same gender as supervised prisoners should share control of the prisoners. Correctional authorities carrying firearms should not be assigned to positions that are accessible to prisoners or in which they come into direct contact with prisoners, except during transport or supervision of prisoners outside the secure perimeter, or in emergency situations. (c) If a correctional agency contracts for provision of any services or programs, it should ensure that the contract requires the provider to comply with these Standards, including Standard 23-9.1 governing grievances. Any claim that a prisoner is refusing treatment for a serious medical or mental health condition should be investigated by a qualified health care professional to ensure that the refusal is informed and voluntary, and not the result of miscommunication or misunderstanding. Prisoners should receive opportunities to mend and machine launder their clothing if the facility does not provide these services. The term includes the chief executive officers emergency designee, if, for example, the chief executive officer is away or ill and has turned over command authority for a period of time. (e) Any examination of a transgender prisoner to determine that prisoners genital status should be performed in private by a qualified medical professional, and only if the prisoners genital status is unknown to the correctional agency. (x) perform the above functions in a way that promotes the health and safety of staff. Correctional authorities should not presume that sexual activity among prisoners is consensual. (c) The term correctional agency means an agency that operates correctional facilities for a jurisdiction or jurisdictions and sets system-wide policies or procedures, along with that agencys decision-makers. Such policies should: (ii) specify that, as with any use of force, chemical agents and electronic weaponry are to be used only as a last resort after the failure of other reasonable conflict resolution techniques; (iii) cover the medical and tactical circumstances in which use of such agents and weaponry is inappropriate or unsafe; (iv) forbid the use of such agents and weaponry directly on vital parts of the body, including genitals and, for electronic weaponry, eyes, mouth, and neck; and. (e) Correctional authorities should minimize the risk of suicide in housing areas and other spaces where prisoners may be unobserved by staff by eliminating, to the extent practicable, physical features that facilitate suicide attempts. (c) In an emergency situation requiring the immediate involuntary transfer of a prisoner with serious mental illness to a dedicated mental health facility because of a serious and imminent risk to the safety of the prisoner or others, the chief executive of a correctional facility should be authorized to order such a transfer, but the procedural protections set out in subdivision (b) of this Standard should be provided within [7 days] after the transfer. If a prisoner refuses care in such a situation, health care staff should take steps to involve other trusted individuals, such as clergy or the prisoners family members, to communicate to the prisoner the importance of the decision. (b) Each classification decision should be in writing, and should set forth the considerations and factors that led to the decision; the written decision should be made available to the prisoner, and should be explained by an appropriate staff member if the prisoner is incapable of understanding it. (a) Governmental authorities should authorize and fund a governmental agency independent of each jurisdictions correctional agency to conduct regular monitoring and inspection of the correctional facilities in that jurisdiction and to issue timely public reports about conditions and practices in those facilities. Correctional authorities should promptly relay any such report, or any other information they obtain regarding such conduct, to the chief executive officer of the facility. (a) Correctional administrators should develop and implement policies governing use of chemical agents and electronic weaponry. Your membership has expired - last chance for uninterrupted access to free CLE and other benefits. (iii) include an initial assessment whether the prisoner has any condition that makes the use of chemical agents or electronic weaponry against that prisoner particularly risky, in order to facilitate compliance with Standard 23-5.8(d). (i) Governmental authorities should not exempt correctional agencies from their jurisdictions Administrative Procedure Act, Freedom of Information Act, or Public Records Act. Not read, censor, alter, or understand English litigation has not been incorporated into state correctional?. The use of chemical agents and electronic weaponry with private corporations or other private for... A secure correctional facility holding primarily prisoners sentenced to a term of at least one year the view... Destroy or lose such property ) a lockdown should last no longer than necessary in nature and scope to provided! 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