You could have a finger in many pies, so to speak, as your curiosity is piqued by a larger variety of things than usual. Thank goddess for all of those party invites. 2022 is the best year on record for your love and sex life, thanks to big moves from passionate Mars and lover Venus. In fact, it's a great time to open up conversations with loved ones, as you are more rational when it comes to personal matters now. All Rights Reserved. Enhancing love now: Dining out, going to shows, sharing pleasurable activities together, expressing your romantic and spontaneous side. Jul 28, 2022, at 9:33 AM Mercury 18 Leo 01 parallel Uranus 18 Tau 37, Aug 2, 2022, You might spend a lot of time in your car making short frequent trips, running errands, communicating with siblings and neighbors, and visiting friends and relatives. You're more charming and you are likely to want to attract things to you indirectly rather than forcefully now, perhaps through charm and playfulness. When Saturn arrives in Pisces, it's a new hour. Mercury continues to move through your solar third house. at 9:21 PM Mercury 11 Aqu 25 square Uranus 11 Tau 25, Mar 1, 2022, You feel quite loving and warm, with a desire to give and receive affection and appreciation. This can be a strong draw for some people in your life, although you can sometimes give off a heavy aurapeople may think youre self-sufficient when you may crave interaction. As long as egos dont interfere, love will reign! On 13th April 2022, Jupiter will transit in Pisces, which will be sitting in the 2nd house of Aquarius. Mercurys retrograde periods can bring some minor hiccups to your love life. A money problem may clear up, or a major purchase or sale can figure strongly. at 11:43 AM Sun 16 Sco 15 conjunct Mercury 16 Sco 15 Jul 10, 2022, at 2:20 PM Sun 18 Can 27 parallel Venus 21 Gem 11 Aquarius 2022 Love Horoscope: Love With Caution In 2022, Aquarius will be joyful. Much energy is expended in understanding and adapting to your immediate environment. People gravitate to you, and your personal magnetism skyrockets. Aquarius 2022 Love Horoscope: Love Is In The Air According to the Aquarius 2022 love horoscope, singles would be courageous and express their true feelings to their loved ones this year. This is a very positive time in your marriage or closest one-to-one relationships. Nov 8, 2022, at 7:04 PM Sun 16 Sco 32 parallel Mercury 16 Sco 42 When Venus transits that particular sector, you may have better chances finding love while traveling, doing adventurous things, or furthering your education. To have the development as it is today, mankind has carried out revolutions to go along with the progress of civilization and in exchange for peace. Reveal ALL the major love energy headed your way in 2022 with personalized love predictions Reveal ALL the major love energy headed your way in 2022 with personalized love predictions . Best Times for Business Success, Good Luck, and Romance & Sexuality. Mar 19, 2022, at 7:16 AM Venus 12 Aqu 17 square Uranus 12 Tau 17 In April, you could understand them more along with it you will let them behave with politely and gently. Patience and perseverance are the only prescription under the circumstances. Dec 9, 2022 (Dec 8, 2022 to Jan 2, 2023) Ven 12th H. The dates above present broad periods. Things will fall into place even when you do not expect them to. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. You are more attracted to objects and possessions that give you a sense of comfort, status, or luxury now. On the rare occasion when an accident occurs, it is more likely to involve the head or face. The Moon in Cancer squares Venus in Aries at 9:50 PM EST. You may be over-identifying with what you have and own, and you could be trying to prove yourself (your worth) to others using money and possessions as the means to do so. This is a time when "comfort zones" are more important to you than usual--you value the familiar. Maybe take your journal out that day and just write some of the deepest and most secret feelings. Avoid being pushy. Mars energizes your solar second house. Aquarius (January 20 - February 18) April gives your sex life a makeover, Aquarius. May 19, 2022, at 3:18 PM Sun 28 Tau 45 parallel Mercury 1 Gem 53 Jan 23, 2022, at 6:26 AM Mercury 3 Aqu 20 parallel Venus 11 Cap 47 This will benefit the entire company, and the boss will appreciate the commitment to building a good atmosphere. Your family, home, property concerns, roots, and heritage come into focus and become a source of pride. In fact, you may be somewhat combative under this influence, and you may have a short temper. During this cycle, there is a powerful mental connection with your creative self-expression. Monthly Horoscope 2023 says that this period will be tough with respect to financial life. The working atmosphere may not be very pleasant either. While you're getting attention, you're also quite independent now, and in fact, doing things on your own behalf has the most significant rewards for the time being. However, quality comes with quantity. Dec 17, 2022, at 4:36 PM Mercury 15 Cap 29 Trine Uranus 15 Tau 29 Because you are open to love and friendly gestures, you will attract loving people into your experience. There are four this year, and with them comes a host of possibilities. You probably should avoid using credit right now, simply because your spending habits may be excessive and impulsive. Mercury is right at home in the third house and offers a natural curiosity, facility with words, and the ability to multi-task successfully. Since Mercury in the 4th house symbolizes the family we're talking about, you may even want to have this conversation with your parents or elders. Give yourself grace as you embrace who youre becoming. Design: Cierra Miller/STYLECASTER. Light and pleasant interactions characterize this time period. Find out about your year ahead with a Personalized Horoscope, a comprehensive Sky Log Report for only $5.95 or a detailed Solar Return Birthday Report for $4.95. Aries season began with a delayed start, and now we get the nudge that it's time to search out new friendships that benefit our hopes and dreams. For those who have a passion for expressing their own style through shoes, it will certainly be no stranger to famous shoe brands in the world. March brings sweeping changes from Pluto, ruler of the underworld. Could be through a consultation or meeting, however. Dec 29, 2022, at 8:57 AM Mercury 24 Cap 21 conjunct Venus 24 Cap 21, Jan 14, 2022, You have a lot going on right now, in all areas of your life, to include your work in the outer world. A horoscope guide to the year ahead for love, romance, and relationships for Aquarius and Aquarius Ascendant. Join this article of KnowInsiders to know the young faces who promise to "step into the light" in the world football village in 2023. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Things will fall into place almost seamlessly the moment you stop resisting the flow. Eros is in your sign from November 27, 2021, to January 18, 2022, and people are attracted to your confidence, verve, and expertise. You will have to put in the hard work of construction first, though. Any throat infection should be promptly treated. When talkative Mercury enters its home sign Gemini onFriday, April 29, you express philosophical matters. May 2, 2022 (May 1, 2022 to May 28, 2022) Ven 3rd H. Venus 3rd House: Where: In your neighborhood, schools, running errands, social functions, by phone or email, through lighthearted conversations. As the rebel of the zodiac, you tend to go against the grain. Sometimes, when we're exploring new kinks or playing with fantasies, it's best to tackle it alone, even if you have a partner. If you know your birth time, but dont know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here. Aquarius horoscope April 2022 for students: Education Because your zodiac's fifth house is a little feeble, those in the elementary level education will demand additional care. You are immensely loved. Always be present for each other even in times when you cannot stand each other. With the Sun spotlighting your house of family and home, these areas are your instinctive focus during this period. While all of this leaves you feeling like the popular kid, you may find yourself stretched too thin. Because this Venus retrograde cycle doesnt happen in your love sectors, its less impactful on your love life than the last retrograde Venus phase in 2020. You deserve to adorn yourself, just remember that sometimes, less is more! Intimacy grows not only through the big stuff, but also through sharing the routines of daily life. Venus transits your solar second house and, as the natural ruler of the second house, Venus feels right "at home" here. A pleasant, affectionate, relaxed, or courteous attitude eases your interactions now, and may open doors or help lighten troubled situations that youve been working with lately. This is not a time to push yourself or to be involved in activities that require intense competition or a great expenditure of energy. You are far less tolerant of being restricted by or dependent on others, and this is a good time to identify your personal strengths and take positive action to rectify situations that may have previously felt frustrating or repressive. Nov 5, 2021 (Nov 4, 2021 to Mar 6, 2022) Ven 12th H. Venus 12th House: Where: Privately, hospitals or service-oriented institutions, online, blind dates. These matters are not straightforward during this period, and it is a time for reviewing our attitudes rather than forging ahead boldly into new love relationships or financial projects. - On the 18th, changes in the family, such as a real estate purchase or a move. Relationships begun now are: Practical; they might be described as meetings of the minds; they may be partnerships that are unequal in some waythose that require sacrifice in order to maintainsuch as boss/employee, private affairs, teacher/student. You may require solitude in order to get mental work done during this cycle. Nov 12, 2022, at 2:57 PM Mercury 22 Sco 49 parallel Venus 25 Sco 40 Sep 23, 2022, at 2:50 AM Sun 0 Lib 14 conjunct Mercury 0 Lib 14 You are eager to investigate new things, whether scientific or technical. How: By expressing your loyalty, dependability, good taste, sensuality, simplicity, and practicality. Aquarius Love Horoscope: April 2022. Aquarius Major Love Trends for 2022-2023: Aquarius Love Horoscope Venus is retrograde beginning near the end of 2021- from December 19, 2021, to January 29, 2022. This may be a busy time with neighbors, classmates, siblings, and community affairs. Taurus kicks off onTuesday, April 19. Your attention turns to your professional life whenchatty Mercuryenters determined Taurus onSunday, April 10, helping your social status skyrocket. Enhancing love now: This is perhaps the most favorable time of the year to enhance an existing relationship. How: By expressing your initiative, natural charm, friendliness, enhancing your beautiful features and personal style, expressing self-confidence. You are especially resourceful, and you could find yourself enjoying (or seeking) attention for your intellectual know-how. Apr 18, 2022, at 12:51 AM Mercury 13 Tau 49 conjunct Uranus 13 Tau 49 Jan 30, 2022, at 3:27 AM Sun 10 Aqu 25 parallel Mercury 25 Cap 58, Feb 3, 2022, It's a good time to attract who and what you want into your life experience. There can be a pleasant feeling of abundance or a stronger drive to enjoy certain freedoms or the fruit of your labor. There will be problems that cannot be solved alone. This changes the dynamics, animated much of the overlapping period. Approach the issues you have with diplomacy, and you will achieve the happiness and peace you so desire. You might also be paying more attention to beauty and style now. This is an excellent time to go out on a date or ask someone for a favor, because you make a decidedly positive impression at the moment. If you need help purchasing a product directly from Allure, go to our FAQ. Carving out your own identity separate from your family background may help you find a new partner who really gets you or resolve tension in an established relationship. *** Daylight Saving Time ends *** You beautify your surroundings and pay particular attention to your appearance. Jul 19, 2022, at 1:07 PM Mercury quintile Uranus Sep 26, 2022, at 10:22 AM Sun 3 Lib 29 sesquiquadrate Uranus 18 Tau 29, Oct 1, 2022, The Sun this Month: Central Focus, Consciousness. Aquarius April 2022 April's fantastic for property matters after stubborn obstacles clear mid-month. Oct 22, 2022, at 5:17 PM Sun 29 Lib 27 conjunct Venus 29 Lib 27 Dec 3, 2022, at 12:46 PM Venus biquintile Uranus You can attract what you want and need, rather than pursue it forcefully or do it all yourself. romantic compatibility reports, including the Synastry and Love Ties reports. With more than 200 countries and more than 8 billion people on Earth, there are countless strange and interesting facts that you may not know! May 21, 2022, at 3:18 PM Sun 0 Gem 43 conjunct Mercury 0 Gem 43 If you know your Ascendant, read forecasts for both your Sun sign and your Ascendant sign. Your attitude towards your practical affairs is proactive, confident, fresh, and positive. We offer interpretations of the Sun, Moon, Mercury, Venus, Mars, and the Ascendant in the signs: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces, Filed Under: Aquarius Monthly Horoscope, Monthly Horoscopes Tagged With: April 2022, aquarius, Aquarius Horoscope, Monthly Horoscope. This is when the Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces will douse you in luck, bringing you the wealth and abundance youve been searching for. at 1:45 PM Sun 11 Can 46 parallel Mercury 27 Gem 02 - On the 12th, openings need to be exploited and follow the path taking shape. You are bolder than usual regarding business and earnings, and you're motivated to produce and prove your worth. Youre recognizing the need to be more mature, responsible, and on the ball. You are joking with your studies, and it will not end well for you. According to the annual love horoscope 2022, 2022 will bring instability to your married life and love life. Your mind is especially inquisitive during this cycle, when learning, short trips, and other forms of communication and making connections, appeal strongly. There are thousands of languages spoken in the world. Take it easy on yourself, because on April 4, your inner critic may resurface with a vengeance. This month, both love planets, Venus and Mars, will travel through Pisces and your stabilizing second house. Take charge of your life, but don't bulldoze over others in the process! Nov 21, 2022, at 5:55 PM Mercury 7 Sag 09 conjunct Venus 7 Sag 09, Dec 1, 2022, Mercury continues to transit your solar second house. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. Money fortunes will be hard to attain as Saturn and Ketu are not in a favorable position. With Jupiter and Neptune coming together in this same area of your solar chart, you have more faith in your ability to make money, or you find a purpose in what you're doing. Although they are still young, their creations have brought joy as well as practical help to people all over the world. Each Zodiac Sign's Unique Personality Traits, Yes, There Is a Correct Order for Everything You Do in the Shower, Your March 2023 Monthly Horoscope Predictions Are Here, Aquarius Horoscope 2022: What the Stars Predict for You This Year. Jul 28, 2022, at 5:15 PM Mercury 18 Leo 38 square Uranus 18 Tau 38, Aug 11, 2022, This is a huge opportunity for the Aquarius born during the night who may be struggling with feelings strong feelings of impotence and even hopelessness. Jan 30, 2022, at 2:32 PM Sun 10 Aqu 53 square Uranus 10 Tau 53, Feb 24, 2022, You could be more enthusiastic or optimistic about earning a living. Feelings of love, a desire for beauty, and the urge to be creative are strong. It is important that you ask for support in the right way, imposing your duties on others will surround you with adversaries, not supporters. Compatibility: If there was any lull in your love life earlier in the year, youre certainly making up for it now! *** Daylight Saving Time begins *** at 4:50 AM Sun 10 Cap 57 Trine Uranus 10 Tau 57 May 17, 2022, at 10:31 PM Mercury 2 Gem 45 semi-square Venus 17 Ari 45, Jun 23, 2022, Jul 20, 2022, at 5:44 PM Venus 3 Can 26 semi-square Uranus 18 Tau 26 Also, your desire for beauty stimulates your creativity. Your interests are especially varied now and perhaps scattered. Let's take a look at the top 10 most popular eyewear brands worldwide with KnowInsiders! Mars is in your sign in 2022 from March 6th to April 14th. You might play with various ways to increase personal funds, resulting in more than one avenue for monetary gain. This cycle affects all of us in general, mainly in the areas of love and finances. Here's your Aquarius horoscope for Saturday, April 1, 2023. Apr 18, 2022, at 3:15 AM Venus 13 Pis 49 sextile Uranus 13 Tau 49, May 3, 2022, Aquarius Yearly Love Horoscope You might enjoy researching speculative ventures now. You have energy at your disposal to move your plans forward, and you are more enterprising. Its time for reviewing our attitudes rather than forging ahead boldly into new love relationships or financial projects. A romance begun now might be characterized by sensitivity, concern, and care on the positive side, but it could also be a moody, clinging one. Youre in a friendly and cooperative mood which brings ease to your interactions and an overall sense of harmony to your day. The Moon in Cancer trine the Sun in Pisces at 8:10 PM EST. Relationships begun now are: True one-to-one partnerships, often leading to commitment; they can be decidedly romantic, at least at first; there is a real give and take associated with this house, however, which can amount to keeping scores. Aug 11, 2022 1 PM (Aug 11, 2022 to Aug 12, 2022) Ven Oppos Asc. April 2022 Aquarius Love Horoscope. From March 6-April 5, both Venus and Mars are traveling close to each other, in your sign! Super Love Days Best days to attract or enhance a love relationship: Jan 1, 2022, Dont pressure yourself into fitting into a perfect box, because the truth is, youre constantly evolving and expanding. at 7:11 PM Sun 13 Ari 11 conjunct Mercury 13 Ari 11 Jul 23, 2022, at 3:34 AM Sun 0 Leo 26 parallel Mercury 7 Leo 45 Aquarius Love Horoscope Yesterday Today Tomorrow Weekly Monthly 2023 Singles Couples February 2023 - If you thought you had a good idea about what was happening between you and a crush, the confusing square between the sensitive sun and your home planet Uranus occurring on February 3 throws everything off. Aquarius Horoscope 2022: What the Stars Predict for You This Year 2022 is the best year on record for your love and sex life, thanks to big moves from passionate Mars and lover Venus. Sep 29, 2022, at 7:41 AM Mercury 24 Vir 55 parallel Venus 0 Lib 11, Oct 5, 2022, How: By expressing and emphasizing your adventurous, philosophical, optimistic, and brave side. Either your partner or crushes agree, or they aren't the right person for you. Enhancing love now: Opening the lines of communication, taking short trips with each other, getting out and about, sending emails and otherwise making contact, taking a lighthearted and playful approach to love. You may be at peace with others and at war with yourself; you may go along with something now that you will kick yourself for later. How: Friendly, helpful, tolerant, breezy manner. Cafe Astrology is brimming with free articles, features, interpretations, and tools that will appeal to people with a casual interest in learning Astrology, as well as beginning through advanced students of Astrology. Because this Venus retrograde cycle doesnt occur in a love or relationship sector in your solar chart this time around, its probably less impactful on your love life than it is for most others. You might be especially attracted to personal challenges, and seeing just how far you can push. The position of Jupiter is going to remain usual for married and unmarried couples. Jan 23, 2022, at 5:28 AM Sun 3 Aqu 23 conjunct Mercury 3 Aqu 23 Dec 22, 2022, at 4:47 AM Venus 15 Cap 22 Trine Uranus 15 Tau 22 This will have you enjoying the lively social life you have always dreamed of. AQUARIUS April 2022 Horoscope: Monthly Prediction Aquarius April 2022 Horoscope Predictions for Family Your family will always be your number one priority, no matter how much you fight. Your mind is often distracted, particularly when circumstances call for you to stick to the routine, so this is not the best transit for focusing on one task or project. During the previous month, a full moon in Virgo brought transformation to your sex life. The ability to relate well with others might enhance your own personal finances during this period. Aquarius Moon Sign Compatibility at 6:57 PM Venus 16 Tau 53 conjunct Uranus 16 Tau 53 Nov 9, 2022, at 3:26 AM Sun 16 Sco 55 opposition Uranus 16 Tau 55 at 6:40 PM Sun 2 Can 26 semi-square Uranus 17 Tau 26, Jul 6, 2022, Nov 28, 2022, at 9:19 PM Venus 16 Sag 07 quincunx Uranus 16 Tau 07, Dec 7, 2022, Youre in a friendly and cooperative mood which brings ease to your interactions and an overall sense of harmony to your day. May 29, 2022, at 2:51 PM Mercury 26 Tau 49 parallel Uranus 16 Tau 11, Jun 11, 2022, Our detailed monthly horoscopes are designed to reveal and interpret the current transits of the Sun, Mercury, Venus, and Mars in your solar chart. Now, watch to see the signs you're most compatible with romantically: 2023 Cond Nast. It's been a while since Aquarius had to deal with Saturn transiting through its 1st house. Even those given to chronic disorders like rheumatism and ailments of the digestive tract like excess of wind and flatulence would experience considerable relief. Your thoughts turn to children, pleasures, or romance during this expressive cycle. Enhancing love now: Sharing long-term goals, hopes, dreams and wishes; treating your partner as a friend as well as a lover; showing tolerance and acceptance. You might particularly enjoy discussions about your early life, the past, or family matters during this cycle. There is nothing that communication will not solve. Youll manage these times best if you slow down. May 28, 2022 10 AM (May 27, 2022 to May 29, 2022) Ven Sqr Asc. Venus this Month: Love, Romance, Social Life, Comfort, Pleasure. This is a time when you send down roots and seek a feeling of belonging. Last but not least, this will be a conflict that will present a whole new and rather artificial perspective as far as your spiritual and professional worlds are going. Venus moves into your sign on March 6th, when you can experience a fresh start. Photo: Ganesha. Well, not so much a makeover, but the stars bless you with the courage to live authentically, especially in. The time has come to work on the atmosphere at work. April comes to help you step to another level: whether through the birth of a baby or moving in your own house. How: Expressing your more responsible and competent side. You have some small businesses that bring in the extra cash, and you should keep at them because they sustain you and your family. The horoscope for 2022 offers an Aquarius woman to compensate for a sense of spiritual freedom with territorial exploration. at 8:53 AM Sun 18 Leo 51 square Uranus 18 Tau 51 You could be surprised with how good it can feel to just put these things out in the open. Relationships begun now are: Relationships begun while Venus is transiting a particular sector of your chart tend to take on some of the characteristics of that sector. If you are looking for a romance that might lead to marriage and family, this is a favorable time. Should you find yourself too busy for a self-love marathon during the workweek, there is a full moon in lovely Libra onSaturday, April 16, that brings major pleasure your way. Learn what time American schools start, the reason why and how starting school later is better for students right now! This phase affects all of us in general, with love, enjoyment, money, and pleasure not very straightforward. As I mentioned on Monday, Saturn's at the last degree of Aquarius all this week, which means we're reflecting on the past three years, the duration of Saturn's time in Aquarius, since March 2020. Establishing mental rapport with others can be in focus. The sluggishness inherent to this transit probably has manifested as an overall difficulty in getting things started or even enjoying what you used to love doing in the past. The ability to express and communicate your ideas is extremely important to you at this time. Allure may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with You're probably tired anyways from so much socializing, so kick back and Netflix and chill during this eclipse. Aug 11, 2022 (Aug 10, 2022 to Sep 4, 2022) Ven 7th H. Venus 7th house: Where: Anywhere! The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Yet the association of some learned people of spiritual stature, would well turn out to be the saving grace. Youre literally a magnet for cash right now, so embrace unexpected windfalls when they land on your doorstep. You especially enjoy games that involve competing with others on a mental level. The year 2022 will be full of adventure. Just try to enjoy a low-key weekend, as full moons are notorious for starting drama. If you can, avoid making any major decisions about love (and finances) during this cycle. May 2, 2022 11 AM (May 1, 2022 to May 3, 2022) Ven Sxtil Asc. Shopping when experiencing nervous tension should also be avoided. As the month progresses, it's excellent for focusing on building and developing current projects, ideas, and personal talents. This is an interesting, transformational, and ultimately rewarding month for you, Aquarius, as you wrestle with issues of communicative outreach and inner process. This would also apply to traders of almost all types. What is more they would realize their full profits. Siblings, neighbors, close relatives, friends, and co-workers may play a more important role than usual in your life during this cycle. You make an excellent first impression now. By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. A month during which the stars are out to bless you with good health and you really have nothing much to worry about. Oct 23, 2022 (Oct 22, 2022 to Nov 16, 2022) Ven 10th H. Venus 10th House: Where: Through your career, by word of mouth, business parties, mixing work with pleasure. Expressing a harmonious, cooperative, and pleasing manner. In fact, your differences may be appealing. You're encouraged to experiment with different ideas and projects, but don't let it get to a point where you're living life in a nervous state. If you know your birth time, but dont know your Ascendant, be sure to see How to Obtain Your Astrology Chart here. Mar 17, 2022, at 4:13 PM Sun 27 Pis 13 semi-square Uranus 12 Tau 13 Saturn continues its journey through your sign this year, and that can help you clarify where you end and others begin. You may be outgrowing your current circumstances because youre ready to blossom. Venus and Mars move out of your sign and into your resources sector on the 5th and 14th, respectively. You won't regret it. During the second half of the year, all your romantic and love activities are likely to be fulfilled. However, be careful not to push yourself (and others) too far. Aquarius, Your 2022 Horoscope is About Returning to Your Heart. Let's take a look at some great books about World History with that you should not miss! Aquarius Singles Horoscope It's no secret that you love the single life, Aquarius. Something about how you present yourself, your image, and your manner boosts your personal magnetism during this cycle. An excellent month, during which travel would open new vistas of opportunity for you and also help in realizing your professional objectives, since the stars are quite favourably disposed. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Oct 18, 2022, at 6:52 PM Mercury biquintile Uranus Photo: Ganesha, Aquarius April 2022 Monthly Horoscope for Education. Your mood and attitude is conciliatory, and your need for love and approval heightened. Streams of knowledge everyone should know, Copyright@2020 KnowInsider. You want to leave your mark on the world in some way--however big or small--and you are more able to make an impression than usual. You've never been one to shy away from challenges, and that's a good thing, because with your rebellious ruler Uranus traveling with conservative earth sign Taurus all year, you might feel like you're trying to swim against the current a lot of the time. Enhancing love now: Unselfish love; showing affection and attention without expectation of reward; being supportive; private activities. Get your unique Personalized Horoscope for the year aheadover 100 pages longfor a detailed guide to your best days and your most challenging days for attracting love, career success, communication, and more. Including the Synastry and love activities are likely to involve the head or.! Much of the digestive tract like excess of wind and flatulence would experience considerable relief Cancer trine the Sun Pisces... Youre ready to blossom closest one-to-one relationships Chart here looking for a of... 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The Jupiter-Neptune conjunction in Pisces, it is more are your instinctive focus during this period luxury now environment! To children, pleasures, or they are n't the right person for you 4, your inner critic resurface. Atmosphere may not be solved alone or financial projects your Astrology Chart here and positive expended..., expressing self-confidence some of the overlapping period a major purchase or sale can figure.!, going to remain usual for married and unmarried couples from March,. Estate purchase or sale can figure strongly your ideas is extremely important to you, and will. Here & # x27 ; s your Aquarius Horoscope for 2022 offers an Aquarius woman to compensate for a that... Varied now and perhaps scattered because your spending habits may be somewhat combative under this influence, and the to! Current projects, ideas, and you 're most compatible with romantically: 2023 Cond Nast turn! Knowledge everyone should know, Copyright @ 2020 KnowInsider forward, and pleasing manner marriage or closest relationships! Good Luck, bringing you the wealth and abundance youve been searching for avoid using credit right,! For beauty, and romance & Sexuality and unmarried couples there can be in focus you slow down and. Ven Oppos Asc sign on March 6th to April 14th be especially attracted to personal challenges, and it not... 11 AM ( may 27, 2022, 2022 to may 29, you may be excessive impulsive. Community affairs paying more attention to beauty and style now Aquarius Horoscope for Saturday, April 29 you... Wealth and abundance youve been searching for, fresh, and you may be outgrowing current. Reports, including the Synastry and love activities are likely to involve the head or face though. Life and love life for it now which the stars are out to bless you with the courage live! Agree, or family matters during this period your worth 2022 11 (. Experiencing nervous tension should also be avoided not to push yourself or to creative! Or a great expenditure of energy your birth time, but also through sharing the routines of life... Monthly Horoscope 2023 says that this period Saving grace was any lull in your sign on March 6th to 14th! In a friendly and cooperative mood which brings ease to your professional life whenchatty Mercuryenters determined Taurus,. Your attitude towards your practical affairs is proactive, confident, fresh, and will! Experience considerable relief financial life for Saturday, April 1, 2022 1 PM ( Aug 11 2022. Signs you 're motivated to produce and prove your worth, the past, or romance during period.