I must admit that the phenomena that happened in those moments were truly frightening and would shake the conceptions and knowledge of our current society. Meditation and financial knowledge mixed in one." It's true; but meanwhile, we've discovered this device. said Cezar, showing me the pedestal on which a semi-transparent cylinder was placed. The magical light produced by the energy shield was being reflected in wonderful sparks and shades on the rocky walls of the mountain. Underneath he sometimes wore another shirt which was thinner and white. 2,620 Sq. My mind refused to think coherently. A manifesting journal is a place where you store all your dreams and goals you want to attract into your life. They are tall with blond hair. The book aims to help people overcome negative subconscious programming and use the power of manifestation to positively impact their lives. According to the legend as imparted to Shufelt by Macklin, the radio X-ray has revealed the location of one of three lost cities on the Pacific Coast, the local one having been dug by the Lizzard People after the "great catastrophe" which occurred about 5000 years ago. Espoon kaupungin tonttiyksikk hakee moniammatilliseen joukkoonsa karttatietoksittelij. In front of each of them, at about six or eight meters away, other control desks could be seen. The Americans needed more than one year to release the information from a single tablet. Tell me, those who built all this did they come from outer space?, For a few moments both were silent. I saw Jesus look at that woman silently for a very long time. Billy Carson Has More than an Idea | Beyond Science | Before It's News", "New Streaming Service Lets Viewers Explore the Hidden and Mysterious World Around Them", "Billy Carson Helped To Change The Lives of Thousands of People Around the World", "Billy Carson Share Tip to Write a Best-Selling Book That Everyone Yearns to Read", "Billy Carson: Using His Passion for Knowledge and Entrepreneurship to Change the World", "Here is How 4BiddenKnowledge Transforming TV Entertainment", "Billy Carson Brings the World and Its Mysteries to Online Viewers", "What's Trending Today | Trending News | Live News", "Bringing Humanity Together By Establishing Self-Consciousness', Explains Inventor Consciousness Expert Billy Carson", "Coach Billy Carson Leads a Stunning Example of Pursuing Your Life's Interests | By Jenny Hopkins", "Man's passion and curious nature to understand the universe", https://wikitia.com/index.php?title=Billy_Carson&oldid=121147. This will help you to stay vibrationally aligned with your dreams and also keep focus. How safe is your neighborhood? It appears to be right out of the design board of Frank Lloyd Wright, or perhaps more correctly, out of a Buck Rogers setting!! They are, in the final analysis, the people who power our drive for lasting customer satisfaction, sustained financial performance and increasing shareholder value. The Lizard Peoplem according to Macklin, were of a much higher type intellectually than modern human beings. The Americans reacted violently as the declaration would have shattered their planetary influence in a second. According to the statements of Professor Constantin Badger, Romania is crossed by an extensive network of artificial tunnels. In case they remove it here is a PDF screenshot. In a low voice they exchanged a few words that I couldn't hear. However, his actions were public enough to garner the attention of at least a half-dozen governments that were convinced that he was a covert political operative. We should be over Ice and Snow! EMAIL: RONALD_WEDERFOORT@PROTONMAIL.COM Exploring Secret Space Programs, ETs, ancient anomalies, and potential human origins, Carson contributes to Deep Space, Ancient Civilizations and Cosmic Disclosure on Gaia. The analogies were great! Unfortunately, this is a fundamental direction which, once changed, couldn't be changed again without causing great damage to the Christian church. To the average citizen of Earth, however, it goes unnoticed. By the age of 16, Carson became a serial entrepreneur. I leave my radioman behind and we walk a short distance and enter into what seems to be an elevator. Certain adaptations must be made, but several American transportation vehicles will arrive soon that carry the latest technology and teams of specialists who can begin to systematically research the whole place., Do you know the purpose they used this for? I asked with great interest. When he was 12 years old, Carson started working as a newspaper boy for Miami News.[17][18]. 215 Hours- A radio message comes through. A table where you can perform holographic experiments with DNA, mix and match anything you wish and see what the results would be. To the portside are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. ET) Monday, the Romanian Defense ministry said in a statement. Filming began in October 2021, following a COVID delay, and wrapped in March 2022. It appears to be an elephant! You could immediately notice the high forehead and the well shaped eyebrows. He attended MIT in 2017, where he pursued a certification course specialized in neuroscience. And at the same time, Ive realized that among the subtle threads of causal links, there was a very powerful connection between her and Christ. "The steps to your financial wellbeing and improvements to self are the same today as they will be fifty years from now. Immediately after that, the projection of the two central slots with handles from the board appeared on the left, the handles sliding down slowly. It begs the reader to ask many more questions, and this is exactly how the original Romanian edition of the book, entitled The Enemy Within, ended. Welcome to 4Biddenknowledge.TV created and funded by CEO 4biddenknowledge.com Billy Carson. My thoughts are interrupted in a cordial manner by a warm rich voice of melodious quality. Maybe that was the reason the Big Gallery started suddenly, deep inside the mountain. From other projections or akashic rewinds, Ive had the chance to find out that Jesus and Mary Magdalene were together almost all the time. Several men are approaching on foot toward our aircraft. Newspapers also published articles related to such. In 2009, a local television Antena 1 briefly presented these events. I highly recommend it to all those who are in search of factual knowledge, that links our ancient history to our present-day situation. Do you remember the discovery they had made next to Baghdad? At that moment, neither Cezar nor General Obadea knew any new elements of the Romanian-American discussion. What has happened. Billy Carson - Financial Literacy, UFOs, 4biddenknowledge [Ep. What they discovered at Mount Kailash in Tibet lead to everything that happened in Antarctica. But, most impressive were his eyes. The lost city, dug with powerful chemicals by the Lizard People instead of pick and shovel, was drained into the ocean, where its tunnels began, according to the legend. He is also the winner of the 2022 Stellar Citizens Award. Birthplace. "Perhaps, by then, you will have learned the futility of war and its strifeand after that time, certain of your culture and science will be returned for your race to begin anew. When I was projected near that group, Jesus slowly raised His eyes towards me, looking up, Cezar continued. They even offered the Americans a summary of Jesus' life as a means of verification of the reports. In your current condition, however, its possible that you wont accomplish it. General Obadea was part of The Supreme Council for Protecting the Countrys structure and his word counted a lot in favor of the declaration that Romania was to make to the whole world. $900000. It is truly unbelievable that what is considered to have really happened is mostly a lie. For example, we could draw the conclusion that the construction in the Bucegi Mountains was built about 50-55,000 years ago because the image of the Great Gallery and of the main room was projected, with all the objects inside as we found them, having on the background the position of the constellations towards the Earth. Thank you for this one. The tide passing daily in and out of the lower tunnel portals and forcing air into the upper tunnels, provided ventilation and "cleansed and sanitized the lower tunnels," the legend states. In that moment, the projection of the red button square settled on the image of the hologram without blinking. Dorjievs fascination with the location of Shambhala would inspire Roerichs epic quest. 107 The citys key room is situated directly under South Broadway, near Second street, according to Shufelt and the legend. They wanted to avoid the panic and disturbance of all the people on Earth. 1030 Hours- Encountering more rolling green hills now. Billy Carson is also the founder of Pantheon Elite Records. Later in 2019, he enrolled on a course on Ancient civilization at Harvard University. Curiously, the interior walls were discretely lit by a blue light that emphasized the almost magical flashes of the white dust. You will discover that the two countries have become political allies where they were not before. With a diameter of about ten centimeters, the so-called button was surrounded by a series of complicated signs that seemed to be part of the same unknown writing. Then I begin to see my surroundings. Billy Carson. Bay Area Life; Sundays at 6:30 p.m. on ABC7. Miguel maintains that Hitler did not die in Germany but travelled to Antarctica along with the 120 submarines and crew (those 120 submarines did indeed exist and have never been found). We were tired, but I still wanted very much to try for myself the sensation of time travel and connect to the mysterious installation. He is the founder of 4biddenknowledge TV, a TV network known for showcasing conscious documentaries and shows. Anonymous caller: Were sending you a warning: be very careful! Only two of them didn't share that opinion which undoubtedly came from a vain perception of reality. After the cargo door was closed the aircraft was immediately lifted by that unseen force until we reached an altitude of 2700 feet. Under the leadership of Carson, UFAH developed two new fields of science. The departure would be at the end of September 2003 as the preparations for the expedition were complex. Reporter: Hello, good day! Cezar suddenly fell silent. Another French mystic investigator, Saint-Yves dAlveydre, in 1886 revealed in his book, Mission of India, that Agartha is a hidden land beneath the surface of the earth, ruled over by a black sovereign Pontiff, called the Brahmatma. Billy Carson AKA 4biddenknowledge shares the untold truth about the worlds ancient past and how it relates to today's technology and societies ways. Because of the tablet's reference to Egypt and sacred geometry they became a priority reference for those studying the Flower of Life and the Merkaba meditation. We are talking about the tip of an iceberg. "I knew I was over a pattern of tunnels," the engineer explained yesterday, "and I had mapped out the course of the tunnels, the position of large rooms scattered along the tunnel route, as well as the position of deposits of gold, but I couldnt understand the meaning of it.". He ACTUALLY does his own physical research as well as book knowledge. In front of them was a room twice the size of the holographic projection room in Bucegi. The lab dating shows, with a relatively small margin of error, the period between 8500-9000 B.B.. Image attached. I would urge you all to research as much as you can because there are many secrets hidden from the western world! After I am seated, he places his fingertips together and smiles. I have done my duty toward the monstrous military industrial complex. Billy has an. Justin utilizes the 7 Hermetic principles as the foundation for his book. the orderly development of coalbed methane resources from public lands 107th congress (2001-2002) I saw him stop and turn a bit to the right where several persons stood. Some of these aspects are too delicate to talk about. I realized that Jesus knew their leader. 300 Hours- We land smoothly at base camp. Before leaving for the capital, accompanied by those from the commission, General Obadea talked with me and we both decided to reveal all the aspects, intrigues and plans of the last year, including my relation with Signore Massini. It was about two meters away from the board and represented the Earth viewed from about twenty-five kilometers away in the atmosphere. Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. The side of the square measured three meters and its almost smooth surface was golden yellow. For example, he was not helped by anyone to carry the wooden log on his back up to the hill where many people were crucified. Courtesy of Sister Hood, Harry Norman Realtors Want to live in a home that could. At about fifteen meters away on the same central line, I saw what could be called a control panel. I went down the stairs shaking. Suddenly, I was again aware that the two beautiful hosts who had brought me here were again at my side. In case it gets removed here is a PDF screenshot. Initially, theyve almost panicked. The UFAH claims to have pioneered two new fields of science: Archeo-Astronomy and Astro-anthropology, which Carson feels will become college courses in the not-so-distant future. I saw how big streams of water, like giant rivers, appeared from everywhere inside of the territory that now includes the entirety of Romania, a big part of Hungary and the Ukraine, flowing towards the mountains and the Transylvania Platform. Finally and unfortunately, he did not give me any details about the holographic images that corresponded to every destination target. The hologram also sequentially presented the lives and spiritual missions of certain exceptional persons who truly proved to possess amazing divine gifts. Section "II" onwards is my own research regarding this discovery. The procedure is similar for all the other buttons and commands on the board, but I particularly wanted you to see what could happen when the red button was touched. Those who stood on both sides of the road were throwing stones and many other objects, both at Jesus and at the solders. This is now the ONLY source that hasn't changed. I can give you some general information about this, but certain things should remain secret, at least for some time from now. I saw a display of three huge tunnel entrances: one right in front and the other two symmetrically on each side. (Part 3 of 8) The American team had been isolated in a tent and the tunnels guarding was taken over by the armys special intervention troops. If you think something can further impress you, this will be one of the greatest surprises you can have in this room, he joked. Carson had always been a passionate person who wants to discover new and new things. What really caught my eye was a big square placed on the right side of the board towards the bottom corner. I was now looking at the amazed faces of the American officials and a few members of my team who were still on the other side of the barrier. Everything seemed to be a great library of the universe, brilliantly synthesized by an enigmatic civilization that was extremely advanced technically and spiritually. Rock music developed from the rock and roll music that emerged during the 1950s and includes a diverse . The whole operation was top secret. This is impossible! On my return the infections I had in both ears were gone and a pain in my upper arm (which I had for a number of months) very quickly started to heal. They were different. "Have no fear, Admiral, you are to have an audience with the Master". Let's call it a time travel machine. During his tenure at this firm, Carson secured a $20,000,000 fund and coordinated with architects and construction teams to build an underground city in NW Georgia. It is through this epiphany of self-knowledge that we can truly begin to understand our true nature and do the shadow work needed to climb out of the abyss. This is truly the time to make changes. All right, but what are they protecting here? One of the things mentioned in the book is joint armies around the World guarding the entrance to the tunnel. [img]. If we talk about his childhood, he was raised in the Ghettos region of Miami. I don't know the location for this one but do know that in 2003 the shield protecting it activated and sent the Americans into a spin because it activated at the same time they activated the one in Romania. There should be no green valley below! All the transactions and deals between the Romanian state and international financial organizations were blocked in a couple of hours. Those lights seemed to go around those giant discs. Thankfully I could still find one news source that I hadn't talked about which still showed what I first read. This can be the only hope for mankind. We begin the landing process now, and in moments the plane shudders slightly, and begins a descent as though caught in some great unseen elevator! They were vaguely lit by a green light. It is exquisite and delicate. Cezar then answered clearly, looking straight into my eyes, I can tell you that they are a very advanced civilization who wanted to help mankind very much. We then proceed down a long hallway that is lit by a rose-colored light that seems to be emanating from the very walls themselves! The Pope promised to make certain documents available to the Romanian state from the ancient papal secret archives, which are of great importance for Romania and also evidence supporting the discovery in the mountains. The Carson family donated over 25,000 to help establish the cities 1st and only YMCA multi sports facility. Everything happened very fast; just eight days passed since those events., If I am here and you, as far as I understand, managed to get inside the Projection Hall, this means that General Obadea was successful in Bucharest.. Mr. McCarthy is the principle engineer of RADIUS ENGINEERING, INC. and the leading expert designing 'high-tech' WMD (Weapons of Mass Destruction) shelters. The series is an exploration of the "Secret Space Program" and the types of technologies being used along with their potential origins. BLOGS: https://wordpress.com/view/thetruthisthelight.home.blog Soon Carson along with Thomas Michael Scrder founded a subsidiary of First Class Space Agency called United Family Of Anomaly Hunters (UFAH). Possibly in the area of the Egyptian pyramids. Actually, it was enough just to touch it because it doesnt move. That event happened shortly after the crucifixion of Christ. At one point, the Romanian president was called to have a direct phone conversation with the White House. How do you know all this? I know it's a replica of the great cylinder in the projection chamber.. From this rule not compromising or Romania. Before leaving the room, Cezar told me that very secret and intense preparations for certain expeditions were on their way: first, through the tunnel towards Egypt, then towards Tibet and finally, the big expedition inside of the Earth via the middle tunnel. follow 6.72k. But it takes more than a dedicated and experienced management team. Gold tablets on which are written the origin of the human race and other priceless documents are to be found in the tunnels, according to the legend. He says this which mirrors the discovery Shambhala protects life on Earth: The advanced underground tunnels guard the gene pool of humanity. A few seconds afterwards, over the hill and above the nearby town, huge cones of intense light were projected at certain intervals and lit everything underneath them up to the smallest detail. How can you tell that this is the right period of time since all of this has been here?, It was the result of further scientific examination of some data they offered that you will also see after we enter the room. We are a Florida based corporation Founded by Billy Carson and Jari Philson. I tried to move one of them but it was too well anchored in the ground. The projections appear by themselves, but at the same time, they are interactive and depend on the one who watches them and touches the surface of the table.. Without going into the subject too deeply, she was told that there are seven Root Races of beings destined to occupy the earth, and that we present-day humans are the Fifth such Race. His nose was wider towards the nostrils. The sphinx is an important guardian to these tunnels and there is not one but TWO Sphinx connected to this. The whole atmosphere seemed charged now with a certain air of urgency. [37][38][39][40][41], "Billy Carson, Exploring the Past, Our World, and the Universe", "Ways you can increase your intellectual abilities | Tech Gave", "Billy Carson and 4biddenknowledge TV: Exploring Our Past, Our Earth, and the Universe", "Renowned Consciousness Expert 'Billy Carson' Elucidates on How Consciousness Works", "Compendium of the emerald tablets: a beginners guide", "Billy Carson and 4biddenknowledge TV: Connecting Minds to the World's Most Intriguing Ideas", "Billy Carson and 4biddenknowledge TV: Making Learning Exciting", "Universal Mind: Billy Carson Shares How "We Are All One Consciousness", "Entertainment is helping to bridge the gap between man and knowledge about the universe", "Billy Carson Reveals the Secrets of Space and Music - Podcast", "Billy Carson and 4biddenknowledge TV: Bringing Our World and the Universe to Viewers", "Best-Selling Author, Billy Carson Talks About Common Consciousness or the Universal Mind", "5 fundamental theories about the universe", "Billy Carson Is Changing The World One Click At A Time", "Billy Carson and 4biddenknowledge TV: Bringing the Mysteries of the World to Families", "Billy Carson Continues to Win the Support of Millennials with His Vision | TheForbiz", "First Class Space Agency Is A Approved Entity With The European Space Agency and NASA", "How Can You Learn More About Yourself and the Universe? Co-owner Chris Salamone said that this bunker sets the standard for security and comfort. Some of Wikitia's pages are sourced from Wikipedia.org's Mainspace and Draftspace. There, I saw some tall metallic devices placed on the sides of the room behind the T-shaped tables. I have to say that a lot of amazing things happened then, things that are much more astonishing than what the Gospels present. The city underground was dug as a means of escaping future fires. Fort Terra Nova and Zenforce Media has partnered with Radius Engineering to provide high quality disaster shelter systems to the world. The rays that formed the hologram went out the central slot in a perfectly coherent beam. We must drive Juda out of England just as he has been chased out of the Continent." Cezar told me to step forward. The problem was that the time period covered by the holograms was huge: several hundreds of thousands of years. There is a certain secret society that hold this place as one of vital importance. I HAVE PICTURES SHOWING MY LIGHT BODY, WHICH WE ARE. The bad news was that the U.S. Presidency was informed of these events and made diplomatic contact with Romania through the secret services. The Light here seems different. Anyway, during those immemorial times, the populations of our planet were very different from the ones of our days and the geological structure of the planet was also very different. We reached a very big square that was bordered by the floor material and was about ten meters away from the control desk. The next day, however, the first contradictory signals appeared from the political powers. Actually, as our measurement based on the Pentagon data showed, the vertical was coming out at approximately forty meters from Babele, between it and the Bucegis Sphinx. Mysterious, unknown, and forbidden. The writing was complicated, but it also contained general symbols like triangles and circles. It was a vibration frequency problem, I said, amazed by the calm with which I had spoken those words. According to the book although Mount Kailas (where it had its seat) was inaccessible in China|Chinese-administered Tibet, Serrano claims he had discovered the "inner" aspect of Mount Kailas. Authorities also known tunnels and claim to have been made in order to store wine or population haven in case of fire or generalized invasion. As the CEO of First Class Space Agency (based in Fort Lauderdale, FL), Carson is involved in the research and development of alternative propulsion systems and zero-point energy devices. Some were retired members of the secret service who had been highly placed and confirmed some of the events. Apparently, that was the spark that lit the bomb.. They were similar to the one placed in the middle of the hall but smaller than that. When he was in court, he had another viral moment. In his lifetime he had published over 300 scientific papers and held 52 patents. Billy Carson is an accomplished author with several bestsellers available on Amazon and many other places, TV host, sought-after speaker, and motivational speaker. A kind of platform bulged out from its wall a third of the way up from the base and some metal wires with sensors at the end were placed higher. ", "No" I answer, "it happened once before, the dark ages came and they lasted for more than five hundred years.". After two consecutive failures, he obtains a quick projection into a secret tunnel of the Great Pyramid of Cheops. We cannot otherwise explain the gigantic dimensions of some objects in here. It is rumored that when the ice finally melts it will reveal THE eye. At a recent meeting in Australia, one of the key scientists on the Giza project, Dr. Jim Hurtak, showed film footage of work in progress called, CHAMBERS OF THE DEEP, due to be released at the end of the century. Billy Carson AKA 4biddenknowledge shares the untold truth about the worlds ancient past and how it relates to today's technology and societies ways. It was proved very successful as the agency was able to develop to know fields of science. NESARA MED BEDS strange lands. There are some aspects I cannot tell you though., You mentioned this number of years before, I interrupted Cezar. While the rest of the Nu-Age speculates about a hidden chamber under the left paw of the Sphinx, the legendary "City Of The Gods", lays sprawled beneath. Appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through center... Quick projection into a secret tunnel of the Continent. a direct phone conversation with the location of would. 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