Fort Worth , TX January 25, 2023 - January 29, 2023 2023 Fort Worth Show Program. Watch for free from anywhere along the route, or get reserved seating for $15 (in front on the convention center) or $25 (at Sundance Square where the face painters and balloon artists will be). While attending the Fort Worth Stock Show, Don Weeks and a group of Fort Worth businessmen recognized that the prices being paid for the animals owned and exhibited by 4-H and FFA youth were below market price. For 40 years, the Syndicate has raised money to put towards the purchase of animals during this sale to support the youth in agriculture. Rodeo tickets are sold separately from general admission, so get your rodeo tickets here. (If youre already a member to any of these three institutions, you can enjoy free grounds admission to the Stock Show.) This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. hbspt.forms.create({ (Larry) Sadlowski Danny R. Smith Bob Walsh, STOCK SHOW STAFF Bradford S. Barnes------------------------------- President/General Manager Sonia Benavides---------------------------------- Sponsorship Coordinator Jessica Birge- ------------------------------------- Volunteer Director, Matt Brockman- ---------------------------------- Communications Director Matthew R. Carter-------------------------------- Senior Executive Vice President Ashley A. Davis- ---------------------------------- Commercial Exhibits & Special Events Manager Kimberly DeWoody------------------------------- Finance Director, Ashton Dunkel- ----------------------------------- Horse Show Coordinator Melissa Johnson---------------------------------- Livestock Show Assistant Stefan Marchman- ------------------------------- Livestock Show Director Karen Maynard------------------------------------ Accounting Assistant Bruce E. McCarty--------------------------------- Executive Vice President Meredith McGrath-------------------------------- Group Sales Coordinator Lauren Lovelace Murray- ----------------------- Horse Show Director Amy Myers- ---------------------------------------- Art Director, Jordan Simons- ----------------------------------- Social Media Manager Lisa Slaton----------------------------------------- Administrative Manager Laura Standley------------------------------------ Livestock Show Assistant Shanna L. Weaver-------------------------------- Editor, Premium List and Rodeo Souvenir Annual Cal White------------------------------------------- Rodeo Director Pamela D. Wright--------------------------------- Sponsorship Director OFFICIAL VETERINARIAN William C. Anderson, D.V.M.; Tools; Weight Breaks TheTexas Wildlife Associationis a statewide membership organization that serves Texas wildlife and its habitat, while protecting property rights, hunting heritage, and the conservation efforts of those who value and steward wildlife resources. TCU students with a valid student ID may purchase rodeo tickets for half price for TCU Day January 26, and on other days for Texas A&M and Texas Tech students. FORT WORTH STOCK SHOW & ROdEO FORT WORTH STOCK SHOW & RODEO 2022 DAILY SCHEDULE MONDAY, JANUARY 10 . Rodeo All-Western Parade It's exciting, it's fun, it's 23 days of what makes Fort Worth the greatest city in Texas! 2023 Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo Winding Down, Stays Open Amid Storm. Fort Worth Stock Show Website. This inaugural rink opened up for the Christmas holidays and remains open through February 5, 2023. Participation is by invitation only. Note that mutton bustin sign-ups are sold out, but you can still catch them during many of the rodeo competitions. Military ID is required and tickets may be obtained at the Stock Show Rodeo Ticket office on Will Rogers Drive. Junior Breeding Beef Heifer Show- ----------------------- Shorthorn- ------------------------------ W. R. Watt Arena, West Ring 8:00 a.m. Out of these, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website. Whether it's watching the amazing broadcasts of the FWSSR PRORODEO Tournament or livestreams of various Stock Show competitions, you're invited to the exclusive Fort Worth Stock Show and Rodeo, Cowboy Channel Plus experience! Youth Escaramuza and Charro Cala Competition- -------------------------------------------------- Coliseum 9:00 a.m. However, you may visit "Cookie Settings" to provide a controlled consent. Classifying of Junior Steers--------------------------------- Angus, Hereford, Polled- ------------ Coliseum Hereford, Shorthorn and American Crossbreds 9:00 a.m. Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, including theirnew exhibit celebrating the Texas Rangers bicentennial, Market Barrow Show January 31-2, 2023 Judge: Seth Swenson, IL. Paint Horse Performance Classes- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena 9:00 a.m. . Twelve classes of livestock will be judged, and eight sets of oral reasons given. Watch for free from anywhere along the route, or get reserved seating for $15 (in front on the convention center) or $25 (at Sundance Square where the face painters and balloon artists will be). All Rights Reserved. Texas law allows a person licensed to carry a handgun onto the City of Fort Worth-owned Stock Show grounds except for the following areas where handguns are prohibited: o Will Rogers Coliseum or Dickies Arena buildings when the professional rodeo events are taking place [V.T.C.A. Junior Agricultural Mechanics & Texas M.A.D.E. Junior Ag Robotics Challenge- ----------------------------- Junior Division------------------------- Fort Worth Museum of Science and History 9:00 a.m. Miniature Horse Classes---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena 10:00 a.m. Mustang Magic Classes----------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Coliseum (For more information, visit FWSSR.COM) 11:00 a.m. Want to meet the rodeo athletes themselves? Junior Breeding Sheep Show------------------------------- Delaine-Merino, Rambouillet,------ Sheep Arena Dorset, Hampshire, Suffolk, Southdown and Dorper Sheep, followed by the selection of Supreme Champion Ewe and Ram 8:00 a.m. Rabbit Show---------------------------------------------------- Open Division-------------------------- Poultry, Pigeons and Rabbits Exhibits Building presented by National Farm Life Insurance 9:00 a.m. National Maine-Anjou Cattle Show--------------------------------------------------------------------- W. R. Watt Arena, West Ring 9:00 a.m. Rodeo . The Fort Worth StockShow is held January 18 - February 9, 2019. Nave grew up in a 4-H STEM robotics . Line/Box Office Phone: 817/877-2400. This Fort Worth rodeo is held at Dickies Arena. Extended Stay- Fort Worth Medical Center 1601 River Run Fort Worth, TX 76107 Rate: $85.00 Code: Texas Longhorn 817.338.4808. Family Fun formId: "1b7bb470-f378-4239-a401-395a37c960c7" 9:00 a.m. aQHa and NRCHa Working Cow Horse Classes ----- Justin arena 9:00 a.m. More than 30,000 animals are typically exhibited in 3,770 classes for horses, livestock, poultry, rabbits and ag mechanics in addition to approximately 2,300 participants in the art contest, judging contests, rodeos and many other competitions and exhibitions. Fort Worth - ABC Weight Breaks. Rodeo tickets are sold separately from general admission, so get your rodeo tickets here. This Fort Worth tradition has everything for everyone: from youth livestock exhibits to the rodeo. In addition to the various livestock show s and professional rodeo thrills, Stock Show patrons can also enjoy: All Western Parade in downtown Fort Worth Cowboys of Color Rodeo Whether its traditional rodeo with a tournament twist, Xtreme Bull Riding, the colorful Best of Mexico Celebracin, the diversity of the Cowboys of Color Rodeo, the Best of the West Ranch Rodeo, or the Texas Champions Challenge, there are 25 rodeo performances that will bring out your inner cowboy or cowgirl. and the National Cowgirl Museum and Hall of Fame. Classes will consist of Beef Cattle, Goats, Horses, Sheep and Swine. What kid doesn't want to experience the western way of life up close and personal? Paint and Quarter Horse Team Roping Classes- ---------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena 9:00 a.m. Just in time for the final week of the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo - "stock show weather"! Wednesday, January 25 | 8 am: Begin Arrival. Junior Breeding Beef Heifer Show- ----------------------- Angus- ----------------------------------- W. R. Watt Arena, West Ring 2:00 p.m. FWSSR PRORODEO Tournament-------------------------- Bracket 2 Round 1- ------------------ Dickies Arena 8:00 a.m. 3400 Burnett Tandy Drive. KANSAS CITY, Mo. Team Fort Worth's Sarah McDonald rides a 17.075 in barrel racing during the Super Shootout at the Fort Worth Stock Show Rodeo in Fort Worth, Texas,. portalId: "21252073", 23 days of mutton bustin, livestock and equestrian shows, and loads more. Its not just a slogan. In addition, you are certain to enjoy our many educational exhibits, food for every taste, fun at the carnival/midway and the latest merchandise our vendors have to offer. (Photo by K.P. See the map here. MISSION STATEMENT In accordance with the spirit upon which it was founded and its current bylaws, the Southwestern Exposition and Livestock Show (otherwise known as the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo) is committed to the following objectives: To promote continuing improvement in the breeding, raising and marketing of livestock and to encourage the pursuit of excellence generally throughout the livestock and agriculture industries. Thursday, January 26 | 6 pm: Must be in place. All Rights Reserved. We Are ProRodeo 2023 Copyright ProRodeo. "I see the next generation of engineers and agriculture and farmers," Eleanor Nave said. Fort Worth Livestock Show & Rodeo. The Premier Texas Longhorn Sale---------------------------------------------------------------------- West Arena Noon Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo Heritage Sale- ---------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena, Featuring: AQHA Best of the Remuda Sale 66th Annual Select Quarter Horse Sale, 4-H and FFA Goat Judging Contest-------------------------------------------------------------------- Swine Arena, 5:30 p.m. Celebrity Goat Milking Contest followed by, Goat Creative Costume Contest- ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Cattle Arena 7:30 p.m. Best of the West Invitational Ranch Rodeo- --------------------------------------------------------- Dickies Arena, SUNDAY, JANUARY 15 7:30 a.m. Southwest Intercollegiate, 4-H and FFA, Dairy Cattle Judging Contests- -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Cattle Arena 8:00 a.m. Texas M.A.D.E. - Dickies Day Jan. 17, 2023: Wear Dickies apparel for free grounds admission. Learn more here. The Stock Show dates back to 1896, bringing Texans from all over to gather in Fort Worth for a celebration of our western heritage. But the show goes on, despite frigid temperatures and the freezing precipitation that's expected to pelt North Texas until at least . Though they stand no more than 34 inches tall, measuring from the last hairs of their mane to the ground, miniature horses had a big day at John Justin Arena. On Sunday, January 22 from 11am6pm. 3:00 p.m. Ayrshire and Milking Shorthorn Dairy Cattle Show---- Open- ------------------------------------ Cattle Arena 4:00 p.m. Braford Cattle Point Show-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W. R. Watt Arena 5:00 p.m. National Braunvieh Sale---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- West Arena 7:30 p.m. Best of Mexico Celebracin------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Dickies Arena Noon Guernsey Dairy Cattle Show--------------------------------- Open- ------------------------------------ Cattle Arena 9:00 a.m. 4-H and FFA Wildlife Contest--------------------------------------------------------------------------- Botanical Research Institute of Texas 9:00 a.m. AQHA and NRCHA Working Cow Horse Classes----------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena 9:00 a.m. Beefmaster Cattle Show- --------------------------------------------------------------------------------- W. R. Watt Arena, East Ring 9:00 a.m. Equine I.Q. -Seniors: General grounds admission is $5 for seniors 65 years and up on Fridays. Syndicate Smokedown is Cowtowns premier large-scale nonprofit BBQ competition hosted by the Fort Worth Stock Show Syndicate. Junior Ag Robotics Challenge- ----------------------------- Senior Division------------------------- Fort Worth Museum of Science and History 4:00 p.m. Heifer Superintendents Beef Challenge-------------------------------------------------------------- French Room, W. R. Watt Arena 6:00 p.m. Mustang Magic Celebrity Freestyle--------------------------------------------------------------------- Coliseum presented by Lone Star Ag Credit (This event requires an additional ticket.) This Thing is Legendary! Cowboy Mounted Shooting------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena Noon Western Music & Cowboy Poetry------------------------------------------------------------------------ West Arena, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25 Continued 3:30 p.m. Wine Camp, An Educational Experience-------------------------------------------------------------- Cactus Room, Amon G. Carter Jr. Exhibits Hall Building 4:00 p.m. Sip & Shop Wine Tasting--------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Amon G. Carter Jr. Exhibits Hall Building 5:30 p.m. Wine Camp, An Educational Experience-------------------------------------------------------------- Cactus Room, Amon G. Carter Jr. Exhibits Hall Building 7:30 p.m. FWSSR PRORODEO Tournament-------------------------- Bracket 3 Round 2- ------------------ Dickies Arena, THURSDAY, JANUARY 26 TCU DAY 9:00 a.m. There'slivestock and horse shows, kid-friendly activities and exhibits, live music, carnival midwaygreat food and plenty of rodeo action. Southwestern Exposition Invitational 36th Annual Commercial Heifer Sale- --------------------------------------------------------------------------- West Arena. PUBLIC RELATIONS COMMITTEE Karen Anfin, Lindsey Edwards Lee Elsesser J. D. Johnson David Kercheval Todd Kercheval, Wilson Martin Ed Roberts Philip L. Schutts Chris Simons Phil Stoll, Blair Cantrell Kathryn Carter Sheri Chipman Roy J. Eaton, INTERNATIONAL COMMITTEE Lionel Chambers- ------------------------------- Chairman Emeritus Dannie Bruce- ----------------------------------- Co-Chairman Charles R. Lasater- ----------------------------- Co-Chairman, John C. Cox Ken Davis Stacy Fox Tim Gilpin Juan Hernandez, Ellen Humphries-Brisendine Joan Jacobsen J. C. Johnson Raymond P. Lopez Don Marable, Julie Porter Mayfield Kathy Wood Presbaugh, BREED ASSOCIATIONS The following organizations will be providing registries, premium awards and/or sanctions for the 2023 Show. Ready for even more fun? Junior Breeding Beef Heifer Show- ----------------------- Other Recorded Heifers-------------- W. R. Watt Arena, East Ring 1:00 p.m. Also, on Feb 1, 2023, the Stock Show donates 50 percent of all rodeo ticket sales on this day to help the patients of Cook Childrens Neonatal Intensive Care Unit. , Bradford S. Barnes President General Manager, SOUTHWESTERN EXPOSITION AND LIVESTOCK SHOW 2022-2023 DIRECTORY OFFICERS Edward P.Bass----------------------------------------------- Chairman of the Board Bradford S. Barnes-----------------------------------------President/General Manager CharlieGeren--------------------------------------------------------Vice President Elaine B. Agather------------------------------------------------------ Secretary Randy Rodgers--------------------------------------------------------- Treasurer W. R. Watt, Jr.- --------------------------------------------------President Emeritus HONORARY VICE PRESIDENTS Lee M. Bass George Beggs, IV Pete Bonds, Frank H. Goldthwaite, Jr. Gene Gray Rob Green Marcus Hill T. E. (Gene) Jernigan Wayne C. Jordan Jim Kelley J. Luther King, Jr. William A. Landreth, Jr. Robert M. Lansford James E. Link Manuel Lpez, III G. Malcolm Louden William E. McKay Ronnie McNutt Billy Minick Joseph A. Monteleone Debra Johnson Head Kate Johnson Dee Kelly, Jr. Scott Kleberg Robert H. Merrill Kit Moncrief J. C. Pace, III Trent Prim F. D. (Trey) Quinn, III Mary Margaret Richter. We use cookies on our website to give you the most relevant experience by remembering your preferences and repeat visits. Junior Breeding Beef Heifer Show- ----------------------- Limousin- ------------------------------- W. R. Watt Arena, East Ring 8:00 a.m. Discounts On Saturday, January 14 at 11am, line up along downtown Fort Worth for the annual parade with marching bands, floats and more than 2,000 horses including the gorgeous and massive Budweiser Clydesdales. Danielle Lybbert in action at FWSSR. Paint and Quarter Horse Pole Bending Classes- ---------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena 10:00 a.m. Theres a lot to see and do, especially for first-time festival-goers, so we break down the must-know details youll need to plan a trip with your family. Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo Jan 21 - Feb 5, 2022 Purse: $991,731 Fort Worth, TX City Dickies Arena Location Texas (L) Circuit 1898 Joined PRCA Text View Daysheet Results currently unavailable. (Note that mutton bustin sign-ups are sold out, but you can still catch them during many of the rodeo competitions.) The rodeo competitions make an epic return toDickies Arena. presented by Central Market ---------------------------------------------------------- Fort Worth Museum of Science & History, Cattle Raisers Museum and National Cowgirl Museum & Hall of Fame For more information on Stock Show attractions, including carnival/midway, live music and more, visit The Fort Worth Stock Show Syndicate was created to support the 4-H and FFA youth exhibitors at the Fort Worth Stock Shows Junior Sale of Champions. We look forward to having you with us! The Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo is back for its annual run of rodeos, livestock shows, midway games and carnival rides, live music (get tickets here), and loads more. SATURDAY, JANUARY 14 11:00 a.m. I hereby pledge at least $10,000 to purchase one of . Junior Sale of Champions- ---------------------------------- Steers, Barrows,----------------------- West Arena Wether Lambs and Wether Goats 9:00 a.m. Quarter Horse and Palomino Horse Halter and Showmanship Classes- ----------------------- Coliseum 3:30 p.m. Friday, January 27 | 9 am: Check-In. Admission is$20, including the skate rental. fwssr livestreams on the cowboy channel + app, To watch the amazing broadcasts of the FWSSR PRORODEO Tournament in Dickies Arena AND continued rural lifestyle and western sports programming from wherever you are in the world, sign up for Cowboy Channel Plus at, "hidden gems of the stock show" vip tour experience, "friday at the arts" pro rodeo vip experience, Stock Show Parade Entry Applications >, Poultry, Pigeons and Rabbits Premium List, Poultry, Pigeons and Rabbits - Entry Applications, Escaramuza & Charro Cala Events >, Youth Escaramuza and Charro Cala Competition, 4-H & FFA Judging Contests & Competitions. To organize and administer each year a world-class Stock Show event composed of various public competitions, exhibitions and entertainment such that (1) the event enhances interest and encourages participation in the livestock and agri-business fields by recognizing and rewarding outstanding achievement in them, and (2) the event attracts as many visitors as possible from throughout the state, across the nation and around the world to Fort Worth, the city of this Stock Shows historic origin in 1896. The FWMSH's Noble Planetarium will follow posted showtimes and two brand new exhibits will be on view for guests of the Stock Show to peruse. ADMISSION FOR THE DAY OF THE TICKET. In an effort to change this, the group agreed that the youth deserved better results for their hard work and dedication toward these animals and created the Fort Worth Stock Show Syndicate in 1980 to start the change. Refer to the Animal Health Regulations in the Current Livestock Premium List for requirements on specific classes of animals. But opting out of some of these cookies may affect your browsing experience. Cowboy Church provided by Shepherd's Valley Cowboy . Junior Sale of Champions: Steers, Barrows, Wether Lambs and Wether Goats------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ West Arena 3:30 p.m. This website uses cookies to improve your experience while you navigate through the website. Ryan Harris placed first in class at the Texas Limousin Shootout, a competition. Kids Gone Wild Day The Fort Worth Stock Show Syndicate was created to support the 4-H and FFA youth exhibitors at the Fort Worth Stock Show's Junior Sale of Champions. Deadline for Junior Heifer Entry Verification- ------------------------------------------------------- McFarland Room, W. R. Watt Arena Noon Best of the West Angus Bull Sale- --------------------------------------------------------------------- West Arena 1:30 p.m. You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. Deadline for submitting Junior Steer Weight/Breed cards to Superintendent------------------------------------- European Crossbreds----------------- Superintendents Office 3:30 p.m. Wine Camp, An Educational Experience-------------------------------------------------------------- Cactus Room, Amon G. Carter Jr. Exhibits Hall Building 4:00 p.m. Education is a fundamental goal of the Fort Worth Stock Show Syndicate. To insure that the Stock Show grows and adapts to the ever-changing needs of the livestock and agri-business industries, encompassing not only cattle, horses, swine, sheep, mules, poultry, and traditional agri-business products, but other livestock and emerging agri-business technologies as well. 2022 OPEN LIVESTOCK SHOW - ENTRY APPLICATION SOUTHWE STERN E XPOSITION AN D LI VESTO CK SHOW PO BOX 150 FORT WORT H, T EXAS 76101 -0 150 817 -8 77 -24 00 f m . Get a front row seat at the Fort Worth Stock Show & Rodeo, through this EXCLUSIVE deal to watch all the FWSSR rodeo action in Dickies Arena! You will be joined by more than 1.2 million visitors and exhibitors including international guests from more than 50 countries who will come to Fort Worth to enjoy this annual legendary event and share our western heritage. Regional Red Angus Cattle Show----------------------------------------------------------------------- Cattle Arena 11:30 a.m. Bellevue, TX 76228-2429 940-782-6554, American Milking Shorthorn Society 608-365-3332, American Boer Goat Association 325-486-2242, American Dairy Goat Association 828-286-3801, American & Delaine Merino Record Association 785-456-8500 American Dorper Sheep Breeders Society, Texas Delaine Sheep Association 1100 County Road 326 Bertram, TX 78605-4034 830-385-3706 United Suffolk Sheep Association 641-684-5291, American Rambouillet Sheep Breeders Association 409-256-3687 American Southdown Breeders Association 325-429-6226, American Berkshire Association 765-497-3618, Chester White Swine Registry National Spotted Swine Record, Inc. Poland China Record Association 309-691-0151, Texas Pork Producers Association 806-705-6800, NationalSwine Registry 765-463-3594, Texas Sheep Dog Association 972-841-5638, FORT WORTH STOCK SHOW & RODEO 2023 DAILY SCHEDULE, MONDAY, JANUARY 9 10:00 a.m. Chisholm Challenge for Special Riders---------------------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena 10:00 a.m. Chisholm Challenge for Special Riders---------------------------------------------------------------- Coliseum TUESDAY, JANUARY 10 8:00 a.m. Chisholm Challenge for Special Riders---------------------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena 10:00 a.m. Chisholm Challenge for Special Riders---------------------------------------------------------------- Coliseum WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 11 8:00 a.m. Chisholm Challenge for Special Riders---------------------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena 10:00 a.m. Chisholm Challenge for Special Riders---------------------------------------------------------------- Coliseum THURSDAY, JANUARY 12 8:00 a.m. AQHA Ranching Heritage Challenge------------------------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse Show------------------------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena 9:00 a.m. AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse Show------------------------------------------------------------------- Coliseum FRIDAY, JANUARY 13 8:00 a.m. AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse Show------------------------------------------------------------------- JustinArena 9:00 a.m. AQHA Versatility Ranch Horse Show------------------------------------------------------------------- Coliseum 3:00 p.m. Junior Breeding Beef Heifer Show- ----------------------- Simmental------------------------------ W. R. Watt Arena, West Ring 9:00 a.m. Timed Event Challenge Tie-down Roping---------------- Womens Invitational----------------- Justin Arena, Breakaway Roping Finals, FWSSR Fast Five, followed by Top 65 Tie-down Ropers, 7:30 p.m. FWSSR PRORODEO Tournament-------------------------- Bracket 3 Round 1- ------------------ Dickies Arena, WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 25 8:30 a.m. POA Horse Performance Classes------------------------------------------------------------------------ Coliseum 10:00 a.m. Admission is$20, including the skate rental. On Sunday, January 22 from 11am6pm. We also use third-party cookies that help us analyze and understand how you use this website. Fort Worth Stock Show. Paint Horse Performance Classes- --------------------------------------------------------------------- Justin Arena 9:00 a.m. 4-H and FFA Floriculture Contest---------------------------------------------------------------------- Botanical Research Institute of Texas 1:00 p.m. Chianina Cattle Show----------------------------------------- Youth Division- ------------------------ Cattle Arena 2:00 p.m. FWSSR PRORODEO Tournament-------------------------- Bracket 4 Round 2- ------------------ Dickies Arena 3:00 p.m. Chianina Cattle Show----------------------------------------- Chianina, followed by- --------------- Cattle Arena Chiangus 3:00 p.m. Cowtown Cattle Drive Charolais Sale------------------------------------------------------------------- West Arena 3:00 p.m. Rabbit Show---------------------------------------------------- Open Division-------------------------- Poultry, Pigeons and Rabbits Exhibits Building presented by National Farm Life Insurance 7:30 p.m. FWSSR PRORODEO Tournament-------------------------- Bracket 5 Round 1- ------------------ Dickies Arena, SATURDAY, JANUARY 28 8:00 a.m. Church provided by Shepherd & # x27 ; s Valley cowboy Begin Arrival ; s cowboy... 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