Thank you very much Patrice, for all of your posts here, and especially this comment. I hope I did not freak anyone out there. You bring perspective. He is from . We at TWW should be honored that she has visited us here. I am a Quaker. Judging by the two books of his that Ive read, I cant agree. Thank you for stating it so clearly. My father also supported his only biological son (two other sons were adopted, two were daughters). I know Ive said this here before, but am I the only one who doesnt think Doug Wilson is funny at all? However, when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth?. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. Nonetheless we are confident and thankful that he will never extinguish the light of the Gospel which is proclaimed with every breath of the folks who follow Wartburg Watch. He probably is stuck in the US now. I just know you cant help it because you are just so goodhearted and sweet and all, but it is common in the south here to use words as poorly disguised weapons in just lots of little ways to put other people down and keep them in their place. Note: In certain contexts with certain inflections yeahright means not even.. Marie2 wrote: Despite the general leanings of the law in this area, until the facts are known, that is impossible to state with certainty. She is finally standing up and breaking free. These cookies will be stored in your browser only with your consent. I have heard people speak from this organization 2 times impressive stories of supporting (NOT coaching) a child to one particular case, the perp was surrounded by family members who would lose big if he went to jail and the family business went under, but one 10 year old girl told her story, and they guy was put in jail for years.from what I understand there were no inconsistencies. Perhaps sociopaths are statistically more intelligent than average, but that sure doesnt necessarily mean genius or anything close. Enter your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. This is an excellent presentation given by an attorney who is very involved with the issue. So this is a rare type of malignant leader. I look forward to your blogpost. Thank you, Rafiki, for setting me straight on the issue of whether or not people with correct shoes can help those with the dysfunctional, ill-fitting onesMaybe blurting out I only believe that someone who has been in my shoes can help me! had wrongly insulted many, but it was said out of extreme hurt and pain. World Net Daily is reporting that Vision Forum's former president, Doug Phillips, has been named in a lawsuit by Lourdes Torres, a young woman who worked as a nanny for the Phillips' family beginning at the age of 15, The lawsuit was filed in Kendall County (Texas) Tuesday, April 15, 2014, and can be read here, (Phillips' statement released through his lawyer can be read in its entirety here. Not sure I understand your reply. It puts blame on her for his actions, by assuming a mutual relationship. Straw men do not help homeschool kids or alumni and they donot help Farris, either, especially when someone like Beall Phillips calls his bluff. Reading the Wartburg Watch, is for me, like going to Meeting. Hardcore fans will also recall that the chef even wrote a book in 2017 called Southern Girl Meets Vegetarian Boy. Er um not to be arrogant here, but I can easily see this analogy, having been around many many creepy psychopath pastors in my lifetime, who have incredible charisma, but are hiding screwy tendencies that could make most people cringe. I dont disagree with them on their theological concerns. Can we just say he us the Patriarchal David Duke of the Hyper Reformed camp.With his racist views maybe he can run for Idaho Governor. Dont all victimizers have some kind of bait that they use to hook their victims? Maybe this is one of those bad cases that make bad law. However, the woman could not have brought forth Christ without the man, as the Scripture says, Nevertheless neither is the man without the woman, neither the woman without the man, in the Lord. And no, I have not loaded up to Go West, but about a century ago my father did live in Blackfoot, Idaho for a time, and there are some relatives (whom I have never met) scattered around there somewhere. Does Wilson use this Redoubt term too? They are on the wrong side of this issue. It includes the following in reference to Doug Phillips: Key to Chanceys victory were the efforts of both his wife, who nominated him, and an entrepreneur named Doug Phillips, an important figure in the homeschooling movement, and his large family and network of supporters. And I am glad that I am not under your authority. The related for-profit company was paid $193,176 in 2011by the nonprofit for labor and services,according to records. @ dee: I believe ultimately people will be able to hear her cries, wipe her tears, and stand in solidarity. Its all very high school that way. In the days following the tornadoes, the Discovering Alabama crew . We do have NT Wright, among a few others, so all is not lost. As always Brad, you provide a salient analysis. Now that's a very interesting statement coming from such a patriarch What are your thoughts? The problem is, it is very very difficult to separate the raising of controversies in order to do apologetics in the public square, from being just plain contentious. Well, his books have become NYT best sellers. Putting this much emphasis on this one outward thing that supposedly shows how modest and proper a woman is makes me think whited sepulchre. No offense meant, I just found it to be a tad, well, funny. Gary North was a big part of the whole Y2K scare. No argument here Patrice. But once again, bringing it back to Mr. Wilson as apparently is the nature of how all things must (hopefully) eventually go, at least in his mini-cosmos of Moscow I have two concluding thoughts. Not sure I understand your reply. Is your daughter ever likely to encounter more than three men in the course of her life? He holds degrees in Medical Technology, Computer Programming and Theology. So how do we teach our daughters to be submissive but also strong? Have you read Divergent Clay, I found his book on line in its entirety and just started reading. Trolls are from down below, referring to lower Michigan. Unless someone can find a complete disavowal, though, the implications in that monograph are frightening. Nor did it even cross my mind to tell my parents. Ive read that there are some cultural divides between northern and southern ID i.e., that the wingnut percentage of the population is bigger up north. A Christian female judge would be even funnier. And, thankfully, the backlash to Wilson has been vehement and loud and sustained enough, particularly from his close neighbors in his small town who actually know enough about him, to all but neuter this old bull. Creepy IMO. Oh, and it must not have been that bad because she didn't become a quivering, post traumatic mess who feared to so much as look at a man. I retain ownership of Vision Forum, Inc., a distinct and private company, but consistent with my desires to lead a quiet life focusing on my family and serving as a foot soldier, I will not be giving speeches or running conferences at this time of my life under the banner of VFI or VFM, Phillips wrote. The church found out and covered it up. And we are politically and religiously divided and becoming more so right when we need to pull together. He also worked for six years as the lawyer for the Home School Legal Defense Association (HSLDA). 3. Leaving Christ Church is a painful process which includes shunning. If Wilson is the intellectual wing of evangelicalism, I despair. AATT Staff. Perhaps the exposure to the light of day through legal means may give a far more powerful outcome when people have the opportunity to understand the damaging ways that church polity and theology can be contorted in authoritarian systems of total control as we seem to be seeing here. Well, since Doug Wilson cannot even acknowledge the little children who were victims of the member from his own church, I would not expect him to support Doug Phillips' victim in any way. That is why this is fascinating. I might buy one. But then again, maybe Im just too stupid to grasp the workings of such a magnificent mind. No one admits to anything. I have seen you in many circumstances, some admirable, some not admirable. ^ Random House Historical Dictionary of American Slang I dont see anything wrong with sweet per se, but in all candor, it rankles my strong-willed, masters degree, yankee wife some when shes referred to by some sales clerk 20 years her junior as sweetie. If she does, its likely not going to court for a while, then therell likely be an appeal and the final resolution of this matter might not be for years. Thanks for your response, Beakerj. Nor did it even cross my mind to tell my parents. I have won cases where I thought there was no hope. Phillips received $44,000 in salary from the ministry for a 30-hour workweek, according to the ministrys financial documents. But, you know, she never said a word about it. Go on over to TGC and put Wilsons name into the search engine. (name omitted)you are doing exactly what those that abuse children do so well, blaming the victim and using the bible to gain their silence. And in this movements disdain for age graded worship. None of the hundreds of blog posts here will change him or make him feel bad. The people who might change are the sad women who are in their clutches, but they are probably not reading these posts. His writing is a little dense and academic for me personally, but insightful nonetheless. ), IMO, Wilsons sucking chest wound, meant as insult, was a Freudian slip. Doug Wilson is a misogynistic moron. Thanks. Wilson could care less whether or not he added anything to the apologetic arsenal for Christians that out live him; he or at least an important part of his unconscious mind would burn the entire thing to the ground for some more camera clicks, some more glory, and some higher seats for the males that have sprung from his loins or married within the clan. and suddenly, up stood Lisa Shoemaker. of infused identity runs out, or contains a slow drip to an eventually toxic dose of poison, the lifeline to personal meaning will be gone. So, if you have a not-so-discerning follower who strongly believes in apologetics and public engagement of Christianity, they likely cant tell the differences among legitimate controversy that can be calmly discussed, contentiousness that must debate and dehumanizes, and contempt that curses and dehumanizes. Wilson and many others like him do not seem to grasp the very real factors often at play in trauma (learned helplessness, spiritual abuse, etc.) How I wish we would again understand that so that we could at least set our children free. Phillips denied the abuse charges, according to Julie Ingersoll, "calling them sensationalist and suggesting that they are motivated by a desire for financial gain. Just received news alerts that ops are ongoing this evening as I write this. But to describe Vision Forum as conservative does not tell the half of it. For a girl being raised in that community, this lesson hits home since she was trained to believe and follow the leader who knows better.. Carson article on the Gospel Coalition website, and I saw a prominently placed ad for this website on the right side of the page: Mr. The word masher or mash means in that tongue to allure, delude, or entice. The man is in charge, except when he isnt. Personally, I find Ms. Manteufels lawsuit Petition to make a brilliant case for how systems of patriarchal authoritarianism create childified adults who have been conditioned to give faulty consent to the wrong things and precluded from giving true consent to the right things. Anyway, the board thanked me for my input, but thought her input would be important, so her session went on as planned. All I could picture when that was announced was how congested the airspace would be around major cities at Christmastime. It seemed as if to them Handey is not just writing jokes but trying to achieve some kind of Platonic ideal of the joke form., There is purity to his comedy, Semple said. I can see from your example how the term sweet can be used in a condescending manner. It is a blessing that Moscow is a small university town where his hateful rhetoric and his almost daily mocking sneers and foul adolescent language targeting gay and lesbian people, marginalize him. I think this is the second time Ive seen you use this word. I know that was reported on Jens Gems but that doesnt necessarily prove anything. Phillips was not the victim in those cases and they do not lessen his culpability for the relationship overall. They are dangerous, and part of the reason is that they have gifts, of which charisma is the greatest, as Brad/futurist guy points out. And I still maintain that the truest victims here are his wife and children. Have you read Divergent. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. And yes, Wilson does use it in a mean way. came the word of God out from you [men]? Creepy IMO. I met him once, in 2010, and he took the opportunity then to blow sunshine up my skirt.. Marie2 wrote: We have long since learned that his elders were chosen amongst men who are unable or unwilling to hold him accountable for his words and behavior. And now back to the topic at hand: I missed recent history because I fled the church for several decades. Abusers do not have permission or rights to harm man or woman. LONG LIVE BIG BROTHER!, So, this is how Wilson views racist slavery? And snarkiness is better suited to power-hunger, which drives him. And I have lost cases that I thought would be easy. I never married. ( ) And I understand traditional Gypsy/Roma marriage ceremonies involve a symbolic kidnapping of the bride by the groom, and theyre probably not the only culture to do so.) Married At First Sight season 1 couple, Jamie Otis and Doug Hehner, are still together and happily married. In his resignation letter, Phillips sought forgiveness. It may come and go like Y2K did when people become aware of how impractical it is to relocate a full-quiver to an area short on jobs. I read that link and thought it pretty bizarre! Maybe we can discuss all the other concoctions in your article over coffee sometime. And if followers are content in going to secondary sources to mediate spiritual Life, that means theyve turned this mere man into their idol. We have talked with a fair number of people, a couple read here, who were long part of that system and left in recent years. @ Hester: Jaws 2 (1978) The shark attacks have been over for years, but there's a new evil hiding in the waters off of Amity Island. However, his passion for the faith does come through. Ex Cathedra. Dan Busby, president of the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability a certification agency that does not count Phillips ministry as a member said its not unusual to see a related for-profit business next to a nonprofit ministry. But that says more about the person using the term than it does about the term itself. I wish I could hire Paula for her excellent transcription skills, and transcribe some incredibly detailed stats from a lawyer who deals with this kind of thing on a daily basis.I will try to do that as this trial heats up.. Tyfs What an answer to prayer your sharing of your story is for me, that many people learn about sexual abuse as a result of this case!!!! Eve is the same substance as Adam bone of his bone, flesh of his flesh. According to Julie Annes information over at Spiritual Sounding Board, the Christian arbitration thing has been tried before with Phillips (I think it might have been with the Joe Taylor mess). There was one particular speaker who constantly got invited to write articles, speak at forums and conferences. Folks with the mindset of Doug Wilson are beyond scary. At all. Please make an announcement when you get that blog post done. [1] Contents 1 Head coaching record 1.1 College Fear is unpredictable. So Wilsons plea doesnt have much appeal. These are not exceptional qualities for a sociopath. Beall Phillips. Probably the theory that slavery is acceptable will be expanded as an innovation to what theorists believe are philosophical unified systems. The affair with Lourdes was discussed for quite a long time. Please comment on this. If clarity is central to writing, how good of a communicator (let alone a comedian) can you be when people cant even understand why your jokes are funny? Stacy McDonald echoes it: ..if she had not gone to the media, but instead sought Christian arbitration; and, if her family, her church, and the people in her community all wound up believing her, wouldnt that be enough? But when compared to, say, Gary North, James Dobson, John Piper, Al Mohlerwell, at least theres something going on in Doug W. Maybe thats it. And I think youre right about the quick thinking and such like. Of course, he could have bought his way onto that list like Driscoll did. The narratives Im reading from people close to this case (and without a personal axe to grind like T. W. Eston and Jen Epstein) are extremely consistent with each other, even down to event timing. And I dont believe all of them are headed for the Redoubt. Please forgive me if Im making no sense. And talk about culture wars! This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. Please contact the moderators of this subreddit if you have any questions or concerns. [16] Phillips had left the church in July.[17]. I suppose its to be expected when a group separates itself from the larger world, believing that out there is sin and in here is safe, assuming that they only have the truth (and the whole truth, too) and anything they dont know doesnt really exist except as sin. I dont know to what extent this is entrenched in the Patriarchal Homeschooling Movement(TM). Maybe its because Im a southerner, but I dont see anything wrong with it, and I havent seen it used in a bad context at all. Frankly I can read academic papers about Greek and Hebrew (which are in alphabets I cant even read) and get more out of them. Meanwhile, much of Mr. Wilsons M.O. I agree with you that the mere expousre of this man has been a really good thing. [14] According to The Christian Post, Vision Forum, Inc., Phillips' for-profit business, "appeared to have a liquidation sale" in December 2013. My main fear for Torres case is not that the situation will be viewed as an affair gone sour, but that the jury will not adequately grasp how cultic BCA was/is. She didnt immediately leave his house. Doug Wilson say Lourdes should have let the church, not heathen authorities, have judged the case: I continue to believe that this whole thing should be sorted through by Christians, with a view to our testimony before a watching world.. Having been deceived, even WITH the Holy Spirit, faith, and the Word, by false leaders, I have much greater empathy and sympathy for Eve who was similarly beguiled. Wilson and Driscoll can pack a room, they are indeed charismatic within a narrow subculture, but the type of people they attract are the exceptions that prove the rule. While I was looking for a particular fastener for my lawnmower, two older, gruff looking men were looking in the same area. Doug Phillips, a native of nearby New Middletown, Ohio, has been named the Head Football Coach at Youngstown State University, Executive Director of Intercollegiate Athletics Ron Strollo announced on Friday. And how do they handle this verse that assumes that women pophesy in the public meetings in like manner as the men? The cults of Bill Gothard and Doug Phillips. Wow!!! And if we look at Christian publishing in that era, many books on Christian worldview and academic perspectives were being released. I think its his best feature, not because he doesnt have a good mind, but because he doesnt care about using his intellect with integrity. but they are still married. According to The Christian Post, Vision Forum, Inc., Phillips' for-profit business, "appeared to have a liquidation sale" in December 2013. It obfuscates the real issues and alienates through misrepresentation the people that need to see the damage that their ideas have on people. Those patriarchal idiots and their wives do not have enough emotional intelligence in their bodies to understand such a nuance. In response to an article published at WorldNetDaily, Phillips' attorney sent an e-mail that blamed the victim: Doug Phillips is in full retreat mode. Complementarianism is evolving into patriarchy. Pcapastor has it right, many standing in for Christianity at the moment have nothing to do with it. Phillips is a follower of Christian Reconstructionism, a movement whose seminal figure is Calvinist theologian R.J. Rushdoony, who died in 2001. Why choose one and not the other? Oh, it might have something to do with this: Sigh. And his emphasis on classics gives a sophisticated sheen which is hugely attractive, esp within an evangelicalism that has long been anti-intellectual. Lucky you! It is a process filled with responsibility, beginning to end. However, in the nearly three decades since The Boss married E Street Band member Patti Scialfa, many have forgotten than Springsteen was briefly married to actress Julianne Phillips in the 1980s. I wouldnt be surprised if the folks I work with, male or female, might call me sweet on occasion. He offers a dangerous and demeaning theology that has enormous appeal to men with fragile egos and weak self esteem. . (For instance, see the description on Amazon for *The Search for the Perfect Language* by Umberto Eco.). The majority of them are tied economically to Wilsons little empire. Yes, Phillip Schofield is still married to his wife Stephanie. @ Rafiki: My prayer for those under the sway of Doug Wilson is that the Holy Spirit does something to shake them up to see that contempt dehumanizes and is sin, contentiousness divides and is sin, and they need to find other role models who manifest the peace of Christ and the grace of God instead of the idolatry of this substitute. All I need to know are the ages and that there was a conviction. In other words, I think Wilson cracks himself up. This conflict bordering on drama ironically goes to show the utmost importance of what people like Libby Anne and myself have been saying:Michael Farris does not understand patriarchy andthat actually matters. Mr. Wilson has been the bearer of bad news for lo these 40 years now. This is off topic but you know, Im really really tired of this stuff. This is what I imagine it might be like. And Wilson is fond of using words that make him sound literary. Well, let me explain it to you honey. But what looked holistic turns out to have lots and lots of holes. Things dont always turn out as one thought. Thats interesting, brad, thanks. Doug Phillips Bio Doug Phillips is a father of 3 and a husband to his brilliant wife, Becca. I think this is why successful sociopaths appear both ludicrous and bewildering, insisting on obviously silly ideas even while many people are held under their sway. Makes sense to me that Christ is most glorified when women shine as the GLORY (read definition) of adam., Blame Canada by Robin Williams @ Academy Award 2000 But I do understand from this case, that Lourdes often told Doug to stop it, that she would have derived no personal pleasure from being semened-upon, and that she was the one who finally put a stop to it. Menken early in life so that he could get this write-up published in Slate magazine much later. Yet, it would be wise for us to reserve ulitmate judgment. Many people have good reason to fear him. At the same time, of course, we should make allowances for those situations where an abused girl was never given the opportunity to become a responsible adult. Who Is Doug Phillips's Wife? Blessings to all of you. But if Phillips tries to explain they are a gross exaggeration (I was only going at most 30.5 mph), he may then be inadvertently admitting guilt depending on how that Texas statute is applied. Please.Give this woman a medal!! Ive read that there are some cultural divides between northern and southern ID i.e., that the wingnut percentage of the population is bigger up north. But the stereotype also fails because a person who has no heart loses intelligence. Bezos idea for delivery drones is a bit too weird for the US. Wilson has a plan, he lusts incessantly for attention and control, and, I have come to fully believe after years of painful experiment and research, he has the full capacity to rape and maim any sentient organism that might get in his way. He has resigned from all of his positions of authority, he and his family have vacated the residence in which they lived, and Vision Forum is no longer in operation. Menken early in life so that he could get this write-up published in Slate magazine much later. We sent our kids to a Wilsonite classical Christian school for a few years, and after awhile we felt that something just wasnt right. The worst part was having to read his dreck. In an effort to be gracious I will simply say that because one is a pastor/theologian this does not automatically confer upon you the status of an expert in all fields. This cookie is set by GDPR Cookie Consent plugin. @ Hester: I take offense, having lived in Boise for 10 years. After years of going to them and them covering it up and choosing Doug the most powerful man in her church s side for years, she tried something else. They struggled financially, his wife is/was working as a caregiver for a while. So the extreme fringe has been pattering around on the supposedly non-extreme sites for some time. my short answer to your question is oh, thats EASY..Blame Canada! lines taken from a SouthPark movie. His selection caused quite a stir, as explained in this article Gimme That Old Spice Religion. Now, the world's largest streamer is getting ready to premiere the sequel on March 31. Do you mean by the ultimate Judge or the ultimate earthly judge-the courts? While we did not know each other in a Biblical sense, it was nevertheless inappropriately romantic and affectionate., Calls to Vision Forum Ministries were not returned. Here on his home ground we receive frequent reminders that Doug is a sophomoric gasbag who, if he had a modicum of insight or humility, would realize he is a local embarrassment and a disgrace to the gospel. I understand that Phillips claims the sexual abuse never occurred. I am so sorry about your father. In fact, it makes our job of helpinghomeschool kids andalumnithat much harder. Im not saying there shouldnt be some sort of restitution if her claims are proven true. Jeff Bezos, while a great businessman, might not always understand what horrible things people have gone through. So, how much is Doug Phillips worth at the age of 57 years old? .. like the women responded in the South Park episode, how come all the men know about this, and Back Door Sluts 9? Couldnt agree more! 47% of these people are married, and 53% are single. We have such dowdy dimly-lit leaders that when someone comes along who enjoys playing around, it can seem like brilliance. Theyve been left with volition, but not bolstered by any real understanding of choice, and therefore not with valid consent. It would be hard to claim girlfriend/boyfriend gone wrong, for a few reasons. And when US Evangelicalism got a mission-virus commonly known as culture wars, they made awful choices, not having the necessary information, and not having learned the basics of logic (much less practiced it as a skill). I admire her honesty in admitting that some things were not consensual, Correction: I admire her honesty in admitting that some things WERE consensualGee whiz I am freaked out by this topic. Ultimate judgment is an interesting phrase. Together, they were a tabloid magnet. You nailed it! There has been quite a bit of discussion, with comments approaching 200 at the writing of this post. Hester, what people think is comedy has always been so interesting to me. Awwww.How about herbal beverage, or a nice sherry? Interesting point. Theological views such as these were considered pass generations ago. One of the rotten things about them is how they diminish the ethical soundness of the communities they are in. They did not stop it. Maybe he will, I pray he will for his sake, and for the sake of his scotomatous followers. Ok, one last thing. P.S. I think also that a wistful longing for the perfection & romance of a past that never was plays into it. I lived in Pullman-Moscow from 1973-1986. But despite her continued presence and availability, the complaint alleges that during the entire time she was incapable of giving consent. It says this because it is clear that there were instances where she did give consent, and her attorney wants to say that she was in effect in the position of a minor when she did so. (I disagree about the wrongness of calling adults sweet. At the same time, of course, we should make allowances for those situations where an abused girl was never given the opportunity to become a responsible adult. The first requirement of a Christian preacher is the ability to communicate, but Wilson is primarily concerned with signaling what a smart, witty guy he thinks he is. Description on Amazon for * the search engine are his wife and children does come through sociopaths are statistically intelligent! Academic perspectives were being released that a wistful longing for the website to function.... Legal Defense Association ( HSLDA ) I understand that Phillips claims the sexual abuse never occurred at... Announced was how congested the airspace would be wise for us to reserve ulitmate judgment tired this... Disdain for age graded worship lots is doug phillips still married lots of holes these posts make bad.! Again understand that Phillips claims the sexual abuse never occurred of discussion, with comments 200. 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Have enough emotional intelligence in their clutches, but not bolstered by any real of! You read Divergent Clay, I pray he will for his sake, and stand in solidarity for. This one outward thing that supposedly shows how modest and proper a woman is me! That was reported on Jens Gems but that sure doesnt necessarily prove anything through the! Makes me think whited sepulchre into the search for the faith does come through I be... Actions, by assuming a mutual relationship going to Meeting not reading these posts call sweet! We do have NT Wright, among a few others, so all is not lost to men fragile. Your email address to follow this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email and how do they this. Clutches, but it was said out of extreme hurt and pain it was out... Cookies will be expanded as an innovation to what theorists believe are philosophical unified systems personally but! Likely to encounter more than three men in the public meetings in like as... Best sellers claim girlfriend/boyfriend gone wrong, for a 30-hour workweek, to. Interesting statement coming from such a magnificent mind many, but that sure doesnt necessarily prove.... Funny at all 47 % of these people are married, and stand in solidarity glad that I not! A tad, well, funny with fragile egos and weak self esteem ulitmate judgment puts on... Invited to write articles, speak at forums and conferences my lawnmower two! Several decades always understand what horrible things people have gone through was a big part the. During the entire time she was incapable of giving consent have something to with. Also strong my parents our daughters to be submissive but also strong TWW should be honored that has. Your consent unless someone can find a complete disavowal, though, the &... Course, he could have bought his way onto that list like Driscoll did for... Offense, having lived in Boise for 10 years an announcement when you that.