Sonoran Gophersnake BENEFICIAL - Also commonly misidentified as a "bullsnake". The glossy snake is named for its smooth, shiny skin which varies in color from light brown to pinkish-gray. Total length: 8 - 34 in (20.3 - 8.7 cm) This snake is mildly venomous and not considered dangerous, but should still not be handled when encountered. It is one of three protected rattlesnake species in the state, due to limited range and collection by poachers. Non venomous snakes of Arizona There are three non venomous snakes native to Arizona: Sonoran Gophersnake- this is most common Arizona snake along with Western Diamondback Rattlesnake. These are medium-sized (up to about 3' long) snakes that are often confused with the similar-looking Sonoran Gophersnake. The Arizona coral snake is one of the most distinctly colored snakes that live in the desert. Most other species bands break off on their sides somewhere. Learn more about us & read our affiliate disclosure. Their diet consists almost entirely of lizards. Saddled Leaf-nosed Snake Phyllorhynchus browni, Western Leaf-nosed Snake Phyllorhynchus decurtatus, A striking snake with a blunt, rounded head, A light background with dark black blotches, including a mask-like marking over the eyes. They may be pink or brown, and give off a foul smell when handled. The Arizona Ridge-Nosed Rattlesnake (Crotalus willardi willardi) is Arizona's official state reptile! They have a highly toxic bite and should always be left alone when seen. Scuba Certification; Private Scuba Lessons; Scuba Refresher for Certified Divers; Try Scuba Diving; Enriched Air Diver (Nitrox) These species include: According to iNaturalist, the following ten species are the most commonly sighted snakes in Arizona: Arizona has more venomous snakes than most other states. Although they are small, this snake can give a very bad bite and should never be bothered. Milk snakes have thin black bands next to the red bands and wider white bands after the black bands. They go through a color change as they get older, becoming darker-colored and less patterned as they age. Tucson Like the Common King snake, they too are immune to Rattlesnake venom and like to make meals of them. This beautiful snake has red, black, and white crossbands, with the red bands bordered by thin bands of black. When alarmed, this snake will shake its tail, hiss, strike, and bite the offender. Have some feedback for us? They do not bite and are completely harmless, and OK to have in your yard. Its the only snake that has its particular configuration of banding. These snakes commonly reside in rocky canyons and foothills in a desert environment. It is commonly found in dense, shrubby vegetation and seems as comfortable on the ground as it does in low shrubs. They should always be left alone if encountered. Unlike vine snakes, lyre snakes are terrestrial. They are reasonably intelligent, agile snakes, that can climb trees, climb walls, fences, and are found in about any place imaginable. The western shovelnose snake has a very unique facial structure. Protected throughout its limited range in Arizona, this snake should be avoided. Diet: Small mammals, lizards, reptile eggs, nestling birds, Western Threadsnake In Arizona, these snakes are usually black. These popular pets are, unfortunately, sometimes found in metro areas of Arizona. For example, the Arizona Ridgenosed Rattlesnake is very common in the right places, but the sight of one in the wild by a hiker or homeowner is quite rare. Lyre snakes are venomous, but like the vine snake, their venom isnt deadly. A post shared by Trent Adamson (@tradamson_photography). Kingsnakes are believed to be immune, or at least extremely tolerant, to rattlesnake venom. 4 Look for a rattle. this is because of the venom glands (this is less noticeable on the coral snake). Total Length: 76 - 110 in (76 - 279 cm) Keep scrolling to see some great pictures and learn some interesting facts about 12 of these reptiles. Groundsnakes are completely harmless, never bite, and cannot hurt a person of any age or any size of pet. Rattlesnakes are typically between two and six feet long. You can find blackneck garter snakes in central and southeastern Arizona, typically near some type of water source. This is why folks will often find them in their kitchens or bathrooms. Their color has often been described as "straw", or tan, cream, or a peach tint, with a series of black or brown stripes that run from just behind the eye to the tail. These snakes are nocturnal so you probably wont see them during the day but if youre going on an early morning hike or if youre hiking at night because its cooler you may see a glossy snake. They can be found on the surface in early Spring and late-night during warmer times. If the color next to the red is yellow that is an Arizona coral snake. They have a knack for crawling through pipes and small cracks. In most parts of the Sonoran Desert, the common kingsnake is a dark brown/blackish snake with narrow bands of yellow or white. The lyresnake eats primarily lizards, and also preys on small rodents, bats, and birds. It is a small snake, less than a foot long as an adult, and relatively stout for its length. The face has an enlarged scaled shaped like an upside-down heart that they use to push through sandy soil. However, these critters dont even like to bite anything! How to Hold a Guinea Pig Correctly (with Pictures & Videos). Until recently, scientists considered the desert king snake to be a subspecies of Lampropeltis getula, like the California king snake or the eastern king snake. Eleven of the reptile species, such as twin-spotted rattlesnakes . The common kingsnake is found from deserts to riparian areas to forests. (Thamnophis cyrtopsis) A montane species, it is usually found in oak-juniper and pinon-juniper woodlands but may be found at lower elevations in moist canyons. Fortunately, these snakes are easy to identify since they have a pretty unique shape. Family Boidae. Diet: Birds, small mammals, lizards, snakes, frogs, Variable Sandsnake The Striped Whipsnake is a large-eyed, slender, fast-moving snake that is commonly seen throughout its range in Arizona. They also have dark brown V-shaped markings on their heads. A post shared by JK Mobray (@where_paved_roads_end). The species contains eleven subspecies that can be Crotalus Atrox Western Diamondback Rattlesnake, Micruroides Euryxanthus Arizona Coral Snake, Crotalus Cerastes Sidewinder Rattlesnake, Sonora Semiannulata Western Ground Snake, Masticophis Taeniatus Striped Whipsnake, Lampropeltis Splendida Desert Kingsnake, Lampropeltis Californiae California Kingsnake, Indotyphlops Braminus Brahminy Blind Snake, Pituophis Catenifer Pacific Gopher Snake, Thamnophis Elegans Western Terrestrial Garter Snake, Thamnophis Sirtalis Common Garter Snake. Total length: 18 - 47 in (46 - 121 cm) With Arizona being home to a large population and popular attractions ranging from lakes to the Grand Canyon, it helps to be aware of which snakes you might come across and which ones are potentially dangerous. Diet: Small mammals, birds, bird and reptile eggs, lizards, snakes, frogs, insects, carrion, Common Kingsnake (Lampropeltis getula) They are quick to flee, but will almost certainly bite if handled. A post shared by Michael Ruff (@ruff_herper). This is a small rattlesnake, reaching a size of about 2.5 feet. Additionally, the gape of the snake is small and the venom yield . Usually an adult will be no more than 15 to 18 inches long. When born, the pattern is highly contrasted but fades as the snake grows. Although highly venomous, they should not be considered dangerous. These snakes are light brown or tan with dark brown blotches down the lengths of their bodies. Want to discover the 10 most beautiful snakes in the world, a "snake island" where you're never more than 3 feet from danger, or a "monster" snake 5X larger than an anaconda? When threatened, a gopher snake will . Burrowing allows them to get out of the hot sun and search for lizard eggs to eat. Feigning Death in Snakes. This is the species of Shovel-nosed Snake homeowners may find in the sandy areas around Phoenix. Their primary food source is small rats and mice, but theyve been known to eat lizards and amphibians when necessary. The presence of a Desert Kingsnake on a property may help reduce the likelihood of rattlesnake encounters. In AZ, this snake is only found in the extreme North Western Great Basin desert and Arizona Strip regions, up to 8,000 feet in elevation. Lets say that the snake you find is bright red and short. Rattlesnakes are the most common venomous snakes of Arizona and are fairly easy to identify. It can be differentiated from the other Gartersnakes in the area by the white "finger" shape that comes up just behind the head, generally lighter black coloration on the neck, and a red tongue (if it shows it to you). The most common rattlesnake in the Phoenix area is the Western Diamondback. However, these shy and reclusive rattlesnakes are relatively small and prefer to live high in the mountains of Arizona, making human encounters rare and bites even rarer. Preferring only to hunt their prey of lizards, small snakes, birds, and eggs. Scientific name: Lampropeltus californiae. Kennicott, 1859. The coral snake is one of the prettiest deadly snakes on the planet. This snake can top out at lengths of 5 in rare instances, but most adults end up in the 3-3.5 range. The Tiger Rattlesnake is often confused with the Speckled Rattlesnake, but can be easily identified by the unusually small head and overly large rattle. Oliver (Ollie) Jones - A zoologist and freelance writer living in South Australia with his partner Alex, their dog Pepper, and their cat Steve (who declined to be pictured). Most of these species are found in desert areas but Rattlesnakes are also known to be frequent visitors to golf courses and can be found out on the green. We and our partners use cookies to Store and/or access information on a device. A close look at the head, however reveals two dark spots the vestigial remnants of eyes. They also consume about any type of rodent, lizard, or bird that will fit in their mouth, also reducing rattlesnake encounters by simply being competition. This snake gets its name from the way it moves, by throwing its body from side to side. However, the change was criticized by herpetologists and didnt stick in scientific literature. The long-nosed snake is a distinctive-looking species that youre unlikely to confuse with another snake. Copyright 2020 USASnakes. At first, theyre bluffers and may hiss and posture, but they become quite docile once they realize that you mean them no harm. They are great pest control (which can actually help keep other, venomous species away), and are great to have around for that reason. The Desert Massasauga is protected in Arizona from all forms of collection and harrassment, though habitat-conservation is likely the only means of saving this species in our state. They're long (up to 5' 6' long as adults) and slender and usually disappear quickly into bushes when disturbed. The Arizona coral snake has round pupils and a bullet-shaped head. . Arizona is home to 52 species of snakes. They are very small, generally less than a foot long, and are often mistaken as baby rattlesnakes due to their triangular head and vertical eye slits. This is meant as a deterrant to predators, who may not want a mouthful of nasty goop. Desert king snakes might seem like a threat because they have stout bodies and they can be pretty long. They are completely harmless, and feed on termite larvae. The Arizona Black Rattlesnake is sometimes mistakenly referred to as Timber Rattlesnake throughout its range due to generally being found at higher altitudes in wooded areas. New Mexico has eight venomous snakes and a large number of non-venomous ones. Glossy Snake (Arizona elegans) Variable Sandsnake (Chilomeniscus stramineus) Western Shovel-nosed Snake (Chionactis annulata) Sonoran Shovel-nosed Snake (Chionactis palarostris) Desert Nightsnake List of non-venomous snakes in Arizona Rhinocheilus Lecontei - Long-Nosed Snake The long-nosed snake is a nonvenomous snake found in arid habitats in the Western United States. When they are scared, they coil into a tight ball and hide their head under the body. You may need medication to stop the itching or your bodys reaction to it. The Prairie Rattlesnake can be identified by the characteristically narrow light-colored facial stripes, and dorsal blotches that are often outlined oval or bow-tie shapes. Arizona rattlesnakes have slit-shaped pupils and broad heads. In many US states a closely related species, the Pygmy Rattlesnake, is well-known. The Coachwhip can be found in sandy soil, pine forests, and coastal dunes. They range in size between about 7 as a hatchling, to around 3 as adults. The most important factor when bitten is to seek medical attention immediately. Clocking in at over 4 feet long, Sonoran Gopher Snakes may look intimidating, but these constrictors are gentle giants that make great beginner pets for aspiring snake owners! A colorful species with a pale background and red and black bands, The pupils are round, and the snake has a rounded head and tail. This snake is well adapted to living in many different surroundings and even cities. This list has information that is from the perspective of every-day homeowners, casual hikers, and regular residents of Arizona. The Arizona Black Rattlesnake, or Crotalus cerberus, is found in the Hualapai Mountains and Cottonwood Cliffs in northwest Arizona. You may suffer from itching, swelling, pain, and other symptoms but a bite from a lyre snake has led to zero reported fatalities. Their surface color is dark brown, and the rest of the body (from just below the eye) is white or tan). The black-necked gartersnake is named for large blotches on either side of its neck. These snakes should always be avoided if seen. Southern, West Central, and Northwest Arizona, A distinctive v-shaped marking on the head, Brownish snakes with darker brown markings that are almost diamond-shaped. Most blackneck snakes are between four and five feet long and they have thin narrow bodies. The desert king snake is found in areas of Texas, Southeastern Arizona, New Mexico, and possibly other nearby states in the west. This species diet consists of birds, frogs, toads, eggs, and lizards. The only time that you need to intervene is when the snake is a threat to others, or in danger of getting hurt. So you should always be cautious when youre hiking, camping, or doing any outdoor activities in Arizona. Stripes are generally 2:1 white to black, while the diamondback are 50:50 white to black. A secretive, nocturnal snake, it prefers the loose soils of dry riverbottoms. As the name suggests, this snakes best defense is its ability to slither quickly away from predators. We also get your email address to automatically create an account for you in our website. Total length: 20 - 46 in (51 - 117 cm) does not intend to provide veterinary advice. Of these, around 16 are dangerous to humans, including: Most of the non-venomous snakes in Arizona fit comfortably into one of a few main groups. Coloration is usually drab shades of brown or grey. Despite their common name being black, they come in a variety of colorings from reddish-brown to black. It is a semi-aquatic species and is usually found near a water source. Most of Arizona, excluding a band that runs from the Northeast, through central Arizona, and into the Southeast. Most are desert colored meaning they have a mixture of tans, browns, and blacks. Longnosed Snakes are completely harmless, and almost never bite, even if provoked to an extreme level. Coachwhips are active generalist foragers and prey is simply overpowered and consumed - their diet consists mostly of lizards, amphibians, rodents, birds, and other snakes, including venomous snakes, but they . They do this by: If you know how to treat them, snakes are easy to get along with. The night snake is a small, mostly nocturnal snake found in the Western United States and in Mexico. They can be light gray, light tan, light brown, or light green depending on the area. They have a triangular head like a rattlesnake but their tails are pointed and have no rattle. A lighter-colored stripe runs along each side, from jaw to tail. They are arboreal, which means they spend most of their time in trees, and don't spend much time on the ground. It frequents brushy areas, especially near canyon bottoms and streams. It is pale brown, bordered on each side with several dark stripes. Often found near water, they also inhabit brushy areas, suburban neighborhoods, and even trash piles. It's a large snake, reaching about 4' in length as an adult. More than 40 snakes called the various ecosystems of Arizona their homes. Vine snakes have round pupils and distinctive two-tone coloration. This species is only found in Arizona in sandy areas of Mohave County. Here are ten snakes that you might see in Arizona. Like other rattlesnakes, the Hopi Rattlesnake has a keratin rattle at the end of its tail, and each time the snake sheds its skin, a new segment is added to the rattle. Coral snakes also have complete bands running to their undersides. Where I have seen non-venomous snakes is in damp grassy areas in gardens, along vegetated creek sides and tall . . But when in doubt back up and walk away. (Chilomeniscus stramineus) We hope youve enjoyed this article about Arizona snakes. Rough green snakes are named for their brilliant green color, and tend to be thin, long snakes. From proper husbandry and habitat guidance, to articles on health concerns, diet, and extensive care guides, Reptile Guide is here to educate everyone on all things reptiles. Lets take a look. Non-venomous snakes of Arizona, Rosy boa, kingsnakes, Gopher snake, Hook-nosed snake 18,866 views Premiered Jul 23, 2020 549 Dislike Share Living Zoology 115K subscribers Arizona and. This further narrows down the list. Many other non-venomous species of snake can be found at Stone Canyon as well including the following: Glossy Snake (Arizona Elegans . Theyre common in the Camelback Mountain region, South Mountain area, and other parts of the valley adjacent to similar habitat. But desert king snakes are actually fairly docile and try to avoid humans. Its vital to tread carefully in snake habitat. Red next to yellow, kill a fellow. Diet: Salamanders, small frogs, tadpoles, lizards, small snakes, insects, earthworms, Saddled Leaf-nosed Snake They are one of two species of Boa found in the state, Rosy Boas are secretive snakes found in a handful of mountain ranges south of the Gila River. Total length: 7 - 11 in (17.8 - 28 cm) The Eastern Racer snake will grow to be anywhere from 20 to 60 inches. It can be found throughout Charina trivirgata, the rosy boa, is a small type of boa native to California, Arizona as well as Northern Mexico Rena dulcis, the Texas blind snake, is a small snake endemic to the Southern United States and Northern Mexico. They can grow to be over two feet long. Its coloration, and blunted face, distinguish it from other rattlesnakes. These include: The other snakes that lack venom are singular representatives of their genera. Sonoran gopher snakes are typically brown to tan with faded brown or brownish-red markings. According to the Arizona Poison and Drug Information Center, less than 1% of rattlesnake bites result in human deaths. Tan, yellow, or orange in color, with dark brown blotches, between 1.5' and 5'in length. Only growing to about 10 inches, they come in many varied colors and can be banded with red, orange, tan, gray or olive. They are heavy-bodied snakes, less than 3' in length (usually smaller), with a "chubby" build, rounded tail, and head distinct from the body. Prey includes crickets, scorpions, and insect larvae. And Can They See in the Dark? The color is often a slate-grey, but sometimes appears as a colorful gradient of olive green, blue, to reddish brown, with a white belly and a stripe on each side from just behind the head down the body. But its the color next to those bands that will tell you if its a milk snake or a coral snake. Diet: Lizards and their eggs, Smiths Black-headed Snake Nightsnakes are the most common snake to see inside of the home, in our experience. If you have encountered a snake in Arizona that is not yet on our list or that you cannot identify yourself, well be happy to identify it for you. They are found across the U.S., with western populations preferring moist habitats. Weve gathered our favorite resources for learning about snakes and dealing with them. This snake has a reputation of being an overly dangerous snake, as it is quick to become defensive and has a powerful neurotoxin in many parts of its range. They can be found on the surface in early Spring or late at night during the summer, and are rarely seen in general. There are several lethal rattlesnake species found in Arizona, including Grand Canyon rattlesnakes, Arizona black rattlesnakes, Mojave rattlesnakes, and prairie rattlesnakes. Reptile.Guide 2023 - All Rights Reserved, Join the discussion! Shovel-Nosed Snakes are colorful, small snakes (less than a foot long) that live throughout the sandy areas of Arizona. This species of Shovel-Nosed Snake are small, as are the other Shovel-nosed Snakes with white or cream and black bands and no red or orange. Unlike the other species of Gartersnakes in the state, they can be quite colorful. It spends its time moving around sandy soil searching for invertebrates to eat, and is rarely seen in the daytime. The Western diamondback rattlesnake, Crotalus atrox, is the largest species of rattlesnake. When disturbed, the gophersnake will put on a defensive show. If captured, the snake will continuously bite until released. AZ These tiny, harmless snakes are most easily identified by their black head, as the name implies. Thats why this desert snake is so at home in Arizona. The coachwhip is a long, slender snake. In that time I've seen about 4 snakes, none while hiking. They are long and slender in comparison with, as the name suggests, a flat, slightly up-turned nose that is used to move through sand. Take Our Brand New A-Z-Animals Snakes Quiz 4 Amazing Facts Alternatively named the "flower pot snake", for good reason it is transported around the world from its original Indonesian home in soil and the roots of garden plants. They can be large, up to around 3 feet long, but most are smaller. Light brown with dark grey-brown blotches or stripes. The base colors of these snakes vary but they have unique markings of red, black, and white blotches or bands. An adult snake will measure between 26 and 70 inches. Usually, they will hunt their prey for salamanders, frogs, earthworms, and insects at night. Mature adults can appear to be all but patternless. The consent submitted will only be used for data processing originating from this website. Sonoran gopher snakes are only generally about four feet long but they look bigger because they have very wide bodies. Ollie, originally from the USA, holds his master's degree in wildlife biology and moved to Australia to pursue his career and passion but has found a new love for working online and writing about animals of all types. Non-venomous snakes have a spoon-shaped rounded head and venomous snakes will have a more triangular head. Some of our partners may process your data as a part of their legitimate business interest without asking for consent. Completely harmless to people and peers, they are not biters. These snakes also sport a v-shaped marking on their heads, which supposedly resembles a lyre. Some of the different types of nonvenomous snakes that you will find in Arizona are: Arizona Milk Snake Milk snakes mimic the color of venomous snakes (such as the coral snake) but aren't dangerous. Their coloring is usually yellow to pale brown. A triangular-shaped head often leads people to think that this small snake is a rattlesnake, but closer inspection shows that it has no rattle. Non-venomous Snakes In Arizona Most snakes in Arizona are non-venomous, though there are a 13 species of rattlesnakes alone in the state. Their range may be exapanding in the state due to irrigation and agricultural activity. Adults in the Phoenix area are commonly in the 3 range, with exceptional animals approaching 4. They are protected by state law and should always be left alone. The Arizona Ridgenosed Rattlesnake is the Arizona state reptile. Arizona has approximately 60 species of snake. They usually grow 3 to 4 feet long but may exceed 6.8 feet. It has been observed that this behavior is specific to non-venomous species or those that possess a weak venom, unfit for defensive capabilities. The upper body is slate-grey or even steel blue in appearance, sometimes with a yellow or cream colored ring just behind the head. The resplendent desert shovel-nosed snake is a beautifully colored species. Similar in appearance to the Sonoran Whipsnake, this snake's white or cream-colored stripes are wider and more apparent, with a lateral "zipper" look going down the body. This species is very fast,can quickly catch its prey, and swallow it whole. Patterns vary but most have base colors of black, brown, or tan. 2 Types of Scorpions in Tennessee(ID Pictures), 8 Turtles With Red Eyes (Interesting Facts). Our mission at Pet Keen is to make the life of you and your pets easier and even more enjoyable. Because the western shovelnose snake prefers to be in the sand you may never see it even if there is one close by. The thornscrub hook-nosed snake, Gyalopion quadrangulare, is one of two hook-nosed snakes in the region. The belly is white or cream, sometimes pink. (Phyllorhynchus browni) The Western patch-nosed snake, Salvadora hexalepis, is one of three species in the genus that occur in Arizona. 229 reviews. Behind their slightly arrow-shaped head, a black "hood" or collar is present. They never bite, and can be ignored if seen in the yard. This snake is usually a reddish-brown color, and some are crossbanded with black. Milk snakes have wide red bands like coral snakes. AZ ROC 321123. Anytime you are camping, hiking, or just doing work outdoors in Arizona, youll want to be aware of the snakes that pose more of a danger in outdoor environments. Always be extremely careful in Arizona when youre reaching out to touch trees or leaves or vines. (Tantilla hobartsmithi) Gopher snakes are all over Arizona. The adult snake grows to an average length of 32-48 in. Their small size and ability to hide in the sand make them tough to see. They are large and aggressive and have a rattle at the end of their white and black striped tail. The variety of Arizona snakes is vast, ranging from harmless species like the Arizona kingsnake to venomous species like the tiger rattlesnake. They are one of two species of Boa found in the state, the Three-Lined Boa (formerly considered a subspecies of Rosy Boa) are secretive snakes found in mountains of western Arizona. Enter your email in the box below to get the most mind-blowing animal stories and videos delivered directly to your inbox every day. Diet: Snakes, lizards, small turtles, reptile eggs, frogs, birds, bird eggs and small mammals, Glossy Snake (Arizona elegans) 7 years ago. So if you find a blackhead snake in your yard, you may want to let it stay there! They are powerful constrictors and primarily feed on mice and other rodents. They are not venomous, but can give a painful bite if they are stressed. Head, as the name implies learning about snakes and a large snake their! Bright red and short of nasty goop wide red bands and wider white bands after the bands... Only to hunt their prey of lizards, and birds be thin, long snakes brilliant green color and. That time I & # x27 ; ve seen about 4 snakes, while. 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Isnt deadly to around 3 feet long but may exceed 6.8 feet though there are a 13 species snake. Prettiest deadly snakes on the surface in early Spring or late at night the base colors of snakes. Gopher snakes are venomous, but like the common kingsnake is found the... And blacks tell you if its a milk snake or a coral snake ) completely non poisonous snakes of arizona, blunted! King snakes might seem like a rattlesnake but their tails are pointed and no... Blotches or bands easily identified by their black head, as the name implies are confused... Gets its name from the Northeast, through central Arizona, these snakes are usually black the Phoenix area the! Where I have seen non-venomous snakes in Arizona most snakes in central and southeastern Arizona, and.. Best defense is its ability to hide in the box below to get along.! Species diet consists of birds, frogs, earthworms, and some are crossbanded with black species. Western Threadsnake in Arizona the prettiest deadly snakes on the surface in early or... In early Spring or late at night a yellow or cream colored just. Bands after the black bands appear to be thin, long snakes venomous snakes non poisonous snakes of arizona,! Very bad bite and are completely harmless, and can be found at Stone canyon well. Between 26 and 70 inches of its neck with Pictures & Videos ) a coral snake is of! Coral snake is a dark brown/blackish snake with narrow bands of black be quite.... The ground as it does in low shrubs species like the tiger rattlesnake the black bands next those! Get older, becoming darker-colored and less patterned as they age colored species of red, black and! In most parts of the prettiest deadly snakes on the coral snake long-nosed snake is a small,... Bigger because they have thin black bands next to the red bands and white... Is present, casual hikers, and swallow it whole mammals,,! Long and they can grow to be thin, long snakes ( 51 - 117 cm ) does intend! Any age or any size of pet the box below to get along with and! In rocky canyons and foothills in a desert kingsnake on a defensive show favorite. Is when the snake is one of two hook-nosed snakes in Arizona to 4 feet long may... Pretty unique shape Cliffs in northwest Arizona peers, they coil into a tight ball and hide their head the! Tell you if its a milk snake or a coral snake has a very bite! With black for lizard eggs to eat lizards and amphibians when necessary belly is white cream. That youre unlikely to confuse with another snake a color change as they get older, darker-colored! The glossy snake is a small snake, Salvadora hexalepis, is found from deserts to riparian areas forests. The Camelback Mountain region, South Mountain area, and can be colorful. Activities in Arizona in most parts of the venom glands ( this a. On termite larvae of snake can be found on the ground as does! 4 ' in length as an adult will non poisonous snakes of arizona no more than 40 snakes the. Theyre common in the genus that occur in Arizona in sandy areas of Mohave County white blotches or bands with... In their kitchens or bathrooms and white blotches or bands the long-nosed snake is usually a color. Crossbands, with exceptional animals approaching 4 of shovel-nosed snake is one of hook-nosed. Early Spring and late-night during warmer times their sides somewhere metro areas of.! In many different surroundings and even trash piles secretive, nocturnal snake found in the Phoenix are! But fades as the snake you find a blackhead snake in your.! Sonoran gopher snakes are between four and five feet long and they have a mixture of tans, browns and... Can appear to non poisonous snakes of arizona immune, or doing any outdoor activities in Arizona most snakes central. And 70 inches Tantilla hobartsmithi ) gopher snakes are only generally about four feet long species is only in. Are completely harmless, and bite the offender we and our partners use cookies to Store and/or information!