But if he doesnt ever tell me, am I just wasting my time? Can I please get advise thank you, because I dont know what to do. Also what was with him not seeing me for 2 months that was weird too. You cannot do this overnight. Typical leo woman, I like consistency. Try talking to him and call him out for watching you. His repose was he doesnt want to get atttached to me because he wont be able to write his medical exam which he didnt do for 10 years because he was attached to his previous ex. I think that in time hell finally give in and give it the title you want. One minute he will show me affection in public then its like I barely exist. When I told him that I have feelings for him, he said he dont know what he wants and he just trying to develop himself. If he says he doesnt then you will know that its just not going to happen. Ive tried to walk away and ignore him, ghost him, but it hurts! Tell him you love him and miss him. The good thing about a Pisces man is that when he commits, he really commits. I recently moved into these apartments for the first time and 2 months later he does too. Over the summer, as I transitioned from the eighth to ninth grade, I decided to be in the high school marching band because I play the trumpet. Yes Pisces men and women are different mainly due to hormonal differences. One day we stayed on the phone for 7 hours just talking. Tuesday, were talking during his lunch break and A sexual topic starts an argument. You have a right to know where he thinks things stand so you can be on the same page with whether or not its something good or its just a friendship. So this Pisces guy was really sweet at first we talked for like 3 months he called and text me on a regular but when I invited him over we didnt have sex because I felt like he was still sleeping with his ex well he was extremely sweet when he left not rude or anything but I havent heard from him.. so I reached out and he writes me back but then ghost me again so I reached out just to let him know I really like him and his response was chill out I didnt respond back because Im like of you dont like me just keep ignoring me Im so confused Im a cancer women with an Aries moon and a Capricorn rising and I still cant figure this guy out hes a March 10 baby.. we had AMAZING CONVERSATION sometimes I dont know if he likes me or did I make everything up. But he flakes always tells me yes but never does it like taking me on dates he really doesnt initiate 4 play. He called me back and thanked me for showing concern and not getting upset. Then I reached out to him, and he responded, and we got cozy again, and he began to tell me he could not wait to see me. I did and we had sex, watched a movie, cuddled and he asked if he could see me. Tell him you feel unwanted or desired. The first eight are signs he will come back. i havent heard back today at all. When you do; youll realize that though hes a smooth talker; hes fallible and you can calculate if Pisces man playing mind games is happening or not. I really dont know what to do. Should I text him again? Sometimes I feel like he is playing sometimes I feel like he is serious. I said, no way today is your birthday. I need some help. When they ghost you and come back, read their message carefully. This is just the beginning of your amazing relationship together. Time to himself is important but he should never cancel plans to do this. This is one of the signs that your Pisces man is playing you and leading you on. Its pretty clear when hes not sure what he wants. Dont ever make him feel as if youre interrogating him. Ive got some information you need, so keep reading! Ghosted, I didnt bug him or anything, because Im understanding maybe he has got some stuff he needs to sort out. Naturally, hes likely to deny it if you call him out so dont be surprised if he does. He went about his day and called a time or two and texted. Is it a test.. Tell him how you feel about him, show him by showering him with affection and cuddles (they love cuddles). right now because i dont know his mind towards m. I am so very sorry youre going through this. You may have unresolved karma between you. Call him on it sweetheart. Capricorn and Pisces Compatibility - 3 years. Be loyal to him. I was bit confrontational that night. If you need more Pisces man insight, you should check out my books on Pisces man secrets. Its my pleasure to do what I can to help women understand Pisces men. Hell freak out and hardly ever want to be around to be responsible. I know that he is in a healing stage as he broke up but he did not tell me its has been how long. Hes been very flaky, so Im not sure if thats revenge or if hes afraid of trusting me again. Then one day he said that he wanted to quit marching band! It might not even be your fault, but he will conveniently blame you for something because he expects you to fix his problems for him. That inner voice knows what is right for you. I guess Ill see what happens in the near future but he works on a ship and is gone a month at a time so its critical to see eachother during the off times or theres nothing. Even when he is traveling he will call and text me all the time but lol where is my invite??. They know how to play with peoples heartstrings and this gives your Pisces man a lot of power because he knows how to control people based on their emotions. He doesnt know what he wants and so it shows with his actions. Anytime after we would argue, hed go quiet and distant. If you need more help, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. Give him some time and be patient with him. Make Him Feel Guilty If you know how to make a Pisces man feel guilty, you can try to play on his emotions in order to get him back. Find out by asking him what his deal is. 4 Water Signs (Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces): Very In Touch With Their Emotions, It Will Be Obvious When He's Not Interested Source: Favim As you may already know, guys born under any of the water signs tend to be more emotional than men born under any other sign! SUBSCRIBE TO MY SECOND LIFESTYLE YOUTUBE CHANNEL: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCpYToEqxl9jxH6c-NtXMeeAJoin this channel to get access to perks:https:/. After that last message, he blocked me. I dont know what to do anymore. What I should do, I do video calls with me, he adore me calling him with cute names. 5. Ive met so many of his friends coz they always come there, his always hosting when he gets the chance. I still get confused at times because reading some articles of Aquarius not being the best match for a Pisces makes me feel worried. Not typically, but they can be when they are not ready to commit. He tells me hes not taken me for granted but his responses to my supportive behavior are very vague if he even responds at all. I recognize that there are bad situations where you need to get out. To mention at this point, that he is 2 years younger than me (35), currently unemployed, with a child and an ex- that doesnt make his life very easy, so he is trying to start from scratch I also helped him with some business tips (my profession). However, since they are ruled by Neptune, the planet of dreamy states of mind and fantasy, they cant help it but reconstruct an irreal version of their past. He was so honest sweet, gave me alot of attention but not too much that it was irritating because his naturally a busy and successful man with alot of businesses. And I said, what abt? And he said, I think Im staying in marching band. I was so happy and I told him how glad I was to hear that. I would go ahead and text him, yes. Thats pretty normal for a Pisces man in love. We have been speaking to each other everyday and as childish as it may seem we sleep on video together every night. Hi there Im a cancer women and have a Pisces men we talk its fine but all I can see from his side is sex he likes to talk about sex that he cant stay away from me Im everything from him he wants to feel me all the time and if I say no then he get emotional and I love you so much I cant stay away from you this and that just cant understand what he wants or is he just playing. We share the same values and interests but sometimes disagree with one anothers practices) When the time is right, he will tell you all about it. We also slept together but this didnt work out very well, which I did not consider a big issue as it was the first time (nervousness) and we also had a lot of wine. He kept telling me because of his assignment overseas, he would be breaking protocol. We didnt see each other really for about a week and a half and he hit me up and of course I went. He needs to get himself together but you must decide if you will wait for him to do that or if you should just move on and find someone ready to be a grown up. My pisces man blocked me for a month and unblocked me. Im inclined to think that it is family stuff or stuff with friends. Im just trying to figure out how to move this thing along at a normal pace instead of a snails pace but maybe it ends now since I wont see him again for at least another month such a bummer I was really into him!! This point ties in nicely with the previous point, but a Pisces man can be really, really sensitive. Your gut will probably be able to tell you whether they're just making excuses, or they had a genuine reason for ghosting you which you can forgive and move on from. I have worked tirelessly to figure out a way to fix all relationships with Pisces men. I wish you the best! He came over to my place Friday and as soon as I opened the door the sparks flew and we made out in the foyer. Because of covid he uses that a lot as excuse why we cant go do things together he plays video games and loves to sleep I mean loves it. Remember your self-respect is more important than getting his approval. Knowledge is power, and there is a lot you can do with this information. I also asked him were do we stand after the intentions question and he said that we are working on a us. so I can hear your voice. If not then hes being selfish and taking time to himself after he promised it to you. My ex is a Pisces. Am I doing something wrong. You can feel sad, but save your tears for when something truly horrible happens. When they are in immature mode or just not ready to commit, they may play just to have fun and enjoy themselves not thinking of the consequences that may befall them. Also Im pretty positive he knew I moved into these specific apts before he moved in. If he cannot be with you in that way then you two probably need to pull apart and be friends only (no sex). This is still pretty uncool because it seems like he isnt considering your time which is a little disrespectful. Dont sell yourself short. Sometimes I cant help but feel like him being a Pisces and saying all these things is just his dreamy side. Here are some things you can look for in order to determine what may be going on. So when I got hom I called him and told him I want to explain why I wanted to leave so urgently and that I saw the name and he told me no its someone he knows a very long time and acting like she is not a big deal but because I can read him I knew he was lying. what do I do? I was talking to a Pisces man but he is such a player he will spend 4 days with me and the very same day he will go home his ex she comes over she leaves her panties there at his house and he says she not his girl but she helps him out ? If he shifts uncomfortably or becomes a little jittery then you know hes probably not being forthcoming or truthful in whatever it is that hes telling you. In fact our longest was 20 hours!! How To Make a Ghoster Regret 1. So, I told my friend Evan and the next time we had practice Evan told kohen what I said. Go Ahead and Contact Him 2. He told me he would pay me back, I was in such an emotional uphevel, I did not do it and backed out. He also loves to sleep or his alone time, he will come to my house and just fall asleep, & I get annoyed but I dont say anything because I know he gets tired from traveling and sports. Hi im a Capricorn Ive known my pieces since may or June of 2015 . I wish you the best! I could give you more helpful hints on how to deal with Pisces. There after he didnt see me for 2 months which was so weird and unusual and I tried my best to be positive and patient with him. If you would like to know more about the Pisces mans mind, check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets. He began to say things like. A Pisces man is sensitive to competition in the relationship. Why would that change because of distance? The second time though I broke up with him and basically he told everyone that we were never together at all. He has always replied to my texts and texted me if I ever kept quiet for longer then he likes. Now I know that someone else likes him. But just as the article said, he never delivered. I didnt know how to feel. Welcome to my blog about the Pisces man. A lot of it is miscommunication and frustration. Its weird. My issues is that he alway like sex and staying at my place. We are both in complicated situations, and he has gone silent on me quite a few times over the last year, weve both blocked eachother at some points because weve fallen out. He has always replied to my texts and texted me if I ever kept quiet for longer then he likes. It depends on him and what his belief system is. Hes about to take me on a hunting trip. What I am saying though, is that if hes not so serious about you, then he feels he doesnt have to answer to you. Then I had a death in my family so I postponed. I was still a bit skeptical and was not being completely honest with him because I didnt tell him that I have a daughter. I told him its fine if he got someone else not in competition with anybody Ill take myself out the competition so they can be happy, but he just denied everything so its the lies that bothers me if he just told me the truth I would have felt better but he lied and that is what Im not fine with. I dont ask for money for anything else at all. Treat him like a friend and next time he compares you to his ex girlfriends you can say except Im not a girlfriend right?. We ended up laughing, drinking and kissing at the end of the night. Weird, I know. HE found me!!! Maybe he is afraid to commit but until he figures himself out, hes not going to take a leap into a relationship. So said I said youre the one who said youll text you in the morning. He never responded after that. He doesnt want anyone prying into his business and we all know that on social media, the second you change your relationship status, everyone is all over it asking questions. He has a feeling that you are not on the same pond. Instead of trusting your fears, you should trust your own intuition. Don't let this idiocy make you furrow your brow. I love your feedback! But unless they broke their thumbs, chances. Dont take offense to his behavior right now. To have him love you the way you know you deserve. My case is just really unique and complicated. A Pisces will take a bath and cry if you ghost them and they liked you. Pisces men can tell white lies and omit information like no ones business. When he acts flaky let him know how terrible it makes you feel, this may make him think twice about the way he is treating you. He told me he likes my driving and Im better at driving then any of his ex girlfriends. Being berated for ANYTHING should never happen. If your reaction to being ghosted is more aggressive, punch a pillow. I just feel like its always something with him and I wanna stay and make things work but I feel like he milks his problems as excuses so I will feel bad for him. It sounds as though youre figured out the truth behind the Pisces man. Anyway during the time we were alone we spoke about alot! Pisces men are supposed to be very attentive when the are in love. Give him a chance but tell him what you want out of this and ask him what he would like to do. Well I got to meet his sons and fell in love with the kids. Its just so confusing why he wont commit but acts as if hes committed? Pisces women, on the other hand, are more trustworthy in general. And dont forget to look into his moon and rising signs too. Not spending time alone with you is honestly a really big red flag sweetheart. You might want to check out my books on Pisces Man Secrets also as it could help you even more. All of the signs show that he doesnt like me. You need to let him know that you do want more with him and yes, you do want exclusivity otherwise he will continue to look around. His Venus and mars is in Aquarius if that might also help. He would flake and we stopped talking then he popped back up and apologized. Hes not given me direct answers. He was after me for almost a year before I gave him a second chance. If they are on his social media then yes, thats why hes keeping the status hidden. And it isnt as hard as you may think. I lost my job for about a year and some months now and hes been really supportive financially and sometimes would give me what little money he has without me having to ask or without hesitation. I was still seeing other people so like I said did not focus on that. He also has self-esteem issues and it reflected on your relationship. Im a Capricorn and I hooked up with this Pisces guy but lost interest and ghosted him. I would just start doing your own thing and not acting like this is something. Represented by a pair of fish, Pisces is the final sign in the Zodiac. I know this is long and full of fluff but I had to tell someone. Ask him in a casual way I was just curious but Id like to know where you think things are with us and where theyre headed. You may not believe in this sort of thing, but they surely are very intuitive and able to feel others' emotions. How could things go from amazing to almost non-existent so quickly? Next day, were talking as usual and he asks if I want make this official and be his girl. Though during the day we hung out with his best friend and the best friends gf then later we were alone for maybe 8 hrs and let me add how he said to them that Ive been giving this girl so much stress but she has been so calm about it, I usually dont last with woman . When he came back he informed me of all he had done etc. Nothing more. This should help you decide to cut him loose or to try to work it out with him. What I do recommend is finding you a good meditation to use on YouTube that will help you let go not to let go of him per say but to let go of unhealthy or painful things. This is where his actions become more important than his words. As if hes committed time we were alone we spoke about alot sex, a. Him with cute names then yes, thats why hes keeping the status hidden 7 just! More trustworthy in general in marching band look for in order to determine what may going! 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