Please is there any home ready for pimples for a lady that is close to her thirties What is the common English name for Dyschoriste Perrottettii, Acanthaceae? Remove the baking soda and use a gently mask made of fresh fruits puree. Pls I still dont know what licorice is in yoruba language. my name is kolawole, please I want to know the English name for Ebolo vegetable. . 2.Chicory . I really enjoyed your comment! thanks for quick response. Nnchanwu is ogbo and zobo is hausa so is a lot of the other herb names from other tribes. And the following: Carrots are karots, corn is oka/agbado, cucumbers are kokunba. the plants are majorly tropical and non-tropicals. Also read this and choose the one you understand better , , Natures blood booster-parquetina nigrescens (#ewe #Ogbo). Please i need a trutful answer. Hello, Omolara. there is still no remedy. Cmon Shani, if you know so much where is your contribution. thank you so much. I dont know if rosemary has a yoruba name since it is not indeginous to Nigeria. Thanks, pls what is :slippery elm in yoruba and yoruba and English name for Oregano, Jorjette, thanks for teaching us what we supposed to have known. Vitex agnus cactus its a tree, and there are many species from the same family. i will teach you how on any kind of treatment and for free of charge. Bitter melon is used for deep skin infections and wounds. Hello Jorjette C, your answers are highly invaluable. Cumin What is the name for houseleek in yoruba? Hello, Jil. What is the Yoruba name for Tribulus terrestris, Well done, I need to know the yoruba meaning of saffron. Its shameful and disheartening to see many so-called Yoruba exposing their ignorance and stupidity on this forum. i really commend your effort. Once again, thanks, Jorjette C. I thank you very much for your time to read everything on this page and to comment. The brain was extracted by opening up the skull and preserved using 10% formaldehyde. Without the Chlorophyll from Plants, there will be NO HEAVEN AND EARTH rejoicing. This information is so useful. Thank you. vernacular or Akan name for licorice herb, Your Message Argh!!!! 2. Basil I am a woman, a daughter, a wife, a child, a friend, I am a human being on the Earth! thanks. Marigold Thanks . Kokofe Yoruba names for herbs and plants Nigerian medicine. As a result of these properties, this herb can be used to treat skin infections like ringworms and scabies. Please note that different plants grow in different regions. The yoruba name for dandelion is efo yanrin. Indian almond leaves and and stem bark will boost your immune system. But I discovered you havent replied those asking for the Yoruba name for the plant Houseleek. What is Afromomum danielli (also called olima in igbo) called in yoruba language. Thank you for your appreciation. Asiri ewe ogbo means the secrets of ewe ogbo, how to use ewe ogbo for eda (sperm leakage). Thanks for your contribution.I will like to know the botanical name of these following leavesEwe ela, Ewe imi esu, ewe agogo ,Ewe esisi, ewe aje,ewe orijin,ewe olojongbodu,ewe wowo,ewe lapalapa funfun ati pupa,ewe ajeobale,ewe eti ponla,ewe tanarerinkomi,ewe tanagbowo,ewe agunmona,ewe afomo ajade,ewe adosusu,ewe yeesi,ewe ogo. You refer to the plant known as Croton Zambesicus or to Phyllanthus? The Nissl substances of the control sections of the cerebral cortex were well stained (Figures 1 and 2(a)). Pls its so urgent. This is the latin name, I dont know the English one. Some of you idiots put up signs like: Vernacular speaking is utterly PROHIBITED in this house! Vernacular? Thanks! Thank you so much Sir, please what is the English name of ewe gbegiri and ewe emi yemi? they are cool. The yoruba name for lemon is san ww and for orange is orombo. Yoruba parents of nowadays can see how stupid they have been. Maca root is called Baaka in Yoruba. A. J. Ajibade, O. And, to you Yibos, who continue to badger the woman for names of herbs and plants in your moribund Yibo language. After removing this mask, she can use an oil or nothing. Data were significant at this is rich, kindly keep it up, I also thank for your positive feedback! Your Message* J! It was in the text Sage Salvia officinalis in yoruba is Kiriwi, Babaluaye, Obatala. Syzygium aromaticum or Clove is konofuru. The Latin name for ewe ojiji is Dalbergia lactea, the English name is Dalbergia. So, the brat didnt know lemon and lime? All you need to know about Addyzoa Capsules. 3:: maca Launaea taraxacifolia African lettuce, wild lettuce efo yanrin. Then What is your name for this passion flower, chamomile and Daniellia oliveria. (b) Fetal cerebral cortex150mg/kg of root bark extract showing fewer neurons with reduced staining of Nissl substance. In the Flora of West Tropical Africa, ed, 2 (Keay, 1958) and Trees of Nigeria (Keay, 1989), it was placed in the family Octoknemataceae, but was later moved to the family Santalaceae (see Burkill, The Useful Plants of West Tropical Africa, ed, 2, Vol. Well-done. Jorjette C. January 29, 2023 at 6:57 AM. In reading through this trail of requests and responses l extend appreciation to the author named. Sage plant -Salvia officinalis Kiriwi, Babaluaye, Obatala. Unfortunately the particular one Im searching for us not here which is A. Lappa Linn in Yoruba. Epo Jebo I think thats the best compliment i can offer. Pls What is the yoruba name for Griffonia? Fenugreek i do not know, but mistletoe is Afomo. Celery It seems that Ewe Efinrin, in latin Achyranthes aspera (Amaranthaceae) is known as chaff-flower, prickly chaff flower, devils horsewhip or Apamarga. Some of youre irritatingly repetitive. Please what do yoruba called comfrey(knite-bone)Or what it called in any nigeria language.I can even pay for it. we are treat any kinds. I hope that people will contact you! Hello can you tell me what is the american name for ajeobale? Thank you. How sick can you be? You should exercise, drink water, eat healthy (many fresh fruits and veggies). The extraction method involved cold ethanolic extraction, where a known weight of the blended sample was soaked in ethanol for 24 hours and then the extract was filtered and evaporated to dryness at room temperature to obtain the crude extract. Hello, Wura. I have indicated their uses. 1.Medlar F. L. Carson, Histotechnology. Pls I want to know the translation of this following The woman has helped you dindinrin by putting her picture on the page gbagada-gbagada! tank u. Hi Julius! Granted, there are some funny botanical names, which we are not familiar with in Yorubaland, however, some of these were actually taught to us in biology, agric. Please which herbs can we use for unblocking blocked fallopian tubes, Pls what can I use to cure hormone imbalance. It is an eyesore if Carr is not taken, so shall it be! So i will just keep quiet. 5, 2000). Acacia ataxacantha Ihun, Ewon adele chamomile skin are you truly white lady? On day 20 of gestation, the rats were sacrificed, the fetuses brains extracted, and the cerebral cortices excised and routinely processed for Nissl substances using Cresyl fast violet staining method. Oloye Orawale Oranfe, please, can anyone help me with the Yoruba name for tamarind as in the real tamarind, and not the black velvet tamarind which is awin in Yoruba. Cistanche, Cnidium, Cuscuta, Damiana, Deer Antler, Eucommia, Fo Ti, Panax Ginseng, Pyrola THANKS FOR YOUR WORK. just for d smile, are u sure you not a babalawo? Cant you see that this woman is interested only in Yoruba language? Cinnamon powder, and sesame seed. thanks, Hello friends of the Earth, i appriciate you recognise our native and traditional way of healing as Africans and more importantly as Yorubas, if any body need help and advise about healing on our African herbs, root, stem e.t.c, on the uses, preparation, and health benefit and also how to source for the authentic herbs that will work just as our great ground father do it. I wonder why you Christian fundamentalists are now running up and down looking for our Yoruba herbs, leaves, and roots for healing since your Jesus is supposed to heal you! Please what is curry leave in Yoruba and indigo leave, thanks. Thanks for the information. we are treat any. They developed a shamanistic medical tradition utilizing both herbalism (practiced by the onishegun, herbal healers) and divination (practiced by the balabwo, priests of the Ifa cult.). Hope to see you again! Very helpful article. Hello, Adeola. There are also some other benefits. thanks. Whit God all things are possible. Thanks. If you want to treat annovulation, you should consider to eat a nourishing diet, rich in fresh fruits and vegetables, THANK YOU for this rich and important resources. Ewe ato is Chasmanthera Dependens, its a shrub. A. Adeeyo, D. A. Ofusori et al., Microstructural observations on Nissl substances in the cerebellar cortex of adult Wistar rats following quinine administration, Tropical Journal of Pharmaceutical Research, vol. Some of you continue to refer to her as a man. Clinical Neuroanatomy for Medical Students, Lippincott Wiliams Wilkins, Baltimore, Md, USA, 5th edition, 2001. Also this #ewe #ogbo leaves mixed with milk also cure stomach ache, stomach ulcer and sperm leakage in woman. Please I would love to know the Yoruba name for nettle leaf , Milk thistle . a.Sanguinarine (blood root) Thank you so much for a very commendable effort to get us familiar with our plants. Antidesma venosum By sacrificing to a particular god or ancestor, or procuring a specific charm to protect against a malicious spell. Sandalwood is igi ijokun in yoruba. so do more of researching. Thank you Ms. Jorgette C. for this good work! (c) Fetal cerebral cortex150mg/kg of leaf extract showing slight reduction in the staining intensity of the Nissl substance especially in the cortical layer. The rats were kept under standard room temperature of 2527C. Its very very educative & encouraging. 1. Wormwood 6. Please, what is the Yoruba name for Black seed & Licorice root? And, please folks, stop referring to this nice lady as sir or Mr. this is stupid of you people. Chamomile Your Message*i must tell this is mind blowing pls what the saffron strands, Your Message*pls what is the cure for dis. Celery is a vegetable that is not originary from Africa. pls what is the English name of this(JEBO and AIDAN), Pls what is d Yoruba name for cylon cinnamon I seriously need it. thanks for the insight. Thanks for a good work thus far. I refer to the Research Note by O.A Akinpelu on Igi-nla, [botanical name Okoubaka aubrevillei] in Vol 75, pp 92-96. 8. Extensive studies carried out on its chemical properties showed that the plant contained more than 50 active indole alkaloids, each possessing remarkable pharmacological activities [ 5 , 6 ]. Clove Thank you!! First prepare the tea and make a steam bath for the face with this tea. Hello, Olayinka. It is also commonly called Peruvian ginseng, maka, mace, maca-maca, maino, ayak chichira, ayuk willku, pepper weed. Group B treated with 150mg/kg of the root bark extract of Rauwolfia vomitoria showed reduced staining of Nissl substances (Figure 1(b)), while group D treated with 150mg/kg of leaf extract of Rauwolfia vomitoria showed slight reduction in the staining intensity of Nissl substances (Figure 2(b)). 1, article 10, 2001. please, I need the scientific name of the following plants ewe ogbo botanical name: parquetina nigrescens. This is an open access article distributed under the. Home remedies for pimples there is a lot to write. I am sorry for the question, but this is really amazing. The herpes is the result of a body infection, so you have to treat the infection. I will really appreciate if you can help with these. 1 talking about this. Pls is ugent, Good day sir. Thank you. C. Lans, T. Harper, K. Georges, and E. Bridgewater, Medicinal and ethnoveterinary remedies of hunters in Trinidad, BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine, vol. But, i need help! Kindly give me the Yoruba name for COMFREY. 2. Vitex or chaseberry, Maca, Red Raspberry, Dong Quai, Dandelion, Black Cohosh, Red clover, and Nettles. Please whats the Yoruba name for birch leaf, dandelion leaf(plant) and golden rod leaf (plant)?. please what is the scientific name for ewe sikimini. dandelion is called Efo EBOLO. Fennel seeds assists breasfeeding women with milk production,, for fluid retention,etc,, NOT TO ADD IN WEIGHT. I rely like this site but what am looking for I have not find it and if u can reply me your answer I ll be very happy, wat is Yoruba for ceylon. You should build your confidence first and try to find all the limits your mind has. ahh! and the yoruba name for mistletoe Parsley Petroselinum crispum Isako, Oshun. Thank you for the good job. The result will amaze you. Isin from yoruba language is the English akee apple. Please what is Tulsi leaves in Yoruba. What is fennel seeds called in yoruba,pls it is very urgent, What is the name for asparagus in any nigerian language (Igbo or yoruba). Blue berry Hope this helps. It is powerful and Im willing to share the powerful knowledge with anyone that helped me get the name in Yoruba. What is the yoruba name for fenugreek seed or leave. d. Saffron (a spice), So grateful for the wonderful opportunity, pls what is :slippery elm in yoruba and yoruba and English name for Oregano plant, Hi please can you tell me in Yoruba the name for houseleek leaves. Please what is saw palmetto called in yoruba language? Yoruba name for cinnamon is igi adi dun or igi agbayun. Group C treated with 250mg/kg of the root extract of Rauwolfia vomitoria showed reduction in staining intensity of Nissl substances (Figure 1(c)), while group E that received 250mg/kg of the root extract of Rauwolfia vomitoria showed slight reduction in the staining intensity of Nissl substances when compared with the control (Figure 2(c)). Seriously helpful. Imagine a supposed Yoruba child asking what is Yoruba name for lemon orange? Thanks. However, I think that okoubisi is probably a misprint for okuobisi since the source for this name is given as Hardie (see below). it is very good for infections and gynaecological related issues. . I hope that youll stay around and help in the future, also! Primitive people learned by trial and error to distinguish useful plants with beneficial effects from those that were toxic or nonactive. Pls what is the English or botanical name for Epo aganho or agano tree back, What is the yoruba name for mashmallow seed. Please here is my email nd I will appreciate if you can help me out with it. Lavander in yoruba is oruko ewko kan. Calendula officinalis pot marigold is Ododo-Maria in yoruba. Sageere Hello, Yemisi. Please what is the yoruba name of these plants. I need information abt this. AnisePimpinella anisumEweise, Ochiosi, Azowano. Infact am highly impressed & inspired about this site. Dandelion, Puerira Mirifica, Maca, stripped cucumber, vitex, African Mistletoe, Bacopa Monnieri,veratrum Album, Milk thistle, lemon balm, sweetworm wood,Alfalfa, Goji berry, Wheatgrass, dong quai, Black cohosh, majakani, Dong Quai, chaste berry. 1. The Yoruba believe that sickness is a whim or punishment of a specific god or ancestor, who must be identified and placated, or else is caused by witchcraft for which the appropriate countercharm must be employed. Goldenseal might be ewe padimo in yoruba. It has the effect of calming the patient and engendering a more positive frame of mind. i have never heard it called hulba, and i was born and bred in the north, This is awesome, more grease to your elbow, please madam, what is hawthorn berry in Yoruba and can it be found in Nigeria. Keep the good work please. thank you for these information. Dioscorea bulbifera potato yam, aerial yam emina, guite sinde, guite sode, aparia isu, emina esi, Dioscorea cayenensis yellow yam, negro yam pansaga, agandan, aginipa, apepe, igangan, Dioscorea dumetorum Bitter yam itakun isu, Dioscorea esculenta lesser yam isu alubosa, Musa paradisiaca plantain (banana fruit) ogede agbagba, Centella asiatica asiatic pennywort, wild violet ewe karo, Crassocephalum crepidioides hawksbeard velvetplant ebolo, efodu, egusi, Opuntia ficus-indica prickly-pear, Indian fig oro agogo, Cucurbita pepo summer squash, courgette, zucchini, marrow, pumpkin elegbe, elegede, apala, Lagenaria siceraria bottle gourd,calabash gourd, white flowered gourd, white pumpkin igba, Luffa aegyptiaca smooth loofah, discloth gourd, sponge gourd, vegetable sponde run, erun kaankan, Telfairia occidentalis fluted gourd egusi, iroko, Trrichosanthes cucumerina snake gourd tomato elejo, Arachis hypogaea peanut, grouns nut, pea nut, chinese almond egpa, epa gidi, ogodsia, Cajanus cajan pigeon pea, cajan pea, Conge pea, yellow dhal, cajan pea otili, otimi, Canavalia ensiformis jack bean, horse bean papanla, popondo, poponla, Lablab purpureus hyacinth bean, lubia bean, Indian bean awuje, Mucuna prurins velvet bean, buffalo bean werekpe, esin, esinfunfun, esise, ewe ina, here, wepe, werepe, yerepe. What is the name of ashwagandha plant in yoruba. In yoruba, Ashwaganda is called Baaka or ibaaka, even Ako bolobolo according to someone. Sage -Salvia officinalis Kiriwi,Babaluaye, Obatala. Hybanthus Enneasprmus abiwere in yoruba Usolala-ocha in Igbo. Thus, the herbs may have adverse effects on protein synthesis within the cerebral cortex. Goldenseal and Echinacea. ATUDE TODAJU Ewe tude egbo tude iyere ao lo ti yio kuna dada ao ra isasun tuntun ao fi se odidi igbin kan je lepo niyo lodidi ni ao se igbin yi o akoni ge ti obajina. 733738, 1965. As for the celery, I dont know, yet :). What is ewe ori oterin? Pls what is the Yoruba name for Azolla/ mosquito fern?. This study suggests that the ethanolic root extract of Rauwolfia vomitoria is more teratogenic than the leaf extract and has potential to cause cerebral tissue damage, evidenced by the reduced staining intensity of Nissl substances. 3. Cant you see that 99.9% of her work on this page is focused on Yoruba culture and language? The Yoruba name for Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum) is Effirin nla. Ao fi epo obo tele oru agbo, ao ko egbo tude le lori, ao da awon eeru yen le lori ao wa fi ewe oloyin bo won mole. Take1 tbs twice daily.3. Ose re: Ao wa igbe adire ti won ya sinu kuku, ao gun po mo alomu dudu ti yio kunna dada ao wa po mo ose dudu. Hello,you have done Can you give a combination of Nigerian herbs that can be used in a herbal oil infusion to achieve glowing skin complexion and excellent skin tone. A Self-Instructional Text, Ascp Press, Chicago, Ill, USA, 1990. Thanks. It also depends on which area is affected. Your email address will not be published. 12, pp. Igbagba Leptoderia brachyptera what is the Yoruba word for marshmallow roots, please, what is yoruba name for houseleek, Please I need Yoruba name for beet leaf and beet root. Its a leaf but what is it called in Yoruba. to 30 B.C. Daisy. Thanks so much for this page. How to use-: squeeze some of the #ewe #ogbo leaves with water and mix it with maltina or milk to increase your red blood blood cell production. I know some of you are olodo rabata (poor students); also, a number of you idiots are hypocritical imbeciles. I also thank you for the nice words and for the contribute! The balabwo uses both psychotherapeutic techniques in discussing the illness with the patient, also casts an oracle reading using the Ifa system revealed to the Yoruba by the trickster god Eshu Elegba. In Yoruba it is called asofeyeje, ira in Igbo, and wadda in Hausa, while it is either called mmoneba or utoenyin in Efik and Ibibio languages respectively 3, 4. celery hypertension tremella lungs. Some of you Yoruba parents even made it an offense for your children or wards to speak Yoruba in your household. Pls what is the Yoruba names for these so I can get them easily .golden seal root, dong quai, hawthorn, wild yam. You should encourage folks to do better not just criticize without a reasonable contribution. Antidesma vogeliana Yoruba Medicine History The medical traditions of the Yoruba people of western Nigeria developed within a culture that deeply respects and venerates ancestors. Green tea please what is the yoruba name for acacia plant. Love ds site,one would feel he or she is d only one out there until one sees ds kind of place. I want to be sure dandelion is efo yanrin.thanks. 9. tanx for other information. alfalfa Thanks. Burdock Then do you know yoruba name for HOUSELEEK LEAVES? Hello, Samson. Where can we get it ? This page is very very nice. 2.Mix together powder of ginger, cloves, black pepper, nutmeg, cinnamon and lady's finger. Lying bitches! The answer is coming in a text I found on internet and its sound like this: Thus, the Odu specifies the healing processes. How to use-: wash the leaves, squeeze out the juice with little water and sieve. I need to know the vulgar name for dyschoriste perrottetii in yoruba is gbmopon but I need the common name. The pregnancy was terminated on the 20th day of gestation by chloroform inhalation method and the fetuses were collected by uterectomy. L. S. Gill, Ethno Medical Uses of Plants in Nigeria, Uniben Press, University of Benin, Edo State Nigeria, 1992. God bless u. Pls what is d Yoruba name for cinnamon,sandalwood,(not camwood) &mint leaf? You can be sure, the yoruba name for dandelion is efo yanrin. hello my noble author may GOD continue to bless u and ur family. Keep it up, good morning, please what is ASHWAGANDHA called in Yoruba, What is the Yoruba meaning of these plants, Antidesma membranaceum ys. You ll be amazed at how many people are waiting for your reply on that. Because I consider it is nice to read all the story I found out about Igni nla tree, I will quote here an answer offered by Joyce Lowe: Hello! I will be glad if you reply. Ewe odundun (Kalanchoe Crenata) Thanks so much my. Parquetina nigrescens(#ewe #Ogbo) is the right natural blood booster and purifier for you. 105109, 2009. The common names for Acacia nilotica are: gum arabic tree, Babul/Kikar, Egyptian thorn, Sant tree, Al-sant or prickly acacia. 5. The yoruba name for licorice is ewe omisinmisin. Thank you very Much and God bless you real good. Please what is the English name of these This is highly commendable, thank you for putting all these together. pls what is d yoruba name for milk thestle, Please, whats the Yoruba name for licorice leaves. A remedy for skin chamomile tea, baking soda (bicarbonate de soude). Thanks. 5.Chamomile Thank you so much for this info on Yoruba names of plants, herbs and spices. thanks. Your Message* What is The Yoruba Name For Fennel, Pls what is yoruba name for banyan tree, shatavari powder n ashwagandha powder. Hello Admin, What is the name of this following herbs. Its gonna help me find the sage leaf . What is the Yoruba name for rosemary plant. Botanical name Pseudocedrela kotschyi, Plz what is the yoruba name for parsley leaf. Kudos sir, edakun what is Ashwagandha leaf/plant called in our native language, yoruba ? Please what is the scientific name of igi nla and ewe rebate. This is wonderful. . How to use #ewe #ogbo to boost red blood cell production and treats iron deficiency anaemia -: Get about ten leaves and squeeze it with a glass of water and sieve. Massage and dietary prescription were applied. please what is cummin in yoruba language and where can it be found? Science and botany in our school days. What is ewe ogbo used for? All I know is this: And, why are you looking for natural healing if your European god, Jesus, had died for you on the cross! pls what is the Botanical and yoruba name for Fenugreek Pls kindly help with dis plant in Yoruba language, I want to get dem. How is it used? l surmise by saying there is also a lot of ignorance with PLANTS, BOTANICS and Nature healing.. Hope it helps. cascara sagrada. Parquetina nigrescens is popularly called #ewe #ogbo in yoruba language, African parquetina in English language, kwankwanin in hausa language, mgbidin gbe in igbo language, and Otonta in delta igbo (Asaba). Thanks in advance. The roots and the leaves were washed with water to remove the impurities. . Hello, Keji! pls what is the English name for Ewe abeyin so. You should especially exercise your coccygeus muscle, What is the yoruba name for fenugreek seed. (a) Control cerebral cortex section showing normal staining of Nissl substance with many neurons in the intermediate zone (I) and few in cortical (C), subventricular (SV), and ventricular layers (V). If you are referring to Nigella Sativa which is popularly called black seed or black cummin. After 14 days, go and do your Packed Cell Volume Test (PCV). I did a little bit of research and I ended up with this: There is no Yoruba name for parsley, as it is not originally West African. Relevant information might include strained relations with family or neighbors who might have deliberately or unwittingly put a curse on the patient. I need names for these herbs in yoruba. You are to thanked and appreciated for your research, work and willingness to share for the benefit of all. Another important text is the Awakaiye, The Fruit of Universal Knowledge. Youre a live saver, your information. Hardie was informed by the nursery headman (Joseph Iruwa) at Sapoba that J.D Kennedy knew of okuobisi and was well aware of it reputation. Pregnant woman can drink this too twice a week. As I found, ewe ejirin is Ground Cucurbitaceae. It seems that Terminalia macroptera is called idi in yoruba language. How to use #ewe #ogbo to boost red blood cell production and treats iron deficiency anaemia -: Get about ten leaves and squeeze it with a glass of water and sieve. She can do this once or twice a week. Thanks. Please does anyone know the Yoruba name for this leaf 1. I will be very grateful if you can get back to me because have used many herbs and Drugs. Please inform need the meaning of these words in yoruba and hausa; squeeze the parquetina nigrescens leaves, dont add any water please, Extract the juice and add half or full tin of milk depending on the quantity.. . Neurons contain Nissl substance which is primarily composed of endoplasmic reticulum, with the amount, form, and distribution varying in different types of neurons [11]. Big thanks to the author. SOME PEAOPLE SAYS YORUBA NAME FOR PARSLEY LEAVE IS EWE SEPELEBA, IS IT TRUE? Antidesma rufescens, Please what is d Yoruba name for mint leaf nd flax seed. butchers broom thanks very much. It is important to drink at least 2 litres of water a day, to eat mostly fresh fruits and vegetables. Results showed reduced staining intensity of Nissl substances in the treated groups, especially those that received the root extract. The tree is said to prevent any undergrowth forming beneath it although some species are immune to the effect. Pls what is Yoruba name for Embelia fine, known as false black pepper? 1: cistanche Keep it up. Some of the benefits of this herb include: It has antibacterial and antifungal activities which have been proven to treat skin infections. Ginseng i totally dig these information ! Ewe ela Pls. The dried root bark and leaf were blended into powdered form using a Binatone kitchen blender and kept in glass containers with plastic cover. Materia Medica and Important Texts in Yoruba, Visit this 2 articles forsome more yoruba plant names, Source: An Ethnobotanical Survey of Herbal Markets and Medicinal Plants in Lagos State of Nigeria (PDF), Dictionary of Medicinal and Poisonous Plants, Ayurvedic medicine treatment for special metabolic type, Fenugreek ewedu in yoruba, hulba in Hausa, Black pepper iyere in Yoruba, Oziza in igbo, Thorny pigweed/prickly amaranthtete eleegun in yoruba, Butryospermum paradoxum Shea tree Ori, Capsicum frutescens Tabasco pepper Ata-wewe, Bryophyllum pinnatum Air Plant, Life Plant, Miracle Leaf or Goethe Plant Abamoda, Zingiber officinale Ginger Jinja, Atale in yoruba, Khaya grandifoliola, K. senegalensis, K. ivorensis Oganwo, Lippia multiflora Efirin-gogoro, Efirin-oko, Jatropha gossypifolia cotton-leaf physicnut- Botuje pupa, Jatropha multifida coral plant, physic nut or Guatemala rhubarb Ogege, Cymbopogon citratus lemon grass- Kooko-oba, Catharanthus roseus -Madagascar rosy periwinkle Apabida pupa, Lawsonia inermis Henna plant Laali, Lali, Phyllanthus amarus stonebreaker or seed-under-leaf- Eyin-olobe, Mangifera indica Mango Mangoro in yoruba, Erythophleum suaveolens Erun obo, Olu-obo, Telfaria occidentalis Fluted gourd Ugwu, Zanthoxylum zanthoxyloides Senegal prickly-ash or artar root Orin ata, Acalypha wilkesiana Jiwini, Ewe larapupa, Azadirachta indica Neem, Nimtree or Indian Lilac Dongoyaro, Aloe barteri Eti-erin, Ida-egun, Ida-orisa, Ageratum conyzoides Billygoat-weed, Chick weed, Goatweed, Whiteweed Imi-esu, Abrus precatorius -jequirity, Crabs eye, rosary pea, precatory pea or bean, John Crow Bead, Indian licorice Oju-ologbo, Acanthospermum hispidum Bristly starbur, Goats head, Hispid starburr Dagunro, Acanthus montanus Bears Breech or Mountain Thistle Ahon-ekun, Irunmu arugbo, Aerva lanata mountain knotgrass Efun-ile, Aframomum melegueta Grains of Paradise Atare, Allium ascalonicum The shallot Alubosa elewe,alubosa onisu, Caesalpinia pulcherima Barbados pride, dwarf poinciana, Barbados flower-fence Eko-omode, Afzelia africana Afzelia, Lenke, Lengue, or Doussi Apa-igbo, Alternanthera sessilis sessile joyweed or dwarf copperleaf Reku-reku, Anthocleista djalonensis, Anthocleista liebrechtsiana Sapo, Shapo, Arachis hypogea peanut, or groundnut Epa, Bambusa vulgaris Golden Bamboo, or Buddhas Belly Bamboo Oparun, Baphia nitida African sandalwood Osun, Irosun, Allanblackia floribunda tallow tree Eku, Eso roro, Calendula officinalis pot marigold Ododo-Maria in yoruba, Calotropis procera Sodom apple Bomubomu, Canarium schweinfurthii African elemi or canarium Paapo, Origbo, Canavalia ensiformis jack bean Sese-nla, Cardiospermum halicacabum balloon plant or love in a puff Shaworo, Chromolaena odorata Siam weed Akintola, Awolowo, Tetracarpidium conophorum Nigerian walnut Awusa, Asala, Vernonia colorata Ironweed Eriro-Ijebu, Uvaria chamae finger root or bush banana Eruju, Viscum album mistletoe- Afomo in yoruba, Uvaria afzelii Gbongbose, Anikan wogba-arun, Urena lobata Ilasa-agborin, Ilasa-omode, Argemone mexicana Mexican poppy, Mexican prickly poppy, Flowering thistle, cardo or cardosanto Egun arugbo, Ekan-ekun, Boerhaavia diffusa punarnava Etiponla, Olowojeja, Citrullus colocynthis colocynth, bitter apple, bitter cucumber, desert gourd, egusi, or vine of Sodom Egusi-baara, Citrus aurantium Bitter orange, Seville orange, sour orange, bigarade orange, or marmalade orange Osan, Transvaal alchornea yoruba: ijandu, ijandudu, gbaluwo, ijan pupa, sewo sese pepe, ijan, ijan funfun, pepe, Christmas bush yoruba: isin, ipa, epa, esin, asiyin, esin abata, Yellow siris, yellow bean yoruba: ayinreta, ayinre popo, ayunre, akudinrin, alota, Lebbeck tree, siris tree, white siris tree, bastard lebbeck, tall albizia, white siris Yoruba: ayinreta; Edo: ekpaghudo; Igbo: nyie avu, Flat Crown yoruba: ayinre, ayinre isingede, ayinre ogo, Black currant tree yoruba: aduigbo, asofeyeje, olowuko, yanya holo, Tassel berry yoruba: aponlojusese, aroro, Jobs tears, gromwell-read, pearl barley yoruba: obi, obi ifin, obi pupa, obi abata, African mahogany, counterwood Yoruba : apa, ako apa, apa igbo, Soursop, prickly custard apple : eko oyibo, eko omode, Wild custard apple, custard apple abo, arere, afon, Silk tree albizia, mimosa, mimosa tree, silk tree, silk sirirs, Persian acacia, pik siris tree ayinre, ayinreye, Pattern wood, alstonia atikekereheyin, dagunro kekere, Scrub ironbark, grey birch ira odan, ira, iralodan, Coastal goldenleaf, coast goldleaf asaragba, asa gidi, aarasa, ira, fonu fonu, Blighia konig sapindaceae, akee apple isin odo, isin jise, isin oka, isin odan, Triangle tops, Phialodiscus unijugatus, P. plurijugaturs, P. zambesiacus isin ako, ako isin, odofin ile, akoisin, Star apple osan agbalumo, osan olomo wewe, onidosan, agbalumo olomo, Satin leaf, Damson plum osan edun, osan palambi, osanko, Upas tree, antiaris oriro, oro, oro efun, abori kefun, awase, oriro omo oluugbo, Sessile joyweed, sessile floweres globe amaranth ewaowo, awo crede, moni roderode, sajeje, leaves of Senecio biafrae worowo in Yoruba, fermented seeds of Parkia biglobosa, African locust beans in English, Igba/Iyere in Yoruba, leaves of Talinum triangulare (water leaf) or Basella alba, Indian spinach in English, Amunututu in Yoruba, West African black pepper/Ashanti pepper (Piper guineense, Uziza in Igbo and Ata iyere in Yoruba, Phyllanthus amarus ehin olobe or eyin olobe in Yoruba. 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