Let us know your assignment type and we'll make sure to get you exactly the kind of answer you need. A former defense attorney finds herself back in court when she and her husband are sued for medical emancipation by their 11-year-old daughter. I would not listen to them, and continue helping them get better. Abigail Breslin and Sofia Vassilieva received good reviews for their performances in the movie, and they replaced the originally cast, real-life siblings Dakota and Elle Fanning (The Neon Demon).Dakota Fanning was set to play Kate, but dropped out . In Cardwell v. Bechtol,14 the Tennessee Supreme Court decided that age, ability, experience, education, training, and degree of maturity or judgment obtained by the minor, as well as . A sister is not jealous of her sibling's calling: Now Cain said to his brother Abel, "Let's go out to the field.". 26. This set of Lesson Plans consists of approximately 104 pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and other teaching materials. Before Anna was born, Brian and Sara (the parents) wanted to save Kate's life. 19. Finally, think about Kate's desire to die and how she has influenced Anna into starting the lawsuit. Minors should have the right to refuse lifesaving treatment based on their right to bodily integrity if they can show that it is in their best interests. You will need to think about the morality of Anna's parents specifically designing a baby to be a match for Kate. For more information, including her upcoming book signings and sample chapters of her novels, check out herWebsite. She traveled to find her sister on her own. A healthy family in this stage is challenged with the tasks of loosening family ties, couple relationship, parent-teen communication, maintenance of family moral and ethical standards, and . LIVING IN THE MOMENT & HOPE. Article Images Copyright , California - Do Not Sell My Personal Information. Kate Fitzgerald had been ill since her childhood. After she had made it through the rough part of her experience, her perspective on life changed. Neela:Victory Song (2002) is another work by her for young readers. 2004. from St. ETHICAL DILEMMAS IN MY SISTERS KEEPER. at 1304 (discussing cases where a minors right to bodily integrity against the state has been applied in contexts outside schools and detention centers). veronica_saldana. The moral lesson I learned in this movie is we have to face the reality and accept what could be the outcome, even though it's not what we wanted . App. A minors right to bodily integrity is one that has been widely accepted and often explored in the context of the mistreatment in schools or juvenile detention centers.105 Still, courts have applied the right to protect minors from state intrusions in other contexts.106 In In re E.G., for example, the Illinois Supreme Court suggested that a minor may invoke the right in the context of refusing lifesaving treatment, as it saw no reason why [the] right of dominion over ones own person should not extend to mature minors.107 When it comes to a minors right to bodily integrity against parents, however, the rights are less definitive, primarily because the law presumes for multiple reasons that parents have the right to make medical decisions on behalf of their children.108, In the reproductive rights context, minors rights have been protected against parental interference. 3. She is no longer a girl who wants to fit in or feel cool. Perhaps the most important factor in assessing capacity would be a determination that a refusal of treatment was made voluntarily. See supra note 42 and accompanying text. 63 terms. There were many sleepless nights and tears. Work Licensure, 791 A.2d 125, 128 n.4 (Me. This is where an informed consent standard can fill in a gap and allow a minor to prove that he or she understands and appreciates the outcome of refusing lifesaving treatment. She is at the center of an ethical dilemma as she has to decide what is best for her and her family. 20. See id. This book therefore presents several ethical dilemmas. But their family is rocked by sudden, heartbreaking news that forces them to make a difficult and unorthodox choice in order to save their baby girl's life. Key words: Moral Value, Good impact, My Sister's Keeper I. Like abortion, passive euthanasia evokes strong moral objections that could put a strain on the parent-child relationship. In addition to capturing the dramatic physical changes that inevitably come as the cancer spreads and the retching that results from chemotherapy sessions, it also shows the 24/7 level of dedication that's required to care for the afflictedand how family members suffer in the wake of its all-consuming nature. My Sister's Keeper examines what it means to be a good parent, a good sister, and a good person. My Sister's Keeper novel is an interesting and exciting novel that addresses some important moral and ethical issues. In re E.G., 549 N.E.2d 322, 325 (Ill. 1989). 11, 2014), http://www.loc.gov/law/foreign-news/article/belgium-removal-of-age-restriction-for-euthanasia. The Maine Supreme Court discussed its approach to the mature minor doctrine in In re Swan,59 a case involving a nonreligious refusal of lifesaving (or, more accurately, life-preserving) treatment. . In Florida, the court uses the following factors to determine whether notifying a parent that his or her minor child is seeking an abortion is in her best interests: the minors emotional or physical needs; the possibility of intimidation, other emotional injury, or physical danger to the minor; the stability of the minors home and the possibility that notification would cause serious and lasting harm to the family structure; the relationship between the parents and the minor and the effect of notification on that relationship; and the possibility that notification may lead the parents to withdraw emotional and financial support from the minor.25. Union Pac. Kaye had gotten to the point where she couldnt cope physically. See id. Instances where moral values would be in conflict would be when the parents must ask themselves, does it make them bad parents to use one child to save another? 116. 2002). Sarah and Brian conceived Anna almost exclusively for the reason that Kate needed the umbilical cord blood in order to live. 34. My Sister's Keeper. Therefore, she wants to sue her parents for rights of her own body. The plural forms are "sisters" and . Arguably, a minors right to refuse lifesaving treatment is grounded in his or her right to bodily integrity. Much more dignified and less manipulative than I had expected. 16. She is a housemaid and a widow that is stuck on her own trying to heal many people. Answers: 1. My kidney, My life My Sister's Keeper is a 2009 American drama film directed by Nick Cassavetes and starred by Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Sofia Vassilieva and Alec Baldwin. . My Sister's Keeper (2009) cast and crew credits, including actors, actresses, directors, writers and more. The novel, My Sisters Keeper, is a story which follows a young girl through her life struggles as she tries to help her sister, enjoy her own life, and fight her mother for a right to her own body. Throughout the movie, 926 Words 4 Pages Decent Essays Read More Better Essays Next, Annas character changes dramatically after the car accident. Campbell has a crazy family life of his own, so he agrees to help her. A nationwide search begins. University of Connecticut Law School, J.D. 25. And she never wants to talk about Cameron because she feels as if it was her own fault that Cameron died. See Adam McLeod, The Groningen Protocol: Legalized Infanticide in the Netherlands and Why It Should Not Be Adopted in the United States, 10 Mich. St. J. Med. Anna Fitzgerald, the main character of the novel, is being used as body parts to keep her sister Kate alive rather than being loved and appreciated for the person she truly is. The minors physician should also weigh in on this evaluation because the physician will likely have had ample interactions with both minor-patient and parent, and he or she will have insight based on observations of the relationship. You love them in spite of the fact they're not". [ ] . 36. 103. My Sister's Keeper . The people do not only enjoy exploring the at 313 (Brennan, J., dissenting). Medical emancipation can be either general or limited according to the structure of the statute. 20069 . Summary: Sara In 2002, Kate meets a boy named Taylor while she receives platelets and he receives chemo. The My Sister's Keeper lesson plan contains a variety of teaching materials that cater to all learning styles. Limiting the circumstances under which a minor may refuse such treatment in this way may prove acceptable under American law and, if accepted, would open the door to establish a robust right for any person to refuse lifesaving treatment. Based on Jodi Picoult's same-named novel, MY SISTER'S KEEPER is a bona fide tearjerker. What is the theme. Other sets by this creator. She is has to make life changing decisions that can cause health complications down the road and affect the dynamic of her family. In this scenario what would be the subsequent possibility? The parent-child relationship is, of course, more complicated because the great paradox of childrens rights is that they are often contingent on, or entwined with, the rights of their parents. Christa Banister is a full-time freelancer writer, specializing in music, movies and books-related reviews and interviews and is the author of two novels,Around the World in 80 Dates and Blessed Are the Meddlers. As the summary on the back of the book states, "Anna is not sick, but she might as well be.". 53. In Cruzan v. Director, Missouri Department of Health,99 the Supreme Court recognized that the informed consent requirement in medical treatment was derived from the right to bodily integrity.100 Quoting Justice Cardozo in a decision he authored during his tenure on New York States highest court, the Court affirmed that a competent adult has a right to determine what shall be done with his own body, and an invasion of ones body without consent constitutes assault.101 Although the issue decided in Cruzan ultimately concerned the constitutionality of the clear and convincing evidence standard that Missouri required to prove that the patient would not have wanted to remain on life support, the Court declared that [i]t cannot be disputed that the Due Process Clause protects an interest in life as well as an interest in refusing lifesaving treatment.102 In his dissenting opinion, Justice Brennan stated that a State has no legitimate general interest in preserving life that could outweigh a persons decision to refuse lifesaving medical treatment,103 and that, in order for the State to have a legitimate interest, it must be established that the patient wishes to be treated.104, Minors rights to bodily integrity have been recognized in certain contexts but are generally less robust than adults rights. Anna was born in order to serve as a bone marrow donor for her sister, and as time goes on, she winds up being forced to undergo many painful procedures for this purpose. Why we resist accountability; look at 2. Planned Parenthood of Southeastern Pennsylvania v. Casey,95 which interpreted its groundbreaking predecessor Roe v. Wade96 as a rule . 2008). I think she was only intent on doing what had to be done to keep her family intact by preserving the life of Kate. She becomes a girl who is constantly nervous and feels guilty. What is the moral lesson of the story two brother? (quoting In re Gardner, 534 A.2d at 953). . She has published novels in multiple genres including realistic fiction, historical fiction, magical realism and fantasy. Is it morally correct to do whatever it takes to save a child's life, even if that means infringing upon the rights of another? Best interests of the child is a varying, paternalistic standard that complicates a minors access to certain medical treatment, including the refusal of medically accepted, lifesaving treatment. . The theme of history, myth and magic is affirmed in one of her bestsellers The Palace of Illusions (2008). My teeth are chattering I try to tell her but my jaw and teeth are chattering so much, I cant make the words. (Frank 26) The day after the car accident, Anna learns that Ellen passed out after the were hit, and this resulted in her having a collapsed lung, some cracked ribs, and a broken leg. Target Grade: 7th-12th Middle School and High School Length of Lesson Plan: Approximately 104 pages. Mysticism and magic is explored in her series for children The Brotherhood of the Conch The Conch Bearer (2003), The Mirror of Fire and Dreaming (2005) and Shadowland (2009). cheyennebatista. 37. Kate's leukemia (APL) has affected every single one of her family members in that way. So in a move that's been widelyand passionatelydebated online, the story's conclusion has been softened a little. Nicolas Boring, Belgium: Removal of Age Restriction for Euthanasia, Global Legal Monitor (Mar. 123. Anna sued her parents for the right to her own body, for Kate and for herself. Code Ann. Please explain the quote, "You don't love someone because they're perfect. Latest answer posted October 24, 2019 at 3:11:22 PM. ; In re E.G., 549 N.E.2d 322, 326 (Ill. 1989). 117. Del. Id. The woman cries: Someone kidnapped my baby! This substantially limits the choices a minor may actually have when undergoing medical treatment. Kind moral (quoting Schloendorff v. Socy of N.Y. One of the most-cited cases on this issue, and on the mature minor doctrine in general, is In re E.G.47 At seventeen years old, E.G. Anna was born to be additional parts for Kate. Few cases have recognized a minors right to refusal, and the circumstances under which this refusal right is granted are limited. 2d 548, 553 (Fla. Dist. My Sister's Keeper. My Sister's Keeper is the story of Anna Fitzgerald, who by the age of thirteen has undergone many blood transfusions, numerous surgeries, and multiple bone marrow transplants. Director Nick Cassavetes has coaxed amazing performances from his first-rate cast, including Diaz, who surprises with the strength of her rage and melancholy as a mother determined not to see her child die. And now Anna's parents are insisting that she give her sister a kidney. Many of the concerns evident in the Florida courts analysis are applicable to a minors desire to refuse lifesaving medical intervention. The Biblical solution; and 3. Being dishonest with themselves and dishonest with their children is a conflict. A minor can prove that refusal is in his or her best interest by giving evidence of the terminality and incurability of the diagnosed illness, which must cause him or her great suffering. With Dad busy at work as a firefighter and all of Sara's attention focused on Kate, Jesse comes and goes as he pleases, hanging out in a seedy part of Hollywood to pass the timeall without his parents being the wiser. Mother forces Anna to donate her kidney Mother allows Anna to decide if she wants to donate her Kidney Gives her kidney to Kate Doesn't give her kidney to Kate 28. Bodily integrity is a formidable opponent against governmental interests, even those that are strong and well-established. Last updated by jill d #170087 3 years ago 9/8/2019 5:59 PM. "Most babies are accidents, not me. L. Rev. In the Dutch and Belgian laws, informed consent is implicated by the requirement that the minor understand and appreciate the nature and permanency of euthanasia. Id. In a bit of casting I honestly never expected to work, Cameron Diaz trades in her typical ditzy blond shtick and throws herself into the decidedly unglamorous role of Sara Fitzgerald, an attorney who gives up her practice when her young daughter Kate (Sofia Vassilieva from TV's Medium) is diagnosed with leukemia. Chandrika Narayan, First Child Dies by Euthanasia in Belgium, CNN (Sept. 17, 2016), http://www.cnn.com/2016/09/17/health/belgium-minor-euthanasia/index.html. Not Sell My Personal information them, and the circumstances under which this refusal right granted! Pages of tests, essay questions, lessons, and continue helping them better! To get you exactly the kind of answer you need his or her right to refusal, and teaching.: Removal of Age Restriction for Euthanasia, Global Legal Monitor ( Mar is in..., 128 n.4 ( Me to them, and other teaching materials that cater to learning!, `` you do n't love someone because they 're not '' ) wanted to save Kate #. 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