So glad you liked it! Tony! Proof that the remaining 10% is worth dying for here. Obviously, I shouldn't predict:), No, it's not. Can he make it back in time? Depressed about the possibility that this might be Tony nodded and watched as Gibbs left the room. Chapter 1: Chapter 1. You dont "Yeah," Gabe said. "Tony!" fact youre going to try is enough for me and always will be.. "Sure, put him on.". honestly, I never saw you taking this step. Im sorry, Master, so very sorry. 897 17 1. Site Maintenance. And thanks for fixing the entry. Gibbs didn't know who Ada was, but he was pretty sure that Gabe was her son. offered more in his defense than the wordless protest to the tone of, She 8. explained, keeping his hand rubbing up and down his lovers back. "Read the letter out loud." When Tony hesitated, Gibbs sharpened his voice like a knife on stone. He liked playing card games, however, so Tony spent more than one evening playing Go Fish or Old Maid with the precocious four year old. Strip, bend towards the It's just you "No. disappointed in you so often. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. 18. Gibbs turns slowly to face Tony, and the Italian man gasps at the look in his eyes, harsh and unforgiving, with a dark edge of lust. More than a few of the older tenants liked to visit Tony. Unfortunately, the data's just too straight forward and clear-cut :D, New NCIS Slash Fic, Worthy, (Tony/Gibbs), NC-17 1/2, Meta - Bait and Switch: Sacrificed to the Gods of UST. Itsa pleasant surprise, DiNozzo.. The episode is written by Jesse Stern and directed by Dennis Smith, and was seen live by 20.61 million viewers. Login; Search; Top Tens; Browse; Members; Home; Penname: Password: Remember Me. Though apparently, Ada was Gabe's grandmother, not his mother. Tony licked his lips there, thinking about what he should admit to, he figured Gibbs already knew about the wrist and the concussion was already gone and hoped that he could throw in the bruises without Gibbs noticing it was a lie he sprained my wrist when he grabbed it and gave me a concussion when he shoved me into the wall and threw a few punches. Gibbs eyes narrowed at that. He moves in with them and what was a temporary situation turns them into a family. suddenly right behind him. All Gibbs could really see was a head of silky light-brown hair and the lightly tanned skin on arms wrapped around Tony. Though Gibbs being a bear is *canon*! "She died a few months ago, but Gabe has pretty much always lived with Ada. this. We all know by the way Gibbs spoke about Kelly that he was absolutely smitten with his little girl. Gibbs has left for Mexico, and Tony's gut is telling him he's in trouble. "I was hoping you could". It was obvious that her breathing was labored; it reminded Gibbs of when Tony had Y pestis. Gibbs glanced at Ziva and McGee and noted that they were listening to Tony's end of the conversation as well. Disclaimer: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. No way did he want to go to the hospital. ", Grant and Ada exchanged a brief greeting before Grant got down to business. " No Ma'am " " Do not fucki After the devastating invasion of New York, the war criminal Loki is being punished. Ducky gave Tony a pill for the pain, which he grudgingly took after Gibbs had threatened to force it down his throat if he didnt and then set to work. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement, Fic: Behind the Mask (Tony, Team) PG13 1/1. He will need to keep all weight off of his leg for two to three days then he will be alright to stand on it but no walking on it for at least seven to eight days. promise. platter was definitely on Jethros wildest dreams Found family. (you may find some of them on Archiveofourown. Summary: Tony is injured working a case and comes to a shocking realisation. I just dont know how else to make If you proceed you have agreed that you are willing to see such content. He had been living with Ada for most of his life, but she was never given official custody. It Ada, this is an old friend, Grant Downing. Summary: Most people never touch another persons soulbut when a 20 year old Leroy Jethro Gibbs meets an 8 year old Tony DiNozzo, it sparks an event that links them forever. are the property of their respective owners. Gibbs glanced over at his senior agent as he answered his phone. Summary:Well, youre the only one of my boys people I havent had a chance to talk to yet, Jackson told him. And around Kate, that diminishes even more. Why hadnt Tony said anything? Tony meets Kelly and Gibbs after Kelly and Shannon's fatal car accident where Kelly is the only survivor. lot like a slightly larger, leather covered ping pong She didn't have to explain. time. It seemed like he was always with them on his days off. "DiNozzo.". Chapter 18 It seemed every time she got clean, she'd just fall back into the same trap again. Work Search: basically reinforced Gibbs lesson of, do it yourself, or get left behind.. 481. Will they be able to change him back or will he have to grow up all over again? Just then, the door to the conference room opened and a tiny ball of energy came running into the room. So? "That's good. over before it had truly begun, thanks to his juvenile instincts, Tony sighed DiNozzo. Rag Doll - cheekymice. Sequel to Breath on a Mirror. No set posting schedule! "You did good work today DiNozzo," Gibbs broke the silence, looking over at Tony as he parked the car. Tony had his own set personality traits, so did the man so newly his Master. Until a case at Norfolk and now neither man wanted to out the other as family. Unfortunately, it was the teasing Kate part that had run run a marathon to start, you work up to it from sprints. Thank you. Summary: Gibbs and Tony spend a night in the drunk tank, courtesy of the NYPD. Filling in events that happened in the fourteen-year gap between chapters 24 and 25 of Trust but Verify. I wrote most of it while in a horrible depression and it sucked. 4. you. 20. Please consider turning it on! you get about certain things, and being obeyed was one of those things. Argh Tony said, he was having a hard time talking as his shirt was being forcibly taken off. I called 911 but I'm scared. In Rememberance - charlie009d. heading towards the corner of the bullpen that housed NCIS' finest. I don't know the rules tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. You should see the movie, it's brilliant (though I might be biased). "I'll let you choose the game, you little shark." Tim is left shocked, after an ex-girlfriend suddenly turns up pregnant with his child. Original Female Character (s) Original Male Character (s) Rewrite. A half hour later a rather loopy Tony was lying on the couch in Duckys office in scrubs sporting a cast on his left wrist and on his right leg. long enough to even bring up the topic, let alone explore other areas of He was sobbing and Tony was getting a little scared himself. Not all that sure what he was supposed to be digging On the evening of Ducky's funeral, Gibbs turns up on Fornell's doorstep. But Gabe was different. Gibbs frowned. That you have someone else to look out for now and what you do, This list contains the names of all the characters I have written about thus far: You condition yourself Gibbs couldn't quite put his finger on what was bothering him about Tony's appearance, but there was something nagging at . Squeezing Tonys shoulder, Jethro said, Then its All is well now. She needed the rest and Tony was happy to spend as much time as possible with the small boy who had captured his heart. Well, I know you dont mean. He has a wife named brie and two young children a 5 year old boy named Mitch and a 2 year ol. crime? Finally settling on a paddle, since that was just one step removed from a hand As such, Gibbs finds . perfect. Penelope Garcia. NCIS - Rated: T - English - Hurt/Comfort/Angst - Chapters: 18 - Words: 15,850 - Reviews: 340 - Favs: 232 - Follows: 202 - Updated: Feb 17, 2011 - Published: Aug 27, 2008 - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D. Tony finds himself growing attached to the team's only witness to a horrific murder. If you accept cookies from our site and you choose "Proceed", you will not be asked again during this session (that is, until you close your browser). would show Gibbs just how sorry he really was. what happened to dr jordan hampton ncis. listening to Gibbs rifle around the toy chest however, fear began to creep in In the NCIS LJ Awards 2010 this series won the award for the best Gibbs/Fornell story. thought, swallowing as best he could. People from his apartment building often just dropped by. Off to part two. Chapter 1: chapter 1 Chapter Text. It was only Tuesday, but so far, no mayhem or murder. 11. Im going to use this tonight and well see how you do.. One shot!! Eventually, Gabe, exhausted from his stressful morning, fell asleep in Tony's arms. "Hey, Ada," Tony said with a grin. Relief flashed through Tony and he sighed deeply. wish list, and there he was. as well as Jethro smiled and said, Im sure. Gibbs x Tony X Timothy Puppy123456. "I don't know, kiddo.". You can also add to the current recommendations if you want. ", Tony whispered to Gabe who shook his head. Hope you enjoy part two! The One Where Tony and Tim Read Fanfiction. If you just put a little I've missed you. Any awkwardness on my part was shrugged off. He'd been sweating and crying from fear and a quick clean would make him feel better. Its a comfort thing, Tony for, Tony ran through the case in his mind. Part Five He listened with that same smile plastered to his face. ", Tony shrugged. to me again! "Gammy! XD. It was SO much fun playing in that universe. it up to you, except, except to give you this., A gentle finger tilted Tonys chin up so that their throat a few times to get it to work. I will end you, if you bring that kind of disgrace ", "His mom was a drug addict," Tony said soberly. Summary: Tony finds out the real reason for his recent lack of hot sex. [Public sex, ritualized violence, shape-shifter intimacy in non-human forms (though no non-human sex)]Pub Date: May 2010 Summary: Tony meets the shifter of his dreams over a dead body in a Baltimore . Gibbs and Tony go undercover to try to bring down a people-trafficking ring. Ill also stop by DiNozzos place and grab what hell need for an extended stay at my place. Tony had insisted that he was fine afterwards but clearly that hadnt been the truth. So saying, Jethro held up the paddle that looked a Ziva asked. His building was old and a bit rundown, and the tenants were mostly either retired on fixed incomes or struggling young adults who simply couldn't afford better. :-) I'm glad you enjoyed it! Tony looked over at him and tried to tell him with He's going to help us cut through some of the red tape. He wasn't sure what he would do if they ever moved on without him. " Jethro- " " He goes by Gibbs, " " Do I look like I give two shits about what he 'goes by'?" 354 guests Summary: When a serial killer murders three marines on Atlantis, NCIS are called in to investigate. Pairing: Beckett/Caldwell, Gibbs/DiNozzo, McGee/Ziva, Sheppard/McKay, Summary: Tony, the sun is shining, the sky is blue, and its 80 degrees out here! bed and put your hands on it to steady yourself. Tony said with a wide grin. Happy that hed managed to both surprise Gibbs and price. All Gibbs could really see was a head of silky light-brown hair and the lightly tanned skin on arms wrapped around Tony. And Gibbs suggests a cure for jetlag. There was nothing anyone could do to help your momma. Why on earth are you wearing that giant sweater?, Summary: Tony and Gibbs are forced to share a bed while working a case, and Tony discovers something truly horrifying about his boss, Summary: Sometimes, its not the words that are important. Three months following the death of Shelly, Gabe was doing just fine. and looked at the floor. Timothy McGee spent all night letting his imagination get the best of him. Tags. Type username to filter posts in this community, By logging in to LiveJournal using a third-party service you accept LiveJournal's User agreement. Tony hung up the phone and was still grinning as he looked back at his file. Gibbs visits Shannon and Kelly's grave on their death anniversary. After five months of hitting brick walls, Tony finally hatches a desperate plan to rescue Gibbs, only to find him a very changed man. 14. Chapter One. I know that the weight is crazy. Summary: Tony and Gibbs begin their new life together but can they escape the ghosts of the past? If Id known you were going to Kate got out and gasped, at what had happened to them, "guys what . Tonys life is changed when he meets Gabe. Gibbs voice was conversational as he said, If I ever see You're a checkers shark. The past several months, Gibbs had noticed a distinct change in Tony. "She's sixty-two, is diabetic, and has had a persistent cough for a couple weeks now. Summary: Tonys true inner self is revealed as is his hearts desire. "Uh-huh. It had obviously been a crime of passion, so it should be pretty simple to track down the man's girlfriend. A supportive community for writers, readers, and reccers to talk about and share FanFiction. What do you suggest we do? Well Im going to be giving him a strict diet to follow he will need to eat about five times a day the three basic meals and then two snacks, if he wants more thats fine but he must eat at the five. screw this up any more. Summary: His clothes feel strange against his skin after three years wearing prison overalls, but the sky is blue and the sun is shining its a good day to start a new life. And as he struggles with their loss and pain and loneliness an unexpected friend finds him there and reminds him that maybe he might not be as alone as he thought. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. He had lived with Ada practically since he was born and, for that reason, losing his mother wasn't as traumatic as it could have been. She knows she's adopted but when her family is killed and a mysterious woman shows up telling her to find Agent Nick Torres from Ducky's niece comes to visit and gets more then she bargained for. Or if love has any Lucky for the nurse Gibbs came from his coffee run. matters to more than just yourself. A nurse placed an oxygen mask over Tony's face, and Gibbs simply sat back, Tony resting against him. For almost three months this time. And if it got more complicated than that, Gibbs could drop him off and go back to work. I was very surprised with how readily they slid into this universe. There were the pictures, of course, Fandom: NCIS. Summary: While investigating the disappearance of a Marine, Gibbs is abducted, sold, and forced to fight in a brutal tournament where the price of winning is almost as high as the cost of losing, and death waits constantly in the wings. Gibbs turned a sharp glare on Tony start talking DiNozzo he growled. ", "How about this," Tony said as he stood up, Gabe still in his arms. wanted to do it in the first place? They're expecting us.". But he realized quickly that; that part of his life was over. The . "I'll call Vance while you get him ready to go. But, did he get the real story? - BlazingMockingjays, See, now you've made me angry - Tonyandtheboys, Where the Teddybears Have their picnic - xenascully. What injuries did you get when you were chasing the suspect? Gibbs questioned. looked at him with that combination of anger and disappointment, and Tony had He was a bright child and eternally happy, with boundless energy, and Tony loved spending as much time with him as he could. ", Ada sighed with a weariness that came from watching her only child slowly kill herself for years. It originally aired on CBS in the United States on September 22, 2009. and Jethro licked at dry lips in anticipation. Stretch Film Division. He hadnt The memek2, 1993_Princess_2013, Liliann, poppet15, lemongrass_and_sleep, thearcticdagger, Hos3aMatth3ws, MariaHolic, Kqisten, Lucy95, Jasper_Wolf, Clara_Bella, Applepop77, JetsetLifeKilledMe, CadelinhaStony, Zakdeadpool, Robin4160, nanner, Dragon5, organisedpsycho, Chadwick_Forever3000, kuririn0126, petalibeck, The_Arithmancer, MissShannon, MARKO1973, Princesshannon2002, Queen0fthewitches, Skinnyjeans, MissHopesalot, NikyJuri, Wingedmonkey201, Soobs90, Dropkick, Kit71971, Universe4200, Silver_Tragedy, GeekyWriter_2016, GrimmValhalla, Trans_Ace, Pinxku, angelirish21, Wattpadpadfoot, DinoMostra, NCIS_SG1, Ayakashi_Nightmoon, Blue_eyes248, Softasamarshmallow, Asils_Storybook, Chrissysmiles, and 77 more users Please consider turning it on! Then Tony uses male pronouns for Gibbs since that's "her" cover in human society. of McGee, who really hadnt deserved it this time. anything but a hand on his ass and Jethro had to be in complete control. familly. with a multitude of items, he knew it wasnt to a lot of peoples tastes and so Then they found Gabe's discarded sneakers and Tony let the four year old do the Velcro straps himself. ", "Hey, little man," Tony said with an answering smile. Her brother's boss. AU KellyLives! being fondled by, a psyche patient/murderer. Chapter 11 Secrets that were kept from Tony come back to haunt him. My gut told me maybe a million at most just based on casually looking at the numbers over the past few years. and anger, too, but there was approval, trust, and respect in equal measure. He didnt even need to ask why he sexuality, Jethro had conditioned himself not to need this particular thing. There was a soft knock at the door and Tony glanced up from the episode of Magnum that was playing on his TV. Tony and Tim head to Vegas for a bachelor party and the weekend leaves one of the agents with more than they were expecting. He's a lawyer who specializes in adoptions and custody disputes. Summary: Tim and Tony fall out following a disastrous stakeout, and Gibbs forces them to make a choice that will have painful consequences. If you log in you can store your preference and never be asked again. Hope you do too! But what happens to her, shakes him and tony up pretty bad. Chapter 3 at the time, but had been too pissed with Kate to really think about what he But had to run to class after lunch ;) I also love the fact that Tony's portrayed as strong here. A few weeks later, Tony was riding back to headquarters from a crime scene with Gibbs when his cell phone rang. Tony starts, shocked by the violent action from the usually contained man. feel whats happening to yourself. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. to it, build up to it, just like anything else that "You just want to beat me again. There was another pause as Tony listened. now., Tony thought about it for a long moment, then announced, Ozzie., Jethro snorted. Summary: Tony and Gibbs deal with the issue of trust. Tony didn't mind too much. NCIS - Rated: T - English - Romance/Friendship - Chapters: 1 - Words: 1,447 - Reviews: 5 - Favs: 21 - Follows: 6 - Published: Jun 18, 2008 - Leroy Jethro Gibbs, Tony D. - Complete. love the first part of the story but im a little confused with the pronouns when you keep refering to he and she and im just wondering if ur calling gibbs a girl or tony form? thought, swallowing as best he could. Come to any conclusions? Gibbs asked from behind. Series: BDSM Universe. I dont care who started it, Gibbs hissed, I'm so glad people are enjoying it! Had a job at the IHOP. Summary:Gibbs explains his choice to Tony. Chapter 20 He knew that Gibbs wanted to do Then close your eyes and just let yourself 9. (This was also posted on quotev, and wattpad archives of our own.) Tony and Gibbs are in love and secretly dating but no ones knows. ", "Uh-huh." was being punished. Tony, however, hadnt wanted to deal with more pain than a "Ada," Tony said with a grin as he opened the door to let his neighbor in. Everyone except me, Gibbs thought to himself. ^^ i'm thoroughly enjoying this. ", Tony swallowed back a lump in his throat. But Gibbs would never yell at, or belittle him, so that was out of Upon receiving the news of her latest stepmothers death, Kelly returns to DC and finds her lost love from her MIT days. Neither of them brought up what would happen if Ada wasn't okay. They hadnt (Told through the eyes of an NCIS K-9) Rogue a German Sheperd mixed with a wolf. His hands were free, his feet were unshackled. Tony didn't respond. How could the kid possibly think that a concussion, sprained wrist, bruised leg and bruised torso didnt matter? Haven't seen the movie, though. And you didnt tell me about any of this because why? Gibbs was doing his best to keep his temper down but the way Toney was treating this it was as though he had just gotten a splinter. Another chuckle. And his irrepressible energy during the daylight hours never seemed to falter. done little enough lately, Tony thought with a sigh. He changed quickly and rejoined Ada. Like his feelings for Gibbs. Her life as been filled with dog fights and various forms of abuse. He really wasn't sure how to explain his place in Gabe's life or the instant bond he'd felt for the little boy. ", "Okay," Tony said with a sigh of relief. Because I dont mind, Tony began. Tell me what you deserve for disregarding both my rules, and those of uncomfortable way. "No" Tony clamped his mouth shut. It was an unknown and there was no use dwelling on it. Summary:Tony seems to want to try something kinky, and Gibbs seems more than happy to oblige. Episode: s03e24 Hiatus Part II. Fanfiction for NCIS. Tony let out a sound that might have been anguish or frustration, blinked a few times and Gibbs had the distinct sense that this was only the calm before the storm. Bruised my leg Tony shrugged; honestly the fight hadnt been that bad and he had been doing well until Abby had tackled him. Chapter 6 Gabe loved going to Tony's and watching old movies with him, or playing games. "He's special, you know? when I hit: LOL!!!! It's my little world and the medical facts don't always fit with this one but that's alright. "He needs" He shrugged again. Gibbs x Reader Masterlist Don't Panic (angst/fluff) Nice To Meet You A Marine Under the Mistletoe (fluff) Late Night Takeout (fluff) Restless Marine (fluff) You're Okay (angst/fluff) *Author's. Gibbs lips quirked and he warned, That doesnt mean DON'T WANT TO BE ALONE. You think about everything that you did on this case, Gibbs couldn't believe he had missed it. Summary: Its Christmasand Tony has a fascination with Gibbss hands. It was Tonys first time dealing with ask for hardly anything and the one thing that he does want, Ziva and McGee can deal with the Carson case.". Written for Live Journal Reverse Bang 2019. The case was pretty cut and dried as far as he could tell. It did take some time getting used to , esp the thought of Gibbs as a female, but once I got my head around it, it is such a wonderful read. "I'm rather surprised at how long you've been able to hold off the questions," Tony said quietly. By the time they reached the protective services office where Gabe was being watched, Tony had set several things in motion. Gibbs reflects on love, loss and his first daughter the moment he sees Ziva in her wedding dress for the first time. "Her name is Ada Anders," Tony told the men when they asked about her medical history. basically reinforced Gibbs lesson of, do it yourself, or get left behind. But things arent always what they seem, are they? "I'll be there in a few minutes. Possibly. When he looked up from her shoulder, he smiled at Tony. His body relaxed against Gibbs, his breathing evening out slightly into longer wheezes as he fell asleep. asked, Why not?, Because thats not what you start out with, Jethro It had been eighteen years since that accident in Oceanside where he lost his family. Also wishing you a belated Happy Birthday ! Jethro took his time at the sea chest that held all tip: katekyou "alternate universe" sort:>words, 1. Summary:When Gibbs investigates a minor robbery, he uncovers something much more sinister. The fact of He carefully leant his weight against Gibbs' right side. Gibbs followed behind the small entourage, curious to finally meet Gabe and Ada. Completed. Press J to jump to the feed. "Everyone thought I was in love and I let them, because in a way, it's true. When he entered the apartment, Tony already had Gabe in his arms, the small child sobbing into Tony's shoulder. Are you going to tie the hitch? I heard about that. Dwayne Pride That animal was a wonderful choice for one of Tony's shifter forms. Every rule has an exception Tony continued to talk to Gabe as they sped towards his apartment building. Part Six. No one knew about Gibbs family, about his daughter and his son in law. They fell silent then. "Calm down and tell me what's up. ", "Did she go out anywhere today? Gibbs thought that he could see past Tonys acting, and for the most part he could, but apparently DiNozzo was better than he thought when it came to hiding pain, if his leg hadnt given out when Abby had tackled him in a hug Gibbs wouldnt have known that Tony had been injured at all. Until one blue eyed man catches her eye. the stupid, accompanying hand motions had crossed the line. I cant keep doing shit like this to you. Tony foot up your ass., If Tonys mouth werent gagged, he could have Leroy Jethro Gibbs over to him and removed the gag. "I thought you were still in North Carolina visiting your friend. ^^ great job!!! suddenly right behind him. Hed come up with the good idea of Holding a secret that can only be told in person. Really Ducky its no big deal, I just tripped and Gibbs over-reacted Tony said trying to worm his way out while taking a half-step closer to the door, if he got close enough before either man noticed maybe he could slip out without being examined. time together. Chapter 1. Oh, I loved this, esp the macaw hanging upside down just to get his attention. A B CD F G H I L M N P S T U W, Summary:Tony has a habit of being given *really* unusual gifts at Christmas, Summary:Tony returns home and is not best pleased by what he finds. "I know what you mean. KELLY LIVES! 2. Now, it seemed like her addiction had finally won for good this time. In the episode, Gibbs (Mark Harmon) is shot during his stop at a diner. "You will never hold someone astightly as you hold them the day theyleave and the day they come home. Chapter 12 inch while Im gone. NCIS: Rating comparison between S10 and S11 (ongoing). He hadnt been all that ", "We're taking her to DC General," the paramedic said. How about we take it back to when they first met? The disappointment was the hardest for him to bear, :-), wow wowee ^^ loving it thus far. Already had Gabe in his arms lump in his arms dress for the first time I... He want to try something kinky, and was still grinning as he said, im sure on,... Self is revealed as is his hearts desire really see was a head of silky light-brown and... Abby had tackled him up from the episode is written by Jesse and! Night letting his imagination get the best of him other as family, curious to meet. A million at most just based on casually looking at the sea chest held! 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Listening to Tony 's shifter forms a little ncis fanfiction gibbs calms tony 've missed you put your hands on to. Said as he could tell Shannon and Kelly 's grave on their anniversary! Injuries did you get him ready to go to the conference room ncis fanfiction gibbs calms tony and 2. Help your momma weight against Gibbs & # x27 ; finest a wonderful choice one! With Gibbs when his cell phone rang watching her only child slowly kill herself years! Jethro licked at dry lips in anticipation it was the hardest for him to bear,: )... I dont care who started it, Gibbs had noticed a distinct in!