41 reported sightings of living pterosaurs in California. Most of them have been in the United States. . Pterodactyl is the common word many people use to describe to two famous pterosaurs of the Mesozoic Era: Pteranodon and Pterodactylus. . The men who live along the swales and sand hollows east and southeast of Selma on the evening of July 13th heard strange sounds in the air just after dark, like the rushing of wings when some large bird passes swiftly through the air overhead. Yes they do live in Hawaii. Two pterosaursightings in Los Angeles, in 2013, have caused a stir, being ten weeks apart and the second one being just a mile and a half south of the first one. [Pterodactyl Sightings Flying Creatures NOT extinct]. I know of a very few books written about living dinosaurs and living pterosaurs, but The Girl who saw a Flying Dinosaur is different: only about apparent non-extinct pterosaurs that have been seen by people in the 20th and 21st centuries. But why is it reported to live in many areas of the planet? (Por Jonathan Whitcomb, un experto en pterosaurios vivos), Pterosaur sighting while driving in Raleigh, North Carolina. . . The other day, I was doing an online search and found the following report (which Ive condensed and slightly edited for clear English): In 2010 I saw a flying dinosaur. . As we were watching this strange bird, it let out a ghastly loud shrieking scream . Hasbro Lines - Main Lines - Collector Lines - Movie LInes; Takara Lines - Main Lines - Collector Lines; 3rd Party; Comics. I was driving a car alone, on my way to pick up my sister. . Texas and California are the states in the U.S. where some have occurred. Generations of people in Utah have reported large flying creatures, sometimes using a word like dragon or pterodactyl or pterosaur. This is a brief introduction to eyewitness sightings of apparent living pterosaurs seen in Utah. described the ropen-like creature: about 30 feet long, with a straight tail 15-16 feet long. A lady reported observing a huge dragon pteradactal that had been perched, at about noon on June 19, 2012, on a phone line or cable company wire over her backyard. Lake Isabella in California - pterodactyl or ropen sighting near here Large flying creature in California I was fishing for crappie April, 2020, at Lake Isabella an hour above Bakersfield Calif. . Of the 41 sightings reported in California, 7 are featured in the new Youtube video "Giant Pterodactyl in California." Most of the encounters in the video were in Southern California. Ropen Sighting Near University of California at Irvine In the summer of 2007, a man was driving northwest on Campus Road, from the direction of the state university in Irvine, when he saw a gigantic flying creature pass in front of his car, at low elevation. . In the summer of 1891, southeast of Fresno, several eyewitnesses reported two featherless flying creatures with wingspans of fifteen feet . True to the spirit of the West, they shot the creature. Slack and his buddy searched the sky for the Andromeda Nebula. They have been reported in Raleigh, Durham, Asheville, Wilmington, and in other areas of N.C., as well as in Virginia, South Carolina, Georgia, and in many other states . . He described the dark gray or black animal as 30 feet long, with 15-16 feet of that being a tail. . Despite their appearance, they were not related to birds and were highly successful flyers that might have dined on fish and insects. A pond in the wildlife sanctuary near the sighting area (2007), Many Living Pterosaur Sightings in the United States. From Garth (at the same meeting in 2007) Big flying creature in that area; Has a big head crest; Long tail has a diamond-shaped flange . Music video: living pterosaurs in California. . Why do people in California report seeing a huge pterodactyl? The body of the creature was taken to the nearby town of Gray, according to the story, where it was identified as a pterodactyl by a student of paleontology. In that same general area, about two years later, Susan Wooten witnessed a huge flying creature: "as big as any car and had NO feathers." Facts Analysis: . At least two pterosaur species, (quite uncommon, mostly nocturnal) still live in North America. . The sky was clear and only a few clouds crossed the sky. Sometimes an eyewitness will remain quiet about seeing a live "pterodactyl" until he or she learns that a friend or member of the family has also seen such a flying creature. In the summer of 1891, southeast of Fresno, several eyewitnesses reported two featherless flying creatures with wingspans of fifteen feet . There was traffic and we were all going about 30 mph. Although its not covered in this video, one thing Ive learned about living pterosaurs is that sightings are not nearly as rare as people would suppose. Biblical and scientific perspectives on extant pterosaurs. Pterodactyl with a Pee Well-Known Member. Then . Not one of those sightings was very far from a storm channel or stream bed. . One of the best known living-pterosaur (LP) sightings by a car driver was in South Carolina. In 2002, an Alaskan bush pilot . Ebay: None YouTube (Old): . . Or why do they assume that if a few bird watchers saw a living pterodactyl then the whole western world would suddenly believe in those large featherless flying creatures? It flew about 20 feet high, towards a cluster of trees near the wetlands of the wildlife sanctuary or refuge. Enjoy this lively music video as you learn about the shocking flying creatures men and women have encountered in California. . Car Accidents Related to Pterosaur Sightings. By clicking Accept All Cookies, you agree to the storing of cookies on your device to enhance site navigation, analyze site usage, and assist in our marketing efforts. [On another night two men] were surprised to hear a strange, strangling noise in the deep swale under the bridge. What is it? Stories of flying reptiles have been recorded for many hundreds of years. . The Plesiosauria (/ p l i s i s r i ,-z i-/; Greek: , plesios, meaning "near to" and sauros, meaning "lizard") or Plesiosaurs are an order or clade of extinct Mesozoic marine reptiles, belonging to the Sauropterygia.. Plesiosaurs first appeared in the latest Triassic Period, possibly in the Rhaetian stage, about 203 million years ago. Yes, some scientists believe that a limited number of species of pterosaurs have survived into modern times. The person may not be aware of his or her own assumptions about me and my writings and my small online video productions, probably having only very limited experience with them. . [The many credible reports of apparent pterosaurs are not misidentified birds but actual pterosaurs, in at least the great majority of cases. I figured thats where it had landed, startling the birds. Pteranodon is a genus of pterosaurs (not dinosaurs) including some of the largest known flying reptiles with wingspans over 6 meters (20 ft). Los Angeles River, just northeast of downtown L.A. . The most recent sighting had been just fifteen days earlier, between Griffith Park and Glendale. The combinations of those two types makes 150,000 Americans with significant sightings. Muchas personas han visto estas criaturas voladoras. . . Estimated Number of Sightings of Pterosaurs in the United States. They appeared light in colorwhite, gray or light green. Live Pterodactyls in Youtube Videos ], Books for LDS readers (living pterosaurs). Eleven sighting reports of ropens, a.k.a. . I feel like I could not have been the only one to see [it]that day. But after publishing many web pages about living pterosaurs in Papua New Guinea, I received emails and phone calls from eyewitnesses: sightings in California, Texas, New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, Florida, Georgia, South Carolina, North Carolina, Virginia, Maryland-Virginia border, Pennsylvania, New York, Rhode Island, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Michigan, Wisconsin, Kansas, and Washington State. While many experts believe the drawing is a bird, the beak, head prominence, wings, and legs also look very much like those of a pterosaur. WHERE ARE YOU???. when he saw me he jumped off the telephone wires and when he opened his huge wings they sounded like heavy fabric . I suggest that at least some eyewitnesses were telling the truth, regardless of the opinions of the news reporters of that time, and that at least some eyewitnesses may have seen a living pterosaur. The huge flying creature, seen by a couple taking a walk, was about a mile from the storm channel that leads to Hansen Dam in the San Fernando Valley. Ive communicated with only a few paleontologists over the past eleven years of my investigation. After the encounter, the man estimated its wingspan was between 30 feet and 50 feet, probably closer to 50. In California, New Mexico, Texas, Arkansas, Florida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania, Ohio, and many other states, eyewitnesses have been shocked by featherless creatures flying overhead. If you have an interest in cryptozoology you should read this. [reader comment from Dale, who lives in Pennsylvania], Searching for Ropens and Finding God fourth edition, Live Pterosaurs in America (cryptozoology book). . My dog Ember was with me. It was about half a mile from the stream bed above Eaton Canyon Park. There have been many modern-day sightings of creatures that by eyewitness description sound like pterosaurs, or pterodactyl sightings. In the late 1980s, noted cryptozoologist Roy Mackal led an expedition into Namibia from which he had heard reports of a prehistoric-looking creature with a wingspan of up to 30 feet. . ", "Not everybody embraces a live pterodactyl", The extinction of some species of pterosaurs, out of so, many known from fossils, is hardly disputed. Web There were a flurry of sightings in the 1940s and 50s before in 1961 Craig Black claimed to have seen a female carrying a pouched cub in Ben Lomond National. No wing flaps Alone in the car, driving northbound When I returned from Papua New Guinea, in 2004, I knew almost nothing about reports of apparent pterosaurs, or dragons, in California. The two huge flying creatures were about 1200 feet from the nearest creek bed, as two men observed them in San Diego at 8:00 p.m., in the fall of 2011. This story was even featured in the Australian People Magazine and theorizes that pterodactyls inhabit the still-mysterious Amazon Rainforest. Here's the report from October 10, 2017 (anon. In this video, I get into a sighting in Altadena, California, in about the year 1969. Age: 68. Thats why my associates and I continue to work in the realm of cryptozoology, using whatever knowledge is available. A few skeptics have declared that no bird watchers have ever seen a modern pterosaur. In other words, 37,500 Americans have told somebody something to the effect that they saw a flying creature that appeared more like a pterosaur than a bird or a bat, and 112,500 have not told anyone about seeing something that gave them the impression that it was a pterosaur. . . I would think of myself as someone who knows a little something of the animal kingdom. The Top 10 Most Mysterious Creatures of Modern Times, Stories of Live Animals Sealed Within Stone, 10 Lesser-Known U.S. Monsters and Cryptids, Lottery Curse Victims: 7 People Who Won Big & Lost Everything, Snowy Scares: Horror Movies to Feed Your Winter Need. (*The encounters themselves may be older.). . If pterosaurs really died out with the dinosaurs and their fossil remains were not first discovered until 1784, then a depiction of one could not possibly exist in an ancient rock carving. Two sightings have been reported from the same backyard in the city of Lakewood, California. and there was a huge flying bird-like animal above us. . I slowed down and asI was looking the birds suddenly BURST from one of the trees! From the book Searching for Ropens and Finding God (third edition) we read about sightings of strange nocturnal flying creatures: That report prepared me for an email I received years later, early in 2012, about two men who had seen two huge flying creatures about twenty-five miles to the south, over San Diego [California]. . . pterodactyls) hunt bats at night. Ive spent well over 10,000 hours on my own investigation, probably more time than any other person now living. Thats when some of the media in that area responded to my press release. I see the man looking out of his window which made me look up. I realized this was no ordinary bird but appeared more like a featherless reptile. A few days ago (early in May of 2019), I uploaded a video to the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life. . Looking ahead and up a hill,I saw a flock of crows cross the road, from right to left, followed byyep, you guessed it. Unlike many sightings, this was was not reported to me (Jonathan Whitcomb) but to fellow members of a musicians forum. Calif. Over the years, many people questioned the authenticity of both the photograph and the creature (Pteranodon). A transformation in thinking about modern pterosaurs. Many Youtubers make similar recordings of themselves, although not usually while theyre sitting on a couch. [Pterodactyls Live in Hawaii Ropens Included]. O'Donnell (2006), Gerhard (2007), and a few others relate still other sightings China, Scotland, and Vietnam. . Number of witnesses: 1. This will be the fourth edition of Live Pterosaurs in America, to be published first in ebook format. It was gliding steadily, without flapping its wings, seemingly meer [mere] feet above the rooftop of an adjacent building. When shown illustrations of pterosaurs, Melland reported, the natives identified them as most resembling kongamoto. For eyewitnesses of apparent living pterosaurs, The following are some of the *more-recently received sighting reports of modern pterosaurs in the USA. [One of the sightings in this video was in Altadena, California, in the late 1960s, close to Pasadena; another sighting was in Irvine, California], Living-Pterosaur Videos on the Youtube Channel Protect Animal Life. . I was fishing on the western side near the South fork. Of the many pterodactyl sighting reports in Los Angeles County, received by the cryptozoologist Jonathan Whitcomb, over many years, six encounters are in this video. Two of the more common words used to describe flying creatures that look like pterosaurs are dragon and pterodactyl, at least in the United States. Their wings were long, angular and pointed and their tails had triangular points. The animals are also called "pterodactyls" or even "flying dinosaurs" or "dinosaur birds". . For sighting #1, in the words of an eyewitness, "It turned its head and looked right at me". It was huge and the only thing I can compare it to is a dinosaur. . With wingspans reaching nearly 40 feet, pterosaurs ruled the prehistoric skies for over 100 million years, until they died out with the dinosaurs about 65 million years ago. The answer comes after many years of work in cryptozoology and after interviews with dozens of eyewitnesses in California and with hundreds across the United States. That one example, my sister and her friend, is hardly an adequate sampling, of course, but I have had hundreds of eyewitness sighting reports sent to me by Americans who have seen these flying creatures, and some of them know someone else who has had a similar encounter. . . .. That didnt strike me as right so I asked her if she was sure and she said they werent lights exactly, but that the wings had a glow or reflection. it looked like a huge bird, it was gliding in the air . It was the summer of 1977 and I was 17 at the time. . . I just want to report a sighting of a pterodactyl-looking animal. Fossil records suggest that Gigantopithecus blacki reached the size of 3 meters (9.8 ft), and weighed up to 540 kilograms (1,200 . Rather than begin by listing my four cryptozoology books, lets look at what you would like as a reader or at the needs and interests of the reader for which you would give a book as a gift. Many people still assume that every species of pterosaur (aka pterodactyl) became extinct many millions of years ago. The two identified a pair of what looked to be giant birds, with bony structures and wingspans stretching 15 to 20 feet, a look reminiscent to one teacher of a pteranodon, an extinct type of flying. The pterosaur is very real . 7. . It was right over us [90-120 feet high] . This occurred near a swamp in Rhodesia where the man suffered a large wound in his chest that he said was caused by the monster's long beak. Music video: living pterosaurs in California. . Published in October of 2014, Searching for Ropens and Finding God will take you around the world, with those who have risked life, health, and reputation, as they have looked for living pterosaurs. As of early December of 2017, it seems that no scientist has a body of a recently-deceased pterosaur to examine, or at least I have no knowledge of such a discovery and examination. They each had a distinct neck between body and head, that was more narrow and clearly visible. This video is mostly about seven reported sightings of huge featherless flying creatures, most of the encounters being in Southern California. Pterodactyl Sightings in Central California Scott Norman, a cryptozoologist from Southern California, decided to meet with some of his associates in central California, where people had reported living pterosaurs. Pterodactyl Sighting in Illinois Watch on The Oxford English Dictionary defines the word cryptid as "An animal whose existence or survival is disputed or unsubstantiated, such as the yeti." For the following witnesses to living cryptids, there is no dispute. 3 different sighting reports involving huge Thunderbird and Pterodactyl / Pterosaur creatures in Colorado, Texas and Mississippi "In 2008, on the southeast corner of north Table Mountain in Golden, Colorado, I witnessed a large flying Thunderbird riding the lead edge of a thunderstorm that was coming out of Clear Creek Canyon. Workmen were digging through Jurassic-era limestone for a railway tunnel between the St.-Dizier and Nancy lines. . The natives, who were occasionally tormented by these creatures, described them as being featherless with smooth skin, having a beak full of teeth and a wingspan of between four and seven feet. . Granted, a mile from any storm channel or stream bed in Los Angeles County (see Sherman Oaks above) takes in a lot of area; but five of the above eight sightings were well under half a mile, and the Lakewood sighting was of an apparent ropen almost directly above a channel. . . . Susan Wooten was following her friend, who was driving ahead on a major country highway, when the huge flying creature passed right in front of her car. . 2. Lets begin with a list of some of the benefits available to young readers, for this is for kids and teenagers: To the best of my knowledge, this is the first nonfiction book ever published (on this subject) which was written for children and teenagers. You deserve. . . Music video: living pterosaurs in California, A few days ago (early in May of 2019), I uploaded a video to the Youtube channel Protect Animal Life. Jonathan Whitcomb introduces excerpts from a number of Youtube videos about modern pterosaur sightings. But the details in the descriptions, not the labels chosen by eyewitnesses, determine how likely it is that a person has observed a live pterosaur. Flying northeast at about 4:00 p.m. It reveals the 19th Century photograph is authentic one, and the animal/object is real. 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