Most members of the 1st Battalion, for example, eventually found their way back to the regiment. then, as seen by Manteuffel and Luettwitz, was not how to achieve the On this Wikipedia the language links are at the top of the page across from the article title. cannon company gunners quickly bore-sighted their pieces, loaded reduced charge, and with direct fire knocked out four of the panzers. Today marks the 76th anniversary of the Battle of the Bulge, in order to commemorate this anniversary we are releasing our first Then and Now video focusing . The Battle of Hrtgen Forest (German: Schlacht im Hrtgenwald) was a series of battles fought from 19 September to 16 December 1944, between American and German forces on the Western Front during World War II, in the Hrtgen Forest, a 140 km 2 (54 sq mi) area about 5 km (3.1 mi) east of the Belgian-German border. Aside from patrol activity (generally small raids against individual pillboxes) the 112th Infantry sector had been quiet. Map of St Vith drawn 15 November 1944. The 3d Battalion then crossed the river farther to the south, circled and finally dug in along the OurenWeiswampach road, where its flank would be covered by the refused line of the 2d Battalion. Then the enemy grenadiers encircled the American roadblock at Urspelt, Just before dark, therefore, Kokott threw a part of his replacement training battalion into the action; these fresh troops succeeded in forcing their way into the north edge of the village, although with heavy losses. The insignia was amended to correct the blazon on 16 May 2008. There the American tank platoon from Company B, 707th Tank Battalion, hit into the German flank while attempting to reach Weiler and, it would appear, caused disorganization and confusion. Kokott's screening regiment, the 78th, had been in the habit of throwing out an outpost line west of the Our from nightfall till dawn. In 2004-2005, A Company, 1st Battalion, was deployed with Task Force Dragoon to Tikrit Iraq. The 2d Battalion manned observation posts and operated patrols across the river but was deployed in a refused position west of the Our. The 112th Infantry Regiment protected five miles of the northern section, the 109th covered nine miles on the southern end, and the 110th Infantry Regiment was responsible . Between Holzthum and Buchholz, Battery C of the 109th Field Artillery was hit hard but held its positions, firing the 105-mm. The 44th was hit from the northeast and east by infantry armed with machine pistols charging in alongside single tanks. World War II: Another great uncle, 2LT Elton Barry Arnett, was an infantry platoon leader with Co. C, 1/112th Infantry, 28th Infantry Division. It appears that the corps had only moderate support in the way of engineers and bridge trains. The roads in the At one point, after the fight for Kommerscheidt, the regiment was reduced to 300 men. This sizable town lay in a bend of the Wiltz River valley, southwest of Clerf and some three miles away from the enemy-held crossings at Wilwerwiltz. 112th. the Reconnaissance Battalion of the 116th Panzer Division During the Battle of the Bulge the 112th RCT managed to . It became the 112th Infantry Regimental Combat Team which consisted of the 112th Infantry Regiment, the 229th Field Artillery Battalion, the 103rd Engineer Battalion, Company C, 447th Antiaircraft Artillery Battalion, and Company C, 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion. battalion, hastily formed from the 28th Division headquarters, by setting Col, Plt Sgt, 112th Infantry Regiment, 28th Division, Battle of the Bulge, Huertgen Forest, USA. from the rear. Some additional help for the 112th did arrive before daybreak on 17 December, four self-propelled tank destroyers out of the 811th Tank Destroyer Battalion borrowed from Combat Command Reserve, 9th Armored Division, at Trois Vierges. He even dispatched a kampfgruppe to seize a bridge considerably south of Clerf apparently intending to swing his attack column to a poorer road in the event that Clerf continued to hold. An unidentified crew of a 447th Antiaircraft Artillery half-track drove straight onto the mines, its .50-caliber fire searching out the enemy riflemen. He purchased the farm from his parents in 1943. 1st Army (1-A): Gen Courtney H. Hodges - 526th Armored Infantry Battalion - 99th Infantry Battalion (Separate) - 61st Engineer [] From Philadelphia to the Battle of the Bulge: The Brief Life of Pvt. The bulk of his very limited reserve consisted of the 2d Battalion, 110th Infantry, and the 707th Tank Battalion. The enemy made three attacks in the same close formation over the same ground before they discovered the error of their ways. a bridgehead over the Our at the boundary between the 112th Infantry This unit was redesignated less than a year later, in December 1921, when they became 103rd Ordnance Company, Special Troops. . It had ninety-two Panthers and forty-seven Mark IV tanks; perhaps 40 percent of its organic vehicles were missing. The German guns and Werfers had finally opened fire to neutralize or destroy the rearward artillery and reserve positions in the, 112th sector. "Air Power in the Battle of the Bulge: A Theater Campaign Perspective", published in the Winter 1989 issue of "Airpower Journal". Meanwhile he dispatched About 1000, therefore, General Cota ordered Companies A and B of the 707th Tank Battalion to reinforce the 110th Infantry, with the intention of clearing up the deepest enemy penetrations and sweeping the ridge road clear. On the right its 1st Battalion marched on Hosingen, bringing flame throwers and self-propelled guns to blast the Americans from the village; the 2d Battalion moved straight for the Clerf River, aiming at control of the crossings and road net at Wilwerwiltz. 121st Infantry Regiment. As the column emerged from the village of Heinerscheid, concealed high-velocity guns opened on the skimpily armored light tanks, picking them off like clay pipes in a shooting gallery. Six three-inch towed The bulk of the 3d Battalion held their positions despite surprise, defending from pillboxes and foxholes. thing was agreed upon: Bastogne had to be taken before the bulk of the The battle plans and tactics of the Fifth Panzer Army, more than those of any other German army that took part in the Ardennes counteroffensive, bore the very strong personal imprint of its commander, General Manteuffel. He was wounded in action on Dec. 16, 1944 in Bleialf, Germany, by shrapnel. The unit was noted for actions in the Battle of Coamo, where the regiment sustained six wounded and one killed in action during a blocking action. 120th Infantry Regiment. to the Our bridges in the 3d Battalion area led the regimental commander After the Germans captured the howitzers, a bazooka team of a company officer and a sergeant held the enemy tanks at bay, destroying two which ventured into the village. New York: William Morrow and Co., 1985. In July 1865, these units were mustered out of federal service. About noon the 2d Battalion counterattacked and German pressure along the 112th front began to wane. On 3 July 1916, the regiment was called to service for Mexican border duty, with Rickards still in command. Two lieutenants from I Company examine German weapons abandoned at Schoppen. The American strongpoints were therefore located with an eye to blocking these entry ways while at the same time defending the lateral ridge road which connected the 110th with its neighboring regiments and provided the main artery sustaining the entire division front. on the Marnach road, but more tanks and infantry were arriving hourly In the north, contact was maintained with the 106th Infantry Division at a point northwest of Ltzkampen. Despite the general dictum that defended towns would be bypassed, Manteuffel wanted St. Vith as a blocking position and so ordered Lucht to capture it. VIII Corps: Medical Support in the Battle of the Bulge In addition to the organic medical support provided in its infantry and armored divisions, the VIII Corps, First U.S. Army, in the opening days of the Battle of the Bulge possessed a well-organized and experienced medical support structure with the 64th Medical Group and its two separate medical battalions, the 169th . Early in the month the Germans had undertaken what appeared to be a routine relief in their forward positions. When Germany surrendered on May 8, 1945, Staff Sgt. All of these units were released from federal service in 1945. The Bellefonte Fencibles were mustered as Company H, 2d Pennsylvania Volunteers. One tank platoon remained there to bolster the defense, while the other turned back to the south, picked up Company C, and, on orders, returned with the infantry to Munshausen. [] About 1300 a thick, soupy December fog rolled in on the village. quieted down, although there still were small groups of the enemy crawling about in the gap breached that morning Ltzkampen would continue as a sally port for sorties against the 1st Battalion and the best efforts by the American field pieces to flatten the village failed to still the men and vehicles moving in its streets. The approach road on the east bank was But there were too few guns and too few air sorties to keep the enemy immobilized for long. This point was conceded when Hitler ruled that the artillery fires along the entire front would begin at 0530. Attempts during the evening to send a task force of stragglers and trains forward from the 28th Division headquarters at Sibret were abortive; the roads east to Wiltz now were blocked every few kilometers by enemy infantry and self-propelled guns. Patrols could not reach the 1st Battalion and at dusk the 3d Battalion reported that the panzers finally were in position to rake its ridge defenses with fire from the north-the pillbox line no longer was tenable. It became the 112th Infantry Regimental Combat Team. The action of the 112th Infantry in this part of the 28th Division story stands therefore as an episode in itself until, after four days' fighting, the regiment joins the forces arrayed in defense of St. Vith.13. One battalion of armored infantry was given bicycles, and would move so slowly through the mud and over the hills that its function during the drive to the west was simply that of a replacement battalion, feeding into the more mobile units up ahead. The assault company from the 156th was initially more fortunate in its advance west of Ltzkampen. in to the south edge of Hosingen, contrary to orders, and there grappled Anything even remotely resembling a continuous line across the 9- to 10-mile regimental front was beyond the strength of the 1st and 3d Battalions. the undergunned batteries of the 687th Field Artillery Battalion held One Subsequently General Cota ordered them to go to the aid of the hardpressed 110th Infantry. These units were mustered into federal service during the American Civil War. Fuller and some of his staff made their escape, hoping to join Company G, which had been released at division headquarters and was supposed to be coming in from the west. USA soldiers during the Battle of the Bulge, 1944. In the late evening of 16 December German artillery began to range into Clerf, apparently covering the advance of patrols from Marnach. This article appears in: . the story of the 112th Infantry Regiment of the 28th Infantry Division in the battle for Schmidt, Germany. After the fall of Hosingen the 3d Battalion elements in Consthum offered the last organized resistance in the 28th Infantry Division center east of the Clerf River. Unhappy about this thorn in his side, Manteuffel won the assignment of the Schnee Eifel heights to his army and personally developed a scheme to mop up resistance in this sector at the earliest possible moment. The tankers had been told that there were no friendly troops on the road and just Outside Holzthum knocked out an antitank gun placed there by Company I. The 26th Volks Grenadier Division was across the Our River in force but had failed to gain its first-day objective, control of the Clerf River crossings. Apprehensive lest the Americans be prematurely warned, Army Group B had forbidden the movement of any troops across the Our in advance of the opening barrage set for 0530 on 16 December. 109th, 110th, and 112th Infantry Regiments 107th, 108th . West of the ridge, Company L in Holzthum and the headquarters company and Company M in Consthum barred a direct approach to the Clerf crossing site at Wilwerwiltz. The timetable for the 26th Volks Grenadier Division advance called for both its attacking regiments to reach the Clerf River by nightfall of the first day. If anyone has information about Fred or his division please contact me. The German attack to penetrate the front lines of the 28th Division succeeded on the first day of the offensive in splitting the 112th Infantry from the rest of the division. Those in the south fell back toward Wiltz, the division command post. A half hour before dawn on 18 December German guns and mortars opened heavy fire. They divided into two groups and headed west through the enemy lines. Lauchert arrived too late to meet all of his regimental commanders, but the 2d Panzer, like the rest of the corps, was already in position to move the moment darkness came. Leaving only a screening force behind, the 60th Regiment ridge, covering an observation post. Designated as the 16th Regiment, Pennsylvania Volunteer Infantry, the unit was mobilized on 28 April 1898 and activated into federal service for the SpanishAmerican War on 10 May 1898 at their mobilization site, Mount Gretna, Pennsylvania. Cota, as it turned out, already had phoned the corps commander and asked permission to bring the 112th back to the high ground west of the river. George C. Rickards, a career Pennsylvania National Guard officer, was promoted to Colonel as commander of the 16th Pennsylvania in 1907. Colonel Nelson decided to pull back through Huldange since enemy tanks were known to be in Trois Vierges. The mission given Luettwitz conformed to his reputation for drive and audacity. Less than two miles west of Marnach lay the Clerf River and the town of Clerf, the latter the headquarters of the 110th Infantry. On the left of the regimental zone, the 1st Battalion (Lt. Col. Donald Paul) held the intersection of the Skyline Drive and the Dasburg-Bastogne main highway at Marnach, employing Company B and a platoon from the 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion. (Lewistown) and the Bellefonte Fencibles, both organized in 1858. In response to their call for reinforcement and ammunition four tanks fought their way through the German infantry along the Skyline Drive, arriving in Hosingen about 2200-but with no rifle ammunition. Those who could left the road, scattering in small parties into the dark. All this gave the 112th Infantry a chance to get its breath on 18 December. The Logan Guards were mustered as Company E, 25th Pennsylvania Volunteers and then as Company A, 46th Pennsylvania Volunteers. Company A, 110th Infantry (Everett) and Company G, 110th Infantry (Altoona) unit were both mustered into federal service for World War II in February 1941. During the afternoon General Cota radioed Colonel Nelson to be especially watchful of his northern flank, but added that if his own position became untenable he should withdraw at dark behind the Our. A Time for Trumpets: The Untold Story of the Battle of the Bulge. On German operations maps Wiltz lay athwart the boundary which divided the attack zones of the XLVII Panzer Corps and the LXXXV Corps. About dusk the Marnach garrison radioed that half-tracks could be heard moving toward the village. The 902d, led in person by the division commander, continued toward the west, although briefly delayed in a fight with a few towed antitank guns and armored cars near Eschweiler.18. This time the bridge was blown. Shortly before noon a platoon of Company B's tanks reached the hardpressed field artillery battery near Buchholz and reported the situation in hand.8 But the enemy here represented only the probing forefinger of the main attack. New York: G. P. Putnam's Sons, 1969. In the late afternoon of 15 December General Luettwitz gathered his division commanders in the XLVII Panzer Corps forward headquarters at Ringhuscheid for final instructions and introduction to the new commander of the 2d Panzer Division, Colonel von Lauchert, who had been selected at the last moment by the Fifth Panzer Army leader to replace an incumbent who was not an experienced tanker. tank destroyers from the 630th Tank Destroyer Battalion, weapons of . While tanks dueled in the street like gunmen of the Old West the 3d Battalion made its orderly way out the west side of the town, reorganized, and as night descended marched to Nocher. These reinforcements arrived at Reuler in time to take a hand against the Germans pouring past Marnach toward Clerf and its bridges. It landed in France, 22 November, and moved to Tongres, Belgium, and to Rotgen, Germany, to prepare for combat. The bulk of his two divisions, as a consequence, faced the 112th Infantry, albeit the corps zone overlapped somewhat the sectors of the 106th Infantry Division in the north and the 110th Infantry in the south. The 110th Infantry Regiment was hit hard early in the Battle of the Bulge after being bled white in the Hurtgen Forest earlier that autumn. The regimental cannon company also provided some interested spectators, who trained their howitzers on Heinerscheid with such good effect that enemy records take rueful note of this harassing fire from the north. and maneuver was possible. Despite harassing fire from American guns and mortars the Germans moved swiftly. Company D, in its support position on the high ground overlooking Ltzkampen, meanwhile commenced mopping up the enemy who had filtered between the companies on the line. On December 16, 1944, Germany launched a massive surprise counter-attack on American lines in the Ardennes (a forested area in Belgium and Luxembourg), breaking through to create a 45-mile salient in what became known as the Battle of the Bulge.. The remainder of the casualties were fairly evenly split between the 109th Infantry to the . German infantry from the 277th Volksgrenadier Division burst . However, these unit designations were short-lived. Caught off-guard, American units fought to stem . In 1873, Company G, Monongahela Artillery (Everett) was renamed the Light Guards and then redesignated as Company A, 10th Pennsylvania Infantry. The 560th Volks Grenadier Division (Generalmajor Rudolf Langhaeuser) was assigned two specific bridges as targets, one just north of Ouren, the other a stone arch a little to the south of the village. 75 (Spring 2010), pp. corps zone of attack were narrow, twisting, and certain to be muddy; News of the battle on the right and left of the 112th Infantry sector had been sparse. The new mission given General Kokott was this: the 26th would force the crossings at the Our and Clerf Rivers on the left of the corps, hold open for the armor, then follow the more mobile panzer units to Bastogne. Sufficient trucks were available to motorize most of the division, but there was a shortage of tracked cross-country vehicles. A German attempt to cut the road between Consthum and Holzthum failed when Capt. The 311th Infantry Regiment was attached to the 8th Division in the Hurtgen Forest, 10 December. The assault gun platoon gave good support wherever the line was threatened, but by the end of the afternoon its fuel and ammunition were nearly gone and the gunners, after four days of nearly continuous action, were approaching complete exhaustion. 16-18 December. Despite the failure of his Fifth Panzer Army in the Lorraine campaign against Patton's Third Army, Manteuffel was listed by Hitler for command in the Ardennes. To the southwest, Company C and the regimental cannon company were deployed in and around Munshausen, guarding the side road which cut cross-country from Marnach to Drauffelt. 1st Battalion has worked [its] way back." 3 Jan - May 45 Last Offensive CD 2 555 Pages - PDF. Hitler himself seems to have favored this concept (it is found in the first Fuehrer operations order), but only in the Fifth Panzer attack would assault detachments be found inside the American positions when the initial barrage opened up. He argued that the enemy literally must not be awakened and that the assault forces should move forward the moment the guns sounded. The half-track was demolished, but the field had been exploded and the covering infantry cleared away. The presence of two panzer units on the 110th Infantry front was not suspected. But menaced as they were, the artillery commander could not risk his howitzers further. In sum, the way through Clerf would be none too easy for an armored division.10. By early January 1945, they had moved to defensive positions along the Meuse River. In 1949, the Bellefonte unit was redesignated Battery B, 688th Field Artillery. Nevertheless by midnight the 1st Battalion front had. The fight in the Schmidt area had cost the 112th Infantry alone about 2,000 killed, wounded, missing, and nonbattle casualties. a sweep along the western bank calculated to take the Ouren crossings in the Ardennes sector. The unit was awarded the sattle streamer marked Puerto Rico for their service. A gap remained in the center of the 1st Battalion line and small groups of the enemy were wandering along the Our River. Small detachments with burp guns now crept down through the dark and engaged the troops in and around the chteau. Perhaps the tankers were too busy looting the American freight cars and supply dumps to bother with the little force in the chteau. The town itself lies in a horseshoe bend of the river. In the meantime the Company C advance north toward Marnach also ran into trouble: persistent small arms fire forced the infantry to leave the road and move slowly across country. going in the West Wall maze north of Ltzkampen and the initial The latter was a hard-driving commander, daring and tenacious, and had a reputation of giving help to neighboring formations without debate. For nearly two hours enemy flares methodically picked out targets for mortar and bullet fire, while the Americans were so closely beset that the Bofors and murderous quad mounts could not retaliate without cutting down their own people. This German blow fell on either side of Sevenig, held by Company L. The American barbed wire line had not been completed across the draws to the north and south of the village; through these gaps the shock companies advanced. He hoped that the armored debouchment into the bridgehead would commence during the early afternoon. . The seven tanks counted here strangely enough made no effort to attack (perhaps the rough terrain and dragon's teeth along the American bunker line did not appear too promising) . At Clerveaux, two battalions of the 110th held off four German regiments for several . These roads and bridges he intended to seize by surprise. About this time a German tank platoon appeared on the ridge less than a thousand yards from the regimental command post in Ouren. Two hours later the 112th Infantry acknowledged receipt of these instructions. Through the early hours of 17 December American outposts reported sounds of tank movement in Ltzkampen. The regiment was called to active federal service on 17 February 1941, 10 months prior to the attack on Pearl Harbor. The next day General Cota ordered the battalion to Wiltz, where it would take part in the defense of the division headquarters. Finally, the regimental antitank and cannon companies were disposed around Ouren guarding the bridges, the roads, and the regimental command post. The initial penetration by the corps' right was charged to the armored infantry of the famous 2d Panzer Division (Colonel Meinrad von Lauchert), a unit that had fought the Allies all the way from Normandy back to the German frontier. The little group from regimental headquarters which had been deployed on the ridge line at Ouren was less successful. 17 But the situation east of Bastogne was growing more precarious and the division commander decided to bring the 112th back to join in the defense of Bastogne. The main body of the 1st Battalion was stationed at Camp Taji while the main body of the 2d was stationed at Camp Liberty on the Victory Base Complex. To complete the concentration against the enemy in or around Marnach, Colonel Fuller ordered the medium tank platoon in Munshausen to attack to the northeast with a rifle platoon from Company C. When Fuller heard of the light tanks, he ordered Colonel Henbest to delay the 2d Battalion attack next morning until the incoming tank detachment was ready to attack on the Skyline Drive. Some artillery support was still available from a battery of the 687th Field Artillery Battalion, whose shells swept the open fields between the two villages. On 5 April 1877, Company C, 5th Pennsylvania Infantry (Altoona) was organized. [4] During December 1944, the 112th Infantry Regimental Combat Team was holding a 6-1/2-mile long sector which the Germans attacked with nine divisions. Later the Americans in this sector reported that the attackers must have been "awfully green"-as indeed they were. The German barrage, with a limited number of rounds at the guns, dwindled away after about half an hour to sporadic salvos and stray single shots, leaving the advancing infantry without cover while they were still short of the American positions. In 1947, the Lewistown unit was redesignated Headquarters and Service Battery, 176th Field Artillery Battalion. East of Clerf the left flank of the 2d Battalion started to move forward against an enemy assembly point in a woods northeast of Reuler. All VIII Corps units were to hold their positions until they were "completely untenable," and in no event would they fall back beyond a specified final defense line. Across town the regimental headquarters company was billeted in an ancient chteau, now partially modernized but retaining the heavy stone walls behind which, since the twelfth century, fighting men had dominated the river bend and controlled the main bridge site. There the infantry driving toward the town of Clerf had been stopped short of their objective. Even so, the unit accounted for six tanks on the 16th and broke up two panzer assaults of company size. The 3d Battalion, fighting mostly against infantry, had held its own through the day, aided greatly by the possession of the pillbox line, far stronger than the defensive positions in the 1st Battalion sector. Picture Information. Summarized in part from an article of the Morning Record. 116th Infantry Regiment. Company C earned the Combat Infantry Streamer. The presence of enemy tanks in Ltzkampen constituted a distinct threat, even to infantry in pillboxes. The Huntingdon unit was the Howitzer Battery 1st Battalion of the 104th Armored Cavalry and the unit in Everett was a Detachment of Company B, 167th Quartermaster Battalion and then was converted to Company C, 1st Battalion 110th Infantry. A 447th Antiaircraft Artillery half-track drove straight onto the mines, its fire! 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