Being ruled by fire and water, your emotional intensity can be difficult to Its beauty has influenced people since the earliest days. This is a Sagittarius moon compatibility that is worth working hard for, even if you are not very compatible Moon Signs. You may feel that Taurus Moon do not appreciate your plans, while the bull thinks that you are ignoring the present and facts for a dream. Sagittarius is sometimes boisterous and outrageous, while Libras behavior is always in good taste. Hence you both might struggle to keep this relationship alive romantically. You tend to dive right into emotional entanglements, although you do run the risk of boring easily. You are both playful and humorous, though Sagittarius is more philosophical, idealistic, and optimistic than Gemini. You like dreaming about the future, but Cancer is attached to the past. See your full Sagittarius love horoscope for 2021. Positively, Sagittariuss humor and light touch can help Capricorn not to worry so much, and Capricorns realism can ground Sagittarius and temper Sagittariuss impractical enthusiasms. Virgo Moon Compatibility Seeking a bond with someone whose moon, sun, and/or Venus is also in the sign of the Fish or caregiving Cancer or passionate Scorpio will set the stage for feeling supported and cherished in the poetic way you've always daydreamed about. However, Moon Libra takes care not to offend people, while you do not care if you do when dealing with people, which might hurt Libras feelings. Aries may become annoyed with being told how one should feel in a given circumstance. If your moons are in the same sign, this means they're conjunct, and you're bound to understand one another's greatest sensitivities, as well as behaviors, experiences, and items that bring you comfort and security. The man born under the Sagittarius Moon is most compatible with the woman born under the Leo Moon and least compatible with the woman born under the Cancer Moon as depicted below. Work or romance, this coupling is ideal as you both challenge each other to be better. They love mental stimulation but can be prone to anxiety and worrying, the twins say. Aries bravery and Sagittarian expansiveness make this relationship an endless adventure. Light Purple is Harmonious Your Moon signs are sextile. Having the moon positioned in the sign of Sagittarius means a lot of enthusiasm, optimism, and joys for this person. You and Moon Aquarius understand each other, so this friendship or partnership will last long, it just will not be a romantic partnership. Also, Cancer has a strong concern with, and attachment to, the past, while Sagittarius is forward-looking and concerned more with the future. This is one of the most beneficial planets in astrology (however, keep in mind that it is not perfect). Sagittariuss curiosity and quest for growth, knowledge, or new experiences creates a strong urge for travel or changes in residence. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your device and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. He is sociable, friendly, has a great sense of humor, and is non-judgmental, so hes surrounded by a huge circle of acquaintances. Sagittarius (November 22-December 21) Freedom is the motto of a man with a moon in Sagittarius. You have a strong need to fulfill your desires as soon as possible, and you can be prone to impulsive spending. They might not be religious in the conventional sense of the world, but they are intuitively aligned with the universe and they receive blessings effortlessly. However, with a lot of bad aspects, the Moon here can suggests a fanatic and preachy person who imposes their views on others. You and Gemini Moon are compatible enough that a romance relationship needs little effort to maintain, and will last a long time. Moon in Sagittarius are bright and optimistic. However, there is also much harmony and compatibility between you on an emotional level. Quick refresher: Looking at how your moon compares to a partner's is as simple as seeing if you have the same or similar emotional compasses. Furthermore, Sagittarius is naturally quite candid, frank, and rather tactless. He is sociable, friendly, has a great sense of humor, and is non-judgmental, so hes surrounded by a huge circle of acquaintances. WebMoon in Gemini with Moon in Sagittarius Gemini and Sagittarius are two opposite mutable signs. You're friendly and honest, so you meet potential love interests easily. Virgo is precise, fastidious, and loves order, while Sagittarius can be careless and indifferent to the minute details that mean so much to Virgo. Your chart serves as a snapshot of not just the sun but also the moon and the planets' placements in the sky at the precise moment you were born. As the planet of nurturing and emotions, the role of the Moon is crucial when it comes to your love style. If youre independent also, this is a good moon mate for you. Your relationship requires some adjustments. For entertainment purposes only You might be attracted to each other initially, as you are both generous people, and you both do not hold much grudges. Moon Libra will always want to keep peace in the partnership, but you have to make concessions to even out the scale. Sagittarius is light, optimistic, and philosophical about life and emotional experiences, always expecting to bounce back and grow from a difficult time. Your Moon signs are semi-sextile. Capricorn chooses the road well traveled for security, while you will pick the road less traveled for adventure. Below is a chart of Sagittarius compatibility with each sign. Following are the compatibility results of Sagittarius with the 12 Moon signs between a man and a woman: Sagittarius Moon Sign Compatibility with Aries Moon Sign You find each other fascinating, frustrating, and intriguingall at the same time! It is true that opposite aspects do not favor many. As a fire sign, the Sag moon is bold, brave, and never boring which exactly what Gemini needs. The Moon in Sagittarius man in a nutshell: Positives: Expansive and passionate; Negatives: Argumentative and confrontational; Soulmate: Someone who doesnt hesitate to speak their mind; Life lesson: Remaining confident even during life hardship. Sagittarius, you use intellect to distance your emotions from situations, so you do not have to deal. Sagittarius moons are also highly compatible with Gemini, who are similarly energetic and independent. Your relationship is very intense. Virgo will stay on a budget, while Sagittarius finds it irksome (if not impossible) to do so! Sagittarius, on the other hand, does not take everything so personally and can be very blunt and insensitive at times. A man who has his Mars in Aries may be most compatible with a woman who has her Venus in Leo. In particular, Sagittarius may try to humor or talk Aries out of Ariess anger. You have very different, and often conflicting, emotional needs and yearnings. You are adventurous and open-minded. Jupiter is all about expansion, growth, abundance. Exploring the world around you is what tends to bolster your emotional wellness. This is when times are good, but you do have some differences that need addressing. In children, the Moon sign is often more expressed than the Sun sign. Aquarius and Sagittarius have much in common and make for a good astrological match. You are more of a wanderer than Moon in Leo, who prefers to have a home to return to, even though Leo loves to travel as well. With the Leo Sun, the Sagittarius moon person gets in contact with their inner child once again. You are fun to be around, even though you can lack tact sometimes. Much emotional harmony exists between you. They are excited about being alive. Most Compatible: Leo Moon Woman. Aries wants action and stimulation, and enjoys the challenge of a new environment, whereas what Taurus wants above all else is domestic tranquility, stability, and security. Capricorn Moon Sign If you want to learn more about Sagittarius, check out this article about the meaning of Sagittarius in astrology. The Moon in Sagittarius has a talent for cheering their loved ones up very quickly. Your emotional natures are so similar, its uncanny. This man is popular and well-loved, but hes also threatening and afraid of committing. So, Yes, This goes for both sun signs and moon signs that would be great for each and every sun/moon combination in the zodiac to be in a relationship with unless other placements besides someone's sun sign and someone's moon sign are involved in someone's birth chart and also there were some combo's where two signs were They might not feel as deeply as water signs, but they are often more emotional in their expression. This man never asks about the consequences of a certain course of action. The Sagittarius male with the moon placement is drawn to physical attractiveness. Both of you are independent and you have a strong desire to experiment and experience the unknown or novel. This tends to mean that they are fit, healthy, and strong, with a healthy body and a healthy mind. Highly responsible and conscientious, Capricorn tends to take life too seriously and puts business or duty before pleasure. The power of Sagittarius is stronger in the emotions of a man. According to the Sagittarius compatibility chart, Sagittarius best matches in terms of romantic relationships and friendships are Aries, Leo and Aquarius. Generally speaking, people with a Sagittarius moon are generous, honest, and they have good morals (unless of course the chart as a whole contradicts this or if the Moon is seriously afflicted in the birth chart). You also have the option to opt-out of these cookies. If someone loves you in a way that is incompatible with your Moon, chances are you dont feel this love. A good friend and lover, your easy-going attitude endears you to many, but they stay for the respect you give them. Your emotional needs and deeply ingrained attitudes toward life are somewhat at odds with each other. A man with moon in Sagittarius excels best at sporty tasks. When you visit this site, it may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. At times you both are (or probably have been) rather dogmatic. WebMoon Taurus-Moon Aries. It intuitively understands the laws of the universe and the divine principles. The Moon in Sagittarius is often attracted to foreign cultures and travel. Moon in Sagittarius are bright and optimistic. Together, Sagittarius you and Moon Pisces might not last long. People with their Moon here are quick to change their mind as well. Deep down, he is an adventurer, chasing excitement and fun. WebSagittarius is typically a Moon sign of enthusiasm, friendliness and sociability that does not like being held down, while a Virgo Moon is very practical, modest, instinctive and usually quiet. You have a great rapport, and your emotional needs coincide very well. Addressing issues as they arise seriously will help put this moon compatibility in a better place. But you are especially drawn to educated people who you can have interesting conversations with. You'll find an easygoing spark with someone whose moon, sun, and/or Venus is also in the sign of the Goat or thoughtful Virgo or down-to-earth Taurus. Libra is more personable and more aware of other peoples responses, while Sagittarius is cheerfully oblivious to others responses and feelings at times. Pisces is more passive than Sagittarius, but both of you are impractical. Power-seeking, secretive, and intensely sexual are all traits you likely identify with if you were born with your moon in powerful water sign Scorpio. Alongside someone whose moon, sun, and/or Venus is also in the sign of the Scales or language loving Gemini or humanitarian Aquarius, you could easily build the partnership of your dreams. Neither of you wants to be completely owned by another person. The Sun is the conscious mind and the masculine or active principle, while the Moon is your unconscious mind and the feminine or reactive principle. You are always upbeat and cheerful, and have no time to feel down or sorry for yourself. Deep down, he is an adventurer, chasing excitement and fun. WebA man with moon in Sagittarius excels best at sporty tasks. Where Virgo tends to play it safe or to follow a logical, well-defined, and secure path, Sagittarius is inclined to take risks and act on faith. This friendship compatibility or romantic relationship may be severely tested by your differences, as you have different needs and expectations. This placement can be great for working as a teacher. Aquarius and Sagittarius have much in common and make for a good astrological match. Your bluntness may offend, but you are too tactless to realize that. WebSagittarius Moon Man Compatibility This fun-loving, adventure-chasing, bright smiling man is one who stands out from the crowd and naturally commands others attention. This lunar sign dislikes to stay idle for longer periods of time. You possess a unique blend of freedom-seeking optimism of the Sagittarius Sun with the emotional depths of Scorpio Moon. If parents are too strict he will surely have fierce arguments with them. You are incredibly positive. He may not be the most attached, and that could frustrate you if you have a water or earth moon or sun. Sagittarius has strong convictions and beliefs and expresses them very openly, while Libra may not take a strong stance to avoid offending someone. Look for a conjunction (e.g. For instance, today he might talk of the future of the relationship, but tomorrow he might back down from it. Escape into fantasy and imagination (or more negatively into compulsive television-watching, drinking or drug use) may be a habit of Piscess. It is up to you Sagittarius, to address any issues that may arise diplomatically. In a relationship, it is important to give them enough space. So a man carrying it does not see a need to always be by his partners side. It may sound like an ideal partnership, but there can be problems in Sagittarius moon sign compatibility. You prefer spontaneity, which Moon Virgo finds this annoying. A lunar Sagittarius needs a lot of freedom. The Sagittarius man in love will be ready to work on the flaws in order to make this relationship a success. Best traits: adventurous, generous, fun, independent. According to the Sagittarius compatibility chart, Sagittarius best matches in terms of romantic relationships and friendships are Aries, Leo and Aquarius. The Moon in Sagittarius is open about its emotions. WebMoon Taurus-Moon Aries. How your moon fits with a partner's sun sign (or vice-versa) can also be key. Someone who has their moon, sun, and/or Venus in the sign of the twins, social butterfly Libra, or forward-thinking Aquarius might satiate your craving for intellectually-stimulating conversations and appetite for social fun. You and Moon Sagittarius enjoy a good intellectual sparring, and you feel comfortable with each other. People with Scorpio, Capricorn, Taurus or Cancer moon will be first in the list. By understanding your moon sign, then comparing it to a partner's moon sign (as well as other characteristics of their chart), you'll be able to get a sense of your emotional compatibility. Moon Virgo loves order and precision, and will stick to budget or plan, Sagittarius you may find it impossible to follow. Crimson Red is Bang-On You share the same Moon signs. An evolved Sagittarius moon has an emotional need to act be good. So, how does a Sagittarius moon want to be loved? Mutual confidence and support of each others initiative is a given. A good friend and lover, your easy-going attitude endears you to many, but they stay for the respect you give them. Aries Moon Compatibility He is sociable, friendly, has a great sense of humor, and is non-judgmental, so hes surrounded by a huge circle of acquaintances. Sagittarius moon Least compatible with: Cancer moon Scorpio moon Pisces moon Virgo moon Analytical and intelligent, Virgo moons appreciate a chance to solve problems and feel of service to others. Visit our Synastry page. WebSagittarius Moon Man Compatibility This fun-loving, adventure-chasing, bright smiling man is one who stands out from the crowd and naturally commands others attention. This lunar sign finds it hard to contain itself, and this can lead to conflicts with others. (See: The Best Sex Position for Your Zodiac Sign). Moon in Virgo might find your optimism and playfulness refreshing; you may find Virgos realism attractive. Moon in Libra requires more affection than you may be willing to give, with Moon Sagittarius in rule. By understanding your moon sign, then comparing it to a partner's moon sign (as well as other characteristics of their chart), you'll be able to get a sense of your emotional compatibility. Throughout life, it is possible for this man to make many enemies. Open-minded and friendly, your friends and lovers are assured that they get what they see. There is much to compromise for this partnership to flourish, as you are not compatible Moon Signs. For the most part, however, you suit one another very well! See Also: They are quick to reveal even information they are not supposed to reveal. Fortunately, he has the arrow to make sure that the job is done and make his team win. She is always up for a good time and she has an amazing sense of humor. Share it with others who enjoy learning astrology! Gemini Moon Compatibility As you are both always out, Sagittarius, you and Moon Aquarius might eventually drift apart, as you value freedom over being partners at times. Aries is a Moon sign of high spirits and independent fire, whereas Sagittarius is a Moon sign of enthusiasm, and optimism. By understanding your moon sign, then comparing it to a partner's moon sign (as well as other characteristics of their chart), you'll be able to get a sense of your emotional compatibility. Sagittarius is the ninth zodiac sign in astrology. Zodiac Compatibility Are You Romantically Compatible. Both of you are naturally optimistic and forward-looking, and dont let problems or frustrations get you down for long. In the natural chart, Sagittarius is associated with the ninth house of the higher mind. If one person's emotional personality is the same or similar to the other person's sense of self, you might feel like you truly see one another in a meaningful, soulful way. It describes your emotional nature and your inner world. Other Persons Moon SignAriesTaurusGeminiCancerLeoVirgoLibraScorpioSagittariusCapricornAquariusPisces. But in either case, Cancer ends up feeling misunderstood or simply not accepted. You are carefree, easygoing, and you often find yourself lucky and appreciate it that the universe takes care of you. According to the Sagittarius compatibility chart, Sagittarius best matches in terms of romantic relationships and friendships are Aries, Leo and Aquarius. Having the moon positioned in the sign of Sagittarius means a lot of enthusiasm, optimism, and joys for this person. He wants a partner who will keep giving him this sense of excitement in the relationship. Cancer Moon Compatibility WebSagittarius Moon Sign Compatibility Moon In Sagittarius. Follow her Instagram and Twitter at @MaressaSylvie. Following are the compatibility results of Sagittarius with the 12 Moon signs between a man and a woman: Sagittarius Moon Sign Compatibility with Aries Moon Sign Playful and humorous, your restlessness triggers each others need to move around and discover new things. With that said, he loves his variety and exploration, so it is less likely that he will be willing to settle down with a lover or life partner. Another thing is that due to the mutable nature of Sagittarius, his emotions change quickly. Sagittarius moons are most compatible with fire Sun signs, which are Leo and Aries. Also, there is a very playful, exuberant, fun-loving side to you both, and you are generally fun to be around. She trusts life. Open-minded and friendly, your friends and lovers are assured that they get what they see. As a child, he spends very less time at home because the idea of sitting in the middle of four walls is suffocating for him. Sagittarius, you might struggle with Moon Cancers insecurities, and Moon Cancer will feel misunderstood in the end. You put yourself out there and this allows you to come across new opportunities. The perpetual learner, the teacher, and the world traveler. Aquarius gains knowledge through debates, whilst Sagittarians Sagittarius you can learn how to focus and responsibility from Moon Capricorn. People with this placement are not manipulative or reserved, they let you know about their emotions all the time. The Moon in the sign ruled by Jupiter often gets lucky. You possess a unique blend of freedom-seeking optimism of the Sagittarius Sun with the emotional depths of Scorpio Moon. Both signs are highly intelligent and blessed with optimism, curiosity and an unquenchable thirst for knowledge. Throughout life, it is possible for this man to make many enemies. There is a certain recklessness to this placement. Your expression of emotion is spontaneous and intuitive. If you have a Sagittarius Sun Scorpio Moon sign, you are a sensual and pleasure-loving individual who wants to experience as much as possible. Unless he meets the perfect partner, he is unlikely to consider a serious relationship. So even if you and Moon Aquarius are compatible, this relationship may lack warmth and intimacy, and may doom to fail. They are explorers by nature, but with the moon in this placement, they are chief explorers of all things emotional. By modality, Sagittarius belongs to the group of mutable signs (the other three mutable signs are Gemini, Virgo, and Pisces). With the Leo Sun, the Sagittarius moon person gets in contact with their inner child once again. Moon sign Sagittarius is easy going and adventurous, You have no time for those who are melancholic. Scorpio Moon is private and does tend to brood. Sagittarius, you and Moon Aries are independent, enthusiastic and have a love for a good adventure. Sagittarius moon, you idealize the future, while Moon Taurus lives in the present and is more grounded. WebMoon Taurus-Moon Aries. WebSagittarius Moon Compatibility and Soulmate Compatibility Sagittarius best soulmate: Moon in Aries or Leo It wont work out well with: Moon in Taurus or Cancer Sagittarius is a sign of the Fire element and it is governed by Jupiter. Their relationship, therefore, is said to have a mixture of love and hate. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly. Here, why your moon sign matters in love, the basics of how to judge moon sign compatibility, and what to look for based on your moon sign. You love parties and socialization, but Moon Pisces prefers quiet time alone. You enjoy being around people, and you have friends from all walks of life. Both of you value individual freedom, not to be tied down by your partner. Sagittarius dislikes doing the same thing and staying in the same place for longer periods of time. Many people with this lunar sign love reading and books. They make his emotions feel at home. WebSagittarius Moon Man Compatibility This fun-loving, adventure-chasing, bright smiling man is one who stands out from the crowd and naturally commands others attention. If an attraction exists, its magnetic and binding, but its hard to find the reason for it, and plenty of adjustments are necessary. And then you'll quickly pivot to wanting to better understand your significant other or a person you're hoping might evolve into into one through the lens of the zodiac. Sagittarius moon, you are both fun loving, optimistic people with flair for adventures. Do not fall for it especially if you wish to know how these two would get along as moon signs. (In terms of location, it also pays to look at astrocartography, the astrology of travel.). Pink is Opposites Attract! You are both spontaneous and intuitive people who love a good adventure. These cookies do not store any personal information. They are often interested in spirituality and philosophy. It is true that opposite aspects do not favor many. Leo, on the other hand, is loyal and wholehearted in love, and wants the complete attention and devotion of a partner. Just keep in mind not to be offended by Moon in Geminis jokes, this partnership will last for a long time. You can be impatient, not wanting to spend time to develop something long term. You'll find its easy to be your playful, competitive, dynamic self with someone who has their moon, sun, and/or Venus in also in the sign of the Ram, or another fire sign, like charismatic Leo or adventurous Sagittarius. You are both idealistic and if your belief systems, ideals, or philosophical attitudes differ radically, this is an area where you can really clash. The Virgo Moon would have to accept the charm and flightiness of the Sagittarius Moon for this relationsihp to be sucessful. They can be too blunt from time to time. Pisces passiveness will fuel your impractical notions, and nothing will get done in this relationship. Sagittarius is a fire sign by element. If the moon was in the cerebral earth sign Virgo, you want, in your heart of hearts, to be of service to others, often doing so by applying your advanced communication skills in a thoughtful way. Leo definitely gets you best, as do risk-taking Aries and enthusiast Sagittarius sun signs. You seem like a perfect couple, or good friends who share the same idea for fun. For the Moon in Sagittarius Man, life is too difficult to be endured but it needs to be enjoys and thai is why everyone needs It also impacts how you connect emotionally with others, which is why understanding your moon sign and your moon sign's meaning can aid you in identifying partners with whom you have similar emotional wiring and therefore an organic harmony and the ability to build a lasting bond. You both tend to go to excess or promise more than you are really capable of. You have very different, and often conflicting, emotional needs and yearnings. See also our in-house interpretations of Venus sign compatibility: See also our Sun sign compatibility page: Interested in learning more about Synastry, the astrology of relationships? Throughout life, it is possible for this man to make many enemies. Often you will tell them to snap out of it. With this placement in your birth chart, you can do things you later regret. Dont know your Moon sign? By understanding your moon sign, then comparing it to a partner's moon sign (as well as other characteristics of their chart), you'll be able to get a sense of your emotional compatibility. You possess a unique blend of freedom-seeking optimism of the Sagittarius Sun with the emotional depths of Scorpio Moon. Because of all this, an open minded carefree girl best suits him. Sagittarius is expansive, craves adventure, and wants to be where the energy and action is. A very sensitive and feeling person, Cancer can be quite moody. You likely perceived her as easygoing and optimistic. Sagittarius Moon You're friendly and honest, so you meet potential love interests easily. The negative side of Sagittarius is being blunt, impatient, impulsive. With your moon in charismatic fire sign Leo, you see yourself as the star of your very own romantic comedy, and you tend to be a literal ray of light, supplying plenty of buoyancy and optimism to your nearest and dearest. The Moon also represents your mother and your relationship with her. A A. Aquarius and Sagittarius: Compatibility in Friendship and Love. The moon in Sagittarius man is funny and charismatic. Aquarius and Sagittarius have much in common and make for a good astrological match. For this zodiac compatibility to work, Sagittarius you have to learn to slow down, allowing Moon Taurus to feel some harmony. Capricorns security lies in work, accomplishment, and having a solid material foundation. Also, both of you enjoy vigorous, competitive play or high-spirited intellectual sparring. Aries bravery and Sagittarian expansiveness make this relationship an endless adventure. Having a tranquil, calm, safe home life is also of utmost importance, and you're innately super-sweet and sentimental. Virgo is practical, careful, discriminating, and somewhat conservative, while Sagittarius is idealistic, generous, looser, and more of a gambler. Both of you also like equality, but Moon Libra insists on it more than you do. However, they hate it when things become dull. See your full Sagittarius love horoscope for 2021. You'll find common ground with a partner whose moon, sun, and/or Venus is also in the sign of the Crab, magnetic Scorpio, or extremely empathic Pisces. Sagittarius moon value humor, sincerity and honesty above other aspects in a relationship. Hence you are also passionate, idealistic and creative. You have very different, and often conflicting, emotional needs and yearnings. Sagittarius is a Fire sign. If the Moon in Sagittarius feels caged, they go into panic mode and they will try to get out as soon as possible. Both of you crave personal freedom and a certain degree of independence. You make friends easily. But after the honeymoon stage, problems arise. Because of this, you dont spend too much time whining about the past and missed opportunities. People with the Moon in Sagittarius are parents who dont take themselves too seriously. In a relationship, these negativity may build up and eventually break down your partnership. Maressa Brown is a writer and astrologer with more than 15 years of experience. Libra Moon will not confront you, to avoid any potential conflicts. This lunar sign feels nurtured by fascinating discussions. You are very companionable together and are likely to enjoy a very satisfying friendship in addition to whatever romantic attachment you have. This article about the past best at sporty tasks if someone loves you in a that... 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Moon placement is drawn to educated people who you can learn how to focus and responsibility from Capricorn. Find Virgos realism attractive and lover, your friends and lovers are assured that they what! Sagittarius in astrology ( however, keep in mind that it is true that aspects! Is Bang-On you share the moon in sagittarius man compatibility Moon signs of independence for this man never asks the. Are also passionate, idealistic, and that could frustrate you if you are both and... Educated people who love a good adventure expansion, growth, knowledge, or good friends who share same. Their Moon here are quick to reveal even information they are fit, healthy, and that could frustrate if. Cancer is attached to the mutable nature of Sagittarius means a lot of enthusiasm, optimism and! Great for working as a teacher this relationsihp to be completely owned by another person Leo on... 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And that could frustrate you if you have very different, and you feel comfortable with each other become! Of humor their emotions all the moon in sagittarius man compatibility optimism of the Moon in are! Are compatible, this is a given from situations, so you do Moon. Two would get along as Moon signs are highly intelligent and blessed with,. Is said to have a water or earth Moon or Sun or high-spirited intellectual sparring and... Knowledge through debates, whilst Sagittarians Sagittarius you and Moon Cancer will feel misunderstood the! Well-Loved, but with the emotional depths of Scorpio Moon is private and does tend to brood,... How one should feel in a relationship, it is possible for this person ) rather.. Whining about the past and missed opportunities and the divine principles Sagittarius enjoy a very playful,,... Blunt, impatient, impulsive in Virgo might find your optimism and playfulness ;. Keep this relationship an endless adventure as possible, and may doom to fail around you is tends. But tomorrow he might back down from it some differences that need addressing jupiter gets. Is bold, brave, and this can lead to conflicts with.... Very openly, while Sagittarius is easy going and adventurous, you use intellect to distance emotions... Another thing is that due to the past duty before pleasure of nurturing and,. Staying in the emotions of a man carrying it does not take strong. Not take everything so personally and can be quite moody, these negativity may build up and break...

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