After 2.5 mile it crosses a bridge to the south side of the river where a good campsite is located. We started at south lake and ended on north lake, backwards from most, and while Piute pass was a hard hike, i think ending on Piute and Humphrey's Basin was a great way to complete the trip. Video of a waterfall on Piute Creek near my campsite in lower Piute Canyon. Good thing bruins dont like whiskey. One bite of the Evolution area is Florence Lake Store and Ferry. Water was flowing on a lot of the trail down. Did it South Lake to North Lake so the slog at Muir Pass was real and all trails GPS offline helped me navigate through snow/now visible trail, Did it in equiv of 4 days. $4,495: August 19-28. I climbed upward for two miles without seeing a single decent campsite, either. Ascending Muir Pass from south to north was incredible. A ranger later informed us that 80-90 deer were migrating seasonally over the pass during a snowstorm in November 2018, when presumably blinded by the snowfall, they one by one hit a patch of ice and fell to their deaths. I took a break on the edge of the meadow and got out my map. Very nice hike, lots of scenery. Muir Pass We camped alone; in fact, we camped alone every night of the trip. Found some spots to camp about 2 miles from the pass. The ferry is $25 roundtrip, or $13 one way. Your email address will not be published. We had rain (often with hail) during 5 of our 6 days out, so bring a rain coat and a pack cover. Though ruled by an evil mosquito king that keeps his troops busy, Big Pete Meadow (the meadow part should have been our clue) was a delight. In between two crossings of the Sierra backbone at Muir Pass and Piute Pass, we'll visit beautiful and famous Evolution Valley. 4 days 3 nights 2 passes had a great time. The trail stayed high up on the canyon side, so I couldnt easily get down to the water to soak my head. When we came out at north lake we hitched a ride back to south lake (thank you!!). After my work was done, Id jump in the nearest river, cook, then bear-proof my camp. I just finished this trip with a few friends, it was one of my favorite trips. All in all, it had been another great day in the High Sierra. Get full access to Outside Learn, our online education hub featuring in-depth fitness, nutrition, and adventure courses and more than 2,000 instructional videos when you sign up for Outside+ Piute Creek You then head south on the JMT, along the river until you reach the junction with the Goddard Canyon Trail. Here is a brief summary of our route: South Lake Trailhead - Bishop Pass - Dusy Basin - LeConte Canyon - Muir Pass - Evolution Valley - Puite Creek Canyon - Humphrey's Basin - Piute Pass - North Lake Trailhead. Mosquitoes were everywhere but easily controlled with DEET and an (optional) headnet. It all worked out in the end, however. The river and steam crossings were simple because the water level is so low at this point in the season. We camped at the junction of the JMT with Piute Creek, where another afternoon storm rolled through. Diego, the 11-year-old Lab mix, was struggling; the family carried him part way. The trail starts at North Lake (9,276'), soon enters the John Muir Wilderness, and ascends to Piute Pass (11,423') in four steep miles. Near the head of Evolution Valley the trail climbs another steep bench to reach Evolution Lake, one of the most picturesque lakes on the trail . Camp at Wanda Lake along the trail to Muir Pass; no campsites after first quarter mile (night 3). Be careful with water supply if you want to spent the night at Muir pass as there is none. Our camps were very high, all above 11,300', and we took two and a half days layover, hiking and exploring . Was it this heavy yesterday? I finally had a chance to use the water shoes Id been carrying! Light rain everyday around 3/4pm. amazing. The traditional route goes over Piute Pass and down through Humphreys Basin, taking a long time before turning the corner and climbing up to Evolution Valley. 11/10/2022 - Expect winter conditions. John Muir Wilderness sign in the Sierra National Forest good-bye Kings Canyon National Park! Their answers were vague, as expected, but they did say that there was definitely a spot a decent ways up the trail, but they werent great judges of distance. Wished we could have camped at Evolution Lake as it's sooooo beautiful but it didn't work out for us. lots of water sources so no worries there but u must have enough water to go by as you will drink alot. Elevation gain: 2200 feet Conditions were great! I recommend taking the ferry to avoid the lake hike; the view doesn't much change, and there's a lot of clutter around the lake campsites that take away from it. The mosquitos were relentless though. Campsite 4: Darwin Canyon. The contradiction lies in the amount of water all around. This is a popular trailhead for approaching the Palisades. counter-balance method. Piute Pass 01:05:00 Hutchinson Meadow 02:18:02 Piute Canyon/JMT Junction 3:13:44 Goddard Canyon Junction 3:50:59 McClure Meadow Ranger . Just as I was pondering what to do, a couple came down the trail! We could have completed this loop in five days with four nights but opted for a short sixth day, stopping at beautiful Long Lake a few miles from our exit. Push to camp spots near the McClure Meadow ranger station; you will be rewarded with the best breakfast scenery the next day (night 2). Id have the trail to myself for a while. Beautiful and challenging in a good way. the trail is mostly well maintained except some places you need to look for it. The trail even flattened out to make my way easier. Not only that, but the trail was going to head even lower as I followed the river downstream. Do I really get to be here? FIND YOUR WAY OUTSIDE is a trademark of AllTrails, LLC. North to South Lake is the easiest way to go with passes not too difficult. While there are no 14,000 ft peaks in these groups the peak are high and majestic. Even so, with campsites spread out along its length, the valley never seems crowded. Many thanks to her for this great post and pictures! Multiple Ascents Grid: Click for a grid showing all of Chris Land Slightly brutal at times-especially for a beginner- but the views are unmatched. The trail neared Piute Creek, and I didnt bother to get any water the trail stayed high and dry afterward. This loop begins and ends at the North Lake trailhead. Beautifully desolate. My mood was improving by the minute! The best hike of my life. The normal crossing is not recommended now due to the higher flow, so people have been crossing upstream a bit. Definitely a moderate hike, but doable in 4 days. Or bag flattopped Mt. But you could put together a much more worthwhile tour with more like 7 days. We did it over 4d/3n (south lake to le conte, le conte to sapphire lake, sapphire lake to the junction with Piute pass trail, and then out to north lake on the last day). Layover at Sapphire Lake while weather passed. Day 3: Today was another up and over day. Day 4: Evolution Valley to Piute Creek. I see no real advantage to hiking one way vs. the other. When Hikers Die, Why Are We So Quick to Judge. The next morning, we went over Piute Pass and continued 10+ miles through beautiful Piute Canyon to Hutchinson Meadow. The final day we packed out. Finally it is accepted as self-evident." Schoepenhouer "Man will occasionally stumble over the truth, but most of the time he will pick himself up and continue on." Winston Churchill "When they think they know the answers, people are . When we finished our descent and arrived at the ranger station in the deep forest of Le Conte Canyon we also reached the junction on which the trail merges with the Pacific Crest Trail(PCT)/ John Muir Trail. I felt a whining session coming on, Pleeeeese dont make me leave. We finished the last bit of ascent up Piute Pass and took one last look to the west. At Muir Pass base, if the snow looks significant above, take the first stream crossing at the very bottom of Muir Pass because the stream only gets deeper going up. It was high noon, I realized, and there wasnt any shade at all on the trail with the sun beaming straight down between the trees. Glaciers clung to the northern slopes of the mountains, feeding small waterfalls. An epic (almost) loop in the heart of the Sierras. Day four Rest and explore. Erika, the alpine pond photograph posted next to the Day 2 text is stunning. Day three Descend 7.3 miles on the JMT into Evolution Valley, then add an easy 1.2 miles to camp by Evolution Lake. "Ridicule is the tribute that mediocrity pays to genius. Completed 14-17AUG. We had heard that you could maybe get an employee of Parcher's Resort to give you a lift to the North Lake Trailhead -- they are located a mile down the road from the South Lake Trailhead. Bishop and Muir Pass are still very snowy. Would definitely do again from the other direction to see the parts of the main loop we missed. An occasional patch of snow sets off the deep azure of the alpine lakes but there is very little vegetation. The Ultimate Roommate Compatibility Test: Backpacking the Oregon Coast Trail, 9 Spectacular Early Spring Backpacking Trips You Can Do Right Now, The 20 Best Backcountry Lakes to Hike This Summer, Atmospheric Rivers Pound California, Closing Multiple Parks and Recreation Sites, Missing Appalachian Trail Hikers Body Found in Shenandoah, Park Officials Say. Started at North Lake Trailhead and ended at South Lake. When we crossed the river it was only about knee deep and also like to mention NO mosquitoes so we were super lucky. Then I hiked north, paralleling the water. Evolution Valley elevation: 9,500 feet Great camping along the creek once you cross the several streams in Hutchinson Meadow (night 1). Distance: 8.8 miles Time: 5-7 hours Difficulty: Strenuous Gain/Loss: +498'/-1,537 Dogs: No When to go: Late July-Early October It may be called a 'creek', but Piute Creek was raging! This is an excellent report on a great hiking trip. Evolution Valley was flower-filled, even in this drought year. Here is a brief summary of our route: South Lake Trailhead - Bishop Pass - Dusy Basin - LeConte Canyon - Muir Pass - Evolution Valley - Puite Creek Canyon - Humphrey's Basin - Piute Pass - North Lake Trailhead. Always confirm information with the service provider and check for any recent changes that I continued down through the forest, not far from the creek, until I neared the northern end of Evolution Valley. I loved seeing the pictures here as it helped me to realize how much more I need to get there. Day 2: Continue on Piute Pass to reach the JMT (and enter the national park). Pick up permit, eat at Burger Barn, head to, Day One Piute Pass trailhead over Piute Pass down through Humphreys Basin to, Day Two Hutchinson Meadow down Piute Creek to the JMT junction down along the San Joaquin River to the, Day Three Goddard Canyon Bridge Junction Up to Evolution Valley then into Evolution Basin and camp at, Day Four Sapphire Lake up to Wanda Lake then summit Muir Pass then down into Le Conte Canyon and camp at, Day Six Up over Bishop Pass and down to South Lake . Lodging is available at Vermilion Valley Resort at Lake Edison and also at nearby Mono Hot Springs. Anon. We took four full, plus two half days, to hike the 57-mile route starting at South Lake and ending at North Lake, so 10-12 miles each day was the score. They came across a congregation of stunning peaks lining the South Fork of the San Joaquin River, and they altered course to the glaciated valley beneath them, finding clear lakes, dwarf meadows, and jagged sky-stabbing peaks. The trail to Piute Pass (11,423-ft.) ascends the lovely North Fork of Bishop Creek, passing photogenic Loch Leven and Piute Lakes along the way. In the Spring of a snowy year it must be incredible. the mouth of Evolution Valley. Call me crazy, but theres just something great about sitting around a campfire with your friends sharing sugar and a swig. Actually now that we've gone to North to South, I'd hope to go the opposite direction someday, as the ascent to Muir Pass via LeConte Canyon would be thrilling. Then got up and hiked to the ferry to see if it was running and what do you know it was! Hi, Jeff; Thank you for your compliment of my photo. Dirt roads which connect to the Muir Trail Ranch overlap the trail in places. 34.3 mi Distance 17 hrs 56 min Time terrain 4,821 ft Elev Gain Overview This is a difficult loop trail in Inyo National Forest. Spend up to 3 days there, then out via Evolution Valley, Darwin Basin & Lamarck Col. Julia, Megan and I were to spend 9 days accomplishing this; Trekker9, Slabwalker and JP however had work commitments and would squeeze it into 7 days - leaving us after 5-6 days and taking 2 days to exit over Lamarck. Next time will have to aim to go under 30 pounds. Weather was great very little wind. Day 4: Today turned out to be a truly cushy one. This will bring you onto the PCT north of Evolution Valley, a distance of about 16 miles. Turn left and descend to Upper Lamarck Lake. Leave the JMT, and follow the drainage up to Darwin Canyon. The SteriPen Adventurer has become popular because it is more reliable than earlier models. Highly recommend pushing up to lower Dusy Basin (though there are several campsites about 1200 vertical feet up from Le Conte, just prior to a bridge crossing) (night 4). That was the new plan, I decided. The ferry is worth it if its running. It is a hard one but worth it. The views along the way make up for it. The next morning, we hiked through the remainder of Evolution Valley to gorgeous Colby Meadow, up several switchbacks to Evolution Lake and eventually staying at Sapphire Lake. Many describe Evolution Valley as the most beautiful spot in Kings Canyon National Park. On most mornings, breakfast included instant oatmeal or granola, with protein powder and raisins. But we didnt see any rangers. Plan a late summer trip to avoid the worst of them. Our payback day ended up being 13 miles, almost all uphill. I kept hoping to find a side stream, but all of the obvious places were dry as a bone. Quite a few creek crossings which were hard to avoid getting feet wet, but easily done. I ate my usual cup of hot oatmeal and packed up my gear. I had heard from many thru hikers that Evolution Valley was the absolute best. From there we day packed to evolution lake the third day. I recommend an early start because of the exposure in the first 3 miles of Piute Trail. Lake Thomas A. Edison Ferry: Lake Thomas A. Edison from the ferry: . The North Lake-South Lake loop is the famous "Rainbow Trail" and includes spectacular scenery visiting such areas as Dusy basin, Le Conte Canyon, Muir Pass, Evolution valley, and Humphrey's Basin. At the top was Evolution Valleyas a wannabe biologist, I fell in love with the name. Day four Rest and explore. I left the trail to follow right along the creek, and took way too many photos and videos. Entire trip is so memorizable, it has everything: lakes, forest, canyons, rivers, waterfalls and alpine meadows. On the fourth day of my trek, I backpacked north from Evolution Lake, down into the Evolution Valley with its lush meadows and waterfalls, then down even further to the South Fork San Joaquin River, which I followed downstream yet more, until I left the JMT/PCT for the Piute Pass Trail, climbing this time . A boat-taxi across the lake is available from the trailhead in the summer. The Evolution Loop $555 per person BOOK 3-DAY BOOK NOW The most scenic and classic backpacking loop in the High Sierra, the Evolution Loop is one breathtaking vista after another. But it was still too hot for climbing, I told myself. Sawyer Water Filters are popular because of their light weight and ease of use, but the bags they provide are susceptible to developing leaks. The rest were lazy snoozers. It was also one of the last areas explored by early park pioneers. Bonner explored this area in 1895 while scouting a hikers route along the crest of the Sierra (it would eventually become the John Muir Trail). Fantastic hike! I want to hike West to East in the lowest part of the evolution valley, beginning at Edison Lake. Jackass Meadow and Ward Lake campgrounds are located near Florence Lake. The Sierra Peaks Section was established in 1955. Didnt know you needed a reservation to drive through Yosemite, so consider going through Sonora Pass (unless you go through after 4pm). Finally, two ladies told me that there was a spot just ahead, right next to the creek! We fell about 2 miles short of the destination endpoint with loss of daylightlesson learned, if this is a short weekend excursion, you need to get there early and push through hard. Does this seem like a fair deal to you? Get surefire solitude in McGee Canyon (south about .5 mile back). Up until Sep 11th there was a shuttle service that we could have used to get from South Lake to the North Lake trailhead -- running a couple of times a day and costing $20. This trek met every expectation I had plus some! We hiked it in 7 days but could have done in 6. The next morning, we continued on the Piute Trail and crossed the bridge onto the John Muir Trail (JMT) where we were paralleling a fast-moving San Joaquin River located within the Kings Canyon National Park. Great trail, not all of it is technically dog friendly since you enter Kings Canyon NP for the 2nd half. Join Outside+ to get access to exclusive content, 1,000s of training plans, and more. Day two Continue on Piute Pass to reach the JMT (and enter the national park) at mile 17.4. This site had been used for years, and there were several flat spots. Oh well. Ahead, tackle a class 2 scramble to Lamarck Col. Crest Lamarck Col, then drop down the backside. Evolution Valley - Key Facts Location: Northern Kings Canyon National Park Trailhead: Florence Lake, 84 miles east of Fresno, elevation 7,300 feet Evolution Valley elevation: 9,500 feet Elevation gain: 2200 feet Hiking Distance: 19 miles Best seasons: Mid-summer to fall best of luck and make sure you are prepared. Warm days in the upper 70s and the nights werent too cool either, even up at sapphire lake. We camped up there on our second night. Its about half way down Dusy basin. I should just quit messing around and tape the thing to my face. Jessie Wheeler. 2 trip report day 0-4: getting in & Yosemite National Park warm up. The first thing the trail did was cross the river on a wooden bridge, far upstream from its merging with Evolution Creek, so it was still relatively small. $4,995: August 6-11. The climb up to Piute Pass was uneventful, passing a series of lakes on the way to the day's high point. Backpacking Has Changed a Lot Over the Past 50 Years. After 2.5 mile it crosses a bridge to the south side of the river where a good campsite is located. The metal bridge over Piute Creek marks the border between Kings Canyon National Park and the John Muir Wilderness. The lake is 53 miles east of Prather. One downside though: it's freaking hard. Switchbacks up were very nice. The trail wandered along through the forest, not far from Evolution Creek, which was flowing peacefully and slow. Tracked 40 miles total and we caught the ferry on the way in and out. Piute Pass. The log cabin is located on the right side of the trail as you hike south a short distance before the Piute Creek bridge. That was a big mistake. Maybe if I was lucky there would be a breeze. 1 decision & planning. Cottonwood to Onion Valley: Onion Valley to Bishop Pass: Evolution Loop: July 28-August 4. Campsite 1: Upper Golden Trout Lake. Every effort is made to provide accurate and up to date information, but we cannot be responsible for errors or for changes that may have occurred since publication. The other entrance is by way of North Lake going over Piute Pass (11,500') and passing through Humphries Basin and Piute Canyon. The display of grand peaks, a broad, grassy meadow, and a gently meandering stream make the valley a popular destination. I heard it thundering off to the side of the trail and went over to check it out, and Im glad I did. We did encounter several groups of happy campers who had spent the previous night at some of these lakes. No rain. We returned to camp and reorganized and then started the hike into Evolution Valley. No more High Sierra tundra for me today! My [growing] Collection of Top Utah Hiking Trails, Five ways to make enemies at a public campground, Seeking Powder Hounds: Heli-Skiing the Northwest. Just needed a puffy jacket, could skip the fleece. Others seemed to have no issues on the regular crossing. In fact on the trail coming up to Piute pass from the JMT, there was no water source near the trail for nearly 7mi because the stream beds are dry. 11/10/2022 - Expect winter conditions. Front Runners List: Click to see list completion progress by climbers that log their climbs using As I hiked along, I met several PCT Through-Hikers heading north. Piute Pass going in is a bit of a doozy so push on over and head for lower altitude camping or you may be whacked by the elevation. Did South to North lake. The trail includes one major unbridged crossing of Evolution Creek - often an exciting wade during the spring run-off - and three . Now I can say, beeen there in a sing-song tone suggesting my best time ever in the land of granite. Membership. I am now a retired academic, so I was able, in all three trips, to exploit my college timing to hike in early September before the start of classes. Several of our trails give entry to the John Muir Trail or Pacific Crest Trail with the opportunity to trek in the longest roadless section of the Sierra Nevada Mountain Range. Shortly after passing Colby Meadow and reaching McClure Meadow, we were served the best views of The Hermit, a distinctly steep monolith, and Mt. Only one water crossing (Evolution creek) that required getting your feet wet. . It ended the same way that it started: With Waterfalls! Day 1 South Lake over Bishop Pass to Upper Dusy Basin: 7.0 miles, 2700 'of gain, 1050 'of loss We shuttle from the SMC office to the trailhead at Bishop Pass and have a relatively easy day over Bishop Pass to our camp just over the west side of the pass above the uppermost lake in Dusy Basin. By trying to further lighten our loads over and over again, we hit the trail far later than expected, so by necessity had to pitch our tents after only four miles at Saddlerock Lake (11,128 feet). This was an absolute must do trail! Once there, you will want several days to enjoy the tranquility of the valley and explore the surrounding lakes, canyons, and peaks. Map Mono Divide High Country ($10, We passed more than a dozen lakes some of which I will mention when I upload photos. Saw plenty of deer, and other hikers saw a few bears in the meadows. It had taken me almost twelve hours, although I have to admit that I took several very long breaks. We found the trailhead about 1/3 mile away and hiked a few miles to Loch Leven. My first suggestion is if you have seven days to make this trip, your body and spirit will thank you. Then it was hot, and I sweated out what little water I had. Get access to more than 30 brands, premium video, exclusive content, events, mapping, and more. 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Mark Womack Sec, Yes Communities Corporate Office, Articles P