We do not measure our status by the expense of our altars, and proof positive mentioning that specifically comes from the simple fact that I had built mine from scratch. Don't give us your source, without giving your facts or opinion; few care, unless we know you Barry Piece. by things that really doesn't make sense. Yes it is too late. That or you have but are so severely mentally ill and deranged you cannot tell the difference. That's what actually helps the planet. What's the dilemma, you ask? If not, cool. otherwise stfu!! Huge difference. Yet they burn Korans, picket funerals and firebomb abortion clinics. Religion is a lot of ritual. There are many artists who rap about positive messages and life experiences. The fact that most black people do not ask themselves basic questions is sad. Now, with that said: it is up to each individual whether he or she wants to believe that he is The Messiah, savior of the world or just some dude born in a manger. (I wonder if I have to explain that the last line was meant to be sarcasm?). It actually helps the planet. The notion that man needed "salvation" in the first place clearly shows how primitive of a mind that you have sitting beyond the skull. If you truly want to know what Christianity is about read about the life of jesus, look at the example he set, and then make a decision on what Christianity is about. Whoever wrote this article had a "Special" relationship with a priest. HA! Carl. It came back again hundreds of years later through the slave trade, but there were Christians in Africa before the slave trade.Also Look up the first black pope. It's also obvious that you don't know laws of thermodynamics or anything science related either. Other famous Christian rappers include Braille, Swoope, and Soup the Chemist. Theory is fact to the best of our knowledge and can be debunked at any time with enough evidence. Once you close your eyes in death, you have been tried. Maybe just maybe there is a message for us to ALSO MOVE AND EVOLVE instead of grasping on to the first belief system that feels comfortable and becoming dependent on it as everything else continues to move.. Samantha A. Christian: Allow me to quote the Legendary Morpheus from one of my favorite sci-fi films, "THE MATRIX," because I think he sums up religion quite perfectly. You may as well try telling me the Universe don't exist. For what is life after death knowing that it is made of energy that allows us to be vibrant in our physical body I let everyone do his opinion by educating yourself on the subject. He says, "If there was a God, I'd still have both nuts." Bruce Lee is believed to have been a spiritual atheist. you do not have to be religious or a believer of Jesus Christ to understand the laws of the Universe. It's like every other theism/religion. I would be glad to see it. He uses religion as a stand-in for being a good person and living a good life. In one sense, that's true. i can't "front",i was an agnostic back in the day and one night i got tired of debating and God literally saved me and gave me a testimonyit's because of that testimony,i believe in God and was convinced to accept Jesus Christ as my Lord and Saviour,it was the least i could do for ALL that He's done for memy prayers go out to these and many other people who only know of God based on traditions of man as opposed to having a personal relationship with Him. I blame SLAVERY on the bible, that is why it was illegal to teach slaves to read. One of the many problems with this article is that the author does not understand the meaning of atheist and agnostic. I'm not a distraction for that. To our families, friends, children, neighbors, community, lovers, pets, and those in need all other the world! He is the Originator of Creation. You have to call people who don't believe what you do "demon possessed"? It is in itself, no matter the creed or stripe, condescending. Under duress, maybe. apparently you haven't been paying attention, grooveand just like most religious heads i know, you're saying so won't make it sohow about you give us proof how this will be true?been hearing this crap about jesus coming back since i was a kid, and so has my mom, and her mom and dad, and their moms and dads, so forth and so onshit, our people wouldn't be christian if it weren't for our slave mastersand unless you're gonna tell me that jesus and this God are ok with slavery, i don't want to hear itand if they are OK with slavery, what kind of God is this?, a question for you, markhow come this all powerful God, who is responsible for everything under the sun, still has his creations wondering what he looks like?real talk, there hasn't been not ONE actual sighting of this God, everthe only thing you religious folk fall back on are these tired lines passed down to us from generations before usthey prove NOTHINGand real talk, if you are a person of color YOU wouldn't have anything to do with christianity if it weren't for your slave masterjust the same as your name would be markgive them back their shitall of it. That is first of all. If you can prove a god exists then I will believe it. You're quite comedic and I like laughing at adults who believe things I did as a child. Period. in the presence of those who have afflicted him, That this all powerful being who created everything, is content with people being thoughtless drones. Praying for you bro ! People like you will never see the light. into existence." 2nd of all, there is nothing to confess because humans created God and all things religion/theism which you obviously bought hook, line, and sinker. There arent strong voices in rap that represent the other view, that theres a rational explanation for all this!. And, by the way and according to what you posted, your "god" created "light" twice. I accept the Holy Bible for what it is many allegorical stories absorbed by its authors from mostly Egyptian methology used to explain the universe. However, he doesnt attribute his talents to God. Obviously, you don't know the theory of evolution & you don't know atheism or atheists at all. Of course, anything Mark has claimed & asserted has been practically debunked not just by us but many people over past centuries. I totally agree with you Samantha! If one were to worship Chris Rock, they'd have the exact same life they would have worshiping "God". so very sad. that it doesnt exist so we wont try to find them. I will pray for you all.and may God have mercy! Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again expecting different results. god: 2 million+ deaths in the bible the devil: 10. Greedy people who aren't happy with one life. I agree wholeheartedly Bianca. Ruth Ware Let's look here now. Religion is total bullshit and black people need to wake dafuq up. Don't forget, Christianity was put upon the black community as a way of dealing with their sin of being "black". That means not being materialistic or egotistical, not being vain and selfish, no abusing power or authority, stuff like that. You have no answers and you can't answer. 1) A biased video about God is not proof/evidence that God exists. He is a Myth that was made up to compete with other Gods of the day. 26Then God said, Let Us make man in Our image, according to Our likeness; and let them rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over the cattle and over all the earth, and over every creeping thing that creeps on the earth.27God created man in His own image, in the image of God He created him; male and female He created them.28God blessed them; and God said to them, Be fruitful and multiply, and fill the earth, and subdue it; and rule over the fish of the sea and over the birds of the sky and over every living thing that moves on the earth.29Then God said, Behold, I have given you every plant yielding seed that is on the surface of all the earth, and every tree which has fruit yielding seed; it shall be food for you;30and to every beast of the earth and to every bird of the sky and to every thing that moves on the earth which has life, I have given every green plant for food; and it was so.31God saw all that He had made, and behold, it was very good. uh, Amen. Until you do you will continue to be the ignorant fool that you are now. I have always hated the word "Religion" because most people mistake that for "Relationship". woot woot I love him! You got nothing but an exit line. you sound retarded. You believe in "The Printed Page"..I'm speaking of "The Spirit of God". God has been debunked for centuries. And please don't cite the bible. Because the truth would have been found out of non-existence. So be humble and let other human beings who are not harming others live their lives without your judgment. Am I missing something here? Kamilah T. Harris Hold up, maybe slavery and segregation were condoned in the scriptures, but prejudice, intolerance, and racism never were. He proves Himself so that we will increase in Faith in Him. Smirnoff Launches Signature Mix Series KRS One Before he was the frontman of Boogie Down Productions, the Bronx rapper spent time as a teenage. You = paranoid. If we don't exist "By Chance," then why didn't God put dinosaurs, birds, cattle, & man on the planet Mars, or even a cow & human that could tolerate the Mars climate? Really? if we start naming all the things people do that they hv no "proof" for we'll be here all day. @kamilah, no its your failure. If u knew the turbulence comin ur way, yall would hurry up n get it right with ur, yes UR heavenly father! If you take that away you take away from them what gives the reason and rational to hold back from committing henious acts against others. @Kamilah T. Harris thanks for the specifics. You did not have to mention Christianity. Lecrae Devaughn Moore, also known as Lecrae, is an American Christian rapper, singer, and songwriter from Houston, Texas. Came to earth in the body we now have we lived with our Heavenly Father we were sent here and given the choice. in what tyler perry play do u think that will happen. I'm just on here separating the facts from fiction. I get it I get it" I'm not suggesting that Atheists or Christians should be silenced or censored, but since neither of you seem to be able to hide those few remaining folds from those last few pounds you both seem to be self conscious about in that skimpy dress, the people like me are subject to the "hey do you like this dress? It is unfortunate that the reality of who God is won't sink in until it's everlasting to late. We stand up to Christians considering that it is Christians who want the USA and other nations to be theocracies. I hope you copied and pasted. : a feeling that something is good, right, or valuable Its fashionable to do away with religion. Another little piece of information; It took supernatural wisdom to write something as well written as the Bible. Chlamydia sounds better than christian too. I would bet any amount of money on this. I grew up a Methodist and I don't regret it . Derrick Wimbley .100% correct..We are in agreement. @ Chris Rock I see a few dollars will make a person breed contempt, Hold On to your little a pinion , for a fool and his money will soon part, then you blame that on Slavery too. A lot of things scientifically don't add up. There is so much more to this what we have than just meditation. The Father's name is clearly noted in the KJV version of Psalms 68:4. There is no need for religion and to believe in gods or anything. Jerry Lindsey No prob. They are all vices people use to fill in a void they are feeling. Where is your evidence? Consider this: your faith should be stable enough for you to investigate and learn new things. 20 Rappers Who Are Influencing Rap Right Now From flows to clothes, these are the artists who are shaping contemporary hip-hop. If humanity, the scientists themselves, are aware of their inability to be perfect and produce exactly accurate results, then what makes you think that the subject matter of science, is deemed as "correct" proof, let alone all that reliable. I've debated Muslims before including my own stepfather several times. It says, "in the beginning the GODS created heaven and earth". We do what we do because it's needed. Not one thing. #2. Sin doesn't exist. Instead I would do what I and others like me have done. Here is a good video for the Unbelievers to watch over at Youtube: "God of Wonders: Scientists Prove Almight God's Existence Through Science." Nowto answer your loaded and quite bigoted questions (which never ceases to amaze me with people like you in generally asking questions), the Nobel Prize is not just a piece of paper. You can argue it all you want, but the truth of the matter is, there WILL be a second coming of Jesus Christ and what is happening in the world today is leading up to his return. Staples. Brandon Alexander rela talk can't be dealin with dumb brah around here,if they wanna hate on a brother so what luk funny to me anyway,tht not a part to be stressed.i believe in.i might answer that later,maybe spiritual you know real spirits real gods walkin with me kind god to me when am havin a talk with them.thy may think am crazy when am talkin to myself but i believe on something which is real.thy became gods even though the not with us anymore. Anyway, back to why I know its the truth. You not being a Muslim obviously wouldn't know that, however you should at least know more about Islam before you make such a broad statement. Humans can be totally irrational at times. Take care! Take a look at this list and find out which famous rappers lack religious faith. You are a believer in God? Again popen your mind and simply accept that things may not be as you have been taught. Joan Dean-Edwards Actually the all caps did get my attention. I get it I get it" I'm not suggesting that Atheists or Christians should be silenced or censored, but since neither of you seem to be able to hide those few remaining folds from those last few pounds you both seem to be self conscious about in that skimpy dress, the people like me are subject to the "hey do you like this dress? A mental health professional can cure you of this horrid mental illness. Would you still worship God if you weren't trying to get a ticket into Heaven? Tell me why, earth's gravity (-9.8m/s^2) is perfect, whereby we are not objects being sunked in by black holes or floating objects, as if we were on the moon. These post are filled with people who theorize because you Don't know. While everybody has a choice to choose what he or she wishes to believe if there is a GOD or a Jesus, I would like to commission you to pick up the bible and read the New Testament and see how the word has prophesied the events that are happening today. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tpz8PMcRJSY. You are correct. First of all, Allah/God is not a creature, so that is where you error. Its the internet equivalent of a child throwing a temper tantrum in a store. Belief is assertion and claim without objective evidence/proof to back it up. They made shit up. 1) Atheism is not a religion. The people who do those thing do not represent the whole Christian faith, Christianity is about love, forgiveness, and growth. Best laugh of the day. But we are all tumbling along on this speck of dust called earth which is tumbling through this universe trying not to run into shit. Also thanks for being able to understand the comment with all the wrong words. Assertion w/out evidence/proof existing or supporting your claims. This is my last post. What's wrong with an approach that says "Hey you are a/an Christian/Atheist? AND HINDUISM CAME FROM ANCIENT KEMIT (EGYPT) IT IS A KNOWN FACT!!! God is so real & I am a living witness. How about you don't reply anymore? It's about taking ownership of my life. If you did, wow. How? Who wrote this? We must respect the They are TWO TOTALLY different things. Stop using the white man as an excuse to justify wanting to be in control versus giving up a worldly lifestyle in exchange for a relationship with God. You. Believe what you want!!! When I ride in a plane and see the sun and clouds then realize there is still more to see and this will never end, I know there is a GOD. Just on here separating the facts from fiction and you ca n't answer until you do know... With one life post are filled with people who theorize because you do not have explain! 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