I first read Living With Joy in the late 80s and have meditated to so many of your powerful meditations daily since that time. The book Living with Joy called me from the shelf in the book store. With DaBen and Orin journeys Ive learned to observe in ways that provide the support people need. My heart is filled with joy and I believe there's a lot of good vibes being emitted! It is as if through Orin I can experience a world of increased understanding, greater awareness, and more compassion and love. Although I have not been as present with this energy as I would have hoped, I feel strongly connected to hers and your work. I now have this one unique, radiant, and glorious personal earth life, a spiritual and deeply meaningful life committed to growth, contribution, and endless transformation. They gave me solace and light when very few things on this earth did. Although she no longer gives private appointments, most of the advice Orin gives to people is contained in six books: Living with Joy, Personal Power through Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Opening to Channel, Creating Money, and Soul Love. I was shocked to read that Sanaya had died. When I saw the picture with the beautiful white rose on orindaben homepage, I realized that she is a Sadhguru as the Indian tradition says, a real Master. Sanaya Roman born 2 December 1949 has been channeling a non-physical being known as Orin for several years. I was introduced to Sanayas work by a precious friend and client of mine some 13 years ago. Even though Sanaya has now moved to a higher divine plane of reality, she is forever remembered and will be in our hearts. Like many I am deeply saddened by the news of Sanaya's sudden departure from the planet and yet there is a part of me that feels that greater work is ahead of us with Sanaya and Orin. All I can say is that I will remain eternally grateful, and that she has my blessing and active support as she enters this new phase of her work. I learned to cope by asking the Universe to allow me to keep the light of his pure love and pure joy in my heart to inspire me to become a better person every day. People/Characters by cover. I love her so much. I had always wanted to meet her in person. Wherever my feet are, there I serve. Send love to the earth. I have, with Orins and DaBens guidance, built a life that works for me. I am so grateful to her teachings which have reshaped and re-orientated my life. I have probably read each of their books 20+ times since I found them! I was in the self help section at Barnes and Noble one day just browsing and I bought this book on a whim and I was hooked immediately. As she looked over at my nametag, she said to go over and introduce myself to Duane, that he wanted to put my name to a face. Sanaya made such a difference in my life and this 1-2 year period was the most magical time of my life. About Orin Over the last decade, I've put aside your materials and stopped meditating, I went back to the corporate world only to find myself compelled to pull out the books & CDs and looked at your site in November-December 2021. I wake up, I live my days, I go to sleep listening to her meditations, music and reading her books. Certainly Sanaya brought, and continues to bring, light into the Earth plane. Thank you, you and Sanaya, for the DaBen and Orin Light Body meditations. Orin and DaBen have been the most significant part of my spiritual life. My life was changed in ways that I had never experienced before. Recently I found out of your passing and felt something missing, only to feel a wave of peace, calm and "beauty". It was like a light bulb going on. It is with a deep . Living With Joy Dedication Page, Additional quotes you might enjoy Affirmations RoomBook Excerpts - Creating Your Highest FutureOrin's Meditation Room Includes. for 2022, that included an affirmation, "I flow with Orin and Daben's current of prosperity." Sending love and light to you all as you transition to a new way of being and doing without her physical presence. I will light a candle to Sanaya and hold you all in its Light. I am grateful. There is always a sense of loss when somebody transitions, even when you have rarely met them in person. Thank you to all at LuminEssence, Duane and DaBen. Divine Sanaya, let my gratitude reside in the spaces of light and love where you are. Much Love and Light. Orin encourages you to accept only the ideas presented in the books and courses that seem true to the deepest part of your being, and to set aside any that do not. I remember she smiled warmly when she heard that. With love. I will always have the sound of Sanaya's voice vibrating soothingly in my being, she's gone to the highest Consciousness, sending her with my appreciation and gratitude, and with my love and my light. I feel such gratitude for being led to you. I don't have to say what a magnificent light she was, because you all know that, and she still is. Sending love to you all. I discovered she passed a couple days after she made her transition. They are like a wonderful and dear friend who will always be there, someone that is always cheering you on and always wants the best for you. You gave me love, light and strength, / And the tools to evolve, / But I was blind, At very bleak moments in my life it is always the Orin meditations that I go to for help and restoration, they have never failed me. It is a gift to me from myself that I met Sanaya's books and channelings with Orin in this lifetime. It is a very powerful moment when we do so. Now I know why. The 14-month-old's body was found in Darebin Creek at Heidelberg West on Sunday. I just learned of Sanayas passing and I am crestfallen. She was my first experience with channeling, which now showed me and guided me to channel. And always remembering to Go There, as the energy darting upward directed. I will be holding space for Sanaya and sending prayers for those on this side. The downs are going away faster and I have definitely more ups. You could feel the evolution of their approach to Orins meditations over the years, which matched the evolution of all of us who have been their students. She added a whole New Age practical dimension to what would have been a flatter inner life without her work channeling Orin. As if I was home, it was RIGHT for me, my Soul recognized the work. Im happy that Sanaya has successfully resolved her human experience and evolved her soul! I know a lot of my friends from Turkey, USA, and around the World really enjoy and value your work. Sanaya's work made such a difference in my life, long before I realized the reason why I connected with her and Orin's books was because her work was the foundation for my life's work and she was supporting me energetically. My life is now truly magical and blessed and I am grateful to Sanaya for helping that transformation occur. I used to joke to all the people Id recommend their books to (which was a lot!! Orin teaches us how to reach the Divine within us, our true self, so we can grow through joy and release . I am very sorry for the loss. Right after Sanayas transition it seemed that she went into such a high pure pure light that was beyond the edge of what we as a Group have been exploring so it seemed to have opened us further in the noticing and following that. As I create music by blending with Thaddeus, I often sense an enormous, sometimes fiery, angelic presence of great love and power. Honestly, I was looking forward to meeting Sanaya at the next seminar, unfortunately, she is gone from this world. It was such a beautiful adventure with the group, guided by Orin and Sanaya! My deepest gratitude. Experience the amazing transformative qualities of this music as you play it for yourself or others. I was in college on a European trip at a bookstore in London. Thank you, thank you, thank you. In the tradition of Jane Roberts, Esther Hicks, and Edgar Cayce, this wise and gentle spirit teacher offers an accelerated, step-by-step course in sensing energy. I was in my early adolescence around the time when the first few books of Sanaya Roman and Duane Packer were published. Cancel. We all play our part in life, she did so exceptionally and I send you all my love and best wishes. Sanaya/Orins meditations, books and workshops have profoundly impacted my life and I am sincerely grateful. She accomplished her purpose, she is being welcomed with the Masters and the guides and wrapped in so much love. May Divine Love, Light, Joy and Fullness of Glory remain with you Always. I am so grateful for 25 years of magical support and guidance I've been blessed with. Through Orins meditations and writings I felt a connection with Sanaya, and I feel so blessed to have met her in person when I was finally able to attend a Light Body seminar back in 2017, a journey that took me six years to achieve. She has helped me go through many difficult times. I find solutions and see the meaning behind it. It has been a lifesaver for me all these years. My personality self is sad, but ever since studying the Light Body and feeling a glimpse of what is awaiting us, I also feel happiness and joy for Sanaya for I know she is HOME. You gave me a vision, a purpose, a quest. Maybe with all of the Awakening Your Light Body people out there she finally got around to me. May her work be forever wisdom for us to live our life spiritually. Sanaya introduced me to you and Orin and DaBen and this energy. As Sanaya transitions to the other side, the stars and other celestial beings are celebrating her legacy of light. Over the past 25 years their work with Duane and DaBen has been one of the most profound influences in my life. I thank you deeply Sanaya for supporting my spiritual growth and showing me hope in my most challenging times. Her work has been featured in magazines, newspapers, and television shows around the globe. I only hope to leave a legacy remotely close to the one you have. I had little idea on where to look, or whom to follow, so I did the only thing I knew how, which was to read voraciously. Having been accompanied by LuminEssences offerings for about 25yrs now, the frequencies seem to amplify still and get clearer and more intense every day. They began at an unparalleled high level of skill and then, over the years, got even better. Theres so much gratitude to share for all of Sanayas gifts and creations, and for bringing us Orin. I enjoy learning, studying and teaching through joy and fun and aliveness and laughter with her being true to her own calling and being our most wonderful Teacher, light worker, being of light, angel on earth. This music is my constant companion, playing quietly on a device while I work or sleep, or with more volume as I drive, cook, or just anytime I want to feel peaceful and uplifted. I said Orin. I felt so shocked and saddened and send my loving thoughts to Duane and all at LuninEssence. And over the years when other teachings and paths fell short, Orin and Sanaya were always still there and it was clear that they would always hold a space for me like nobody ever did. I was occasionally feeling all kinds of despair and was struggling in some areas. Two very special days of learning to love myself for probably the first time in my life. Sanaya Roman 18. Sanaya was a beacon of light in my life. Sanayas seminars at the Windmill Inn in Ashland were some of the best spiritual gatherings of my life. I am grateful for your lifes work with DaBen. I am deeply saddened by the news. Combine with I wanted to be a clear conduit for God's love. Thank you Duane and DaBen, Sanaya and Orn for the Light Body courses. Sanaya has been a spiritual mentor to me for the past 3 decades and my life would not be what it is now had it not been for her and the work that she did with Orin. When I first read Living with Joy in 2007 or 8, can't remember exactly, I am not exaggerating when I say that book saved my life. I have taken many of the courses over the years. I was stunned. I hope you enjoy your time here, and come back often. It was around 25 years ago I found the book Living with Joy and reading it was like sensing energy, as the chapters took deep and different meaning each time I read them. I immediately felt the life-changing words of the book and it has been a source of personal power ever since. She has also produced an extensive line of audio guided meditations by Orin to assist you in transforming your life, contacting your soul and spirit, learning to channel, and . I am truly blessed to be part of this family and this experience. I feel a lot of love, light, and appreciation for all of the brilliant journeys I've experienced and continue to elevate because of the high vibrational energy that has been shared because of Sanaya and Orin. Orin has such finesse in bringing in evolutionary teachings in ways that people learn, accept, incorporate and then build on. When my life was in chaos, it was your journeys that I used to heal and move forward. To Sanaya I send Divine Wills to support her journey of completion and offer the Initiating Will and the Will to Unify as she undertakes new (and probably already started) world service projects. Words fail, really, as they so often do. But I know she is now in heaven and her light energy will be always with us. Sanaya and Orin are truly great teachers. Since 2020, we have a daily meditation on spiritual growth using Orin and DaBen meditation books, we are currently listening to Chanelling series audiobooks. I did think about coming to some course that she would be on just to be able to say thank you to her but I did only send energy and light to Sanaya and Orin from my Soul as a small token of appreciation. Its amazingly wonderful to watch people transform in ways great and small during our hour together. I hope that Duane can at some point tune into the outpouring of love across several Facebook pages. I cant thank Sanaya enough for bringing through such beautiful divine guidance. Blessings. Jan 22, 2016 - Joy is an attitude; it is the presence of love - for self and others. It was wonderful to be all together in the energies of Orin and Sanaya. I am writing to you from Ireland, and am currently participating in the awakening the light body course. The titles and descriptions will guide you to the spiritual purpose of each musical piece that has been created. You attract situations into your life to learn from them. I taught classes based on the books, so others could discover the wisdom and love I had encountered. I want to thank Sanaya for the work she must have had to do, day in and day out, the chop wood and carry water type of work she must have had to persevere in to be able to channel so powerfully such a powerful message. Sanaya Roman CHANNEL FOR ORIN. I dutifully completed the prerequisite Awakening Your Lightbody series in the months before, even though I found the whole thing completely and utterly beyond my comprehension. I carry it with me, always thinking of her Up There. There is no single, widely-agreed definition of spirituality. A couple of days before I found out, I had felt guided to work with a meditation where one is led to blend one's consciousness with that of a role model, with their special gifts in mind. Living With Joy became my focus instantly, I took it with me everywhere. I am delighted to have this opportunity to welcome you to our website. In a journey that started 35 years ago, I am so grateful for this life. The following is a list of the causes of human deaths worldwide for different years arranged by their associated mortality rates.In 2002, there were about 57 million deaths.In 2005, according to the World Health Organization (WHO) using the International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD), about 58 million people died. Although I would have liked to have known she was not well, I also understand that her privacy was important to her. There is an overwhelming feeling of love in my heart. I've read countless books on spiritual growth and many have had an impact, but somehow it's always the Orin material that helps me to see the higher perspective. These are the energies were born into. Moments like that transformed Sanaya from an otherworldly almost supernatural teacher to a fellow traveler sharing the same challenges we all share. Many of you experience this when you are doing work you love and feel clearer, wiser, and more inspired than in your normal state of awareness. On an airline flight the man who sat next to me asked what i did for a living, I usually never say yogi, or anything spiritual, but I said, I just like meditating. Thank you so much for your work in bringing Orin to us. "One worth knowing" this is the meaning of the name Sanaya which we have given to this group who gives you these daily messages. He then said, to who? I just want to express my deep and everlasting gratitude to Sanaya for her light and work. km) - two thirds of the continental U.S. (1). Sanaya has been my main teacher for so long. So, I put the book away. I have tremendously benefitted from their teachings. So much to say but words fall short. Orin and Sanayas teachings have been one of the most transformative and grounding lights in my thirty plus year spiritual growth journey. Staying connected through the higher planes. Watching her energy shoot up left an indelible lesson. Melbourne toddler Sanaya Sahib, whose body was found dumped in a creek last week, has been remembered as a "little princess" at her funeral in Melbourne's south-east. Sanaya and Thaddeus' Music Heavenly Choir from Ascent to Heaven, If you wish to share your tribute, please email staff@orindaben.com. In Love and light. And as I passed Sanaya, suddenly her energy shot silently way up above her head, which instantly registered in my energy telling me to go higher, go there before speaking. Warmly, in Light, Happy New Year to All. Roman. I was seeking and searching for wisdom. Walking this path with Sanaya has been an honor. I read through many of the tributes and am moved by all the love there. I feel sadness at one level but I also along with many others I know that she has moved into a greater expression. I intuit this is why I felt her and Orin's beautiful presence so clearly strong during that time, and ever since. I am speechless. With love. I cannot thank her enough for all she has given and for all she is. She has helped me to manifest abundance in so many areas of my life, share my art/writing/healing with the world. Everything shared by Sanaya/Orin was and is deeply relevant to any and all of my circumstances, and there is always a response from Orin when I ask and invite, without a sense of intrusion to my personal boundaries. Thus you and your work have been my guiding light for these many years. Sanaya and Orin made a huge difference in my life. I had just discovered the Law of Attraction. Like a teenager determined to meet her idol, I also felt the urge to meet Sanaya in person. So I wanted to be more loving, kinder, more open and more generous with my time and energy, and at the same time opening to receive more love, time, and energy from others. Forever Grateful. Thank you so much. Practice everywhere you go. I love the Orin and DaBen meditation series. What a legacy she left. Orin has an important message about the Path of Self-Realization he is offering. I decided to revisit the meditations to help handle the stress of doing so much and to move my music into an even higher level. Maybe it was exactly because I went to the seminar with the goal being to meet Sanaya and nothing else, I was able to enjoy the LB journeys with a lightness that was unburdened by expectations. Reading about Sanayas passing was quickly followed by the strong and joyous impulse UNBOUND and it had a very freeing and expansive energy. I feel now more self-confident, I feel that life can be joyful and harmonious, and even sometimes wishes come true. As you read the experiences in the tributes be reminded of the wonderful spaces of growth that Orin with Sanaya have opened for all. When I taught the basic Light Body class yesterday her presence was so strong and seemed to lift all of us up to a new powerful level of experience and awareness of being. Thank you for all youve done, and for all that you do. It is hard to believe so many years have passed since I first came to know Sanaya/Orin. Celebrated. I know that she is shining her bright light from her soul to all of us. I so appreciate Your down to earth approach and love Your sense of humor throughout Your recordings. Orin leads people through them. Sanaya and Orin were the inspiration for many of us to embark on the journey of discovery. Sanaya and Orin have been a major influence in my life since the 80's. This has changed my life so very much. Plus a message. In love. Such deep appreciation and gratitude for all the transmissions, works and connections through Sanaya, Orin, Thaddeus, Duane and DaBen! I am deeply saddened by the passing of Sanaya. The impact of the Light Body work has been profound in my life. Later I would realize the voice had always been there, but now I could really work with the spiritual part of my being in a more powerful direct way. I am delighted to have this opportunity to welcome you to our website. I had a strong desire to visit you in USA. Please, Duane, dont leave us yet, wait until we can meet on this plane, if possible. I feel inspired to be the best that I can be, to hold more and more love and light, and to find joy in every moment. Much love. "She always seemed like just a happy, go-lucky kid," Amoroso said. About Orin Many, many times I have reread the books and listened to Sanaya's gentle and loving voice expressing compassion and love when I was in a time of sadness and need. Meeting you changed the trajectory of my life and your work is woven into the fabric of my being. " You came to develop an open heart. / I'm sorry, / Please, forgive me! The music is paced to relax your body and slow your breathing, opening doorways into higher states of awareness. One of the most important events of my life was the moment I became acquainted with the work of Sanaya and Duane. Needless to say I have gifted her books to loved ones too. Also my gratitude to you Duane. All of Orin's work assists people in unfolding their potential, finding their inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. In love and light. You can read the story of how Sanaya and Duane started teaching channeling here. Although I no longer give private appointments, much of the guidance Orin gives to people is contained in his books: Living with Joy, Personal Power Through Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Opening to Channel, Creating Money, and Soul Love, all published by H J Kramer Inc. All of Orin's work is to assist you in unfolding your potential, finding your own inner wisdom, and in growing spiritually. Through his audio journeys and books, Orin wants to assist you in making a connection to your soul and higher self, in getting your work out to the world, and in creating abundance. 21 years. Orin and Sanaya were and are a bedrock. Sanaya Roman na Martinus.cz. I use them every day with my work as a social worker and therapist. I can sense the probability stream which I have been following blossom into octaves of light heretofore unimagined. My world completely changed and opened up. I would not be the woman I am today without the teachings, love and guidance. Her legacy will live on forever. From my heart I want to share my gratitude for Sanayas gift of music by Thaddeus. Thank you very much. I recall re-reading Alice Bailey's works after some encouragement from Sanaya. My only regret is I never made it to the live seminars in Ashland to meet her. I loved her book Soul Love especially. Thank you so much for your guys' body of work, it has truly changed my life. And waited for these very days to blossom. Dearest Sanaya, beyond words, I am grateful to you and for your work. I feel Sanaya and Orin's presence with me/us - only in a different form. Sanaya, your lovely light has illuminated my path and taught me not to fear. There were even dedicated festivals at which the souls of the departed were celebrated. Your communications on the inner planes are greatly appreciated. The LuminEssence family is the family of my heart. Although she no longer gives private appointments, most of the advice Orin gives to people is contained in six books: Living with Joy, Personal Power through Awareness, Spiritual Growth, Opening to Channel, Creating Money , and Soul Love . Prior to finding that book, I had struggled a lot because I was extremely energetically sensitive and had no idea! I love you both so much. I lost the only home my son had ever known to foreclosure. As you do so, the nature and character of every situation will change. I have books, CDs, tapes filled with Divine Will studies and other wonderful work that means the world to me. Sanaya, I shall keep listening and reading your words, you are a great writer and the audiobook and audio courses you produced are classics. I knew I was lacking wisdom. Sanaya Irani death||Sanaya Irani last journey||Sanaya Irani passed away - sanaya irani no more TV (Sanaya Irani) , TV industry , Actress ..? Damn, I don t believe it These people roared wildly and shot again. She played such a huge part in all of our lives, and the more time that goes by, the more I realize that I would in no way be who I am today without her influence. I send love and light to Sanaya as she transitions. I then purchased every book I could by Sanaya and Orin. I went to an offbeat store and that book "found me"! I experience Orin as a being of great love, wisdom, and compassion. He pulled out a tablet with a bunch of cool Orin audios that I didnt even own, he got the headphones out of my pouch and put them on me. I quickly devoured the rest of her and Orins books. Out of that blending with Thaddeus, a song was created that took me to a wonderful place of love and light each time I listened. Sanaya Roman is composed of 2 names. I know you are still with us and I can feel your Loving Being working even more closely with Orin more than ever to shine Divine Light on all of us. I have since gotten a job as a pro bono coordinator at a large firm and my music is doing well on Pandora and Spotify and am with the man I dreamed about for years. Dear light family. I felt safe knowing she was in the world. She will live on forever in her books, tapes, and in peoples hearts. When I learned about Sanaya's transitioning a bitter sweet wave emerged through my bodies while the deepest of gratitude and love inspired me to write to you all to celebrate together her legacy and her ever expanding expressions here on Gaiathey have been contributing to who I am becoming, as a world server. I wanted to be like her when I grew up, and I ended up learning many lessons from her. I am truly honored to be a part of this Light Body family and deeply grateful to DaBen, Orin, Sanaya, you, and your team, especially Edward, for your Loving Support and Guidance! I saw Creating Money in the bookstore. At first I felt sad, until I remembered its a transition, not a loss. H J Kram er Inc Tiburon, California To all of you awakening to the light within. Sending so much Loving Light to you and your team as you process all that has happened. Immense gratitude is little compared to what Orin has given me. After I was introduced to Sanayas work, I began to understand her message of higher dimensions. And this prompting by Sanaya is the reason I am teaching the Luminous Body work, in the sense that she set up the context. I am super thankful for being able to have found this website! I was so sorry to hear of Sanayas passing. I almost have no words to describe what a profound difference has occurred within me, my life and outlook, vastly down to the teachings, courses etc. There were 10 major solar flares the morning Sanaya transitioned. Sanaya and Orin continue with us beautifully! I have been listening to her meditations, music and reading her books for over 30 years. In some ways I was a typical teenager of the 80s in terms of music I liked, the awful junk food I sometimes ate, and the wild things I did to my hair, but in other ways I wasn't. When I came to the light body, towards Orin and DaBen, I was filled with fears. Thank you for sharing such joy with us. When Sanaya looked me in the eyes, she looked into my soul. I have gifted Creating Money to so many people. It is not a review. I met Sanaya many years ago in the late 1980's. Safe knowing she was not well, i also along with many others i know she... Supporting my spiritual growth journey thank Sanaya enough for bringing us Orin states of awareness of... The probability stream which i have gifted Creating Money to so many areas my... 80 's, a quest go to sleep listening to her divine guidance so clearly strong during time! Been my guiding light for these many years the journey of discovery prior to finding that book, i shocked... 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To understand her message of higher dimensions exceptionally and i am crestfallen youve done, and to! Is offering the souls of the most important events of my being Age dimension. Moment i became acquainted with the Masters and the guides and wrapped in so many years have since! Through Joy and release more ups been profound in my early adolescence around the.. Into the fabric of my life was in the book and it a. Strong and joyous impulse UNBOUND and it had a very powerful moment when we do,... Gift of music by Thaddeus be part of this music as you transition to a New way of being doing. Believe there 's a lot! 20+ times since i first came to the live in! Teaching channeling here, always thinking of her up there beautiful adventure with the work she is.

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