"}); } "kudosable" : "true", "event" : "addMessageUserEmailSubscription", }, While Sisense natively supports row-level security, we currently recommend utilizing our Column-Level Security plugin to achieve this within the product. ] "}); "event" : "ProductAnswerComment", }, This is also done via the default rule, by setting allMembers to true. "eventActions" : [ "event" : "removeThreadUserEmailSubscription", "action" : "rerender" } }, Row level security may be set via the REST API or through a visual console to easily to add, edit and manage rules. LITHIUM.BlockEvents('.lia-js-block-events', [".lia-spoiler-link",".oo-icon",".oo-volume-bar",".oo-close-button"], '.message-preview'); See the following sections for more details. This includes the ability to secure dashboards and data as well as implement custom security requirements that suit your organization. This is useful when you have a list of tables whose data should be secured, but the rest of the tables do not include sensitive data. } This option limits the number of results that are returned for a Viewer because applying your rule forces joins between related tables. "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", Covered below are the decisions related to the technical aspect of the task, and not the data or business aspect (such as which dimension should data security apply to?). LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.fromLink('#kudoEntity_1', 'kudoEntity', '#ajaxfeedback_3', 'LITHIUM:ajaxError', {}, 'TPso7R4MIQuzYWbgWQ1BmN_S9c4VYHgOAQJl7P5wFo4. While the exact properties may change depending on the endpoint and action performed, understanding which attributes and entities are part of Data Security rules will help you use these APIs more efficiently. { LITHIUM.DropDownMenuVisibilityHandler({"selectors":{"menuSelector":"#actionMenuDropDown_1","menuItemsSelector":".lia-menu-dropdown-items"}}); Follow the steps below to learn how to add data level security through the REST A } "actions" : [ "action" : "pulsate" "event" : "deleteMessage", } "action" : "pulsate" "actions" : [ } Linux. "useTruncatedSubject" : "true", "}); { "initiatorDataMatcher" : "data-lia-message-uid" "ajaxEvent" : "LITHIUM:lightboxRenderComponent", { The type of access is determined their role and what access you assign to the "action" : "rerender" { "context" : "", "actions" : [ { "event" : "markAsSpamWithoutRedirect", When multiple data security rules exist for a specific field-user or field-group combination, the "actions" : [ }, { "parameters" : { LITHIUM.ThreadedDetailMessageList({"renderLoadMoreEvent":"LITHIUM:renderLoadMoreMessages","loadingText":"Loading","placeholderClass":"lia-messages-threadedDetailList-placeholder","loadFetchSelector":"#threadeddetailmessagelist .lia-load-fetch","rootMessageId":1536,"loadPageNumber":1}); "event" : "ProductMessageEdit", ', 'ajax'); }, "truncateBody" : "true", } "selector" : "#kudosButtonV2", accessed by certain authorized sales reps. "initiatorBinding" : true, }); "event" : "RevokeSolutionAction", LITHIUM.MessageEditor.MessageQuote("#messageQuote", "#tinyMceEditor", "wrote:I want to fix row level data security using REST API for all the elastic cubes I would be creating. LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.ComponentEvents.set({ # How Row-level Security Works Data Security in Sisense is defined as a list of rules associated to a specific, single Elasticube. "event" : "MessagesWidgetCommentForm", With a dedicated API user, pre-authenticating and using the Token is a safer, better choice. } ","disabledLink":"lia-link-disabled","menuOpenCssClass":"dropdownHover","menuElementSelector":".lia-menu-navigation-wrapper","dialogSelector":".lia-panel-dialog-trigger","messageOptions":"lia-component-message-view-widget-action-menu","closeMenuEvent":"LITHIUM:closeMenu","menuOpenedEvent":"LITHIUM:menuOpened","pageOptions":"lia-page-options","clickElementSelector":".lia-js-click-menu","menuItemsSelector":".lia-menu-dropdown-items","menuClosedEvent":"LITHIUM:menuClosed"}); "actions" : [ In this article. { }); "initiatorBinding" : true, Are you sure you want to proceed? "context" : "envParam:entity", "context" : "envParam:quiltName,message,product,contextId,contextUrl", ] If you want to get any user id, you can use rest api v1.0 -> GET/users. You can share dashboards on either a user or group level. LITHIUM.InformationBox({"updateFeedbackEvent":"LITHIUM:updateAjaxFeedback","componentSelector":"#informationbox_11","feedbackSelector":".InfoMessage"}); LITHIUM.CustomEvent('.lia-custom-event', 'click'); }, "actions" : [ "event" : "ProductAnswer", { { } "event" : "editProductMessage", { "event" : "MessagesWidgetEditCommentForm", You can assign five primary roles to Sisense users: These roles can be defined on either a user or group level to determine sharing, access and security. ] To run Data Security automation you will need to authenticate, receive, and use an API Token as an Administrator level user. "action" : "rerender" "context" : "", When applied to individual users, data security rules should normally apply as soon as a User entity is created. LITHIUM.AutoComplete({"options":{"autosuggestionAvailableInstructionText":"Auto-suggestions available. Sales model whose Salesperson field contains the value Dan (rows 1 and 4). The Sisense support team is excited to announce we are currently undergoing a significant transformation to facilitate quicker response times, increase the quality of solutions provided, and reduce our total resolution times. "context" : "", $('.info-container', divContainer).append(data); security.applyDataSecurityOnFiltersRelations. $('.lia-panel-heading-bar-toggle').removeClass('collapsed'); Use a more secure method to store and access these values when the script runs, such as AWS EC2 Parameter Store. "context" : "", "quiltName" : "ForumMessage", } LITHIUM.TokenInputAutoComplete({"multiUserSelectEvent":"LITHIUM:multiUserSelectEvent","emailValidationAndTileCreation":false,"tokenInputAddItemEvent":"LITHIUM:tokenInputAddItem","deleteSelector":".lia-token-input-delete-token","tokenSelector":".lia-token-input-token","resolveCsvRecipientUsers":"LITHIUM:resolveCsvRecipientUsers","url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.productsfield.productsfield:tokeninputautocomplete?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13&t:cp=products/block/producteditblocks","renderImagesEvent":"LITHIUM:renderImages","tokenInputValueChangeEvent":"LITHIUM:tokenInputValueChange","invalidCsvUsersErrorTimeout":10000,"disabled":false,"config":{"searchDelay":300,"method":"GET","allowTabOut":false,"pseudoParentSelector":".lia-panel-dialog","noResultsText":"No matches","classes":{"highlightedToken":"lia-token-input-highlighted-token","inputCsvError":".lia-invalid-csv-recipients-error-msg","selectedDropdownItem":"lia-token-input-selected-dropdown-item","dropdownItem2":"lia-token-input-dropdown-item2","inputToken":"lia-token-input-input-token","tokenDelete":"lia-token-input-delete-token","selectedToken":"lia-token-input-selected-token","dropdownItem":"lia-token-input-dropdown-item","deleteHighlight":"lia-token-input-delete-highlight","dropdown":"lia-content lia-token-input-dropdown lia-products-items-list","token":"lia-token-input-token","inputFormFieldError":"lia-form-field-error","tokenList":"lia-token-input-list lia-products-field-token-list","inputValidationError":"lia-token-input-validation-error"},"autoSelectFirstResult":true,"animateDropdown":false,"allowFreeTagging":false,"minChars":1,"searchingText":"Searching","resultsFormatter":LITHIUM.ProductsFieldFormatter.resultsFormatter,"hintText":"Type a product name","preventDuplicates":true,"tokenFormatter":LITHIUM.ProductsFieldFormatter.tokenFormatter,"deleteText":"","tokenLimit":100,"crossDomain":false,"queryParam":"q"},"inputSelector":"#lia-products","invalidEmailErrorMessage":"is an invalid format and is removed from the list. "eventActions" : [ ] Sisense . All of these endpoints are in the v0.9 REST API version. "selector" : "#kudosButtonV2_0", ] Securing Data. LITHIUM.PartialRenderProxy({"limuirsComponentRenderedEvent":"LITHIUM:limuirsComponentRendered","relayEvent":"LITHIUM:partialRenderProxyRelay","listenerEvent":"LITHIUM:partialRenderProxy"}); { "actions" : [ }, "disableKudosForAnonUser" : "false", With optional attributes, a Data Security rule can take on several forms. LITHIUM.SearchForm({"asSearchActionIdSelector":".lia-as-search-action-id","useAutoComplete":true,"selectSelector":".lia-search-form-granularity","useClearSearchButton":false,"buttonSelector":".lia-button-searchForm-action","asSearchActionIdParamName":"as-search-action-id","formSelector":"#lia-searchformV32","nodesModel":{"tkb|tkb":{"title":"Knowledge base","inputSelector":".lia-search-input-tkb-article"},"embed_analytics|forum-board":{"title":"Search Board: Embed Analytics","inputSelector":".lia-search-input-message"},"prwft24948|community":{"title":"Search Community: Embed Analytics","inputSelector":".lia-search-input-message"},"user|user":{"title":"Users","inputSelector":".lia-search-input-user"},"discussion-forums|category":{"title":"Search Category: Embed Analytics","inputSelector":".lia-search-input-message"}},"asSearchActionIdHeaderKey":"X-LI-AS-Search-Action-Id","inputSelector":"#messageSearchField_0:not(.lia-js-hidden)","clearSearchButtonSelector":null}); "kudosable" : "true", System-level security encompasses security features for role-based settings and integration options. { LITHIUM.InformationBox({"updateFeedbackEvent":"LITHIUM:updateAjaxFeedback","componentSelector":"#informationbox_27","feedbackSelector":".InfoMessage"}); { }, "actions" : [ The sharing options include the configuration of access rights for all users as well as whether users defined as designers may edit the dashboard. "linkDisabled" : "false" "event" : "kudoEntity", }); var left = $(this).offset().left; "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", You can create a dedicated Administrator user for automation purposes, or use the credentials of a real administrator. ","loaderSelector":"#threadeddetaildisplaymessageviewwrapper_1 .lia-message-body-loader .lia-loader","expandedRepliesSelector":".lia-inline-message-reply-form-expanded"}); { ","triggerTextLength":0,"autocompleteInstructionsSelector":"#autocompleteInstructionsText_1","updateInputOnSelect":true,"loadingText":"Searching for users","emptyText":"No Matches","successText":"Users found:","defaultText":"Enter a user name or rank","autosuggestionUnavailableInstructionText":"No suggestions available","disabled":false,"footerContent":[{"scripts":"\n\n(function(b){LITHIUM.Link=function(f){function g(a){var c=b(this),e=c.data(\"lia-action-token\");!0!==c.data(\"lia-ajax\")&&void 0!==e&&!1===a.isPropagationStopped()&&!1===a.isImmediatePropagationStopped()&&!1===a.isDefaultPrevented()&&(a.stop(),a=b(\"\\x3cform\\x3e\",{method:\"POST\",action:c.attr(\"href\"),enctype:\"multipart/form-data\"}),e=b(\"\\x3cinput\\x3e\",{type:\"hidden\",name:\"lia-action-token\",value:e}),a.append(e),b(document.body).append(a),a.submit(),d.trigger(\"click\"))}var d=b(document);void 0===d.data(\"lia-link-action-handler\")&&\n(d.data(\"lia-link-action-handler\",!0),d.on(\"click.link-action\",f.linkSelector,g),b.fn.on=b.wrap(b.fn.on,function(a){var c=a.apply(this,b.makeArray(arguments).slice(1));this.is(document)&&(d.off(\"click.link-action\",f.linkSelector,g),a.call(this,\"click.link-action\",f.linkSelector,g));return c}))}})(LITHIUM.jQuery);\nLITHIUM.Link({\n \"linkSelector\" : \"a.lia-link-ticket-post-action\"\n});LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.fromLink('#disableAutoComplete_124486b9ec1afc4', 'disableAutoComplete', '#ajaxfeedback_0', 'LITHIUM:ajaxError', {}, 'bWLpQhdbJMz7Kt2P_P0Ay-1UAur9hIe3Zs3kfCUzPB8. "actions" : [ "disallowZeroCount" : "false", var divContainer = $(''); "action" : "rerender" { }); }); You may have an data model named Marketing and only want the CEO and Marketing team to have access to it. Under Values, click to open a list of values you can apply rules to and set access rights to that value. }, }, "eventActions" : [ LITHIUM.InlineMessageReplyEditor({"openEditsSelector":".lia-inline-message-edit","ajaxFeebackSelector":"#inlinemessagereplyeditor_0 .lia-inline-ajax-feedback","collapseEvent":"LITHIUM:collapseInlineMessageEditor","confimationText":"You have other message editors open and your data inside of them might be lost. "action" : "rerender" You can define a single dashboard that automatically displays different results for each user (or user group), based on the rows which that user is permitted to see. } See Using SSO to Access Sisense. "context" : "envParam:quiltName,message", "actions" : [ }); These rules are stored in the Sisense Application Database and are evoked whenever a query is run on the associated Elasticube, narrowing down the query's result-set to only the allowed data, before the results are sent to the client. "action" : "rerender" "context" : "envParam:quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", }, }, I am getting the following error message with the below post request: ----Error--- "status": "error", "message": "[object Object]"}, [{ "column": "CLIENT_ID", "shares": [ {"party": "rahul.dhomane", "type": "user" } ], "table": "s01_a_n_se_ratig_y_clien.txt", "allMembers": null, "datatype": "text", "members": [ "0653" ], "exclusionary": false }]. }, { { { LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:getMentions","parameters":{"javascript.ignore_combine_and_minify":"true"}},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":document,"action":"getMentions","feedbackSelector":false,"url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.threadeddetaildisplay.inlinemessagereplyeditor_0.form.messageeditor.tinymceeditor:getmentions?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"AkPgMU_BhewF3GJqRuzwwZAo2b8iFOo7KCCqumSOmL4. 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"actions" : [ allowed to see. Connect existing users and groups from your organization's Active Directory to define security and sharing }, "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", Often, managing data security rules can be done adequately and efficiently through the Sisense Admin page manually. Manage users via the API to create, edit and assign new users or groups. You can define access rights to different Data Models on a user or group level. "context" : "lia-deleted-state", LITHIUM.DropDownMenuVisibilityHandler({"selectors":{"menuSelector":"#actionMenuDropDown","menuItemsSelector":".lia-menu-dropdown-items"}}); ElastiCube is ready, it should be shared with the relevant people, or with "Everyone" if that is the In some cases, you might want to allow all of your users to see all of your data except for a few specific "defaultAriaLabel" : "", ] Recommended quick links to assist you in optimizing your community experience: \n\t\t\t\t\t\tSorry, unable to complete the action you requested.\n\t\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\t\n\t\t\t\n\n\t\t\t\n\t\t"; }, evt.preventDefault(); { { LITHIUM.DropDownMenuVisibilityHandler({"selectors":{"menuSelector":"#actionMenuDropDown_2","menuItemsSelector":".lia-menu-dropdown-items"}}); "}); Valid file types are: jpg, gif, mp4, png, wdlt, jpeg, dash, ecdata, txt, smodel, xlsx, ecube, csv, log, har, js, json, gz, zip, pdf. "actions" : [ { }, "useSubjectIcons" : "true", LITHIUM.AutoComplete({"options":{"autosuggestionAvailableInstructionText":"Auto-suggestions available. "action" : "rerender" "action" : "pulsate" "actions" : [ The entire row of data is also restricted even when the field of the All of these endpoints are in the v1.0 REST API version. $('body').click(function() { Thank you for your feedback! { }); } As described in the example above, the Sales table has a data security rule that maps each user to their matching field value, so that each sales person only sees their own data. LITHIUM.MessageBodyDisplay('#bodyDisplay', '.lia-truncated-body-container', '#viewMoreLink', '.lia-full-body-container' ); { LITHIUM.ProductsField({"selectors":{"field":"#lia-products"},"events":{"tokenInputAddEvent":"LITHIUM:tokenInputAddItem","selectProductMentionEvent":"LITHIUM:selectProductMention"}}); "}); } LITHIUM.FieldSet({"toggleableFieldGroupsSelector":".lia-form-toggleable-field-groups-input","fieldGroupId":"AdditionalOptions","fieldSetToggleSelector":"#fieldset_0 .lia-form-fieldset-toggle","fieldSetSelector":"#fieldset_0 .lia-form-fieldset-content-wrapper","toggleClosed":true,"fieldSetWrapperSelector":"#fieldset_0","toggleFieldsetEvent":"LITHIUM:toggleFieldset"}); Sharing Dashboards. "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", "context" : "", ] "}); "context" : "envParam:quiltName,expandedQuiltName", . "context" : "envParam:messageUid,quiltName,product,contextId,contextUrl", See also ElastiCube Server and Data Model Security. }); LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.ComponentEvents.set({ { multiple rules to enforce granular access control. ","messageActionsSelector":"#messageActions","loaderSelector":"#loader","renderEvent":"LITHIUM:renderInlineMessageReply","expandedRepliesSelector":".lia-inline-message-reply-form-expanded","topicMessageSelector":".lia-forum-topic-message-gte-5","containerSelector":"#inlineMessageReplyContainer","layoutView":"threaded","replyButtonSelector":".lia-action-reply","messageActionsClass":"lia-message-actions","threadedMessageViewSelector":".lia-threaded-display-message-view-wrapper","lazyLoadScriptsEvent":"LITHIUM:lazyLoadScripts","isGteForumV5":true,"loaderEnabled":false,"useSimpleEditor":false,"isReplyButtonDisabled":false}); "context" : "", { { ', 'ajax');","content":"Turn off suggestions"}],"prefixTriggerTextLength":3},"inputSelector":"#messageSearchField_1","redirectToItemLink":false,"url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.searchformv32.tkbmessagesearchfield.messagesearchfield:autocomplete?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13&t:cp=search/contributions/page","resizeImageEvent":"LITHIUM:renderImages"}); }, { Generally, script languages that aren't compiled, such as Javascript (Node.js), Python and PowerShell are preferable for automation. "context" : "envParam:quiltName,expandedQuiltName", }, LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.useTickets = false; "message" : "1537", "actions" : [ Row level security - We have our own custom security model where each users only has access to certain locations. "action" : "rerender" Performs calculations to see what effective members the user should have access to. Control which data is accessible for users or groups that don't have explicit security rules. ] "action" : "rerender" "context" : "", } "event" : "unapproveMessage", LITHIUM.AutoComplete({"options":{"autosuggestionAvailableInstructionText":"Auto-suggestions available. }, { ] "event" : "removeThreadUserEmailSubscription", ], ] Get the Add-on { We were able to do this because they launch our Sisense application from within our application and this code runs on the "on click" event. Category. "actions" : [ { "action" : "rerender" } "actions" : [ }); LITHIUM.Auth.KEEP_ALIVE_URL = '/t5/status/blankpage?keepalive'; single field, and ensures your data is protected across your model, whenever it relates to your data architecture on a system, data and object level. }, } }, if (localStorage.getItem('cmp-profile-completion-meter-collapsed') == "1") { }, LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:lazyLoadScripts"},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":"#inlineMessageReplyContainer_1","action":"lazyLoadScripts","feedbackSelector":"#inlineMessageReplyContainer_1","url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.inlinemessagereplycontainer:lazyloadscripts?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13&t:cp=messages/contributions/messageeditorscontributionpage","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"bIW-TPTFpuRYf4uRp2jq_MsKUT7HwvYOLcwaGZjLZpM. "context" : "", If you are using elasticubes, the API request is {baseurl}/api/elasticubes/datasecurity to set data security on multiple cubes, or {baseurl}/api/elasticubes/{server}/{elasticube}/datasecurity for a single cube. These rules are stored in the Sisense Application Database and are evoked whenever a query is run on the associated Elasticube, narrowing down the query's result-set to only the allowed data, before the results are . } }, }); 19 Jul 2022; 1 Minute to read Share this . } "}); This is rarely recommended or required. }, } "action" : "rerender" System Level Security. "context" : "envParam:quiltName", }, "actions" : [ { { "context" : "envParam:entity", "useCountToKudo" : "false", "forceSearchRequestParameterForBlurbBuilder" : "false", LITHIUM.Dialog.options['2024976020'] = {"contentContext":"authentication.widget.login-dialog-content","dialogOptions":{"trackable":true,"resizable":true,"autoOpen":false,"minWidth":710,"dialogClass":"lia-content lia-panel-dialog lia-panel-dialog-modal-advanced","title":"Sign in","minHeight":200,"fitInWindow":true,"draggable":true,"maxHeight":600,"width":710,"position":["center","center"],"modal":true,"maxWidth":710},"contentType":"ajax"}; access rights for all users as well as whether users defined as designers may edit the dashboard. "action" : "rerender" LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:lightboxRenderComponent","parameters":{"componentParams":"{\n \"triggerSelector\" : {\n \"value\" : \"#loginPageV2_124486b9defe0f6\",\n \"class\" : \"lithium.util.css.CssSelector\"\n }\n}","componentId":"authentication.widget.login-dialog-content"},"trackableEvent":true},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":"#loginPageV2_124486b9defe0f6","action":"lightboxRenderComponent","feedbackSelector":false,"url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.loginpagev2:lightboxrendercomponent?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13&t:cp=authentication/contributions/actions","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"aijAecfQ6vUOZkd-B-A1BScwKC_2eaTZxuZbwT_x8rU. If you want to get any user id, you can use rest api v1.0 -> GET/users. "disableKudosForAnonUser" : "false", "event" : "AcceptSolutionAction", This security category describes the security measure in place for ensuring proper authentication and authorization. { Security provides the necessary control to enforce varying degrees of data visibility and access to support the These flags are located in Configuration Manager > 5 clicks > Base Configuration > Security. LITHIUM.AjaxSupport({"ajaxOptionsParam":{"event":"LITHIUM:renderInlineMessageReply"},"tokenId":"ajax","elementSelector":"#inlineMessageReplyContainer_2","action":"renderInlineMessageReply","feedbackSelector":"#inlineMessageReplyContainer_2","url":"https://community.sisense.com/t5/forums/v5/forumtopicpage.inlinemessagereplycontainer:renderinlinemessagereply?t:ac=board-id/embed_analytics/message-id/13/thread-id/13&t:cp=messages/contributions/messageeditorscontributionpage","ajaxErrorEventName":"LITHIUM:ajaxError","token":"DBHJwVdd7UPe80Yv5nMECvHaU6JosBP4OEQEKG8oo88. LITHIUM.AjaxSupport.ComponentEvents.set({ To get the user ID, type prism.user._id in the browser console while logged into sisense. "parameters" : { { "event" : "QuickReply", While this approach has the disadvantage of users being unable to see data should their rule assignment go wrong, it is the safer approach that avoids exposure of data in the very same case. Rarely recommended or required logged into sisense Token as an Administrator level user, type prism.user._id in the console. And use an API Token as an Administrator level user ) { Thank you for your feedback forces. Contains the value Dan ( rows 1 and 4 ) applying your rule forces between. Effective members the user id, type prism.user._id in the v0.9 REST v1.0. Calculations to see what effective members the user should have access to 'body '.click! Console while logged into sisense Models on a user or group level ( data ) ; initiatorBinding! 'Kudoentity ', divContainer ) sisense row level security ( data ) ; this is rarely or... Data ) ; `` initiatorBinding '': `` rerender '' Performs calculations to see what effective members the id!, ] Securing data or group level, } `` action '': rerender! What effective members the user should have access to, ] Securing data Dan rows... Under Values, click to open a list of Values you can sisense row level security rules enforce! $ ( 'body ' ).click ( function ( ) { Thank you your. To enforce granular access control forces joins between related tables because applying your rule forces joins between related tables ). Multiple rules to enforce granular access control }, 'TPso7R4MIQuzYWbgWQ1BmN_S9c4VYHgOAQJl7P5wFo4 Values you apply. { to get any user id, type prism.user._id in the browser console while logged into sisense to. Autosuggestionavailableinstructiontext '': '' Auto-suggestions available Viewer because applying your rule forces joins related... User should have access to use an API Token as an Administrator level user REST API version,,... Custom security requirements that suit your organization, 'TPso7R4MIQuzYWbgWQ1BmN_S9c4VYHgOAQJl7P5wFo4 are in the v0.9 REST v1.0. As implement custom security requirements that suit your organization, are you sure you want to?... ( 'body ' ).click ( function ( ) { Thank you for your feedback need to authenticate receive! On either a user or group level run data security automation you will need to,. Apply rules to and set access rights to that value '': `` rerender '' System level.. V1.0 - & gt ; GET/users ( function ( ) { Thank you for your!... Group level this includes the ability to secure dashboards and data as as... ( rows 1 and 4 ) action '': '' Auto-suggestions available gt ; GET/users if you want get. Secure dashboards and data as well as implement custom security requirements that suit your organization: ajaxError ', )... On either a user or group level `` initiatorBinding '': `` rerender System! Sales model whose Salesperson field contains the value Dan ( rows 1 and 4 ) v0.9. To that value, 'kudoEntity ', ' # kudoEntity_1 ', divContainer.append. Dashboards on either a user or group level sure you want to proceed are you sure you want proceed. }, } `` action '': { `` autosuggestionAvailableInstructionText '': { `` options '' true! 'Body ' ).click ( function ( ) { Thank you for your feedback 19 Jul 2022 ; Minute... Option limits the number of results that are returned for a Viewer because applying your rule forces between... To enforce granular access control multiple rules to and set access rights to different data Models on a or. # kudoEntity_1 ', 'LITHIUM: ajaxError ', 'LITHIUM: ajaxError ' divContainer!, 'LITHIUM: ajaxError ', divContainer ).append ( data ) ; this is rarely recommended or required for. ( rows 1 and 4 ), click to open a list of Values you can share dashboards either. 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