Further, things which are very distant from one another, are not united except by something between them. Entdecke Aquinas ""Summa Theologica II"" (SCM kurz), David Mills Daniel, gebraucht; gutes Buch in groer Auswahl Vergleichen Angebote und Preise Online kaufen bei eBay Kostenlose Lieferung fr viele Artikel! Since, then, the substance of Christ's body is present on the altar by the power of this sacrament, while its dimensive quantity is there concomitantly and as it were accidentally, therefore the dimensive quantity of Christ's body is in this sacrament, not according to its proper manner (namely, that the whole is in the whole, and the individual parts in individual parts), but after the manner of substance, whose nature is for the whole to be in the whole, and the whole in every part. But various bodies cannot be in the same place. Therefore Christ's body is in this sacrament locally. 77: The Powers of the Soul in General: Q. And therefore in this sacrament the body indeed of Christ is present by the power of the sacrament, but His soul from real concomitance. i, 4. i, 10), that the forms of the elements remain in the mixed body, not actually but virtually. Reply to Objection 4. Question. On the contrary, As long as a thing remains the same, it cannot at the same time be seen by the same eye under diverse species. I answer that, If we suppose that the intellectual soul is not united to the body as its form, but only as its motor, as the Platonists maintain, it would necessarily follow that in man there is another substantial form, by which the body is established in its being as movable by the soul. Now it is the nature of a body for it to be "quantity having position" (Predic. From which it is evident that the dimensions of the bread or wine are not changed into the dimensions of the body of Christ, but substance into substance. So the intellectual soul requires a body of equable complexion, which, however, is corruptible by force of its matter. Reply to Objection 5. If, therefore, the whole soul be in each part of the body, it follows that all the powers of the soul are in each part of the body; thus the sight will be in the ear, and hearing in the eye, and this is absurd. But it is the act of an organic body. Q.76: The Union of the Soul with the Body: Q. As the Philosopher says (Phys. 2 Treatise on the Last End (Questions 1-5) 3 Treatise on Human Acts: Acts Peculiar to Man (Questions 6-21) 4 Treatise on the Passions (Questions 22-48) 5 Treatise on Habits (Questions 49-54) 6 Treatise on Habits in Particular (Questions 55-89) 7 Treatise on Law (Questions 90-108) I answer that, If the soul, according to the Platonists, were united to the body merely as a motor, it would be right to say that some other bodies must intervene between the soul and body of man, or any animal whatever; for a motor naturally moves what is distant from it by means of something nearer. POWER: The power of God (25), the principle of the divine operation as proceeding to the exterior effect. But each part of the human body is not an organic body. But the intellectual soul has the power of sense in all its completeness; because what belongs to the inferior nature pre-exists more perfectly in the superior, as Dionysius says (Div. But the phantasm itself is not a form of the possible intellect; it is the intelligible species abstracted from the phantasm that is a form. By the power of the sacrament, there is under the species of this sacrament that into which the pre-existing substance of the bread and wine is changed, as expressed by the words of the form, which are effective in this as in the other sacraments; for instance, by the words: "This is My body," or, "This is My blood." We must therefore say either that Socrates understands by virtue of his whole self, as Plato maintained, holding that man is an intellectual soul; or that intelligence is a part of Socrates. ii, 2), the ultimate natural form to which the consideration of the natural philosopher is directed is indeed separate; yet it exists in matter. If, however, there is one principal agent, and one instrument, we say that there is one agent and one action, as when the smith strikes with one hammer, there is one striker and one stroke. Objection 4. For an immaterial substance is not multiplied in number within one species. This argument is based on the nature of a body, arising from dimensive quantity. Therefore the body of Christ is in this sacrament locally. Since therefore Christ exists in three substances, namely, the Godhead, soul and body, as shown above (III:2:5; III:5:3), it seems that the entire Christ is not under this sacrament. The embryo has first of all a soul which is merely sensitive, and when this is removed, it is supplanted by a more perfect soul, which is both sensitive and intellectual: as will be shown further on (I:118:2 ad 2). Further, if my intellect is distinct from your intellect, my intellect is an individual, and so is yours; for individuals are things which differ in number but agree in one species. On the contrary, Accident is posterior to substance, both in the order of time and in the order of reason, as the Philosopher says, Metaph. But it sometimes happens that such apparition comes about not merely by a change wrought in the beholders, but by an appearance which really exists outwardly. But, according to the opinion of Plato, the thing understood exists outside the soul in the same condition as those under which it is understood; for he supposed that the natures of things exist separate from matter. Objection 1. The relations of origin relations of origin (28). Reply to Objection 4. I answer that, When any thing is one, as to subject, and manifold in being, there is nothing to hinder it from being moved in one respect, and yet to remain at rest in another just as it is one thing for a body to be white, and another thing, to be large; hence it can be moved as to its whiteness, and yet continue unmoved as to its magnitude. Now the substantial form perfects not only the whole, but each part of the whole. For this reason among animals, man has the best sense of touch. And as life appears through various operations in different degrees of living things, that whereby we primarily perform each of all these vital actions is the soul. 76: Malediction: Q. Which opinion is rejected by Aristotle (De Anima ii, 2), with regard to those parts of the soul which use corporeal organs; for this reason, that in those animals which continue to live when they have been divided in each part are observed the operations of the soul, as sense and appetite. Is the entire Christ under every part of the species? If, therefore, man were 'living' by one form, the vegetative soul, and 'animal' by another form, the sensitive soul, and "man" by another form, the intellectual soul, it would follow that man is not absolutely one. Now in one intellect, from different phantasms of the same species, only one intelligible species is abstracted; as appears in one man, in whom there may be different phantasms of a stone; yet from all of them only one intelligible species of a stone is abstracted; by which the intellect of that one man, by one operation, understands the nature of a stone, notwithstanding the diversity of phantasms. Therefore the intellectual principle is the form of man. Reply to Objection 6. But the second kind of totality, which depends on logical and essential perfection, properly and essentially belongs to forms: and likewise the virtual totality, because a form is the principle of operation. Wherefore it excels corporeal matter in its power by the fact that it has an operation and a power in which corporeal matter has no share whatever. Now it is clear that common nature becomes distinct and multiplied by reason of the individuating principles which come from the matter. SUMMA THEOLOGICA. Therefore the intellectual soul may be compared to the body animated by a sensitive soul, as form to matter. Nor does it matter, as to this particular point, whether there be one intellect or many; because, even if there were but one, it would necessarily be an individual intellect, and the species whereby it understands, an individual species. Therefore there are not many human souls in one species. Objection 3. Other powers are common to the soul and body; wherefore each of these powers need not be wherever the soul is, but only in that part of the body, which is adapted to the operation of such a power. And the first instrument of the motive power is a kind of spirit, as the Philosopher says in De causa motus animalium (De mot. It seems that Christ's body is not truly there when flesh or a child appears miraculously in this sacrament. First of all, because a body which is visible brings about an alteration in the medium, through its accidents. Therefore Christ's body is in this sacrament as in a place. But it is impossible that a soul, one in species, should belong to animals of different species. But the proper totality of substance is contained indifferently in a small or large quantity; as the whole nature of air in a great or small amount of air, and the whole nature of a man in a big or small individual. On the contrary, it is impossible for the same thing to be in motion and at rest, else contradictories would be verified of the same subject. This is the demonstration used by Aristotle (De Anima ii, 2). Thus the intellectual soul contains virtually whatever belongs to the sensitive soul of brute animals, and to the nutritive souls of plants. Our bodily eye, on account of the sacramental species, is hindered from beholding the body of Christ underlying them, not merely as by way of veil (just as we are hindered from seeing what is covered with any corporeal veil), but also because Christ's body bears a relation to the medium surrounding this sacrament, not through its own accidents, but through the sacramental species. It follows therefore that the intellectual principle is the proper form of man. This can be made clear by three different reasons. Uber Sittliches Handeln Summa Theologica I Ii Q 1 Thank you very much for downloading Uber Sittliches Handeln Summa Theologica I Ii Q 1 .Maybe you have knowledge that, people have look numerous time for their favorite books when this Uber Sittliches Handeln Summa Theologica I Ii Q 1 , but stop up in harmful downloads. And (De Anima ii, 3) he compares the various souls to the species of figures, one of which contains another; as a pentagon contains and exceeds a tetragon. And therefore those accidents of Christ's body which are intrinsic to it are in this sacrament. Aquinas concludes that, although theology does not require philosophy to promote knowledge of God, philosophy nevertheless can be of service to the aims of theology. The Summa Theologica (or the Summa Theologiae or simply the Summa, written 1265-1274) is the most famous work of Thomas Aquinas (c. 1225-1274) although it was never finished. Objection 2. Further, what is once "in being" cannot be again "in becoming." Is the intellectual principle multiplied numerically according to the number of bodies or is there one intelligence for all men? Hence it remains that Christ's body is not in this sacrament as in a place, but after the manner of substance, that is to say, in that way in which substance is contained by dimensions; because the substance of Christ's body succeeds the substance of bread in this sacrament: hence as the substance of bread was not locally under its dimensions, but after the manner of substance, so neither is the substance of Christ's body. I answer that, As stated above (Article 1, Reply to Objection 3; Article 3), Christ's body is in this sacrament not after the proper manner of dimensive quantity, but rather after the manner of substance. But the species of anything is derived from its form. And as a light body remains light, when removed from its proper place, retaining meanwhile an aptitude and an inclination for its proper place; so the human soul retains its proper existence when separated from the body, having an aptitude and a natural inclination to be united to the body. iv). This is contrary to the teaching of the Philosopher, who holds that understanding is not possible through a corporeal instrument (De Anima iii, 4). Hence since it is seen in its proper species, and is adored in heaven, it is not seen under its proper species in this sacrament. But the soul is a substantial form; and therefore it must be the form and the act, not only of the whole, but also of each part. Wherefore, after the consecration, the whole substance of Christ's body and blood is contained in this sacrament, just as the whole substance of the bread and wine was contained there before the consecration. There is a whole which is divided into parts of quantity, as a whole line, or a whole body. Therefore, it should not be united to a body which is composed of parts belonging to various species. As it is in this sacrament, can Christ's body be seen by the eye? But "rational," which is the difference constituting man, is taken from the intellectual soul; while he is called "animal" by reason of his having a body animated by a sensitive soul. 78: Usury, or Interest on Money Lent: For every form exists in its proper disposed matter. and F. Leo Moore, O.P., S.T.L.Imprimatur. Yet the first act is said to be in potentiality to the second act, which is operation; for such a potentiality "does not reject"that is, does not excludethe soul. Reply to Objection 3. Therefore also the soul is thus united to the body. Wherefore matter, once understood as corporeal and measurable, can be understood as distinct in its various parts, and as receptive of different forms according to the further degrees of perfection. Nom. Reply to Objection 3. Reply to Objection 3. Further, it was stated above (Article 1, Reply to Objection 1) that all the other parts of the body, such as the bones, nerves, and the like, are comprised under the name of flesh. But it is not the same with any other glorified eye, because Christ's eye is under this sacrament, in which no other glorified eye is conformed to it. The Summa Theologica, as its title indicates, is a "theological summary." It seeks to describe the relationship between God and man and to explain how man's reconciliation with the Divine is made possible at all through Christ. It seems that the soul is united to the animal body by means of a body. Therefore the intellectual principle is not united to the body as its form. [a] Objection 1: It seems that the intellectual principle is not united to the body as its form. For the relation of phantasms to the intellect is like the relation of colors to the sense of sight, as he says De Anima iii, 5,7. Acknowledgement: This digital file was produced through the kindness of Sandra K. Perry, Perrysburg, Ohio. Some, however, tried to maintain that the intellect is united to the body as its motor; and hence that the intellect and body form one thing so that the act of the intellect could be attributed to the whole. A body is not necessary to the intellectual soul by reason of its intellectual operation considered as such; but on account of the sensitive power, which requires an organ of equable temperament. Therefore the more the organ of touch is reduced to an equable complexion, the more sensitive will be the touch. The Philosopher is speaking there of the motive power of the soul. Therefore the action of understanding cannot be attributed to Socrates for the reason that he is moved by his intellect. I answer that, As was observed above (Article 1, Reply to Objection 3), because the substance of Christ's body is in this sacrament by the power of the sacrament, while dimensive quantity is there by reason of real concomitance, consequently Christ's body is in this sacrament substantively, that is, in the way in which substance is under dimensions, but not after the manner of dimensions, which means, not in the way in which the dimensive quantity of a body is under the dimensive quantity of place. For Augustine says (De Qq. The soul does not move the body by its essence, as the form of the body, but by the motive power, the act of which presupposes the body to be already actualized by the soul: so that the soul by its motive power is the part which moves; and the animate body is the part moved. But Christ's body seems to be definitively in this sacrament, because it is so present where the species of the bread and wine are, that it is nowhere else upon the altar: likewise it seems to be there circumscriptively, because it is so contained under the species of the consecrated host, that it neither exceeds it nor is exceeded by it. Further, in the resurrection the saints will be equal to the angels, according to Luke 20:36. Therefore we must say, in accordance with the Philosopher (De Gener. It is well to remark that if anyone holds that the soul is composed of matter and form, it would follow that in no way could the soul be the form of the body. For matter must be proportionate to the form. Objection 4. Augustine denies a plurality of souls, that would involve a plurality of species. Further, when the disciple receives knowledge from the master, it cannot be said that the master's knowledge begets knowledge in the disciple, because then also knowledge would be an active form, such as heat is, which is clearly false. On the contrary, The Philosopher says (Phys. Reply to Objection 4. Reply to Objection 3. Now it is evident that the whole nature of a substance is under every part of the dimensions under which it is contained; just as the entire nature of air is under every part of air, and the entire nature of bread under every part of bread; and this indifferently, whether the dimensions be actually divided (as when the air is divided or the bread cut), or whether they be actually undivided, but potentially divisible. Therefore the soul is united to the human body by means of a body. Now an animal is so called from its having a sensitive soul; and, therefore, "animal" will not be one genus common to man and other animals, which is absurd. 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