How to distribute your time and energy among your many important tasks will vary from person to person and from one season of life to another. On the fourth day, the waiter was really determined to make the man happy. We all need them every day. In preparing for this message today, I have felt strong promptings to address the young women and young men. . Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints delivers a message Sunday morning, Oct. 3, 2021, during the 191st Semiannual General Conference held in the Conference Center in Salt Lake City. Sustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers, BishopsShepherds over the Lords Flock, What We Are Learning and Will Never Forget, Christ Is Risen; Faith in Him Will Move Mountains, Defending Our Divinely Inspired Constitution. We have this precious record as a tangible witness of the Saviors work. Scientists have confirmed that people walk in circles when they do not have reliable clues to direct them. Jointly published by the Deseret News and The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, its content supports the doctrines, principles and practices of the Church. As followers of Jesus Christ, we follow this example. See Have I Done Any Good? Hymns, no. Have we not reason to be filled with gratitude, regardless of the circumstances in which we find ourselves? I bear witness that our Heavenly Father lives, that Jesus Christ leads His Church, that President RussellM. Nelson is His prophet. Confidence, peace, safety, happiness and belonging can be found in Jesus Christ, His gospel and His Church. Most of all, those who succeed in balancing on a bicycle learn these important tips: Keep your eyes on the road in front of you. We will all become better as a result. No one is immune. Would such an approach truly prepare you for a lifetime of Christlike living? This is the Church of Jesus Christ. That is how we learn. A question that creates doubt in some can, after careful investigation, build faith in others. And the invitation to earnestly seek His will and live by His truths is the highest standard possible! What the Pharisees got wrong was that they thought their rules would save them. These two laws are similar but not identical. He has proven His love in endless ways, but above all by giving His Only Begotten Son as a sacrifice and as a gift to His children to make the return to our heavenly parents a reality. Often their grief is caused by what seems to them as an ending. He is your strength. This is not a gratitude of the lips but of the soul. Elder Schmitt teaches us that learning about the many names of Jesus can inspire us to become more like Him. The important part of Mr. Uchtdorf's message at General Conference is what he didn't say. Two hundred years ago, the Savior again returned to earth. You can find confidence, peace, safety, happiness, and belonging now and eternally, because you will find all of it in Jesus Christ, in His gospel, and in His Church. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf, a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints' Quorum of the Twelve Apostles, center, gives a thumbs up to a conferencegoer prior to the church's 192nd Annual General Conference at the Conference Center in Salt Lake City on Saturday, April 2, 2022. They had left the safety of their homes half a world away and traveled to Germanyland of their recent enemiesto offer divine hope to our people. You might be surprised to find that we have yearnings and struggles and hopes similar to yours. And so he took a nine-foot-long (3-m) loaf of bread, cut it in half, and with a smile, served that to the customer. This principle is echoed in the plea of the Book of Mormon prophet Amaleki: Come unto Christ, who is the Holy One of Israel, and partake of his salvation, and the power of his redemption. He would see right into your heart. The Costand Blessingsof Discipleship. We seek to love God and serve our neighbors. Staying balanced is all about moving forward. Recognizing the demands of his professional life, they said to him, If you feel that you are too busy and shouldnt accept the call, then thats your privilege. He answered that his decision about whether or not to serve when called was made long ago, when he and his wife made temple covenants with the Lord. And that is what happens when they join with usthey have many opportunities to transform their talents, compassion, and time into good works. You know the kind of person you want to become.22. During the October 2020 general conference, Elder Uchtdorf assured Latter-day Saints that "God will do something unimaginable" as they trust in Him during times of uncertainty and fear. Put your trust in Jesus Christ. Elder Johnson teaches that through the Atonement of Jesus Christ we can be cleansed of our sins and imperfections. We sometimes think that being grateful is what we do after our problems are solved, but how terribly shortsighted that is. The more we learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ, the more we realize that endings here in mortality are not endings at all. . It is a starting question for us as we contemplate becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. General Conference: Strengthening Faith and Testimony, The Doctrines and Principles Contained in the Articles of Faith, Personal Strength through the Atonement of Jesus Christ, I Will Not Fail Thee, nor Forsake Thee, Lamentations of Jeremiah: Beware of Bondage, Teaching with the Power and Authority of God, The Power, Joy, and Love of Covenant Keeping. Tools. Please embrace it as your own and share it with your friends. President Nelson exemplified this approach when he taught us about honoring the Sabbath day: In my much younger years, I studied the work of others who had compiled lists of things to do and things not to do on the Sabbath. Just as forward momentum keeps a bicycle balanced and upright, moving forward helps an aircraft overcome the pull of gravity and drag. He emphasized the need for daily introspection and restoration as a spiritual landmark. But some might say, What do I have to be grateful for when my world is falling apart?. Your background or upbringing might seem different from what you perceive in many Latter-day Saints, but that could be a blessing. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf of the Quorum of the Twelve Apostles speaks during the Sunday afternoon session of the 192nd Annual General Conference held in the Conference Center on April 3, 2022. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Conflict is inevitable, but contention is a choice. Elder Uchtdorf's conference talk is delightful and promises a memorable discussion for your group. The Saviors infinite Atonement completely changes the way we may view our transgressions and imperfections. We made a commitment then, he said, to seek first the kingdom of God, and his righteousness [Matthew 6:33], feeling confident that everything else would be added unto us, as the Lord promised (Russell Marion Nelson, From Heart to Heart: An Autobiography [1979], 114). Come and add your talents, gifts, and energies to ours. In our daily life it is our paramount task and blessed opportunity to encounter God. As we seek to purify our lives and look unto Christ in every thought,12 everything else begins to align. Before I reached my 12th birthday, our family had been forced twice to flee our home and start over amid the chaos, fear, and uncertainties caused by war and political division. Sometimes there is a difference of opinion as to what the facts really mean. If we repent, mistakes do not disqualify us. President Ezra Taft Benson taught a similar truth: The Lord works from the inside out. You might say the Fathers plan was designed to allow you to express your desires through your choices so that you can receive the full results of what you desire. There are many reasons for this, but may I offer a few? If I could go back in time, I would comfort him and tell him to stay on the right track and keep searching. It is unfortunate that some have stumbled because of mistakes made by men. April 2014. Sometimes we volunteer; sometimes we are volunteered. We see assignments not as burdens but as opportunities to fulfill covenants we gladly make to serve God and His children. His father was conscripted into the German Army, and his mother relocated the family to Zwickau, Germany. Your loving Father in Heaven knows your heart. To those who have separated themselves from the Church, I say, my dear friends, there is yet a place for you here. Perhaps focusing on what we are grateful for is the wrong approach. He knows that you cant do everything your heart wants you to do. But whenever I watch someone learning to ride a bike for the first time, Im reminded that its not easy balancing yourself on those two narrow wheels. For the Strength of Youth Pamphlet (2021 Revision), Revelation for the Church, Revelation for Our Lives, Teachings of Presidents of the Church: Joseph Smith. I am sure they had flaws, but not to me. Gratitude is a catalyst to all Christlike attributes! The Costand Blessingsof Discipleship, Protection from Pornographya Christ-Focused Home, If Ye Love Me, Keep My Commandments. Your Heavenly Father is the most glorious being in the universe, full of love, joy, purity, holiness, light, grace, and truth. It teaches you eternal truths of His restored gospeltruths about who you are, who He is, and what you can accomplish with His strength. Conflict is inevitable, but contention is a choice, Elder Uchtdorf tweeted on Sept. 24. How can we balance the many demands of life with our desires to offer our whole souls to the Lord? In fact, it impressed Him so deeply that he called unto him his disciples, and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, That this poor widow hath cast more in, than all they which have cast into the treasury: For all they did cast in of their abundance; but she of her want did cast in all that she had, even all her living.1. In the hours following His Crucifixion, they were consumed with despair and grief, unable to understand what had just happened. What he should have said is, 'Mormons believe the Bible has lied to us, and everything you read about God is wrong'. We "live by every word that proceedeth forth from the mouth of God." 32 And yet we must always remember that "all the law and the prophets" point to the two great commandments. Elder Uchtdorf teaches that Jesus Christ is the best guide for making choices. We all have things, large and small, we need to sacrifice in order to follow Jesus Christ more completely.8 Our sacrifices show what we truly value. Multicultural Conference Multicultural Conference. 10. We would be forever changed. Why would anyone want to join such a church?, The couple smiled and said, We thought you would never ask.. But you can love and serve God. Jeffrey D. Allred, Deseret News. If you are tempted to give up: Stay yet a little longer. Knowing this, how could we ever murmur or remain embittered? But we are all invited to consecrate our lives to Him. Elder Holland talks about a powerful tool you can use when your faith starts to waiver. They are part of our progress. His message was and is a message of hope and belonginga testimony that God our Heavenly Father has not abandoned His children. But perhaps there is another way to look at it. thou hast the words of eternal life.11. Talk summary: God lives and cares about all His children, even in hours of turmoil, confusion and chaos. Yes, we cherish all the principles of the gospel. Elder Sitati teaches how we can develop attributes that help us become better disciples of Christ. The following is a summary of what he said. (See John 6:28.). For over 50 years, For the Strength of Youth has been a guide for generations of Latter-day Saint youth. Jesus taught that our offering may be large or it may be small, but either way, it must be our heartfelt all. "The sheep is worthy of divine rescue simply because it is loved by the Good Shepherd," President Uchtdorf said. Posted April 5, 2015. But if you seek the pure doctrine of Christ, the word of God which healeth the wounded soul,9 and the sanctifying influence of the Holy Ghost, then here you will find them. President Uchtdorf talked about Christ's everlasting love and capability to forgive even the most lost and wandering members and shared the parable of the lost sheep. Is everyone given the . Like a musician rehearsing scales, we can see our missteps, flaws, and sins as opportunities for greater self-awareness, deeper and more honest love for others, and refinement through repentance. As we set aside pride and approach His throne with a broken heart and a contrite spirit,30 He will draw near to us.31. Joy or misery? When his brothers tied him up on the shipwhich he had built to take them to the promised landhis ankles and wrists were so sore they had swollen exceedingly, and a violent storm threatened to swallow him up in the depths of the sea. The couple went on to explain about Church callings, home and visiting teaching, full-time missions, weekly family home evenings, temple work, welfare and humanitarian service, and assignments to teach. I believe the Savior Jesus Christ would want you to see, feel, and know that He is your strength. Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf speaks in the Saturday Afternoon Session of the October 2020 General Conference. Light and knowledge poured forth from the celestial throne. In spite of our human imperfections, I am confident that you will find among the members of this Church many of the finest souls this world has to offer. Born on November 6, 1940, in Ostrava, Czechoslovakia, Dieter F. Uchtdorf had a childhood colored by the horror of World War II. Elder McConkie teaches about the importance of learning about Jesus Christ and helping one another come unto Him. Elder Montoya teaches the importance of loving God and ministering to those around us. He will lead you the right way. Despite past heartache, each of us can begin again, he wrote. The new version of For the Strength of Youth is available online in 50 different languages and will also be available in print. Copyright 2023 Deseret News Publishing Company. Yet Job responded by saying, Naked came I out of my mothers womb, and naked shall I return : the Lord gave, and the Lord hath taken away; blessed be the name of the Lord.5. 83K views 4 months ago Elder Dieter F. Uchtdorf speaks at the 192nd Semiannual General Conference of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints on October 1-2, 2022. Take up your cross and follow Him.12. Some are facing the end of a cherished relationship, such as the death of a loved one or estrangement from a family member. Dieter F. Uchtdorf 2022 October 2022 Jesus Christ Is the Strength of Youth April 2022 Our Heartfelt All 2021 October 2021 Daily Restoration April 2021 God among Us 2020 October 2020 God Will Do Something Unimaginable April 2020 Come and Belong 2019 October 2019 Your Great Adventure April 2019 Missionary Work: Sharing What Is in Your Heart 2018 To sacrifice means to give something up in favor of something more valuable. He is your strength.20, For the Strength of Youth is bold in declaring the doctrine of Jesus Christ. Throughout the ages, God has spoken through His servants, the prophets.1 This morning we have had the privilege to hear the prophet of God speak to all the world. That He speaks to prophets again; that God is among usand is personally involved in our lives and actively guiding His children. But the Lord asks that we consecrate all.. Once there was a man who dreamed that he was in a great hall where all the religions of the world were gathered. 33. How could we ever keep our eyes on the ground when the King of kings invites us to take flight into an unimaginable future of divine happiness?5. I've been watching conference since October 2013 and, in between conferences, I think I've listened to every conference from 2005 forward (as well as every talk I can find from Eyring, Holland, and Monson.) Being grateful in our circumstances is an act of faith in God. Very few of us will ever be asked to sacrifice our lives for the Savior. To be very clear, the best guide you can possibly have for making choices is Jesus Christ. What about your weekly church services? Others feel they are facing the end of hopethe hope of being married or bearing children or overcoming an illness. Lift Where You Stand, 2008. Elder Gong teaches that as we follow Gods plan for us, we will find eternal joy with our families. There is an old story of a waiter who asked a customer whether he had enjoyed the meal. The fear must have been oppressive, consuming their hours and dampening their hope. I realize that He has not doomed His children to stumble through mortality without hope for a bright and eternal future. Jesus might point out that your covenants with Himmade when you were baptized and renewed each time you partake of the sacramentgive you a special connection with Him. Elders SpencerW. Kimball and LeGrand Richards extended the call. She surely knew that her offering would not change the fortunes of Israel, but it could change and bless herbecause, though small, it was her all. The latter, while it may have accomplished more monetarily, was not a sacrifice, and it left the giver unchanged. In the cold of bitter sorrow, we can experience the closeness and warmth of heavens embrace. Of this I testify and bear witness in the sacred name of Jesus Christ, amen. Sustaining of General Authorities, Area Seventies, and General Officers, Follow Jesus Christ with Footsteps of Faith, Beauty for Ashes: The Healing Path of Forgiveness, Building a Life Resistant to the Adversary. Saturday Morning Session. In their zeal to stop people from breaking the law, they compiled hundreds of rules based on their understanding of sacred writings. That is part of the plan of happiness gifted to us from our loving Heavenly Father. Those who follow this path faithfully avoid many of the pitfalls, sorrows, and regrets of life. The search for truth has led millions of people to The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. He is the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by [Jesus Christ].4 That is the Way and our ultimate destination. It was an anxious time for me, but it must have been terrifying for my beloved parents. Believing in God is commendable, but most people want to do more than listen to inspirational sermons or dream of their mansions above.4 They want to put their faith into practice. Sister Craig teaches us three truths that can help us grow as disciples and trust in the Lord through our trials. He asks us to stand firm with the power of the priesthood in our hearts and souls and give the calling we have at this moment our best efforts. Have you ever stopped to think how amazing it is that a huge passenger jet can actually get off the ground and fly? Yea, come unto him, and offer your whole souls as an offering unto him.2. Doctrine and Covenants 59:7; see also Ephesians 5:20; 1Thessalonians 5:18; Mosiah 26:39; Alma 7:23; Doctrine and Covenants 98:1. If you define hypocrite as someone who fails to live up perfectly to what he or she believes, then we are all hypocrites. Others may be facing the end of their faith, as confusing and conflicting voices in the world tempt them to question, even abandon, what they once knew to be true. Small, seemingly insignificant factors can make a major difference physically and spiritually. When the entire truth is eventually known, things that didnt make sense to us before will be resolved to our satisfaction. Transformed by the profound realization that, indeed, God is among us. Perhaps our challenge is that we think balance means dividing our time evenly among competing interests. Just days before He gave His life for us, Jesus Christ was at the temple in Jerusalem, watching people make donations to the temple treasury. By David W. Smith. The Lord, through His prophets, has always been guiding us in that direction. I could never join a church that had someone like him as a member.. Thomas S. Monson. This takes steady effort. He would tell you that you can do this. And, to be perfectly frank, there have been times when members or leaders in the Church have simply made mistakes. It is a starting question for us as we contemplate becoming disciples of Jesus Christ. We are all infants compared to the beings of glory and grandeur we are designed to become. If you expect to find perfect people here, you will be disappointed. When the Apostles recognized the risen Christwhen they experienced the glorious Resurrection of their beloved Saviorthey became different men. When I had to make a decision whether or not an activity was appropriate for the Sabbath, I simply asked myself, What sign do I want to give to God? That question made my choices about the Sabbath day crystal clear (The Sabbath Is a Delight, Ensign or Liahona, May 2015, 130). Here you will find the authority to act in His nameto baptize for the remission of sins, to confer the gift of the Holy Ghost, and to seal on earth and in heaven.1. For the Strength of Youth focuses on the foundation for your choices. Elder Uchtdorf teaches that Jesus Christ is the best guide for making choices. At the heart of Gods plan for your happiness is your power to choose.7 Of course, your Heavenly Father wants you to choose eternal joy with Him, and He will help you to achieve it, but He would never force it upon you. When we consecrate something, we dont leave it to be consumed upon the altar. Of course not. You need to know the whys and the hows and then consider the consequences of your choices. Background or upbringing might seem different from what you perceive in many uchtdorf conference talk Saints but! The Atonement of Jesus Christ he is your strength.20, for the Strength of Youth focuses the... The waiter was really determined to make the man happy that uchtdorf conference talk to! Restoration as a spiritual landmark loving God and ministering to those around us and blessed opportunity encounter! 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