After a few days of talking with him he provided me clues that he was fake. ?Glad you reported and really knew he was fake. Brilliant.. Please do report. Play Audio. So this person has contacted me as Michael Yepes. Thanks for letting us know you searched and found ! They don't do it,they are not allowed to do it and none would tell you where they are deployed. Im not dumb. He used this phone number to text me +1 716 703 0412. Estn obteniendo fragmentos de informacin sobre usted que podran usarse en el robo de identidad. It's sad all round. I find it so sad when their children are used. Think also how it must be for Koke.. it is really hard to know thieves are sat in West Africa using your images for stealing. He never asked me for anything, and even offered to give me money. Hi,I met someone in Tantan using name Klein Yepes and we now talking in Whatsapp. Hi, this guy added me at insta using david yepes account, hes a great talker he said hes in pakistan now and he want to come here at qatar for me. Believe me the man in these pictures is very settled down. Thank you for all who collaborate on reporting fake profiles. Every time someone says they are military, it is a scammer fromWest Africa with love words.NEVER AGREE TO GO TO HANGOUTS,WHATSAPP OR ANY OTHER CHAT APP.They WILL ask for cards and/ or cashNEVER SENDand take care !! ' . After I foud out it was all fraud and real person is Koke Yepes. Koke Yepes is not gay ! Of course, I did not send money. However, his name on Hangouts is Vincent Yepes. Found this guy last night he contacted me & told me he wanted to "retire" from the army to be with me after only 10mins of chatting he is on IG as Scott yepes! God Fearing is a VERY African term and not an American one. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator. He follows a lot of girls and always used an excuse that his Instagram camera didnt work and all of this bs. Thanks very much for the information ! Thank you for this website. He set out to be Daniel yepes. He is on Tinder with the screen name (answer) and on hangouts as Information such as George-koke Yepes's contact number, photos, location, aliases, the level of danger to public and sample letters used to swindle money is given below. We will get it reported and removed thank you and any you see of him please just pass the Username here. April 2019 I received a friend request from a Mike Rowland on IG. The more of us that comes together and shout about it.. the more will know and the less scammers will get. We are trying to get the word out to as many as we can. Wow just Wow. He then says he cant transfer money out of his account cause he left the sim here and wants me to transfer him $15,000. I believe his IG account was actually hacked because he had a hard time logging in. oh and by the way the guy wanted to get out of the army so she said to him "what do i need to do to get you the hell out of there" and he said "they want 1200 George Franklin's" she then said "okay then 1200 it is and (three words i hate) I LOVE YOU BUB", i promise myself that i will now do a profile check on all guys or girls that any of my family dates that includes me. Koke Yepes is a married man and father of children and is in the USA and you are not talking to the real man. 3000 . With the name James yepes Rodriguez. His story was sounding fishy . Goodalways check. FAKE ,,, I hope you are away from your scammers now, Mxico monterrey me intento estafar pero me di cuenta a tiempo :(. I dindt believe him and I started searching him on internet. .. Well, I am just talking to the guy right now. we will report too thank youIf anyone says they are military, they are always fake. Thank you for reporting the willowmason812 account on instagram. yes there is a lot out there of Koke that has been stolen and none of it is being sent out by the man himself ! 11 , . . See more ideas about military men, sexy military men, men in uniform. PLEASE don't do it, it makes you a part of the scammer's gang and makes you a criminal. Thanks! Accdez aux publications, aux photos et plus encore sur Facebook. I'm very suspicious of requests of people I don't actually know in the real world. Not the US. He has sent pics of id and certificates. Gave me the email that I provided to you and then opened up a Hangouts account. I decided to Google and this came up. Have blocked him on Instagram, which his page is private, hangouts and whatsapp. Thank you.. that will be reported and removed today ! We talked for a day then he asked if I had a hangouts app on my phone. We can no longer get Instagram fakes removed.They have told us that they will not accept our fakes any more. He later asked to chat on Hangout app and to talk with superior officer Comander Williams on WhatsApp. He is as yepes green and I ahev been talking to him through KIK. That wasn't my goal for the app but i went for it anyways.He asked to message me on kik . The gay community is heavily targeted so be careful. I truly hope no one falls for this monster. Interesting thanks for the information. WELL ONLY TO TELL YOU HE LOVES YOU AND SEND THEM SOME MONEY ! They are never allowed to tell you where they are deployed. It's williamsjohngalves. He told me he was jordan yepes n he is in Afghanistan for peacemaking mission n depressed from all the shooting n bla blah.. well today he said he prob get in trouble cuz he lost $350 of bullets You can't have a peacekeeping mission in a war zone.. which a scammer has no idea about but glad you knew it was all fake ! Is it worth it for someone you have never met ! 16 mil views, 200 likes, 75 loves, 433 comments, 68 shares, Facebook Watch Videos from Frauds And Scammers: This Is The Real Koke Yepes, A US. Blocked and deleted on hangouts and whatsapp. Normally, he never said or requested anything about the money except my picture, but I refused to send him. ! I am so sorry they found you, there is nothing as low on earth as the African scammer. I chatted with him almost one month and he informed me that he is the US military man and now he just relocated from Syria to the West Africa for Boko Haram mission this week. You will get nothing but contact from scammers on there. Im glad I did because I ran across a familiar picture used in the Fitbit app. he sent me pictures and videos of the guy . Thanks for the information. When ever I asked for viedo chat he get upset and I started doing my research and found him as a scammer.. we had been talking for a few months I sent him pics of me. today as I'm writing this she is mad and upset because she found out that her so called boyfriend was actually a big time scammer and my sister kinda blames it on me. I reported the account however, it is still up and it looks like they are following a couple more people than before.Here is the link to the instagram account also found this facebook account while searching which coincides with him telling me that he was from Dallas,Tx His name is Koke Yepes This was made with his knowledge't question them too much and give them information to use next time, they learn from every chat and there is a danger of making them better scammers with close questioning ! Thank You, He is on istagramm calls himself Scott Montgomery, of Colombian descent, he lives in Austin, Texas, USA. Add to Playlist. i just contacted by this man saying he was in the Military and that his wife had died in a plane accident years ago and his young daughter was in Syria with him on and he was on a peace keeping mission in the service and he was a american citizen and he had lived in texas he had taken all the photos of this handsome man acting like he was him i reported this i hope everyone beware please. NEVER **SEND ANYTHING YOU HAVE He showed me in the video call on Messenger a video without sound with the same guy from the pictures, It was visible that the film ended and began again, with the same movements. He would have offered to give you money if you gave him some bank account details !! me di cuenta que su perfil es falso ya que cada vez que le deca que hiciramos una llamada cambiaba el tema, la aplicacin que el sugiri que ocuparamos es hangouts, dijo que tenia dos hijos un nio y una nia de 10 y 8 ao, que la nia estaba mal por una insuficiencia respiratoria y que era viudo me mando fotos de el y un par de vdeos donde se supone que sale el, la misin que dijo en la que estaba es en Afganistn, que ya se quera regresar a Estados unidos pero que necesitaba un pago para su abogado, en ese momento sospeche mas, yo le dije que vendiera su coche ya que en unos vdeos salia con un coche negro, el se nego, cambiaba de tema. He is not deplpoyed anywhere overseas and nobody that contacts you and says military is ever real report, we will too ! Hola, esta persona lleg a mi por Facebook en mayo del ao pasado con el nombre de Ayoze Martnez me cont una historia muy conmovedora, me dijo que no poda textiar por Messenger haci que todo fue por la aplicacin hangouts el me dijo que estaba en Yemen cumpliendo una misin por La Paz, durante ms de un ao textie con el asta que lleg el da que regres de su misin y regres USA y segn fue arrestado me contact un amigo de l diciendo que estaba en manos de los federales y que el me llamara al siguiente da me textea y vuelve con la misma historia yo angustiada y preocupada cre todo lo que me dijo desafortunadamente supo hacer muy bien su trabajo me estafo con una cantidad muy fuerte ahora yo estoy endeudada y de l ya no supe nada el est en hangouts, desafortunadamente somos mujeres y muchas veces somos dbiles y estas personas tienen una capacidad muy buena para mentir que terminamos creyendo todo en una de las tantas fotos que me mando mire su apellido y lo busque y me di cuenta que el de la foto tiene una hermosa familia su mirada no refleja maldad la persona que se hace pasar por el pronto le llegar su castigo hay que recordar que el karma siempre llegagracias por permitirnos este espacio, A mi me pas algo igual pero con otro nombre en facebook y me cont la historia que se divorcio hace 4 aos tiene dos hijos que se separ de la mam de sus hijos por qu la mujer es drogadicta y que est en Dirn en servicio y me pas unas fotos con dinero y pasaporte segn teniendo que pagar yo una cantidad en la aduana por supuesto no pague , ahora mismo estoy hablando con el por Whatsapp por qu me encontr en mi perfil de tiktok y obvio me cont la misma historia de su ex esposa e hijos y claro que est en el servicio militar en equis lugar que solo le falta 7 meses para terminar el servicio y que est en ese pas para hacer la paz obvio que no le creo. I just had a guy try to catfish me with these photos on instagram names eddie king1212,he also creates a messenger account with the name of kokes yepes which I reported to Facebook, Has it gone.. as I can't find him using eddie king1212, ? ! I could tell by the pictures he sent he wasn't who he said he was. He is messaged me on Instagram as dankeyepes: and it wasnt until we tried to talk on the phone and his voice sounded off, that I really got the this isnt right guy feeing. Be careful with your own pictures and your relatives too. I allowed him to message me, but shortly after I could see the problems. So proud. Thanks for the information. Top. KOKE HAS HAD ENOUGH.. KOKE YEPES SPEAKS OUT #~KOKE YEPES IS USED CONSTANTLY BY SCAMMERSHis pictures are everywhere and he is used in Military Romance Scams to steal money from women. I speak from experience when I say they grow up far too quickly ! I'm going to block him now. I went straight to google and surprise, surprise can't trust anyone. He gives me a name Jos Efrain Galvez (Houston, Texas zip: 707080) where I could transfer the money through MoneyGram. I know that he's a scammer and I confronted him but he's denying it. He should kick rocks barefoot all the way back to Nigeria. Thanks for the info ! BLOCK ! My story is: Im contacted by the man Willow mason yepes on istagram in september last year. Has been serving as a US Marine for 15 years and is 35 years old. It's really useful and it's bad they are always using him, He's being used on Facebook messenger as Jackie Lambert (Yapes) as well. Just want to warm other people about this other page. He is also on POF as datec6 using the name Ray from Dover AR and hangouts as Packeco Raymond. you we will see what they can do but even when we send direct to IG they no longer remove them ! Thnks keep postin. Reported and removed.. thank you very much. there are many scammers using him so it won't be the same one scamming everyone Naked pictures are asked for to blackmail. He claimed he was looking for a "sugarbaby" and will pay me allowances. Hasn't asked me for a penny. Be careful and NOBODY that tells you military will ever be real. Translation to english not good either played aroundbsent riddles to solve bu5 got whst needed. lol, IS A SCAMMER'S FAVOURITE. But thank you. He wrote that he was on a mission in Syria to have children in Greece, that his wife died, etc., etc. On Twitter as Sean Y. Davis @sean_y12 sent me messages I have not answered . Ho voluto fare la denuncia alla Polizia Postale , ma visto che non mi ha arrecato nessun danno, e stato inutile. just curious but has this guy asked for any compromising photos and if so have the photos been used as blackmail? I understand why you did it.. but just drop and block them ! Please ! So be careful as more will try ! They learn from every scam and so it's not good to help them ! THANK YOU. It's too easy for them ! Salve, io sto parlando da 3 mesi con un personaggio su IG Bernard Alexander ovviamente si spaccia per questo bravo ragazzo. From Tinder to messenger using the name Lance Kelvin Yepes. Ich bin froh, dass Sie wissen, dass er geflscht ist! He is on instagram last June 22,2019 claiming to be as chandler yepes a u.s military from detroit michigan was deployed in Yemen. must be an extra greedy one and his stories ! Lord have mercy. I told him if we can video chat but kept on changing the topic. ), He message me too n gay apps like blue until now have a contact to each other and he said he come here in taiwan then he send me all her documents and money then he send me the money every month, Please don't fall for the fake package scam please. Koke isn't Gay ! and calls himself there Thomas williams. He is also using the name sam yepes on hangouts! Of course not.. STOP AND THINK. They got angry and asked me to go to whatsapp +19169002624 and video chat. He's also became very evasive when I asked about landmines and civil war in Iraq LOL so when he asked for my phone number I didn't give it to him. It's Ok we have enough pictures of Koke for people to identify who he really is and we are aware he is a human and doesn't ask for his pictures to be everywhere ! Could you give me the username please, there are lots with that name.. if I get the username we can get it removed. Please know WWF and hangouts are notorious for scammers ! I was on wooplus and right away I noticed yepes had another account. I told him I would pass on my information as soon as I received a video call to confirm his identity I knew it was a scam. Leadership isn't hard. That his kids needed food and for me to buy his kids steam, Google play and Walmart cards for his kids. He will be shut down tonight ! I found it a little odd he spoke to me randomly we had no friends in common. I conducted additional research and found that he had 3 Facebook pages that disappeared daily. hace una semana me contacto brooklyn yepes khalifa se me hizo demasiado raro,porque su nombre no es algo normal y hable con el un par de dias, le conte a mis amigos y me dijeron ese tipo es falso lo investigue por medio de su foto y nombre. and take care. Watch popular content from the following creators: Gris solis(@griseldasolis8), davidquairiii(@davidquairiii), Koke Yepes (@kokee1970), Koke Yepes (@kokee1970), Kokeyepes(@koke_yepes1) . Would have offered to give you money if you gave him SOME bank details... I met someone in Tantan using name Klein Yepes and we now talking in whatsapp voluto fare la alla... Alla Polizia Postale, ma visto che non mi ha arrecato nessun danno, stato... My picture, but I went for it anyways.He asked to message me, but I straight... It for someone you have never met on Tinder with the screen name ( answer ) on. 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